21-Day Plant-Based Diet Guide

Reasons to try a plant-based diet for 21 days

Are you motivated to try a plant-based diet for 21 days? I know, it’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’s worth the effort. While getting used to plant nutrition you will have to overcome a number of challenges. However, proper planning and sticking to the schedule can assist you to overcome all sorts of issues that you might face while changing your eating habits. That’s where the 21-day plant-based diet tips can assist you with.

21-day plant-based diet tips

Following an eating plan that your body is not used to is very difficult. But if you can stick to it for a period of 21 days, you can gradually make it a habit. That’s where the 21-day plant-based diet is designed to help you as well. You will be following the diet plan for a period of three consecutive weeks and you can receive the best possible results at the end of it.

A well-planned and appropriately supplemented plant diet is extremely effective and health-friendly. In addition to satiety, a smaller waist and more energy, you will improve your health and well-being with this type of diet. Many people with a plant-based diet normalize their body weight, improve and ease digestion, increase energy levels and improve skin condition.

We’ll teach you how to survive those 21 days and what you should do during this period so that you will be able to end up with measurable results.

What exactly is a plant-based diet?

To begin with, let’s find out what exactly is meant by a plant-based diet. When you are following a plant-based diet, you stick only to plant-based foods. This kind of diet is environment-friendly and can provide you with a large number of other health benefits.

For example, you can easily overcome some frustrating illnesses that may affect your health, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular health.

When you are following a plant-based diet, your attention is focused on the consumption of non-processed or whole foods, along with plants such as vegetables, whole grains, fruits, seeds, legumes, and nuts. You should keep in mind that a plant-based diet is not the same as a vegan.

Unlike vegan, a plant-based diet is well-planned nutritious eating that can allow a “less radical” approach and consumption of some animal foods at the start of a diet.

Over time, it promotes the replacement of approximately all animal foods with healthier plant foods, which improve your health and help you lose weight in a safe way.

How to follow a 21-day plant-based diet?

Now let’s focus on how you can start following a 21-day plant-based diet. We will provide you with some useful tips that you can use when getting accustomed to a new lifestyle. This will ensure that you get the best possible results at the end of the diet.

Before you start following a 21-day plant-based diet, it is important to make a plan. You should really spend some time to put this plan down on paper because you are going to stick to it for the next three weeks. A diet plan also involves selecting recipes that you will follow each day. At the end of the plan, you must have healthy recipes for every day including ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

We will also share a few example recipes you can use for a 21-day plant-based diet. You will find that it is an easy task to stick to the plan and to get the best possible results that are promised to you.

plant-based meals


For your breakfast, you can consume a cup of oatmeal, along with half a cup of blueberries. Likewise, for every breakfast, you can add two servings of grains with one serving of fruit. If you want to go for a mid-morning snack, you should try a fruit. For example, you can eat one banana.


You can eat 1 serving of beans, 1 serving of grains, 1 serving of fruits and 2 servings of veggies for lunch.  For example, you can try half a cup of black beans, half a cup of brown rice, half a cup of diced onion, tomatoes or peppers, 1 cup of lettuce and one apple. Every time you can use other types of grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits, and prepare them in various ways so that you do not get bored.

If you want to have a mid-afternoon snack, you can eat 1 cup of raw vegetables, such as cucumbers, peppers, and carrots. You can add half a cup of grapes and half a cup of oil-free hummus. In other words, you need to stick to 1 serving of beans, 1 serving of veggies and 1 serving of fruit.


For the dinner, you can make 2 servings of veggies, 1 serving of beans and 1 serving of fruit. That’s where you can try a chickpea noodle soup, along with baked cinnamon apple and a side salad.

As you can see, you are sticking only to plant-based foods throughout the entire day. It can provide you with a range of benefits in the long run.

Why should I stick to a plant-based diet?

There’s plenty of reasons for the people in today’s world to start following a 21-day plant-based diet. The ability of it to contribute towards your gut health holds a prominent place. The plant-based diets are filled with legumes, whole grains, and seeds, which are in a position to support your gut health. That’s because they can increase the amount of healthy bacteria found in your gi tract.

All people who start following a 21-day plant-based diet can experience a reduction in the risk associated with heart diseases and diabetes as well. Heart diseases can be considered as the main cause of death in the world.

If you want to overcome these health conditions, all you have to do is to stick to a plant-based diet for a longer time. The above-mentioned tips can provide you with much-needed help.

On the other hand, a significant percentage of the world’s population experiences negative consequences associated with plant-based and vegan diets, so consult your physician prior to dieting. He can best assess whether the diet is appropriate and safe for you, which of course depends on your health condition.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil Simple Diet

How to lose weight with apple cider vinegar and coconut oil

Apple cider vinegar and coconut oil are foods that can help you lose weight. To combine apple cider vinegar and coconut oil? Why not! Even our ancestors knew about the slimming effects of apple cider vinegar. And we all know that coconut oil is healthy. It can also help to lose weight if consumed in moderation only.

apple cider vinegar and coconut oil drink for weight loss

There is a lot of information about apple cider vinegar for weight loss, we all know its medicinal properties and beneficial effects on the body, but there’s not enough clarity to define whether coconut oil is useful for weight loss or not.

You’re all probably familiar with the use of apple vinegar and coconut oil in cooking, but the use of apple vinegar with coconut oil is a less known weight loss method. Before you jumpstart a diet, learn what kind of healing properties apple cider vinegar and coconut oil have. Let’s take another look at both foods and find out how they can be used for weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is mainly used for salad dressings but it is also very effective in various weight loss diets. Weight loss with apple vinegar and coconut oil is simple and above all natural and safe method for your body.

