Fish Collagen Benefits for your Health

Benefits of Fish Collagen

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein present in the body. This specific nutrient helps support bone density and strength, improve hair health and growth, and encourage skin to be healthy, stay hydrated, and hold its elasticity. For these reasons, it is becoming a more frequently used supplement, as well as being found in skin care products. There are a few sources of collagen, fish being the easiest and most effective at being absorbed and used by the human body, it is often preferred. In this article, looks at the fish collagen benefits associated with supplementation.

Fish collagen benefits and collagen supplements

There are many types of collagen and the body needs proper levels of all of them to maintain overall health, as it is the main component of the connective tissue on the body. As collagen has an active role in every part of the body, every function of the building blocks that form a body from muscles to bones and skin, it is becoming a popular supplement to maintain both physical health and to keep the appearance of health and youthfulness.

How to increase collagen levels

There are several ways to increase the collagen in the body from supplemental vitamins to drinks to injections, and several purposes from healthy skin and hair to medical procedures and increased healing speeds.

While collagen can be used from many animals, bovine and chicken being popular ones, they are harder for the human body to use and to absorb, while fish collagen may be harder to locate and harvest it easily crosses the boundary to arrive in the blood stream and begin affecting the body quickly. Results can be seen quickly but vary on the delivery method, injections bringing faster results than skin care products.

What parts of the body contain collagen?

Every part of the body has a portion of collagen in it, and that collagen adapts to serve it’s intended purpose from strong and rigid collagen building bones and tooth dentin, a composite of pliable to rigid for the body cartilage, and flexible for tendons, muscles, blood vessels, and others.

It’s necessary to maintain all of the functions of the body not only in people but in all animals. When the body is not producing enough many choose to supplement. When using a supplement it is only useful if the body is able to absorb it and use it in normal functions, and while there are many sources of collagen fish moves through the digestive system walls and into the bloodstream faster and easier then collagen from other sources.

The most efficient source currently is a supplement made of fish collagen, due to its compatibility and ease of use.

Connective tissue that contains collagen and elastin fibers

Collagen deficiency symptoms

As skin ages, it slows in production of collagen and this can lead to wrinkles, age spots, and a dryer skin than in younger people. To slow this process collagen can be supplement by consuming it in either fluid or pill form, or through application directly to the skin from skin care.

Many skin care products that contain collagen will use such that has been sourced from fish so it can easily be absorbed through the skin and into the body. Once assimilated the collagen will help t build up the levels in the skin as it passes, as well as other areas of the body. It will help to lessen wrinkles, to improve skin elasticity, and help maintain levels of hydration.

Fish collagen benefits and ways to take it

As fish collagen works easily with human DNA it is often the best choice for all purposes, but it is especially productive for use on skin and hair. Other sources of collagen may help more with bone growth and density, or muscle tissues. Using the correct form of collagen for each purpose assures the best results with the least reactions and effort.

Collagen allows skin to maintain its form, which not only reduces wrinkles but also helps to maintain the form and shape of the face. As we age gravity will pull the skin down, this process forms both the wrinkles in the skin but also loosens the skin on the chin and neck. Creating a dropping in the shape of the skin, decreasing the strength in the lines of the chin and jaw line, perhaps changing the shape of the entire face.

Collagen injections

An older appearance results from this process, and only by adding collagen back into the skin will the process be reversed. Plastic surgery focuses on this process even more by using needles to inject collagen or products that boost the production of collagen into and under the skin. Avoiding skin removal or a face lift can reduce scars and expense, while still reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Injections are a more advanced method that is employed but the results are quickly seen and the side affects and chance of reaction are small. It must be done by a cosmetic surgeon at a professional office, though cosmetic surgery home parties have occurred. No matter how the collagen gets into the body it still does the same things.

Skin will heal faster from not only wounds but from discoloration and other natural aging factors. While providing skin the needed nutrients to replace damaged skin cells, which can both replace elasticity lost and reduce wrinkles, as well as help with healing injuries. Including minor injuries and sunburns, this can also improve the appearance of scars from past injuries and reduce the likelihood of new scars forming.

Dietary collagen supplements

Since there are so many benefits to the skin for maintaining the proper balance in the skin it is worth the effort to maintain whether it be through injection, supplemental vitamin, or even with a drink. Creating a skin graft with increased collagen will speed the healing of many types of injuries and specifically burns of all types.

Rather than heal the surface layer of skin collagen will help to heal all the layers of the skin as well as underneath and do so while preventing scar tissue from developing.

Hydrolyzed collagen is collagen that is broken down or “cut” into smaller particles called peptides by a special method. These are composed of the same amino acids, so the cells of our body later “assemble” them back into collagen where they need them. To put it simply: the body will absorb many smaller particles much more easily than larger ones. Therefore, it advisable to take dietary supplements with hydrolyzed collagen.

Woman drinking collagen peptides

Bone grafting

Another use is in a bone graft. Often it is used to help in a bone graft as it will help to make the graft strong, resilient, and will not cause a reaction or rejection of the graft necessary. In the same way, collagen is necessary to help the tissues regenerate, whether it be from a burn or surgery site. This may even involve a sheet of collagen added under the skin before the area is closed to help the cells grow back damage-free and heal the wound without scarring.

By assisting new cells to grow and damaged cells to repair, it will speed the healing process while discouraging infection, and the faster a wound heals the less likely there is to be an infection of any type. These properties make it an obvious choice for surgeries that are reconstructive in nature and can even be used as a substitute for natural skin when it is formed into a substitute.

Encouraging healing, lessening scarring, and providing the body with the right tools for successfully repairing the site of the surgery. Fish collagen benefits and the medical benefits of using collagen are growing, and versatility makes it a valuable investment.

Final thoughts

Few nutrients, even proteins, affect so many factors in a body as much as collagen. It is vital for the operation of the organs, blood vessels, builds the skin and helps grow healthy cells in all areas. It not only has surgical and medical applications but can assist in maintaining skin and hair growth.

Reduction in wrinkles is the main use for collagen in all forms, including a supplemental vitamin, a drink, skin care products, or injection. The medical community uses collagen in products such as gel or synthetic skin to encourage healing and growth of new cells. It can reduce scars on operation sites, help maintain dental health through boosting the strength of dentin, reduce the appearance of scars already in place, and can aid in the correct healing of bones as well as tendons and skin.

Much of the connective tissue in the body is made of collagen, and the easiest form of that to cross into the human blood system is fish collagen. This is collagen that has been derived from removing collagen from fish and formulating it for humans. While the rarest source of collagen fish collagen is the best suited for cosmetic surgery and medical purposes due to it’s added benefits for skin and hair, tendons and bones, and it is the easiest assimilated by humans.

The benefits are many and side affects non existent, with only minimal chance of reaction during certain procedures such as injections. As a safe way to boost healing and the appearance of skin it is becoming more popular and the uses are increasing.