Pili Nut Butter Nutritional Benefits

Pili Nut Butter – a delicious source of nutrients

You’ve heard of peanut butter, and you have probably even heard of almond butter, but there are other delicious and tasty nuts that are used to make delicious spreads. Pili nut butter is one such spread that you might never have heard of, despite the fact that it is a highly nutritious, and quite tasty, type of food. Pili nuts grow on canarium ovatum trees, which are native to Southeast Asia, Northern Australia, and Papua New Guinea.

These trees are cultivated commercially in the Philippines so that the pili nuts can be harvested and sold. In this article, we are going to go into great detail about the health benefits of the pili nut, and pili nut butter. To really understand something, you have to know where it comes from. Let’s take some time to explore the history of the pili nut.

Nutritious pili nuts

History of The Pili Nut

No one is entirely sure about the origins of pili nut cultivation. It is believed by most that the ancient Fillipino people discovered the canarium ovatum trees in the wild, and picked the nuts right off the trees in order to add it to their daily diet. They would have found the pili nut to be pleasant and nutritious, and they could even boil them to eat the pulp as well as the kernel. To these ancient people, the pili nut might have seemed like a superfood, and that still holds true today. Today, canarium ovatum trees are planted and cultivated in the Philippines, and the pili nuts are harvested, and yet the pili nut remains relatively unknown and unpopular compared to other nuts like peanuts, even in the Philippines.

A big part of the problem with the pili nut is how long it takes the trees to start producing fruit. Despite being strong and hardy trees, resistant to harsh weather and pests, the canarium ovatum tree takes five years or more to begin producing nuts. Another problem arises even after the nuts are grown. The shell on a pili nut is rock hard and very difficult to crack, making it difficult to prepare them en masse, and have them ready for consumption when they are sold.

Pili nuts are mainly grown in southern Luzon, in the Bicol Region. Harvesting is only done from May to October, and it peaks in August. After the nuts are harvested, they are cleaned and the pulp is removed, then they are left out to sun-dry for two or three days. Giving the nuts time to dry causes the kernel to shrink down a little, which means it will detach itself from the interior walls of the shell, making the extraction process much easier, although it remains an arduous task.

Because machines have a tendency to crush the kernel while trying to open the rock-hard pili nut shell, the nuts must be de-shelled manually. The Bicolanos people, who are mainly responsible for the pili nuts that are harvested, call the de-shellers “paratilad”. This is a high-skill process that requires a great deal of precision and accuracy. They use a large knife called a bolo to hit the shell right at the center, sometimes it takes multiple hits. With a precise hit and just the right amount of pressure, they can crack the nut without crushing the kernel. A skilled paratilad can de-shell 100 kilograms of pili nuts in one single day.

The Pili Nut

The pili nut itself is a rich and buttery nut. It has a flavor somewhat similar to an almond or cashew, but most agree that it has more nutritional value than either. These nuts have multiple health benefits. Some people even believe that the pili nut may be the most nutritious of all the nuts. This is debatable, but certainly plausible.

The pili nut is packed with magnesium, potassium and calcium. Even better than that, it has a great deal of omega fatty acids, phosphorus, and very high levels of protein. The pili nut is a heart-healthy nut, and helps to lower cholesterol. With a it’s rich delicious flavor, and heart-healthy nutrition, it’s a wonder that the pili nut has not become more popular than it is.

Pili Nut Butter

Pili nut butter is a healthier, and arguably more nutritious, alternative to peanut butter or almond butter. While peanut butter is high in fat and often loaded with sugar, pili nut butter is made from one of the most nutritious nuts available. This often-overlooked superfood is finally making a long overdue dent on the market. In this article we will explore the health benefits and many uses of pili nut butter, as well as some varieties in flavor.

Bread with pili nut butter
bread with pili nut

Pili nut butter health benefits

Everything we will cover here is based on a serving size of about 2 tablespoons. Pili nut butter is highly nutritious, but these facts are assuming that you are using natural pili nut butter with no added sugar or flavors. Ideally, pili nut butter should only have about four ingredients. By keeping the ingredients to a minimum, it’s allowed to maintain the nutritional value that is naturally found in pili nuts.

  • Fat: The total fat found in most pili nut butters is about 18 grams, which includes 7 grams of saturated fat. This is pretty comparable to peanut butter or almond butter.

  • Cholesterol: Pili nut butter has zero cholesterol, which is fantastic news for anyone looking for a delicious treat that also supports a heart-healthy diet.

  • Sodium: Pili nut butter has about 8mg of sodium. When you compared that to some name brand peanut butters, which have as much as 65mg or more sodium per serving, you see that it’s great for anyone on a low sodium diet, or just for anyone that wishes to maintain generally healthy eating habits.

  • Sugar: As we mentioned earlier, this is assuming you are eating pili nut butter that does not have extra sugar added to it. It has about 3 grams of sugar. This is comparable to many brands of peanut butter, but it is very low for a fairly sweet treat.

  • Vitamins and Minerals: Pili nut butter is very high in calcium, magnesium, and iron. In fact, one serving is about 17% of your daily diet for magnesium. This tasty treat provides you with nutrients needed for important bodily functions like muscle and nerve control, blood sugar regulation, blood pressure, and making proteins.

  • Protein: It is very high in protein, which makes it a fantastic pre-workout or post-workout snack. Protein is absolutely essential for rebuilding your muscles after working them out, so it is perfect for giving you what you need to recover and regain energy.

Pili nuts are not the easiest nut to come by, since the harvesting is so difficult, but they are a delicious and nutritious part of a healthy diet.

Flavor Variety

Everyone likes to mix it up a little sometimes. While pili nut butter does not actually need to be improved upon, it’s already amazes it is, there are several flavors available for anyone that wants to add a little variety to their diet without sacrificing the healthful benefits offered by pili nut butter.