Before you start with these old, proven methods of weight loss, search for recipes and prepare apple vinegar yourself. In a race against time, you may not be able to make your homemade vinegar and you’ll have to buy it in the store. Be extremely careful to buy natural vinegar without any chemical additives.

bottles of homemade apple cider vinegar

Healing effects of apple cider vinegar

  • Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Helps to reduce health issues associated with arthritis and osteoporosis
  • Accelerates metabolism, cleanse the body and improves digestion
  • Prevents the loading of toxins and fats in our body and helps to convert nutrients into energy
  • Helps in the fight against cellulite
  • Prevents the development of bad bacteria in the body
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Helps to eliminate acne
  • It breaks down minerals, proteins, and fats in the blood and digestive tract
  • Protects the heart and blood vessels
  • Stimulates the secretion of gastric acid and calms the stomach
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, spleen, bile and the kidneys
  • Due to disinfecting and antibacterial action, it protects intestinal flora against toxic bacteria
  • It contains potassium which is important for the growth and division of cells and for muscle and nerve activity
  • It helps in the respiratory tract infections, inflammation of the throat, cough, and hoarseness
  • In ancient times they treated wounds, burns, and bruises with apple vinegar as it promotes skin and connective tissue cell renewal

Healing properties of apple cider vinegar

Even in the period before antiquity, people were making a drink from old varieties of apples. In the middle ages they probably already knew that apple cider had a medicinal effect on the body, even though they did not know exactly which ingredients in it are healing.

Today, we are quite well aware that apple cider has a healing effect, and thanks to the scientists who have discovered this, you can enjoy the health benefits of adding it to your diet.

  • It contains vitamins C, E, A, B1, B2, B6, beta-carotene, acetic acid, propionic and lactic acid, as many as 13 essential amino acids, and apple pectin.
  • Contains minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, and iron.
  • Contains bioflavonoids and enzymes.

Related: Apple diet

Coconut oil

Coconut oil promotes metabolism and helps to burn body fat. Some are also convinced that it is good for the heart, cures candidiasis and various types of cancer.

For a long time, coconut oil was labeled as “bad fat” because it contains mainly saturated fats. People were avoiding it but in reality, coconut oil is much healthier than you might think. Saturated fat in coconut oil consists of medium chain triglycerides. These relatively short chain fats can be easily used by our body and are not stored as fat.

According to recent research, coconut oil has an excellent effect on heart health, helps with weight loss and accelerates metabolism. The oil does not contain cholesterol.

coconut oil

Coconut oil as a functional food

Coconut oil is obtained from coconut meat and cannot be identified with coconut milk. According to research, coconut oil belongs to so-called functional foods.

Functional food is any fresh or processed food which, in addition to its usual nutritional characteristics, also has properties that have a beneficial effect on health: either it improves it or prevents the development of certain diseases.

The function of food is to provide energy and other substances that ensure the normal functioning of the body.

The medium chain fatty acids do not circulate through the bloodstream but are metabolized directly into the liver, where they are immediately converted into energy. They do not accumulate in cells as fat, thus helping to lower body weight as they accelerate metabolism. Therefore, extra virgin coconut oil can also be used as a functional food for athletes.

Coconut oil is ideal for cooking because the food prepared with this oil is healthier. It is suitable for frying at high temperatures and we can use it to prepare all kinds of food. It is recommended to use cold-pressed coconut oil, which preserves its smell and its full nutritional value.

Why is coconut oil healthy?

  • Coconut oil improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, especially magnesium, calcium and vitamin D.
  • It accelerates metabolism and generates the energy needed for everyday activities.
  • Coconut oil increases the level of “good” and reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol. This also reduces body weight and is therefore highly recommended for weight loss.
  • Coconut oil is very effective against all types of fungi that attack the digestive system, and further, stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria that form our intestinal flora.
  • With its antiviral activity, it strengthens the immune system.
  • In addition to all this, coconut oil is also suitable for skin and hair care.

Coconut fat is a valuable aid for weight loss – it promotes metabolism and is a good source of energy

  • Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) from coconut oil break into fatty acids before leaving the stomach. Because they do not need further processing, they go straight into the liver that they use to produce energy. They do not accumulate in body fat, and they also accelerate metabolism.
  • Faster digestion indirectly affects the entire body, improves blood circulation, accelerates recovery and treatment, improves the functioning of the immune system and therefore increases the level of energy. Coconut fat is known to improve various health conditions, in addition to obesity, and its effect lasts for at least 24 hours after ingestion.
  • In a study comparing human metabolism before consuming a meal rich in medium-chain fatty acids, scientists found that metabolism accelerates on average 48 percent, and in obese people up to 65 percent.
  • It supports the digestion of food, which makes you feel fuller after a meal and you are less likely to eat snacks throughout the day.
  • Coconut oil reduces appetite. According to experts, this is related to the metabolism of the fatty acids that coconut oil contains. Ketones reduce appetite. Men who used coconut oil in the study consumed an average of 250 calories less per day. Another study in 14 healthy men found that those who consumed a lot of fatty acids for breakfast consumed fewer calories at lunch. These studies were carried out in a short period of time. Researchers are convinced that while persisting in the long run, coconut oil could have a dramatic impact on body weight over several years.
  • Coconut oil prevents fluctuations in blood sugar that trigger the storage of energy from carbohydrates in the form of body fat.
  • Fatty acids in coconut oil destroy the candida, a fungus that can cause overweight and curb cravings for carbohydrates.

How to use apple vinegar with coconut oil for weight loss?

A proven and healthy way is primarily the moderate consumption of apple vinegar. Weight loss with apple vinegar and coconut oil is simple and healthy. Natural acids present in apple vinegar, help to dissolve fat in your body and flush all the poisons and undigested foods from your bowel. Weight loss with apple vinegar and coconut oil diet is simple and safe;

Before breakfast, mix two teaspoons of apple vinegar with a teaspoon of coconut oil in a glass of water and drink. In the afternoon, half an hour before a meal, take another mixture of apple cider vinegar and coconut oil. Coconut oil lowers your appetite and you will eat less. If you are hungry in the evening, replace a meal with a teaspoon of coconut oil.

To get effective results of this diet, you need to reduce food intake, due to high levels of fat value.

