Body Toxicity Score Quiz

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Feeling bad? Always worried about everything?
Are you tired, experience headaches and difficulty thinking? Having problems caused by lapses of memory?
Find out if your body is full of toxins with Body toxicity score quiz.

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red tea detox body toxicity score quiz

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Damaged acid-alkaline balance in the body

Causes of acidity are found in today’s modern lifestyle. Fast, restless and stressful life, an unhealthy diet, environmental pollution and lack of physical activity influence the acidity of the body. The consequences of acidity are poor body oxygen supply, decreased mental capacity, calcium loss and the occurrence of diseases (allergies, energy loss, severe chronic diseases, and cancer).

The increased acidity of the organism is one of the greatest enemies in the modern age of mankind.

More and more doctors and dietitians believe that a common cause of most diseases – including cancer – is too much of the acid accumulating in the tissues.

Red Tea Detox

red tea detox offers body toxicity score quiz results

The author of the book “Red Tea Detox” Liz Swan, explains that our organism works in such a way that the waste acids that fail to excrete are absorbed again from the colon and are later sent through the liver back into the bloodstream.

If acidification of the body is increased, it is necessary to restore the pH balance in the body to prevent the occurrence of the disease, and the first step is a complete change in the diet and complete alkalization of the body.

It is important to know which foods contain acid pH and which basic pH.

Organism acidity symptoms

Many doctors believe that a modern way of life, the consumption of refined sugar and flour, too much meat, milk and milk products, tobacco and most medicines cause acidity of the body.

Also, if we get sick, the success of any therapy is greater if the body gets rid of excess acids, which involves a change in life habits and the consumption of foods that ensure the basicity of our body. The acid-base balance is extremely important for our health.

Let’s take a look at what can cause disturbances in acid-base balance:

  • Diseases of the locomotor system – back pain, osteoporosis, and other rheumatic diseases.
  • Gastrointestinal problems – intestinal inflammation, acute and chronic gastritis, unpleasant spasms, intestinal flora disorders.
  • Psychological problems – nervousness, anxiety, and depression.
  • Migraine and stronger headaches.
  • Renal imbalance.
  • Muscle stiffness and reduced stamina.
  • Chronic fatigue, nausea, lack of energy, low pain threshold…

In fact, there is no individual cell in our body that could not be damaged or destroyed due to the acidity of the organism. In our body, there is a so-called mechanism of self-regulation, which seeks to maintain a constant concentration of acidity at an optimum pH of 7.4.

However, with the unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition, we can increase the acidity in the body, in which case the excess acid accumulates in certain places, which is indicated by the painful connective tissue that is caused by the accumulated salt. These are symptoms and signs of chronic damage and the cause of many health problems.

So how does acidity affect the human body?

  • Minor health problems appearing from acidity: Acne on the face, restlessness, weight gain, muscle pain, cold hands and feet, dizziness, energy loss, joint pain, panic attacks, decreased libido, burning sensation when urinating, mild headaches…

  • Medium health issues: Rash, depression, decreased concentration and memory, migraine, insomnia, smell disorders, taste, vision, hearing, asthma, bronchitis, viral and bacterial infections, fungal infections (Candida), psoriasis…

  • Major health conditions: Multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, tuberculosis, all types of cancer…
take body toxicity score quiz to identify and treat related problems

As you can see there are many!

Check your body toxicity score – Test the acidity of the organism

There are several types of acidity tests. You can check this at home by a saliva test, measuring the pH of your urine, or just checking your own lifestyle by body toxicity score quiz. Body acidity is not a disease of the elderly, because, in the case of poor nutrition and poor lifestyle, young people can be affected too.

Due to poor and inadequate nutrition and stress, there is an imbalance and acidity of the body which causes many health problems and even malignant diseases. On the other hand, the high body’s basicity prevents the appearance and development of existing cancers.

What is the body’s normal pH level?

Research shows that the malignant tumor cannot develop in a basic but only in an acidic environment, so when blood pH level is high. The pH of the organism is at the value of 7.0 neutral; our body is slightly alkaline in normal circumstances, which means pH 7.4 – we must strive to achieve this value.