  • Vanilla: This rich, semi-sweet variety of pili nut butter is sure to leave you craving more. It is reminiscent of a fine cheesecake, with the subtle but mouthwatering flavor of vanilla. Delicious and nutritious, as we expect from this amazing superfood.

  • Pumpkin Spice: It’s not just for the holidays anymore. Pumpkin spice flavor is a delicious treat that goes well with a cup of hot coffee, or a cold drink. Combining this savory flavor with the important nutritional value of pili nut butter brings it to a whole new level of awesome.

Keto diet

The keto diet is a highly popular diet today. Keto is short for ketogenic, and it describes a certain process in which your body does not have enough glucose to burn for energy, so it begins to burn fat instead. If you’re currently on the keto diet, or considering it, here is some great news, pili nut butter is the perfect keto snack. In fact, pili nut butter is so in line with the needs of someone on the keto diet that it is often referred to as “keto butter”.

Remember that the keto diet, like all diets, has inherent risks. Consult a doctor, and do extensive research before beginning any diet, particularly one that severely limits certain types of foods.


We covered a lot of information throughout this article. We discussed the history of the pili nut, which has sometimes been a bit tumultuous, as well as the difficult harvesting and preparation process needed to sell pili nuts. We have also covered the nutritional value of pili nut butter, and discussed all the amazing health benefits offered by this particular superfood.

Finally, we discussed the flavors offered, as well as its use in the keto diet. Remember to take everything in moderation, even delectable treats like pili nut butter.

Is Soy Sauce Keto Friendly?

The Keto Diet and Soy Products: Is Soy Sauce Safe for Keto?

The keto diet has exploded into being one of the most followed diet trends of the past few years. The famous low carb, high fat diet is known to melt fat off when ketosis is reached. There are many well keto foods that are known to work perfectly with the diet, such as seafood, broccoli and cauliflower, cheese, avocados, meats, some nuts, and more. But many people wonder about other products that might instead tiptoe a fine line for the title of “keto-friendly.” A common question for many people who are on keto is “are soy products keto-friendly” and more specifically, “is soy sauce keto-friendly?” Since this question needs to be asked so frequently, you can probably guess that soy products and keto aren’t a match made in heaven, and we’ll go into why and how much you can get away with. 

Soybeans and soy sauce as a keto friendly nutrition on a keto diet

Qualms with the keto diet:

The keto diet is ragingly popular right now, and for good reason. It really works, people really lose weight fast, and it’s very viable for people without greatly changing the foods that they eat. Instead, many people end up cutting a lot out of their diet, but it isn’t as if a slew of new foods or methods are introduced, just don’t step outside the keto regulations, otherwise you’re somewhat free to make keto how you want it to be.

But there are some rebuttals to those people who sing the praises of the keto diet. First, the keto diet doesn’t have a lot of long-term research on it, since it’s a new diet that really only rose to prominence within the last decade. It has been confirmed that the keto diet can help those who have problems with epilepsy, but that study also uncovered that those study participants encountered a slew of side effects such as constipation, but none of the side effects were worse than the impacts of epilepsy, and thus it was deemed that keto might be worth it for those who have epilepsy.

In addition to a lack of research, it can be difficult to follow the keto diet without making yourself prone to nutritional deficiencies and also it usually entails your saturated fat intake skyrocketing. These saturated fats can be bad for your heart and can increase your risk for heart disease and stroke. If you can manage to keep saturated fats low and stay on keto, then you’re doing well. And the diet itself is just considered a bit of an extreme diet in that it can get you extremely quick results, but there’s likely a side effect of a nutritional deficiency or eating too much fat.

It’s certainly true that many of the low-fat processed foods that were advertised as being diet foods starting before keto was really in the headlines are very bad for you due to high sugar contents. However, this doesn’t also mean that you should swing entirely the other way and eat anything as long as it’s low carb and not processed.

Ideally, you’re still crafting your daily diet around the nutrients that you need for your body and mind to function their best, and the fact is that keto probably isn’t the answer for people who are looking for weight loss without sacrificing nutrition. That being said, in terms of rapid weight loss, it seems to be one of the more attractive options out there.

Are soy products good for the keto diet?

Many of your favorite soy products probably are not good for the keto diet. This might come as a surprise, since the soy alternatives to many foods are often seen as “healthier,” but the keto diet comes with stringent regulations and soy simply doesn’t pass many of these regulations. For example, many soy products contain a lot of phytoestrogens, which can interfere with the ketosis process. Soy products such as soymilk and tofu don’t make the cut simply because they’re high in carb count, which is square one for keto.

Soy products

Also, many soy-based foods are made in a very processed manner, and the keto diet urges its followers to not eat processed foods. So, if something is made with soybeans and you’re wondering whether it’s keto-friendly, the best guess without further research would be “no,” but there are some soy products that are better than others, and a select few might even be able to make the coveted “keto-friendly” list.

What is soy sauce made of?

Soy sauce is made with fermented soybeans and what. Its origins trace back to China as long as 3,000 years ago, although its name comes from a Japanese term for soy sauce. Additional key ingredients in soy sauce include salt and yeast. Outside of these key ingredients, soy sauce can vary based on who is manufacturing it and where it’s manufactured. The fermenting time for a traditional batch of soy sauce to be ready is usually anywhere from five to eight months.

However, these traditional soy sauces are generally much more expensive, due to their time requirements. For that reason, much of the soy sauce that you consume is probably chemically produced. To chemically produce soy sauce, they use a method called acid hydrolysis. The time it takes to make a batch of soy sauce using the chemical process is only a couple of days. As you would expect, the chemical process comes with a few unhealthy downsides, including carcinogens.