Strawberry Water Benefits and Recipes

Strawberry water – a natural aid for weight loss and body detox

One of the gifts nature has bestowed on us is the strawberry fruit. Strawberries are from the rose family Rosaceae. It is a widely grown species of the genus Fragaria. It is cultivated and widely appreciated all over the world for its wonderful aroma, juicy texture, sweetness, and bright red color. It is very rich in taste and scent- no wonder it is full of aroma. Strawberries are made up of vitamins and minerals. It has high amounts of potassium, manganese, and antioxidants. It has low fats, cholesterol, calories, and sodium so strawberry water benefits include weight loss and body detoxification as a result.

How does this happen? Fruit-infused water is an amazing way of removing toxic waste from the body, both, in the kidney and the liver. Among all the fruit infused water known to most people, strawberry-infused water seemed to have caught everybody’s attention because of its sweetness and various health benefits.

strawberry water benefits

Why should you cleanse your body?

Studies have revealed that our body is capable of storing huge amount of toxins. But the question is how do they get inside us? How do they enter? Well, of course, they enter in two ways: internally and externally. The former happens when our own body creates them from intestinal bacteria, free radicals, parasites, etc. while the latter happens basically through elements from the environment and through food.

Now, what happens is that our cleansing system, liver, and kidney, gets so saturated that these toxins start to accumulate which will eventually cause a series of symptoms. You will realize you are having stress, colds, headaches, acne breakouts, etc. However, by drinking strawberry water, your body will renew itself continually and all the hard work your kidneys and livers do will get lighter.

Strawberries can be used along with detox water: a phenomenon widely regarded as strawberry detox water. Detox water is quite popular as it is one of the methods commonly used to achieve body fitness. It does not only keep the body hydrated but also helps in flushing out body harmful waste.

There are quite a few strawberry water benefits, let’s list some of them.

Benefits of using strawberry detox water

Strawberry water serves many purposes: it helps in reducing inflammations such as rheumatism and arthritis, it also helps in the reduction of uric acid formation likewise heart diseases, hypertension and many more. As we’ve already discussed, it helps cleanse the body and fights sickle cell anemia.

Strawberry water recipes

Strawberry – Cantaloupe Flush Fat Detox Water Recipe


  • 3 cups of organic seeded diced cantaloupe
  • 7 strawberries
  • Half lemon, peeled and juiced
  • 1 cup of purified water


Put the lemon juice, strawberries and the diced cantaloupe inside a food processor. Make sure the ingredients are well blended then pour everything into a mason jar. After that, add the cup of purified water and some ice cubes, if you like. Stir the contents properly and put everything inside a refrigerator for some time. Then you can finally serve it over with ice and enjoy strawberry water benefits.

Strawberry in conjunction with Mint Detox and Lemon Water Recipe

What you need:

  • A bowl
  • Half organic lime
  • About 4 to 5 strawberries
  • Ice cubes and water
  • A sprig of fresh mint


Wash the strawberries gotten along with the fresh mint sprig first then divide the lime into the same parts. Then ensure the limes got poured into the bowl first before adding any other thing. I.e. it must be placed at the lowest level first before any other thing.  Next is the strawberries. Cut them into the same parts, add 400 ml of water and finally put the ice cubes and mint. Get the bowl covered with something and put it inside a refrigerator for some hours or perhaps you can leave it there overnight. A word of advice, the more time it spends, the better. Enjoy!

Strawberry Detox Water in conjunction with Mango recipe

What you need:

  • 1 sliced mango
  • 1 lemon, cut into slices
  • Six strawberries, sliced equally
  • 3 cups of cold water


This is very easy to prepare. All that is required of you is to put everything inside a jar and pour the cold water and give it time to soak. After that, it is ready to be served. You can also put in some amount of ice cubes inside for extra flavor and delight.

Strawberry made with Coconut Lemonade Detox Water Recipe

What you need:

  • 1 container of coconut water
  • 15 to 19 drops of liquid stevia
  • Half cup of organic lemon juice
  • 7 to 10 medium strawberries


Make sure the strawberries are well juiced then add coconut water, lemon juice, and finally liquid stevia. Stir everything properly then you are good to go! Now, you can serve yourself a glass of Strawberry-Coconut Lemonade Detox Water. Enjoy!

How to make strawberry infused water

strawberry water

The procedure is almost the same as the detox water recipe.

  • Step 1: Put all the ingredients inside the bottom of a jar or fruit infusion jug
  • Step 2: Cover everything with some ice cubes and fill with water
  • Step 3: Put it inside a fridge for at least one hour before serving. As this will give you the freshness you deserve.
  • Step 4: Also note that you can only refill the jug 2-3 times before it starts losing its flavor
  • Step 5: The steps outlined above are based on the assumption that you are using a 2-quart glass only. However, if you are going to be using a small, portable jug, chances are that you might have to reduce the ingredients by some percentage.

Who can benefit from drinking strawberry water?

  • Those with uric acid ailment
  • Children and pregnant women
  • People with anemia
  • Those who have diabetes with hypoglycemia
  • Those who have Hypertension or cardiovascular disorder

Note: People with colitis and sensitive bowels disorder are strongly advised not to take strawberry water as this can cause severe pain and result in more health problems.

Health benefits of strawberries

  1. Strawberries can help suppress appetite: Strawberries come with lots of health benefits. One of these is fiber content which serves a wide range of functions in the human body. They also contain both soluble and insoluble fiber which makes it a very special fruit. However, it is common knowledge that they are tough to break down and to digest easily but this is actually a blessing in disguise. Ask me why? Strawberries are known to absorb water molecules in the body and slow down the digestive processes while at the same time expanding the stomach. Hence, this triggers some neurons in the body and sends the brain a message making one feel less hungry.

