21-Day Plant-Based Diet Guide

Reasons to try a plant-based diet for 21 days

Are you motivated to try a plant-based diet for 21 days? I know, it’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’s worth the effort. While getting used to plant nutrition you will have to overcome a number of challenges. However, proper planning and sticking to the schedule can assist you to overcome all sorts of issues that you might face while changing your eating habits. That’s where the 21-day plant-based diet tips can assist you with.

21-day plant-based diet tips

Following an eating plan that your body is not used to is very difficult. But if you can stick to it for a period of 21 days, you can gradually make it a habit. That’s where the 21-day plant-based diet is designed to help you as well. You will be following the diet plan for a period of three consecutive weeks and you can receive the best possible results at the end of it.

A well-planned and appropriately supplemented plant diet is extremely effective and health-friendly. In addition to satiety, a smaller waist and more energy, you will improve your health and well-being with this type of diet. Many people with a plant-based diet normalize their body weight, improve and ease digestion, increase energy levels and improve skin condition.

We’ll teach you how to survive those 21 days and what you should do during this period so that you will be able to end up with measurable results.

What exactly is a plant-based diet?

To begin with, let’s find out what exactly is meant by a plant-based diet. When you are following a plant-based diet, you stick only to plant-based foods. This kind of diet is environment-friendly and can provide you with a large number of other health benefits.

For example, you can easily overcome some frustrating illnesses that may affect your health, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular health.

When you are following a plant-based diet, your attention is focused on the consumption of non-processed or whole foods, along with plants such as vegetables, whole grains, fruits, seeds, legumes, and nuts. You should keep in mind that a plant-based diet is not the same as a vegan.

Unlike vegan, a plant-based diet is well-planned nutritious eating that can allow a “less radical” approach and consumption of some animal foods at the start of a diet.

Over time, it promotes the replacement of approximately all animal foods with healthier plant foods, which improve your health and help you lose weight in a safe way.

How to follow a 21-day plant-based diet?

Now let’s focus on how you can start following a 21-day plant-based diet. We will provide you with some useful tips that you can use when getting accustomed to a new lifestyle. This will ensure that you get the best possible results at the end of the diet.

Before you start following a 21-day plant-based diet, it is important to make a plan. You should really spend some time to put this plan down on paper because you are going to stick to it for the next three weeks. A diet plan also involves selecting recipes that you will follow each day. At the end of the plan, you must have healthy recipes for every day including ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

We will also share a few example recipes you can use for a 21-day plant-based diet. You will find that it is an easy task to stick to the plan and to get the best possible results that are promised to you.

plant-based meals


For your breakfast, you can consume a cup of oatmeal, along with half a cup of blueberries. Likewise, for every breakfast, you can add two servings of grains with one serving of fruit. If you want to go for a mid-morning snack, you should try a fruit. For example, you can eat one banana.


You can eat 1 serving of beans, 1 serving of grains, 1 serving of fruits and 2 servings of veggies for lunch.  For example, you can try half a cup of black beans, half a cup of brown rice, half a cup of diced onion, tomatoes or peppers, 1 cup of lettuce and one apple. Every time you can use other types of grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits, and prepare them in various ways so that you do not get bored.

If you want to have a mid-afternoon snack, you can eat 1 cup of raw vegetables, such as cucumbers, peppers, and carrots. You can add half a cup of grapes and half a cup of oil-free hummus. In other words, you need to stick to 1 serving of beans, 1 serving of veggies and 1 serving of fruit.


For the dinner, you can make 2 servings of veggies, 1 serving of beans and 1 serving of fruit. That’s where you can try a chickpea noodle soup, along with baked cinnamon apple and a side salad.

As you can see, you are sticking only to plant-based foods throughout the entire day. It can provide you with a range of benefits in the long run.

Why should I stick to a plant-based diet?

There’s plenty of reasons for the people in today’s world to start following a 21-day plant-based diet. The ability of it to contribute towards your gut health holds a prominent place. The plant-based diets are filled with legumes, whole grains, and seeds, which are in a position to support your gut health. That’s because they can increase the amount of healthy bacteria found in your gi tract.

All people who start following a 21-day plant-based diet can experience a reduction in the risk associated with heart diseases and diabetes as well. Heart diseases can be considered as the main cause of death in the world.

If you want to overcome these health conditions, all you have to do is to stick to a plant-based diet for a longer time. The above-mentioned tips can provide you with much-needed help.

On the other hand, a significant percentage of the world’s population experiences negative consequences associated with plant-based and vegan diets, so consult your physician prior to dieting. He can best assess whether the diet is appropriate and safe for you, which of course depends on your health condition.