To be sure that you’re buying the traditional soy sauce, look for any soy sauce labeled “naturally brewed.” Those who are made chemically will be listed as “hydrolyzed.” The differentiation in these methods of production won’t have a large impact on whether or not the soy sauce you eat is keto-friendly, but the traditionally produced sauce will be healthier in terms of what the long-term consequences might be for consuming its chemical counterpart. As with many foods today, with soy sauce you must weigh how worth it is to you to eat healthy. There is no doubt that it’s harder to eat healthy on a budget, but it can be possible if you do your research.

Is soy sauce good for the keto diet?

Soy sauce is actually one of the better keto diet soy-based foods. One tablespoon of soy sauce only gives you 1g of carbs, which for a soy product stacks up pretty well. Also, since soy sauce has a lot of sodium and electrolytes, this is actually positive for keto dieters since these can be difficult to intake while maintaining a low carb restriction. However, soy sauce isn’t low enough in carbs to just use it willy nilly, so make sure that you’re still keeping close track of how much you’re using to meet your daily goals.

Soy sauce on a spoon

Other soy products that are surprisingly not bad for the keto diet are edamame, which works as a great snack, and silken tofu. The fact that these few soy items aren’t bad for the keto diet, while others are utterly impossible to eat while on keto, creates the confusion for many keto dieters who assume that all soy products can be lumped into the same category.

There are many foods out there that don’t fit in the keto diet. If you examine most of the foods that the average American eats and ask “is it keto-friendly,” the answer will be no more likely than not. And when you have foods that are made from something that is high carb, such as soybeans, it can be easy to write off that entire group of foods as being not an option for the keto plan. But the reality is that even within these subgroups, soy products for example, there are some that might work with keto and others that certainly won’t.

Final thoughts: Is soy sauce keto friendly?

Today, we found out that soy sauce is one of the few soy products that is in fact okay for those on the keto diet (with some caution). And this is also why many of the most successful keto followers have been on the keto plan for a long time, because it is a nuanced diet that gets easier to follow as you develop an internal database of what you can and can’t eat, rather than going to Google or an app each time you sit down to eat.

So, if you’re thinking about getting into keto or you’re on keto currently, you should first make sure that you’re doing plenty of research so that you can keep close account of what you’re putting in your body to make sure that you’re getting the best results and not neglecting anything for the sake of weight loss. And if you’re preparing an Asian seafood dish for your keto plan, feel free to add a little bit of soy sauce and enjoy it.

Hemp Oil Pros and Cons List

Hemp seed oil and the benefits and side effects it might offer

Since a farm bill was enacted in 2018 that enabled hemp products to be sold legally nationwide, throughout the United States, and since then the market has been flooded with hemp products. Since this bill was passed and new hemp products have been released, many major outlets and businesses have taken notice of the value that hemp offers. The reality is that hemp is a fantastic product that we’ve been missing out on for decades because of the stigma that surrounded the plant, although hemp is not psychoactive and shouldn’t be put in the same boat as psychoactive marijuana. Here’s what we currently know about hemp oil pros and cons.

Hemp has been used in a wide range of applications and is known for its ability to produce strong textiles. Also, hemp often has a positive impact on the environment that it grows in because it can clean the water and soil around it and can replace fossil fuels through biodiesel. In addition to the uses that it has in the textile industry, hemp seeds also have an incredible nutritional value, and hemp seed oil has been used in foods, cosmetics, and health markets.

Hemp plant, hemp seeds and hemp oil pros and cons explained

What’s the difference between cannabis, hemp, and hemp seeds?

You might be wondering what the differences between the cannabis, hemp plant, and hemp seeds are since the hemp and cannabis plant look exactly the same at first observation.

Cannabis is psychoactive and generally contains a substantial percentage of THC, which is the psychoactive substance in marijuana that creates a high. In general, cannabis contains around 17% THC. Cannabis is known for its ability to remedy ailments such as pain, sickness, and mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Cannabis contains under 0.15% CBD, which is a common compound used to prevent seizures, pain relief, acne treatment, anxiety, and even cancer treatments.

The hemp plant on the other hand varies greatly from the cannabis plant in terms of its chemical makeup, even though they look identical. Hemp contains under 0.3% THC, which is such a negligible amount that it offers no psychoactive response. And its CBD contents are much higher, anywhere from 12-18%. And the hemp plant can be used to make products such as clothing, rope, biodiesel, paper, and more. Hemp seeds come from the hemp plant and are often saved to be pressed for hemp seed oil. This oil is used in food for cooking, cosmetics and skincare, paint, and health products.

Although the hemp plant has large amounts of CBD, the seeds hardly contain any CBD, so you shouldn’t confuse CBD oil with hemp seed oil since hemp seed oil contains almost no CBD. In fact, you should be aware that some companies are marketing their hemp seed products as CBD products, which they are not. And CBD oil is much more expensive than hemp seed oil, so there’s a chance you’re overpaying if you’re buying hemp seed oil at CBD oil prices. Do your research to make sure you’re getting the right product for the right price.

Potential benefits of hemp seed oil:

So, what does this hemp seed oil have to offer us, and are there any drawbacks to it? Let’s dive into the hemp oil pros and cons list. Starting off with the benefits, there are many, and some are similar to CBD benefits, while others are exclusive to hemp seed oil.

Hemp plant
  • First, hemp seed oil can be great for skin care and skin health. This is because the hemp seeds are high in nutritional value, containing fatty acids and protein as well as essential vitamins. When applied to skin, these nutritional elements help to combine to treat symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, and more. It can also have preventative effects in addition to the treatment side, through its ability to reduce inflammation and it can even offer anti-aging properties. Even for those of us who might not suffer from chronic skin conditions, it can still help to hydrate your skin and prevent dry skin without causing your skin to become too oily. This helps to keep your pores from getting clogged and can prevent outbreaks of acne. That is something that we all can benefit from.