  2. Strawberries can prevent inflammation: Generally, inflammation is one of the many health problems often experienced by people. It is majorly responsible for cell damage, diabetes, and mental illness diseases in the human body.  Amongst strawberries health benefits is the provision of Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), a strong antioxidant commonly found in fruits and vegetables, with the ability to fight inflammation by keeping its symptoms at arm’s length.

  3. Strawberries help to stimulate the immune system: The strawberry anti-inflammatory properties also help improve the body’s immune system by helping it fight off viral and bacterial infections. This is so because all these infections are known to be responsible for a high level of inflammation in the body which will later result in slow performance of the immune system and gradual shutdown of the system. Thus, taking strawberries will enhance quick recovery from any type of illness.

  4. Strawberries are a natural diuretic: Doctors often prescribed strawberries when the body is retaining too much fluid because strawberries are a natural diuretic. They help increase urination by getting rid of sodium and water. They also prevent kidney and urinary tract infections as well.

  5. Strawberries help to promote the growth of natural bacteria: Science has revealed that bacteria play a very important role in our well-being both physically and mentally.  Bacteria are used widely in industries and medical institutions in the manufacturing of foods and production of vaccines, drugs, enzymes, and antibiotics. Their economic importance cannot be overemphasized simply because of the role they play in our health. Strawberries, on the other hand, are known to contain soluble fiber which is great at keeping the natural bacteria healthy and well.

  6. Strawberries can help fight bad cholesterol: Strawberries help increase the liver’s ability to remove the ‘’bad’’ cholesterol low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood. LDL cholesterol is very very dangerous as it damages your arteries (a concept known as atherosclerosis) and increases your risk for stroke. Finally, by fighting the bad cholesterol, strawberries help prevent the body from heart diseases such as septal defects, cyanotic heart disease, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, heart failure, etc.

  7. Strawberries help prevent constipation: Strawberries are not only good for promoting the growth of natural bacteria but also helps improve digestion through the insoluble fiber present in the fruit. And this, in the long run, helps prevent constipation: a condition of the digestive system characterized by irregular passages of stools. In other words, it refers to a condition whereby you’re unable to completely empty your bowel. It affects people of all ages but it is most prominent in the elderly ones. So try and include it in your diet.

5 Day Apple Diet

Lose weight with a 5-day apple diet

If you have already tested many diets so far and you still have not managed to lose excess pounds, you will surely succeed with a 5-day apple diet. This diet promises to lose excess pounds in a very short time.

It is not advisable to exaggerate with short diets, especially because of the yo-yo effect after the diet. Nevertheless, this is a successful and rapid process of losing pounds that will cleanse your body and among other things prepare it for a new eating regime. A diet with apples is one of the fastest diets.  This is nothing like starvation but above all losing weight with the help of extremely healthy fruits – apples.

5-day apple diet

You should only go on a diet if you are in good health condition without prolonging the time of dieting. It’s recommended for 5 days only! In five days, you can lose up to five pounds and cleanse your body of toxins.

While on a diet, don’t forget to drink plenty of water or unsweetened teas, which will prevent dehydration and suppress hunger.

Health benefits of apples

Apples are known as nutrient-rich fruits that promote weight loss, combat cancer, reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes, prevent the formation of gallstones, increase immunity and also help to prevent cataracts development.

With the five-day apple diet, you would lose weight and also improve your overall health. However, bear it in mind that regular exercise and drastic change in your lifestyle can help you lose weight quickly and in a healthy way.

The fibers of the apple bind to the fat molecules. By eating the apples and the required amount of water, these fat molecules are then eliminated from the body rather than being absorbed.

Mineral substances found in this fruit are extremely important for the digestive tract. Apples are rich in vitamin C, which is found primarily in the peel, so it is advisable to wash it thoroughly, rather than peel it. Depending on the variety and size, an apple contains +/- 90 calories.

How the 5-days apple diet works

apples for weight loss

During the 5 days apple diet program, it is advisable to drink lots of water per day. Also, other foods that are added to the apple diet should be low in fat.

Day 1

  • For breakfast: Eat 2 apples
  • For lunch: Eat 1 apple
  • For dinner: Eat 3 apples

How it works

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner include only apples, which is about 1.5 kg. Apples are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and fiber. The nutrients present in apple are essential for maintaining the body, support the health of your heart, help the brain function well and also help in the prevention of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and gastrointestinal tract irritation. Also, drink enough detox and water to keep hydrated all day long.

Day 2

  • For breakfast: 1 apple and a glass of coconut milk or soy milk (gluten-sensitive)
  • For lunch: A salad of apples and green vegetables (for example two carrots and a half turnip is ideal) with olive oil
  • For dinner: At least 2 apples

How it works

On the second apples and vegetarian lunch is included. This helps you to get other important nutrients from the vegetables. Coconut milk is rich in vitamins, including vitamins C, E, B, B3, B5 and various minerals such as selenium, sodium, iron, manganese, calcium or phosphorus. In addition, it contains a lot of lauric acids that contain good HDL cholesterol. Olive oil is a rich source of good fats that help maintain the integrity of the cell membrane. You should drink detox water and drink plenty of water throughout the day as well.

Day 3

  • For breakfast: 1 apple + 1 tablespoon of seeds of your choice with scrambled eggs
  • For lunch: 1 apple salad + bengal gram with cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, mint leaves, salt, and pepper
  • For dinner: 1 apple salad + turkey ham, carrots, and broccoli or 1 apple + lentil soup

How it works

The third day is called a protein day. Proteins are well known for the overall building blocks of the body. Therefore, start your day with a good source of protein such as a scrambled egg. But if you are a vegetarian, you can drink a glass of milk instead of eggs.

Eat a good source of protein and an apple for dinner because your body does not have enough energy for digestion and metabolism due to the fact that you have mainly eaten apples for two days, it is advisable not to overeat. Also, drink detox water and drink plenty of water throughout the day as well.