It is very easy to measure the pH of the body using the pH test sheets that you can buy in a pharmacy, and thus to determine if the situation is balanced.

For healthy people, to avoid the body acidic condition is the rule ratio of 75% alkaline foods against 25% acidic during the day. Precisely for this reason, it is important to know which foods acidifying the organism and which does not.

normal body pH

Minerals play a key role

If the acidity of the organism is increased, you need to act immediately in terms of neutralization.

Excess acid neutralizes calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and iron. An extremely important role is calcium stored in the teeth and bones – and if you are “troubled” by caries or osteoporosis, it is essential to check your pH of the organism.

It should be noted that sugar consumes calcium at the time of decomposition, and because of this, people who eat a lot of sweets often suffer from the lack of this mineral.

What can you do? Take body toxicity score quiz!

Body acidity affects our work efficiency, and work efficiency affects our self-esteem and well-being. But you can change this – today!

First, check your organism acidity with body toxicity score quiz!

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Get rid of bad eating habits and get more oxygen in the body. Give yourself at least two hours of fresh air daily. The oxygen content in the tissues is best enhanced by learning proper breathing, doing regular breathing exercises and outdoor physical activity. Start a detoxification process gradually, by slowly eliminating harmful habits.

The right nutrition is essential

  1. Fruits and vegetables should not be eaten at the same time. Fresh fruit is rapidly digested while absorption of some vegetables requires up to 3 hours.

  2. Also, do not combine fruits and foods containing starch – bread. In such cases, the starch is not degraded in the mouth as a result of the reduced excretion of ptyalin (an enzyme in saliva that creates the base environment). Therefore fermentation begins.

  3. Enjoy foods containing starch with vegetables (the formation of a moderately acidic environment). It is recommended to combine rice or potato with cooked broccoli, carrots or onions. It is not possible to alkalize the organism if you are consuming two foods rich in starch together.

  4. Starch is also not recommended to combine with proteins due to promote increasing acidity of the body. So avoid bread, meat, or meat with potatoes! During the decomposition of the protein, acid is produced, which starch neutralizes, thereby significantly slowing down its degradation. Starch and protein are thus stored undigested in the stomach and in the digestive tract until the degradation process begins, thereby drastically increasing the acidity of the body.

  5. In one meal, you should consume only one type of food with higher protein content. For example, eating meat and drinking milk at the same time will cause the prevention of milk degradation, coagulated milk proteins bind to other foods and prevent contact with gastric juice, thus starting their degradation which drastically affects the increase in body acids.
nutrition for body acidity elimination

Alkaline food list

If your body is acidic, here are some useful guidelines that you can use for your own benefit. Most importantly is consuming alkaline foods that will additionally alkalize your body. These are:

  • Fresh fruits;
  • Fresh green salad;
  • Fresh sprouts;
  • Vegetables – fresh or cooked;
  • Apple cider vinegar;
  • Honey;
  • Lemon;
  • Quinoa;
  • Garlic;
  • Organic maple syrup;
  • Herbal teas – decaffeinated;
  • Goat’s milk whey

These foods reduce the acidity of the body and need to be consumed as often as possible.

Food and other “additives” that make your body acidic

  • Too much meat, alcohol and smoking;
  • Cutting, processing and cooking foods;
  • Stress and lack of physical activity;
  • Barley;
  • Bread;
  • Carbonated beverages;
  • Desserts;
  • Dairy products;
  • Soy, tofu;
  • Coffee and beverages containing caffeine

*For a while, avoid all meat, dairy, sweet and starchy dishes, nuts and white flour. But nevertheless: Enjoy!

Find out more by answering some Body toxicity score quiz questions and decide to change your bad habits!

Liz Swan, a professional naturopath advises drinking red detox tea, which you drink several times a day to start. Besides that, she is giving you an eating plan, to detox your body as effectively as possible. When implementing the entire program, you will feel so good that you will be enjoying to continue with such a healthy lifestyle.

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