  • Hemp seed can also help boost your brain function and health. Hemp seeds contain fatty acids, which can help to protect your brain. It’s been shown through animal testing that hemp seed oil can fight inflammation in the brain. There haven’t been any significant human studies yet, but the signs are looking good that hemp seed oil can work wonders for your brain health.

  • Hemp seed oil has properties within it that can also boost your heart health and function, by treating high blood pressure and regulating cholesterol. Also, a 2014 study concluded that a certain fatty acid contained in hemp oil can reduce your susceptibility to cardiovascular disease. This same fatty acid is the same one that is found in fish oil and flaxseed oil, both of which are known to help heart health. Aside from the 2014 study, there haven’t been a lot of completed studies on heart health yet either, although things are looking good for it. Since hemp products didn’t hit full-scale production since 2018, the spotlight has only recently shifted to hemp products, so more studies should be concluded in the near the future, offering more insight into the full range of capabilities of hemp seed oil.

Full-spectrum hemp oils

There are hemp oils out there that that are known as “full-spectrum hemp oil.” These hemp oils don’t just contain hemp oil, but also include added compounds, including CBD. These oils can be the best of both worlds by combining the positive effects of CBD and the positive effects of hemp seed oil. The benefits of full-spectrum hemp oil are nearly boundless, and they begin with pain relief. Since CBD has an incredible ability to reduce inflammation, many pains caused by inflammation can be reduced or remediated by full-spectrum hemp seed oil. As with most of the hemp benefits, there are still human studies to be done, although results have been positive on mice.

Full-spectrum oil also offers help with acne, due to its ability to remediate inflammation. And lastly, it can help to relieve muscle tension and stress. This can help anyone who is suffering from natural stiffness due to stress and it can also help those who are recovering from exercise. Hemp oil will come in a roll-on form that you can apply where you’re experiencing tension to help find relief and relaxation.

Potential drawbacks of hemp seed oil:

Since we’ve talked about the wide range of benefits of hemp seed oil, we would be remiss not to mention the potential negatives and side effects of it. As with many products used for their medicinal qualities, every person has a different response to it, and some might not be positive.

  • Hemp oil can worsen the effect of blood clotting, and anyone who has a history of issues with blood coagulation should avoid using hemp seed oil.

  • Also, hemp oil can act as a laxative, and likely will soften your stool, so if you’re prone to digestive issues, you should steer clear of hemp seed oil unless approved by a physician.

  • Hemp seed oil should not be used by those with continually developing brains, such as children since it contains omega-6 fatty acids, which have positive effects such as regulating your metabolism and improving your bone strength and health, but it can also hinder brain development.

  • Those who suffer from psychomotor issues should steer clear of hemp seed oil as well since a small study identified that there may be a link between hemp seed oil and worsening side effects of those who have these existing conditions. 

Final thoughts: hemp oil pros and cons list

As time wears on, hopefully more studies will be completed on hemp seed oil so that the full range of benefits and the extent of them can be discovered. Also, the manufacturing and regulation of hemp seed oil is still being refined, and although producers are supposed to keep THC content below 0.3% to sell it, there have been instances where this regulation isn’t followed by some manufacturers.

Just like the food we eat sometimes has recalls and manufacturing flaws, so too does hemp seed oil. For this reason, make sure to purchase hemp seed oil from a reputable source to ensure that it’s the highest quality production. A product containing as little as 1% THC can lead you to fail a drug test, so the manufacturers don’t have to be off too much to put you at risk. But if you purchase from a reputable source, you should be sure that they keep the THC content below 0.3%.

If you’re unsure of whether or not hemp seed oil might work for you, talk with your physician about hemp oil pros and cons to receive the best possible information according to your medical condition.

Sugar-Free Keto Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe

How to snack on keto without blowing it and a bonus sugar-free peanut butter fudge recipe

As you probably know, sugar is the enemy of the keto diet. To some on the keto diet, it can be difficult to even find out how to snack throughout the day when you get hungry. Unfortunately, being hungry more often is a part of dieting, so what is the easiest and best way to take the edge off of your hunger when you need it, but still maintain your dietary progress and goals? We’ll look at best ways to snack on keto, and we’ve included a sugar-free keto peanut butter fudge recipe that is keto-friendly and is a great alternative to other sugary snacks that would ruin your diet.

Peanut butter fudge as a healthy snack if you're on keto diet

Finding keto-friendly snacks can be the key to buying yourself some time before your next meal or large portion consumption. It’s great for those who are hungry while at work or during strange times of the day when you just need something to take the edge off and don’t want to eat an entire meal.

However, you should really only use these snacking tips when you absolutely need them. Think of them as a lifeline for when your hunger is negatively affecting your ability to think or produce or is damaging your mood. You can also try to avoid hunger by adding more fat to your meals instead of simply snacking more. This is where counting your macros can help you to positively adjust your keto plan to fit your schedule and your eating habits.

Here are some keto-friendly snack options:

Whole foods are a great way to take the edge off and enjoy a tasty treat. Whole foods are great time-saving options as well because they require little to no prep and are usually ready to eat. Some examples of great whole food snacks are cheese, avocados, olives, cold cuts and macadamia nuts which aid in increasing healthy fat and reducing carb intake. Keep in mind to avoid purchasing processed foods when buying items such as cold cuts, since non-processed fresh cut options will always be healthier for yourself as well as for the environment and maybe local businesses as well.

Vegetables and dip can be a great snack that is satisfying, not plain if combined with dip, and can give you sustenance to carry on throughout your day. Consider trying celery, cucumber, peppers, or carrots (although carrots are on the higher end in terms of carbs). Combine these great vegetable options with a low carb dip or cream cheese.