Day 4

  • For breakfast: 1 apple smoothie + kale
  • For lunch: 1 apple + grilled vegetables or 1 apple + vegetable soup
  • For dinner: 1 apple or vegetable salad pack or 1 apple + beetroot and celery smoothie

How it works

Start day 4 with an apple-green smoothie. Kale helps to lose weight and feels full for longer. The vegetarian lunch will help you to get all the important nutrients from the different vegetables, which contain a lot of green and colorful leafy vegetables.

Day 4 you have a little break after lunch, you have access to drink fresh fruit juice or whole fruits. For your evening 1 apple or vegetable salad pack or 1 apple + beetroot and celery smoothie are recommended as these vegetables contain antioxidants which help your body eliminate all toxins.

Day 5

  • For breakfast: 1 apple + 1 boiled egg or 1 apple + bottle of cooked pumpkin juice
  • For lunch: 1 apple + grilled vegetables or 1 apple + vegetable soup
  • For dinner: 1 apple + baked fish and asparagus or 1 apple + red beans with pepper

How it works

Day 5 dieters can eat fruits, vegetables, good fats, good carbohydrates, and protein. This will help you to revive your body following the low-calorie diet that you have been following for a few days. After you have gradually introduced all the necessary foods your body needs on the last day, when you eat a complex mix of foods, your metabolism stays active and helps you to burn calories without you feeling low.

Some other foods you can also eat during the 5 days apple diet

  • Fruits and vegetables: Seasonal fruits, local fruits, green leafy vegetables, and colorful vegetables.
  • Protein: Skinless chicken, fish, eggs, lean turkey, and beef, tofu, mushrooms, and soybeans.
  • Dairy products: Example of dairy products includes milk low in fat, yogurt low in fat, and so on.
  • Seeds: Flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds…
  • Fats and oils: Examples of fats and oils are olive oil, rice bran oil, rapeseed oil, ghee, mustard oil and so on.
  • Drinks: Fresh juices, fresh coconut water, teas, detoxifying drinks, fresh vegetable juices, and smoothies.

Pros of the 5 days apple diet:

  • Lowering the level of bad cholesterol.
  • Reduced risk of developing diabetes.
  • Sugar found in apples is a great source of energy and replaces all unhealthy sugars.
  • Apples are rich in potassium, which is excellent for lowering blood pressure.
  • 5-day apple diet promotes body cleanse, weight loss and prevents constipation.

Cons of the 5 days apple diet:

  • The acid in the apple may have a negative effect on tooth enamel, so it is advisable to drink a glass of water after.
  • During the diet, mild side effects may occur, such as fatigue, sudden dizziness, headache, gastrointestinal problems and irregular period.
  • After weight loss, overeating may lead to weight regain.

Final thoughts

Eating an apple before physical activity will release the quercetin in your body. Quercetin is an antioxidant which will help your lungs make better use of oxygen. Because apples have so little calories, they are ideal for weight loss and healthy life, as they are suitable for any meal in a day.

When you are on a diet, you can drink coffee, but without milk or sugar. Make sure to lower the intake of carbohydrates and saturated fats. Avoid refined sugars and also low-glycemic-index carbohydrates.

By following these rules, with 5-day apple diet you can achieve the desired results, detox your body and improve your well-being.

Mango Juice Recipe for Weight Loss

Mango juice recipe for a healthy weight loss cleanse

Mango, the king of fruit, is one of the most delicious tropical fruits. In addition, mango is a rich source of medicinal substances. So add it to your meals, especially if you want to lose weight or to get rid of your belly fat. We have also prepared a delicious mango juice recipe for weight loss you can make in 5 minutes.

Mango is used in folk medicine for the release of toxins, in the treatment of anemia and as a natural remedy for diseases of the nervous system. Being rich in fiber, mango is a great food for anyone with slow digestion problems. Due to a great amount of fiber and water, mango helps prevent constipation. Digestive enzymes calm the stomach and help with increased gastric acid secretion.

mango juice recipe for weight loss

African mango is a slimming agent recommended by doctors

It is a powerful appetite suppressant, it contains a lot of fiber that helps eliminate excess body fat and supports metabolic function.

It consists of 50% fat, 26.4% carbohydrates, 7.5% protein and, of course, 14% fiber, so it is also suitable for diabetics. The high fiber content helps to reduce cholesterol, glucose, and triglycerides in the blood.

Research shows that antioxidants and enzymes in mango have the power to protect against breast cancer, colon and prostate cancer, and leukemia. Many even believe that mango can prevent all types of cancer and that it contains more antioxidants than any other registered medicine for cancer treatment. In addition, only one mango a day reduces the amount of cholesterol and blood sugar by 40 percent.

Mango belongs to those great foods that, due to the high content of vitamins A, B3, B5, B6, C, E and fiber, support digestion, reduce the risk of kidney stones, improve concentration, memory, and have beneficial effects on the eye nerve.

Mango strengthens the immune system and even prevents HIV from advancing from one stage to the next. Mango is also an aphrodisiac and increases a sense of satiety, so it’s a great hunger suppressant for everyone who wants to get rid of excess pounds.

The results of the research on mango consumption are fascinating

Research has shown several exceptional health effects of African mango. Among other things, it lowers the bad (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides, reduces inflammatory processes in the body, which are one of the main causes of the disease, including cancerous conditions, and raises good (HDL) cholesterol. Research has shown that in diabetic patients, regular mango consumption reduces blood sugar and bad cholesterol within four weeks.

Of course, most people are interested in how the consumption of mango affects the burning of excess fat and the loss of body weight. They found that African mangoes act as a potent suppressant of appetite. In addition, it also affects an increased production of adiponectin – a protein hormone which regulates insulin, resulting in accelerated fat burning.

African mango work as a fat loss agent in several ways:

  • It acts as a potent appetite suppressant fruit.
  • It contains very high amounts of fiber that helps eliminate excess body fat.
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • It has a positive effect on metabolism
  • Alkalizes the organism.

