Hing Paste – The Indian Remedy

We’ve all seen the ads online, or the commercials on television that offer up a new “wonder drug” that supposedly cures everything that ails you. Things are rarely that simple; but in the case of hing paste, it may not cure everything, but it is pretty wonderful. Hing paste is made from hing powder. So you’re probably asking yourself, what is hing? In this article we will explain what hing is, how to make it into a paste, and how to use that paste for medicinal purposes.


What is Hing Paste?

Hing is the Indian word for a dried gum derived from an herb found mainly in Iran and Afghanistan. The plant used to extract hing is quite common in those two countries. In fact, there are several species in the same genus – ferula, and hing is exuded from the tap root of these plants. In Iran and Afghanistan, ferula is a plant, or several plant species in the celery family, that grows anywhere from 1-4 meters tall. The plants grow in large quantities all over Afghanistan and Iran.

After the dried gum is exuded from the roots of these plants, it has many excellent uses. One such use is to make a paste that is used for many purposes and is especially useful to prevent and treat respiratory disorders. Put simply, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and expectorant properties. It’s an herbal paste used for various medicinal purposes.

Hing paste is a wonderful herbal remedy that can help people with many different difficulties and discomforts. While many modern day drugs come with inherent risks and side effects, hing paste is safe and free of adverse health reactions. It is a natural product, so you’ll never have to wonder what you’re putting in your body, or on your baby’s body.

Hing paste has a potent odor before it is cooked. That odor can be a little overpowering, but cooking does cause the odor to dissipate quickly, so don’t worry about adding it to food.

Over many years of use, hing has become known by many names. These include, asafoetida, devil’s dung, stinking gum, badian, ting, etc., depending on where you live.

Besides in food supplements hing is used in many different products in cosmetics, certain wildlife repellents (because of its powerful odor), and as flavoring in many food products. The health benefits of the plant give it a variety of different uses.


Hing powder



How to make it

Making hing paste is surprisingly easy. There are not more than a few ingredients included, and it does not require a great deal of preparation or cooking. You will need hing powder, which can be found in any middle eastern grocer, or in the Indian cuisine section at your local grocery store. There are also many online retailers that sell hing, and this is probably the easiest way to find it. Other than that, all you will need is a pot to heat a little tap water, a tablespoon, and a bowl.

  • Step 1: Measure one tablespoon of water.
  • Step 2: Put the water in the pot and heat it to a near-boil.
  • Step 3: Turn off the heat.
  • Step 4: Add a small amount of hing powder. Just a pinch should be enough.
  • Step 5: Mix thoroughly. You should notice a color and consistency change as you mix it.
  • Step 6: Filter out any remaining solid chunks.

Warning: Ensure that the paste has cooled before using on a baby or any person.


Does hing paste have side effects?

Before using it on yourself or another, you might want to know if there are any warnings you should be aware of. While there are no known side effects from hing paste, there is also very little data collected about the long and short term impacts of ingesting hing.

According to WebMD, ingesting hing is safe in small quantities, but large quantities could have adverse effects. You should always apply a very small amount to a part of the body that is not particularly sensitive, like the forearm or leg, in order to test for allergies. Apply the Hing paste to an area that isn’t too sensitive, then wait 24 hours before using any more. After inspecting the area where you applied it, and provided there was no reaction, feel free to use it as directed.

Do not eat asafoetida (hing) if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. While there are safe ways to use hing paste on an infant, it is not good for their developing digestive system if they ingest it. You should also avoid hing if you are taking medications that lower blood pressure, or slow blood clotting, as hing does both of these and the combination can lower blood pressure or slow clotting process. You should always consult a physician before using any product, even natural ones, and follow instructions on printed labels.


What can hing paste be used for?

Hing paste has a wide variety of uses. It has been used for many years for indigestion and gas, and that is probably one of the most common uses for it in India or other nearby regions. Many people that have used Hing Paste for years swear by it’s positive effects on gas and upset stomach. Proponents of this particular herbal remedy claim that hing paste also works as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibiotic, and an antiviral remedy. It is used for dry cough, bronchitis, asthma, and chest congestion. It is great to use when you have a cold or seasonal allergies.


How to use it

Hing paste has many different uses to alleviate pain and cure different illnesses. It can be combined with your favorite recipes to enhance it with a savory flavor, as well as reducing the gas and stomach issues that certain food, like beans or onions, can cause.

  • Apply to chest and neck: Hing paste can work as an amazing decongestant if you have a cold or allergies that are making your throat and nose stuffy. Hing paste can break up mucus and help you breathe easier. This also helps with swollen throat from asthma or bronchitis.
  • Apply to baby’s tummy: This is a little known remedy for colicky babies, but many mothers swear by it. Applying some hing paste to the tummy of a colicky baby will help you soothe their discomfort, and set them at ease. It is not recommended that you feed babies or toddlers hing paste, as it is too heavy for their developing digestive system. This is, perhaps, the most important use for hing paste, as parents of colicky children know that it can be very difficult to soothe them when they are experiencing discomfort.
  • Add to food: As was mentioned above, hinge paste is a fine ingredient for many recipes. The initial strong odor dissipates when it is cooked, so don’t let that scare you off. Adding it to meals can create a savory flavor, as well as help to prevent gas and indigestion.
  • Eat small amounts: It is usually safe and helpful to eat, if you can get past the smell. It’s usually easier to mix it in your food, but you can eat small amounts if you prefer.


Using hing paste for babies with colic

It was mentioned already, but this is a particularly important use for hing paste. Colicky babies are famously difficult to manage, as they are experiencing a sort of phantom discomfort that is very hard to soothe. Hing paste is recommended by many mothers as a way to give your baby some much needed relief. After you make the paste, rub it onto the baby’s tummy, then let it sit for five minutes. After five minutes, wipe the baby’s tummy with a soft damp cloth.

Many mothers recommend taking some time to exercise the baby after wiping the hing paste off. Do this by taking hold of the baby’s feet, and gently tucking their legs up toward their torso. Never overwork a baby, this is meant to be light, gentle movements to help facilitate the absorption of the hing.

Before using any new medicine or herbal remedies on an infant, it is always a good idea to consult a pediatrician. While hing is used all over the world, and many people swear by the results, it is always better to be safe, rather than sorry.



While hing, or asafoetida, has been around for a very long time, it has mostly been used as a home-remedy. Because it is a natural product derived from a plant and used as a home-remedy, there have been very few studies to confirm or contradict the uses ascribed to it.

However, hing has been used by millions of people for many years, so they must agree that it has health benefits. As with any herbal remedy, it is important to never overuse it, and to know how to use it properly. Hing has many medicinal qualities and can be used in several forms, and it isn’t difficult to find. There may not be any such thing as a miracle drug, but overall, hing is a pretty fantastic addition to your herbal remedies.