A little less keto-friendly than vegetables, but not completely off the table, are berries and cream. Berries must be consumed modestly, since eating too much could certainly knock you out of ketosis. The best berries for keto dieters are blackberries, raspberries, or strawberries. Dip these into heavy whipping cream. This option is a great way to satiate your sweet tooth and avoid those sugary desserts that will certainly knock you out of ketosis. Also, keep in mind not to add any sweetener or sugar to your fruit, since that nearly defeats the entire purpose of eating the fruit in the first place. Also, check out our recipe at the end of this article for another great dessert alternative to keep you on track and moving towards your goals.

Dark chocolate is surprisingly somewhat keto-friendly. The darker the chocolate the better, and make sure to keep it only to one or two squares. Even normal dark chocolate is too much for your keto guidelines, so go with something above 70% cocoa to ensure you’re staying within your boundaries. This shouldn’t be a regular thing, but it can work when the time calls for it and you simply need to get your hands on something sweet.

Other great treats that are quick and fall in line with your keto plan are pork rinds. Pork rinds amazingly have zero carbs and can provide you with a salty crunch that really hits the spot. With the keto boom, there are more pork rind varieties out there than ever before, so chances are you’ll find multiple different options to try, which helps you to not get sick of eating the same flavor for a long time. Beef jerky also works usually but beware of any jerky that is prepared with excess sugar. Always make sure you’re checking the nutritional information of what you’re eating, especially if it’s a flavored or prepared food like jerky. If you’re a hunter, consider making your own jerky for a great homemade snack.

Snacks to avoid on a ketogenic diet

Some common snacks that are deceivingly bad for keto participants are grapes, bananas, coffee with a lot of added milk and sugar, cashews, and juice. Drink your coffee black, avoid sugary sports drinks, and keep in mind that fruit can be dangerously high in carbs.

As stated before, just always double-check the nutritional info of what you’re eating if you have time. It’ll go a long way in preventing honest mistakes that you could’ve avoided. And at all costs avoid the things that you would expect to be bad and are in fact terrible, like donuts, chips, and candy (other than that high cocoa dark chocolate mentioned earlier).

Keto peanut butter fudge recipe

As promised, we have a great keto-friendly sugar free peanut butter fudge recipe that you’ll love and that will help to appease some of your cravings and get on with your day without being hangry or tempted by some real sugary foods. This recipe allows you to enjoy the richness of peanut butter fudge without the sugar that will derail your keto goals.

We are in strong agreement here that peanut butter and chocolate are the not only the best food combination ever, but they are definitely the two best flavors of fudge, so we’ve found a recipe from buttertogetherkitchen.com that perfectly combines these two amazing tastes into one perfect peanut butter fudge recipe. It’s also great because although you leave out the sugar, you don’t sacrifice the amazing texture that makes fudge to popular and irresistible in the first place. This recipe utilizes Lakanto’s Powdered monk fruit to achieve that famous fudge texture and make for a delicious sugar alternative that you’ll be satisfied and snacking on this fudge happily all week long.

For the chocolate part, the perfect complement to peanut butter out there, you’ll need to use sugar-free chocolate chips. The most keto-friendly options for chocolate chips, however, are Lily’s chocolate chips or Fat Fit Go’s Chocolate Chips. They offer the best option for anyone following the keto diet because they’re made with simple and clean ingredients, but they also taste incredible despite a healthier and more keto-friendly makeup.

A spoonful of peanut butter for keto peanut butter fudge


  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1/3 cup Lakanto powdered sweetener
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup natural peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup Lily’s baking chips

Baking instructions:

  • First, heat the heavy whipping cream and butter in a pot on the stove on medium-high heat.
  • Next, whisk in Lakanto’s powdered monk fruit until consistently mixed in and bring the pot to a low boil.
  • Stir continuously and add the vanilla extract. Keep cooking over medium heat until the mixture begins to thicken and starts to turn light brown.
  • Once the mixture has thickened, remove the pot from the heat source, and whisk in the peanut butter until the mixture is consistently smooth throughout.
  • Transfer the mixture from the pot into a loaf pan or similar pan lined with parchment paper.
  • Allow the mixture to cool a few minutes, then top with chocolate chips over the top of the fudge.
  • Put the fudge into the freezer for one hour, then move it to the refrigerator for another 2 hours.
  • Slice the fudge and serve. If you have leftovers, store any remaining leftovers in a sealed container in the freezer.

Final thoughts: Keto peanut butter fudge recipe

Hopefully, this article provided you with some great tips on snacking while maintaining ketosis and dropping that weight. It can be difficult to maintain ketosis, but learning more great tips like this can keep you on top of your game and the more you learn and the more you practice eating keto-friendly, the more you’ll find yourself in a groove and planning your meals and snacks better.

Don’t get discouraged by a slip-up, just learn from it and plan better next time. And take advantage of these great tips by filling your grocery cart with the items mentioned above, and don’t forget the ingredients to the fantastic peanut butter fudge recipe!

Kala Jeera Benefits and Uses

Black cumin seeds (Kala Jeera) health benefits

You’ve probably heard a lot about the Kala Jeera benefits, but maybe you’ll find some new information here that’s not yet known to you.

Kala Jeera spice originates from India and it is widely used all across Asia. It’s known under many different names such as Black cumin, Nigella sativa, Carumbulbocastanum, Jilakara, Jeeragam, Jeerakam, Jeerige, Jeeru, Jeere, Jeerey, etc.