Of course, African mango is not a miraculous medicine that will reduce your body weight in a moment and eliminate excess body fat – there is no such thing (except liposuction), but exceptional positive results are shown on regular use. And if we add regular movement and a balanced, healthy diet, the results will be even better.

What is the best way to prepare a mango?

It is best to eat it fresh, to enjoy its full and unique taste. Before use, wash it thoroughly in cold water, to remove dust and possible pesticides that are used sometimes to make it ripe quicker. Peel it and slice it into cubes or strips to separate the meat from the shell easier.

Mango cubes are also a great addition to various types of fruit salads. We can also make a great mango weight loss drink.

how to slice a mango

Mango juice recipe for weight loss:


  • Mango (2 smaller or 1 larger)
  • 2 dl of water
  • Half a teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Half a lemon or lime juice
  • 1/4 of pineapple


Simply blend all the ingredients in the blender and add a few cubes of ice. The drink is highly recommended if you want to lose weight, especially after physical activity, as it contains 50 g of carbohydrates – just as much as the body needs to restore glycogen in the muscles after exercise.

  • If you drink mango juice to lose some weight, make sure to prepare it with water and no added sugar and use it as a meal replacement. Otherwise, you will gain weight instead of losing it.
  • 100 grams of mango contains about 75 calories. Raw mango also contains starch that turns into sugar. Mature mangoes, when consumed with milk (or any other liquid rich in proteins) can thus be very useful for gaining weight.

Where to find African mango dietary supplements?

Nutritional supplements with African mango extract can be found online as well as in many health and supplement food stores.

Even science and medicine mostly recommend organic natural products for losing excess weight, rather than synthetic drugs. African mango is definitely one of them, as research has shown that it is safe and, above all, effective.

Related: Pomegranate supplements for weight loss


Not much is known about the safety of the long-term use of African mango. There is some evidence that African mango can trigger mild side effects such as headache, dry mouth, sleep disorders, and gastrointestinal problems.

There is a certain risk when purchasing unverified food supplements, as the actual content of some products may differ from what is stated on the product label. Please also note that the safety of mango supplements in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and people who are taking prescribed medication has not been established.

Possible allergies:

If you are allergic to latex, you are probably allergic to unripe mango too. The reason for this is the so-called anacardic acid, which is also present in the other fruits which belong to the Anacardiaceae family (commonly known as the cashew family).

Among the most common immediate reactions of the body is itching on the lips, especially in the corners of the mouth, as well as at the tip of the tongue. In severe cases, swelling, vomiting, diarrhea or difficulty in breathing may occur.

Mango shell and tree mango juice contain urushiol, an aggressive allergen, also found in poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Urushiol is sticky oil, a mixture of organic toxic substances with allergenic properties.

A ripe mango should not cause such allergic reactions, but be careful, rather make a test before eating the whole fruit – eat a small piece of mango and wait for some time after. If nothing happens, you’re not allergic to its substances.

Final thoughts: Mango juice recipe for weight loss

Regular consumption of mango can contribute to the health of metabolism but only together with a balanced and healthy diet. Experts advise eating fresh mango as often as possible. Fresh mango juice is also an excellent choice – try our mango juice recipe for weight loss, I bet you will love the taste.

Cranberry Juice Detox will Help you Live Longer

Why are cranberries so healthy?

Cranberry is a resident of the northern swamps, a representative of the family of heather, shale evergreen shrub. It grows in sphagnum forests, in swampy places and along the banks of lakes. Red droplets of berries on a green carpet leaves in the autumn – a beautiful sight for those who gather it. Due to all health benefits, the occasional cranberry juice detox a good decision.


Nutritional value of cranberry juice

The juice of this berry contains a large amount of salicylic acid, antioxidant compounds, and vitamin C. On a 100 g product comes only forty-five calories, so it is ideal for proper nutrition and cranberry juice detox.

And yet, the cranberry is an excellent source of carbohydrates, proteins, and energy. It contains such vitamins as niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin K, E, and B-6, as well as phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

Cranberry is a representative of the Veresov family, native to North America. Ironically, the properties of these small berries are used in the treatment of many diseases, both in folk medicine and in traditional medicine.

How can you make cranberry detox cocktail

Cranberry fights with obesity

Cranberry juice is rich in organic acids, which give emulsified effects on fatty deposits in our body. This is great news for people who want to lose extra pounds and accelerate metabolism.

In addition to cranberry juice detox, you can also try herbal Red Tea Detox, which is supported by science and has a strong effect on the fat cells shrinking. It is intended for those who want to lose a lot of excess weight in a quick, safe and healthy way.

Herbal tea detox
Cranberry juice detox Recipes

All ingredients are for daily use. They should be mixed in a blender and drunk during the day instead of food at the unloading days. In addition to a cocktail, simple water or unsweetened cranberry juice is allowed. On other days, cranberry juice detox drink can be drunk 1-2 times a day.

 Option 1

  • 1 cup of soy beverage
  • 1 cup of grapefruit or orange juice
  • 1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice
  • 1 cup of soy yogurt
  • A teaspoon of sprouted wheat germs
  • A teaspoon of linseed oil

Option 2

  • Juice of 8 oranges
  • Juice of 4 lemons
  • Two bananas
  • Two peeled and sliced apples
  • 2 cups of cranberry juice

How else can you use cranberry to lose weight:

  • Add the berries to the fresh cabbage salad with apples;
  • Mix white yogurt with a tablespoon of cranberries;
  • Sauerkraut with these berries is a great fat burner;
  • Beat lean cheese with a handful of berries – this is an excellent diet dessert.

In a word, you should make yourself a “cranberry week,” because the result promises to be positive for your health.

Other healing effects of cranberry juice detox on the body

cranberry juice detox
  • The benefits of cranberry juice detox include pain relief in diseases of the urinary tract, urolithiasis, heart disease, and even cancer.
  • It is also useful for the prevention of stomach upsets, diabetes and gum inflammation, which is due to dental plaque.
  • Phytonutrients, which are natural plant substances present in a cranberry, perfectly prevent a large number of health problems.
  • Cranberry is a universal purpose berry; its beneficial properties make it a useful food, and an effective remedy for the treatment of diseases.

