Naturopathy and Weight Loss Diet Plan

How to lose weight according to the principles of naturopathy?

Naturopathy and weight loss are definitely related. Naturopathy allows a complete follow-up and uses alternative medicines to propose complementary natural solutions that act in synergy.

For our naturopath, it is imperative to adopt a dual approach, both nutritional and behavioral, if you want to lose weight without gaining back the pounds lost afterward.

A natural herbal blend that is recommended in naturopathy and weight loss diet plan

✅ Powerful Weight Loss Naturopathy Treatment

STEP 1: Have a good reason to lose weight

Before embarking on any weight loss initiative, it must be seen as a benefit and therefore motivation. It is therefore better to think about it beforehand and if the benefits are less than the effort required, it will be necessary to ask what the possible obstacles are. A psychological follow-up, but also in sophrology or hypnosis would be the best way to find the blockages. Losing weight and then maintaining it can sometimes involve a global change in lifestyle.

The latter must be accompanied, to allow the patient to understand the origin of his overweight. Studies show that for sustainable weight loss, it will take 3 years of follow-up and 3 years of weight maintenance to consider the battle won. Support in alternative medicine, both to adopt good habits and to maintain motivation, will therefore be closely linked to the success of a weight-loss project.

Whether it is a naturopath, a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, a coach, a reflexologist or a hypnotherapist, the therapist will remain an accompanier of this change, but it will be up to you to play once at home.

An overweight man standing on a scale

STEP 2: Adopt the right food approach

In a weight loss approach, we will talk about restoring a balanced diet and not about going on a diet. The goal: to review nutrition as a whole by adopting intakes based on physical activity.

Naturopathy and weight loss – the prerequisites:

Eat enough protein (whether animal or vegetable) to maintain muscle mass. Also, be careful not to have deficits in neurotransmitters. For example, if you are exhausted, you will have to start by raising the dopamine level, or if there is a particular appetite for sugar, there may be a serotonin deficiency and you can then use plants to rebalance the deficits. Check that there are no particular intestinal disorders.

Once these points have been verified, you can then begin to rebalance your diet. The basic rules you absolutely need to know in order to lose weight:

Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables and add good vegetable oils to your diet (rapeseed, walnuts, hemp, camelina, flax…). Eat at least once a week small fatty fish low in heavy metals and rich in omega 3 (sardines, anchovies, mackerel, herring…).

Remove refined foods (white bread, white pasta, sugar-rich foods…) to favour semi-complete or whole grains (buckwheat seeds, oats, quinoa, spelt, but, barley, rye…). Consume legumes at least 2 to 3 per week for their vitamin B intake (lentils, chickpeas, split peas, beans, dry beans, red beans, flageolets…).

Another habit to adopt if you want to practice naturopathy and start a weight loss diet plan:

Ensure a good distribution of contributions over the day. To allow the body to tap into fat reserves, you can choose either a breakfast or a sugar-free dinner. The sugar-free breakfast can be made up of avocado with two slices of ham or a handful of oilseeds with avocado and cheese.

At lunch, animal proteins are brought in if consumed, such as meat with a portion of vegetables and a small amount of cereal.

Dessert is optional, but if you have a sweet tooth, you can choose a fruit or compote with no added sugar. Snacking is not just for children, the adult brain also needs regular intakes to keep energy and concentration, and snacking reduces appetite for the evening. You can choose fruit, a sugar-free compote, a homemade pancake with a sheep’s or goat’s milk cheese and oilseeds, sesame or almond cream to spread on flower bread, there are many options!

Finally, in the evening, it is better to prefer raw vegetables and vegetables cooked with a little cereal or legumes in small quantities.

restoring a balanced diet

STEP 3: Include physical activity as part of your routine

Getting (back) moving is as interesting for weight loss as it is for maintaining your health. To stay motivated, we choose an activity that we like and oxygenate the body regularly.

Another simple and effective idea: use a pedometer or a dedicated application to get an idea of the number of steps you take each day (knowing that the average should be 7500 steps).

If you don’t have a special opportunity to move during the day, you can practice 30 minutes of active walking 3 times a week. Active walking is a walk during which you are able to speak without running out of breath. By keeping a pace that corresponds to your pace, you will increase your ability to go faster as you go to increase your energy consumption.

In order to slim down permanently while maintaining a good mood and joie de vivre, I propose a new method and a herbal fat-burning beverage that works fast, suppresses the feeling of hunger and is based on scientific research.

Man and woman jogging to promote weight loss and natural self-healing

✅ New Naturopathy Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Understand the origin and causes of your overweight

  • When you do your dietary assessment, how do you compose your meals? Do you abuse sweets, pastries, starchy foods, alcohol, empty calories (fast food, ready-made meals, pizzas, preserves… do you accumulate unbalanced meals?
  • Eat too quickly, without chewing enough? Do you eat your meals under stress, noise, in front of the TV?
  • Do you know about false hunger? That is to say, after 3 real meals, your desire to eat is still present.
  • Are you used to snacking between meals? When: in front of the TV? In the afternoon? Before you go to bed? All day long?
  • Do you eat as compensation to fill a feeling of loneliness, lack of love, stress, frustration?
  • Do you feel obliged to finish the leftovers, so that you don’t throw away the food? To empty your plate or that of your children, even if you are no longer hungry.
  • Do you suffer from a glandular disorder, a dysfunction of the thyroid, pancreas, digestive disorders?
  • Are you getting enough exercise? When did you gain weight? What happened in your life at that time?

All these questions should be asked in order to analyze the origins of weight gain. The psychological aspect to lose weight, you have to start by losing weight in your head. You will learn through appropriate techniques to rebuild a positive image of yourself, to revitalize your whole being by freeing yourself from overweight.

It is undeniable that stress and emotions determine excess eating and weight gain. As long as these factors are not taken into account in the regimes, slimming down in the long term remains an almost impossible task.

✅ Suppress Your Appetite for Good

With the Red Tea Detox program you get everything you need to lose weight successfully; including a scientifically proven herbal recipe that successfully suppresses hunger and shrinks fat cells.

Naturopathy and weight loss with Red Tea Detox program

  • Relaxation, sophrology and cardiac coherence: Within the framework of this slimming objective, I could define relaxation as a technique to achieve better control of the body and emotions because, for you who want to lose weight, a state of stress can lead to real bulimia attacks. Another reason for practicing relaxation is that it is the only way to reach the subconscious mind in order to reprogram it by replacing negative attitudes anchored in it with positive ones. For this purpose, the program includes techniques for motivation and relaxation, and the detox drink decreases the formation of stress hormones and calms.

  • Plantar and auricular reflexology: In order to stimulate metabolism and elimination organs and reduce stress. The use of adapted plants and food supplements contributes in some cases to optimizing your slimming process.

  • Detoxification: The greatest benefit of a detox diet is the reduction in the intake and elimination of toxic substances in your body. In addition to the fact that drinking red tea herbal blend affects the contraction of fat cells, it also provides the purification of the body, and flush out toxins.

  • The food adjustment: Our nutritional needs are not the same at different stages of life. They also differ between the athlete and the sedentary, between the different constitutions, in certain health disorders, during food intolerances, or simply according to your tastes… This dietary adjustment after detox does not constitute a restrictive diet. You will have enough to eat, balanced and healthy food, developing good eating habits during your diet. The Red Tea Detox Program offers a physical activity adapted to your needs and according to your desires, naturopathy as a treatment with natural remedies and excellent weight loss results.