It is made from the seeds of the Cuminum cyminum plant. It is known for its strong bitter taste and smell. It is widely used in confectionery and liquors. A typical one has a striped pattern of nine ridges and oil canals. Besides that, its flowers are so delicate.

black cumin seeds - kaala jeera health benefits

You should always have it in your kitchen

Kala Jeera is usually used as an important ingredient in foods from regions such as Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean. It has a distinctive flavor and it is often combined with other popular Indian ingredients including tamales, chili, and other Indian curries. Its flavor has often been described as spicy, nutty, warm and earthy.

Talking of resemblance, Kala Jeera seeds resemble Caraway seeds in appearance. They look almost exactly the same. Just that, Kala Jeera seeds are lighter in color, larger in size, and hotter to taste. Due to the warm and bitter flavor of this curry spice and the abundance of oil in it, Kala Jeera is used in all parts of the world including North Africa, Middle East, Mexico, China, etc.

In India, for example, the seeds are an important ingredient of Garam masala and curry powder. They are generally roasted or fried before usage. Often times, they are dried and ground to a brownish-green powder.  Moreover, the seeds are available in three different colors namely, white, black, and amber. The most common seed color out of the three is the amber seeds followed by the black ones and then the white ones respectively.

Note, however, that the Kala Jeera Seeds is totally different from the popular cumin seeds. Although they are similar in appearance just like the Caraway seeds, they are far from it. The cumin seeds are known as Kaalo Jeere in Bengal and Kalonji in northern India. They, on the other hand, have a powerful, pungent, sharp, and slightly bitter flavor. Also, they have a thin crescent shape.

Kala Jeera – the miracle cure for everything

The Kala Jeera has long been used in traditional medicine. Back then, it was being used for maternal care after childbirth, for promoting digestion and for reduction of food-borne diseases.

But today, thanks to modern discoveries and research, Kala Jeera is much more useful than that. It has been found recently that Kala Jeera can now be used to promote weight loss and to improve blood sugar control and cholesterol.

Research has also revealed some new medicinal benefits of Kala Jeera that is yet known to the public. This article will review some of these evidence-based health benefits of Kala Jeera.

kaala jeera seeds and oil
  1. Kala Jeera helps fight asthma

According to a study carried out by Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology in 2007, Kala Jeera may help ease symptoms of asthma. This is confirmed through a survey carried out on 29 asthma patients. Each of the patients was asked to take either a placebo or a Kala Jeera extract daily for three consecutive months. After these three months, the results were astonishing. The patients who took Kala Jeera were found to show greater improvements in the severity of the disease than their counterparts.

  1. Kala Jeera may help high blood pressure patients

Similarly, research published in Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology in 2008 revealed that drinking or taking Kala Jeera extract may help decrease the risk of hypertension in people with high blood pressure. It was evidenced that patients with high hypertension had a greater reduction in their blood pressure as a result of their intake of Kala Jeera extract compared to those assigned with a placebo supplement.

  1. Kala Jeera may help to lower blood sugar levels in the body

This is good news for those struggling with diabetes mellitus. Research has shown that Kala Jeera may help to lower blood sugar levels and hence helps to maintain proper blood content levels in the body.

  1. Kala Jeera seeds are very rich in iron content

The presence of the iron content makes it an excellent choice in treating anemia. It also enriches the blood with hemoglobin content, and lastly, it helps to transport oxygen to the cells in the body.

  1. It has anti-aging benefits

Because of the presence of Vitamin E in Kala Jeera, it is widely regarded as a powerful anti-aging body agent. Hence, it helps prevent premature aging symptoms in the body. Additionally, it works as an antioxidant to fight free radicals that might attack or cause damages to the skin. Damages such as skin wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots.

  1. It also helps to cure itchiness and body heat

If you are suffering from skin itchiness and body heat, you can put some Kala Jeera seeds inside boiled water for some time. Once it is saturated, you can take a bath with it.

  1. It helps in the treatment of boils

Boils are used to eliminate microbes and toxic substances away from the body. A typical boil indicates the presence of unwanted substances in the body. Kala Jeera is a good source of cuminaldehyde, thymol, phosphorus, etc. These compounds and elements help to keep the skin free from rashes, pimples, boils, etc.

  1. It helps in the treatment of burning sensation

By drinking Kala Jeera water regularly, you can relieve the burning sensation of the soles and the palms.

  • Step 1: Add a teaspoon of Kala Jeera seeds to 4 liters of water, then boil.
  • Step 2: After that, remove the seeds from the boiled water and keep the water covered.
  • Step 3: Now, the water is ready to be drunk. You can drink it either after your meal or whenever you are thirsty.

Note, however, that it is highly advisable to drink the water while it is still warm so as to enjoy greater benefits.

  1. You can also use it for hair treatment

Your body hair comprises many body nutrients including protein, water, fat, and of course, carbohydrates. These aforementioned nutrients are responsible for their growth. So, it is of utmost importance to have these nutrients balanced in your hair. Kala Jeera has more than 100 vitamins and nutrients to replenish your hair for you. Besides that, it is also beneficial to your hair than that. For example, Kala Jeera is known to combat baldness, falling hair, and thinning of hair. This is how to go about it:

  • Mix equal quantities of Kala Jeera oil and olive oil together
  • After you are done mixing it, you can apply it to your hair or the bald area of your head.

Apply this recipe, and you are on your way to promoting your hair growth. Additionally, you can use it to treat dandruff: the oil extract from Kala Jeera is a great antioxidant, carminative, stimulant, and finally, diuretic.  In scalp treatments (getting rid of dandruff) and aromatherapy, it is often applied.

  1. Treatment of cancer

Kala Jeera is often used in the treatment of colon and breast cancer. The seeds are known to contain thymohydroquinone, dithymoquinone, thymol, and thymoquinone which are good anti-carcinogenic agents.

Does Kala Jeera have any known side effects?

Up till this moment, there are no known particular side effects of taking Kala Jeera dosage. However, it is highly recommended to use a limited amount, especially in the last month of pregnancy, as it prevents the contraction of the uterus.