The Latin name for the cranberries is Vaccinium macrocarpon and the native land in North America. Spinach, apples, and broccoli are not able to compete with it in an incredible antioxidant saturation. In one cup of berries, there are about 8983 antioxidant units.

Fighting the tumor

Polyphenolic compounds present in the juice, which provide effectiveness in the fight against tumors.

Studies have confirmed that its constant intake of food inhibits the growth and spread of small tumors of the breast and prostate gland, colon, and others. The aforementioned salicylic acid helps to reduce edema, prevents the formation of blood clots and eliminates tumors.

Improves the health of the cardiovascular system

Cranberry juice can help reduce the risk of heart disease and maintain the health of the cardiovascular system. Flavonoids contained in cranberry are endowed with antioxidant properties, so they can reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by narrowing arteries due to the accumulation of cholesterol, fat, and calcium in the blood. Thus, the influx of these blood components enriched in different parts of the body may cause potentially fatal effects, such as heart attack and stroke.

The compounds of flavonoids in cranberry juice have demonstrated their ability to maintain and inhibit the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein, and stimulate blood platelets in a beneficial way.

Treatment of urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are caused by the presence of certain microorganisms in the urine, the level of which exceeds the normal. These infections may develop in the bladder, causing cystitis in the kidneys. It, in turn, is the cause of renal parenchyma or prostate, which eventually leads to bacterial prostatitis.

According to research results, cranberry juice contains proanthocyanins, which prevent the bacteria from binding on the cell walls of the bladder. Proanthocyanins do not allow bacteria to multiply and, in the process of urinating, remove them from the body. It is proved that the systematic use of juice from this berry can prevent recurring diseases of the urinary tract that occurs in pregnant and middle-aged people.

The regular intake of this sour liquor also brings tremendous benefit to patients who have been exposed to other ailments of the urinary tract. Also, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing such diseases among women who have undergone planned gynecological surgery.

The study also suggests that cranberry juice can help prevent the onset of urinary tract infections in children. But it is important to understand that it is good only as a preventive agent and it cannot cure the illness itself.

Prevents caries

According to a new study, cranberry juice prevents the appearance of caries of teeth. Proanthocyanins, a chemical compound present in a cranberry, suppress harmful bacteria on human teeth. These components block the production of acids and protect teeth from various diseases.

Good hygiene of the oral cavity, along with the consumption of cranberries, violates the pathogenetic mechanism of caries development. At the same time, you should consider the level of sugar and the acidity of cranberry juices from the store. Natural juice is always the best!

Fighting with respiratory infections

According to the study, cranberry juice detox helps suppress some strains of the hemophilic infection, which is a frequent cause of ear and respiratory infections in children.

The juice inhibits bacteria and blocks their negative effects on the human body.

==> Related: Herbs that prevent and treat infections

Strengthens the bones and teeth

Who would have thought that this sour drink contains substances that strengthen bones and teeth. Natural cranberry juice is a natural source of calcium that reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Prevents Pneumonia

In the winter period, a very unpleasant phenomenon is a respiratory disease. To avoid them, it is not enough to just dress warmly, but also to do prevention, drinking berry juices, especially cranberries.

The fresh beverage is effective in controlling infections, as well as manifestations of a sore throat and colds.

Prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys

With age, there is a high risk of kidney stones, which may require surgical intervention. To effectively take care of the health of the kidneys, doctors advise folk methods, namely, to consume more sour foods.

Cranberry juice is ideally suited for such prevention. The high content of acid components prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys.

Treatment of ulcers of the stomach

Peptic ulcers are caused by the type of bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which affects the protective layers of the stomach and duodenum, the first part of the intestine. This can lead to further inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach.

Products such as cranberries, apples, and garlic are rich in flavonoids and include anthocyanins, flavanols, and proanthocyanins.

They help reduce the risk of stomach upset and inhibit the growth of bacteria. In a research study conducted in a group of patients with this type of stomach upset, 50% of the benefits were found in patients who did not use cranberry juice.

Therefore, doctors are often advised to include this juice in their daily diet to suppress infections.

Prevents cancer

Cranberry contains proanthocyanins, which weaken the growth of various cancer cells. According to studies, a rich flavonoid diet plays a fundamental role in reducing the risk of developing cancer.

Cranberry juice contains anti-carcinogenic ingredients that prevent the growth of cancer cells. Especially those that contribute to cancer of the colon and prostate.

According to research, proanthocyanins can stop the development of microvascular in the blood vessels. Regular use of cranberry juice prevents rapid tumor growth.

==> Related: Medicinal herb Aspalathus Linearis

Prevents scurvy

Vitamin C deficiency in humans can lead to scurvy. Cranberry provides a high level of vitamin C, which also has special significance for the skin. It reproduces collagen – the main component for the healthy functioning of tissues.

Treats inflammation of the lungs

Anti-inflammatory action of cranberry juice is effective in controlling many types of viruses that affect the lungs. The fact is that present in a cranberry substance called Nondialyzable prevents the development of viral infections.

Rejuvenating effect

The data suggest that the richness of Phyto constrictors and antioxidants present in the cranberry plays a vital role in protecting health from age-related problems such as memory loss and lack of coordination.

Cranberry has many therapeutic properties that help protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals. They promote aging, and cranberries prevent it by making the skin younger.

==> Related: Best anti-aging skin care

Use in foods

Cranberries in yogurt

These bitter berries become an integral ingredient in the preparation of various dishes, giving them an exquisite taste and unique flavor. In particular: Muffins will be even tastier if you add dried cranberries to the dough.

The special taste and the undoubted benefits of cranberries will also be added to the muesli. About one liter of juice can be removed from 1500 grams of fresh cranberry.