21-Day Plant-Based Diet Guide

Reasons to try a plant-based diet for 21 days

Are you motivated to try a plant-based diet for 21 days? I know, it’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’s worth the effort. While getting used to plant nutrition you will have to overcome a number of challenges. However, proper planning and sticking to the schedule can assist you to overcome all sorts of issues that you might face while changing your eating habits. That’s where the 21-day plant-based diet tips can assist you with.

21-day plant-based diet tips

Following an eating plan that your body is not used to is very difficult. But if you can stick to it for a period of 21 days, you can gradually make it a habit. That’s where the 21-day plant-based diet is designed to help you as well. You will be following the diet plan for a period of three consecutive weeks and you can receive the best possible results at the end of it.

A well-planned and appropriately supplemented plant diet is extremely effective and health-friendly. In addition to satiety, a smaller waist and more energy, you will improve your health and well-being with this type of diet. Many people with a plant-based diet normalize their body weight, improve and ease digestion, increase energy levels and improve skin condition.

We’ll teach you how to survive those 21 days and what you should do during this period so that you will be able to end up with measurable results.

What exactly is a plant-based diet?

To begin with, let’s find out what exactly is meant by a plant-based diet. When you are following a plant-based diet, you stick only to plant-based foods. This kind of diet is environment-friendly and can provide you with a large number of other health benefits.

For example, you can easily overcome some frustrating illnesses that may affect your health, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular health.

When you are following a plant-based diet, your attention is focused on the consumption of non-processed or whole foods, along with plants such as vegetables, whole grains, fruits, seeds, legumes, and nuts. You should keep in mind that a plant-based diet is not the same as a vegan.

Unlike vegan, a plant-based diet is well-planned nutritious eating that can allow a “less radical” approach and consumption of some animal foods at the start of a diet.

Over time, it promotes the replacement of approximately all animal foods with healthier plant foods, which improve your health and help you lose weight in a safe way.

How to follow a 21-day plant-based diet?

Now let’s focus on how you can start following a 21-day plant-based diet. We will provide you with some useful tips that you can use when getting accustomed to a new lifestyle. This will ensure that you get the best possible results at the end of the diet.

Before you start following a 21-day plant-based diet, it is important to make a plan. You should really spend some time to put this plan down on paper because you are going to stick to it for the next three weeks. A diet plan also involves selecting recipes that you will follow each day. At the end of the plan, you must have healthy recipes for every day including ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

We will also share a few example recipes you can use for a 21-day plant-based diet. You will find that it is an easy task to stick to the plan and to get the best possible results that are promised to you.

plant-based meals


For your breakfast, you can consume a cup of oatmeal, along with half a cup of blueberries. Likewise, for every breakfast, you can add two servings of grains with one serving of fruit. If you want to go for a mid-morning snack, you should try a fruit. For example, you can eat one banana.


You can eat 1 serving of beans, 1 serving of grains, 1 serving of fruits and 2 servings of veggies for lunch.  For example, you can try half a cup of black beans, half a cup of brown rice, half a cup of diced onion, tomatoes or peppers, 1 cup of lettuce and one apple. Every time you can use other types of grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits, and prepare them in various ways so that you do not get bored.

If you want to have a mid-afternoon snack, you can eat 1 cup of raw vegetables, such as cucumbers, peppers, and carrots. You can add half a cup of grapes and half a cup of oil-free hummus. In other words, you need to stick to 1 serving of beans, 1 serving of veggies and 1 serving of fruit.


For the dinner, you can make 2 servings of veggies, 1 serving of beans and 1 serving of fruit. That’s where you can try a chickpea noodle soup, along with baked cinnamon apple and a side salad.

As you can see, you are sticking only to plant-based foods throughout the entire day. It can provide you with a range of benefits in the long run.

Why should I stick to a plant-based diet?

There’s plenty of reasons for the people in today’s world to start following a 21-day plant-based diet. The ability of it to contribute towards your gut health holds a prominent place. The plant-based diets are filled with legumes, whole grains, and seeds, which are in a position to support your gut health. That’s because they can increase the amount of healthy bacteria found in your gi tract.

All people who start following a 21-day plant-based diet can experience a reduction in the risk associated with heart diseases and diabetes as well. Heart diseases can be considered as the main cause of death in the world.

If you want to overcome these health conditions, all you have to do is to stick to a plant-based diet for a longer time. The above-mentioned tips can provide you with much-needed help.

On the other hand, a significant percentage of the world’s population experiences negative consequences associated with plant-based and vegan diets, so consult your physician prior to dieting. He can best assess whether the diet is appropriate and safe for you, which of course depends on your health condition.

Alkaline Bread Made with Ancient Grains

Top 5 ancient grains that you can use to make alkaline bread

From research, it has been observed that food can change the pH of our body significantly. Also, the food we eat every day plays an important role in our overall body pH, and if we discover a deficiency in the alkaline level of our body, we can step it up using foods such as the alkaline bread.

Basic nutrition is one of the easiest things to prevent disease and increase your overall well-being. When the body over acidifies, it results in various diseases. This also implies that in some cases the bases in the body are not sufficient to keep the acid-base level in balance.

alkaline bread

The pH of the body must be within a certain range to prevent damage to the body. Even small deviations of the pH value tend to disturb important body functions. The pH is an actual measure of the acidity of a solution, as it distinguishes between acids and bases. The pH can be between 0 and 14. A pH of zero tends to be totally acidic, while that of 14 tends to be very basic or alkaline.

To be healthy, there should be a slightly basic pH in our blood between 7.35 and 7.44. There are also some areas that need to be acidic. This includes, for example, the milieu in the stomach. The pH here is between 1 and 2, which is very important for a smooth digestion performance.