Also, the cranberry extract is used to prepare different sauces and cocktails. The juice of these berries is mixed with cocktails and other cold drinks to cheer well. These ways of using cranberries can deliver you not only pleasure but also great benefits.

Fat Burning Fruit Infused Water Recipes

Fruit infused water for weight loss

By this time, it is often very fashionable to do detox diets to detoxify the body after the binge and to start the year on the right foot, eating well and leading a healthy lifestyle. In the end, we have not encouraged ourselves to do this type of diet but we want to bring you a very easy recipe that helps to cleanse our bodies, a detox fat burning fruit infused water or for everyone to understand, water with lemon, cucumber, and mint.

Most people find it hard to drink water. Some drink it only when they are thirsty or at meals but also find it impossible to go with the bottle on their back or drink it just for sure.

fat burning fruit infused water recipes

The number one advice for staying fit is to drink the right amount of water every day

That of infused waters in fact, besides being a new trend in wellness is also an easy way to boost the efforts of those who want to lose weight.

Infused water can also be called detox water, or fruit infused water, it can be a combination of fruits and vegetables. With the many flavors, fruit infused water has no calories which makes it a very powerful and useful technique to burn fat and gain better health.

For extreme fat burning, we recommend Red Tea Detox, which contains 5 herbs and is based on scientific research. Read more about it here:

Red Tea Detox full review

You are what you drink

Man and woman drinking water

The high consumption of carbonated drinks is one of the most damaging things you can do to your body.

Although it is often said that taking diet drinks is not harmful, these can negatively affect our health in more than one way.

Dietary carbonated beverages are full of unpleasant ingredients, such as fructose syrup or aspartame, which can damage your health in the long term. People who drink them on a daily basis are much more likely to be overweight, not to mention depression, headaches and mood swings.

Instead, try to create flavored water by adding honey and lime. Organic homemade lemonade is the best solution! If you need an energy boost early in the morning, try a cup of warm water and a few drops of lemon. This will help you to fix your immune system and prepare the digestive system for the whole day.

8 fruit infused water recipes for detox and fat burning

Glass of water with infused fruit
  • Detox Water Fat Burner

With this recipe, you can prepare a fat burning fruit infused water that frees you from toxins and that can really help you lose weight.

Add to 350 ml of water two tablespoons of apple vinegar, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (which helps to limit the sense of hunger). Mix everything in a blender. Pour into a glass and add half apple, cut into slices (rich in fiber).

  • Simple Detox Water to drink in the morning

The best way to purify yourself every day is to drink as soon as you wake up, on an empty stomach, a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon. Drinking about 250 ml of water and lemon every morning will feel better because the body will purify from toxins.

Water can be drunk either at room temperature, or hot, or very cold, adding ice cubes to the glass.

  • Detox Water Slimming

Cucumber is diuretic and can be useful to counteract water retention. Lemon and lime eliminate toxins and grapefruit helps to burn fat. Add 1.5l of water to half a grapefruit cut into slices, half a cucumber into slices, half a lemon and half a lime (always cut into slices) and a couple of mint leaves. Leave to rest in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving.

Drink this amount of flavored fat burning fruit infused water every day to achieve the desired effect.

  • Lemon, mint and cucumber detox water

Drinking a lot of water is considered the most immediate way to purify the body. If you add other elements the effects can be even more important: mint, lemon and cucumber slices favor the acceleration of metabolism and help to expel toxins more effectively.

  • Apple, cinnamon slimming water

A zero-calorie fat burning fruit infused water with a strong taste is that which can be prepared simply by slicing an apple and leaving it in infusion, with two sticks of cinnamon, in a bottle of water. Those who want an even stronger taste can abound with cinnamon.

  • Aloe drink

L ‘ Aloe has a detoxifying effect and elements that help the immune system. Not only that: the consumption of water with infused aloe lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels as well as supporting the digestive system. How to prepare it? Just a leaf of aloe, dig its pulp and mix in a glass of water with lemon juice.

  • Lemon ginger detox water

The ginger is known for its soothing properties and for being a wonderful purifying element. Mixed with lemon you have a perfect detox recipe that is easy to prepare. Just a bottle of water, add the juice of half a lemon and grate half a ginger nut.

The advice is to consume this fat burning fruit infused water in the morning to expel toxins and leave with the right foot.

  • Watermelon water

Watermelon has always been an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. In this case, the detox recipe is very simple: just cut a few pieces of watermelon and let it infuse for a couple of hours in a bottle of water to prepare a rich and detoxifying drink.

Added Benefits of Taking Fruit Infused Water

Fat burning fruit infused water with lemon

Increase your energy

Detox water can make you more energetic. If you are exhausted and without energy, drink a glass of water enriched with the substances (essential minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients from vegetables, fruits, and herbs) that are necessary for the body.

The cause of your tiredness may be dehydration, which can increase general fatigue and cause malaise. The right amount of water also helps your heart to accelerate the transmission of oxygen and food into cells.

infused apple water

Get rid of toxic waste from the body

Detoxification is a process by which the excess of toxins from the body is removed. In our body, toxins and chemicals from the contaminated environment are accumulated on a daily basis. Toxins are also introduced into the body with coffee, energy drinks, cigarettes, alcohol, medicine, and sugary food. Therefore, it is important to cleanse our organs – liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, blood, and skin.

We all know that is important to drink water throughout the day. The best is detox water, which is enriched with vitamins, minerals, and other natural healing substances.

infused raspberry water

Strengthen your immune system

Water acts as an accelerator in restoring body functions. At the appropriate amounts we ingest, it helps in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. The organs are important because they remove the toxic substances and salts from the blood.

With regular water use, you can enhance protection against kidney stones, headaches, and other health problems.

infused orange water

Water slows down aging

Water keeps the skin moist, soft, youthful and without wrinkles. That’s why it’s an excellent anti-aging agent if you use it regularly.

In addition, you will prevent dehydration and make you look younger than your age. Try out this simple tip before you spend small assets for anti-aging agents.