Related: How to alkalize your body as fast as possible

The alkaline bread refers to all types of bread which are made from ancient grains with high alkaline content

Some of these include:

The Spelt Bread

The Spelt bread refers to bread made with the spelt grain. The Spelt grain comes as one of the oldest cultivated grains in the world, dating back to over 8000 years ago.

The Spelt bread is alkaline bread which comes with numerous health benefits when consumed. Spelt contains important carbohydrates that help to stimulate the immune system. It represents an important source of fiber. It contains many vitamins of complex B and proteins. The total protein content of spelt is from 10 to 12 percent higher than common wheat.

Spelt diet helps with skin rash, neurodermatitis, and other allergies, rheumatic diseases, metabolic diseases (diabetes, increased blood fats), gastrointestinal diseases and nervous problems (depression).

Kamut Bread

The Kamut bread is a product of the kamut grain. This is a controlled grain and is organically grown and devoid of genetic modification. Kamut has a much higher protein content (40% vs. 15%) compared to conventional wheat, minerals such as magnesium and zinc, vitamins B and vitamin E, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids.

It also contains antioxidative selenium that prevents prostate cancer and increases immune resistance. It contains a lot of vitamins B1, B2, niacin, pantothenic and folic acid, B6 and vitamin E. That’s why kamut is rated as high-energy foods.

Quinoa Bread

The quinoa grain is the major substance used in making the quinoa bread. This grain comes with high alkaline content, and its cultivation dates back to 7,000 years ago.

Quinoa is an excellent example of functional food that works preventively and reduces the risk of developing various diseases. In addition to proteins, vitamins, and minerals, it also contains fatty acids and antioxidants that help protect cell membranes and nerve functions in the brain. Quinoa contains a wide range of vitamins: α-carotene, niacin, thiamine, folic acid, and vitamin C. It’s rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc.

The Teff Bread

The teff is an ancient grain which has been existing in Ethiopia since 7,000 years ago. This grain serves the major purpose of being used to make alkaline bread.

Tef is a gluten-free cereal; carbohydrates (starch) slowly generate energy, so it is popular with athletes. It contains a high proportion of excellent digestible proteins, a lot of calcium, iron and other minerals. High fiber content is important not only because of the slow production of energy but also for better digestion.

Rye Bread

As with the other alkaline bread already highlighted, the rye bread is an end product of the processed rye grain. Its cultivation dates back to over 4000 years ago.

Rye is a rich source of fiber, which is crucial for a healthy metabolism, and minerals such as manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. It contains vitamins A, E, B5, B6 and K, niacin, thiamine and riboflavin, and folic acid. It helps to maintain the appropriate level of cholesterol and sugar, cleans the bowels and stimulates its function.

Benefits of the alkaline bread

alkaline bread benefits
  1. They help us to lose weight and maintain the desired weight

With the alkaline bread, the body receives many minerals that aid the utilization of nutrients and help the enzymes break down food to provide us with energy. The alkaline bread also supports the body’s natural detoxification process and prevent toxins from accumulating in the body. Circulating waste can impair organ functions and slow down the metabolism, leading to weight gain. Consuming alkaline bread also helps lower leptin levels and inflammation, which affects hunger and fat burning.

  1. Protects against nutrient deficiencies

Most of the alkaline bread highlighted above are rich in calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. These four minerals help to balance the pH in the body, protect against nutrient deficiencies, help the body to maintain energy levels and activate vitamin D in the body. This reduces the risk of vitamin D deficiency, which is important for all immune and endocrine function.

  1. Less pain and inflammation

Consuming alkaline bread helps to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammations in the body lead to various types of pain, such as headaches, back pain, muscle cramps, and joint pain.

With the alkaline bread, the body is supplied with more basic nutrients, such as potassium and magnesium. Both minerals are essential for combating inflammation. Magnesium, for example, enables the activation of vitamin D, which is important to prevent pain. The alkaline bread has also been found to help reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

  1. Reduces the risk of cancer

Cancer cells cannot survive in a basic environment, as bacteria and cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. An acid-forming diet can disrupt the pH of the blood and lead to various diseases over time. In contrast, alkaline bread helps to prevent chronic inflammation; one of the major causes of cancer and other deadly diseases. Apoptosis (cancer cell death) also takes place in an alkaline body.

  1. Strengthens the immune system

The alkaline bread contains important antioxidants that support the work of the immune system. This helps the body recover faster from colds and flu and keep illness at bay.

An acid-forming food, on the other hand, interferes with important cell processes, so that waste products are not properly disposed of. Deviations in pH also cause vitamins and minerals to be inadequately absorbed by the body, which can lead to an accumulation of toxins and pathogens in the body. This, in turn, weakens the immune system.

  1. Supports digestion

The alkaline bread promotes digestion. They also stabilize the healthy intestinal flora and help to prevent acid regurgitation and heartburn, which arise due to an acid-forming diet. These bread usually help to calm the stomach and support the work of the digestive system.

  1. Improves the health of the cardiovascular system

The alkaline bread is usually rich in polyphenols, and this has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Inflammation is one of the main causes of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Reducing inflammation also reduces the risk of plaque and clot formation in the arteries. The polyphenols also help lower cholesterol, which lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Related: Alkaline detox tea backed by science

Final thoughts

In conclusion, there are several ways through which we can stabilize the acid-base balance of our body. Our lifestyle should be at least 70% basic so that our body can establish a healthy acid-base balance.

One of such good lifestyle practices includes consuming alkaline bread, as it comes with numerous benefits which have been highlighted above. For optimum results when consuming the alkaline bread, it’s best to also drink plenty of water during the day. Depending on the size of your body and physical activity, the body needs 2 to 3 liters of water per day.