Himalayan Salt Cleanse Benefits under Scrutiny

Himalayan salt flushes: a detox based on testimonials rather than science

In the past few years, detoxing and cleansing have become increasingly trending in circles of fitness and health. Their legitimacy is often questioned and the science behind them as well, but many who do cleanses report feeling much better after doing so, indicating that there may be something to them after all. Two common cleanses that have grown out of the increased attention are salt cleanses and juice cleanses. Today we’re talking about salt cleanses and Himalayan salt cleanse benefits specifically.

Pink Himalayan salt cleanse benefits and side effects explained

The two main types of salt that are commonly used for salt cleanses are light grey Celtic sea salt and pink Himalayan salt. Although both of these salts work similar effects, we’ll be focusing on the results and what you can expect when participating in a Himalayan salt cleanse. You’ve likely seen Himalayan salt used in many forms, so let’s learn a little more about what Himalayan salt is exactly, and why it seems to be everywhere you look.

What is Himalayan salt and how is it good for you?

While you might think that Himalayan salt and table salt share similar properties, they’re actually very different. Pink Himalayan salt contains up to 98% sodium chloride. The remainder of pink Himalayan salt is made of minerals, including potassium, calcium and magnesium. It’s these minerals that make Himalayan salt pink in color. Himalayan salt has an incredible range of uses, including cutting boards, dishes, bath salts, lamps, and of course salt cleanses or “flushes.”

An entire article could be written on the benefits of Himalayan salt lamps and you probably know someone who has one in their house or apartment. The benefits of these lamps include putting you in a better mood, lessening the impact of allergies and asthma, increasing circulation, energizing you, and equalizing electromagnetic radiation among other benefits. So, you’re probably realizing right now that Himalayan salt is one of those materials provided by the Earth that seems to have boundless applications and benefits, indicating that there’s something special to it.

In addition to these many uses, it can also be used in place of table salt to give your body the sodium supply that it needs. This of course doesn’t mean that Himalayan salt is necessarily “healthy” for you and that you should eat as much of it as you can. It’s still salt, and we all know that excess sodium is not good for you, although your body does require a daily intake of sodium to help it function. Sodium helps our muscles to work without cramping, it helps keep you hydrated, it maintains your nervous system and helps to keep your blood pressure from bottoming out.

A Himalayan salt rock which is used as a food additive as table salt, for cooking and also colon cleanse, decorative lamps, and spa treatments

The American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than 2300 mg of sodium per day, with the ideal range being under 1500 mg daily. If you exceed these limits, you can start to see negative side effects and health impacts such as high blood pressure and an increased risk of stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis, and more. So, be careful with your salt intake, but make sure to get some each day to keep your body running smoothly.

What is a detox and is it worth it?

Now to the detoxes and cleanses and the science, or lack thereof, behind them. Detoxing, short for detoxification, is ridding your body of toxins and harmful bacteria. The basis for detoxing is that these negative substances in your body can cause cancer and disease, according to those who buy into the detox theory.

Advocates for cleansing state that the benefits include feeling better, more energetic, having better skin health, losing weight, and maintaining a healthy gut. But the reality is that none of this is based in science and there are little to no studies that back up these claims behind cleanses and detoxing. Doctors cite better alternatives to cleansing that offer many more benefits, including drinking more water or eating more whole grains and vegetables.

One confirmed useful application of cleansing is for those rehabbing from substance and drug use, as cleansing can help to flush drugs from your body to cope during withdrawal periods. It’s true that your body does take in a lot of toxins. Toxins come in many forms, from air pollution to mercury and arsenic in your water supply, to chemicals in your food, and more. But flushing out your colon really doesn’t do anything in terms of ridding your body of these toxins.

The elimination of toxic substances is one of the functions of the liver and kidneys

Alternatively, it’s usually your kidneys and liver that handle the task of getting rid of toxins. Those who have liver disease are the only ones who should be concerned about their liver not being able to handle the toxins that their body is throwing at it. But even in those circumstances, no studies back up claims that detoxing helps those who suffer from liver disease. And some medical professionals have even gone as far as to say that flushing your colon does more harm for your body than it does good.

Flushing can disturb microbes that help to remove bad bacteria from your colon, and it can put stress on the organs that actually do the real detoxing, your liver and kidneys. So, if you’re considering a salt cleanse, keep these things in mind.

However, in spite of all of these forewarnings, many people still engage in saltwater flushes, and it’s because those who do it often report feeling better afterward. So, who’s right, science or those who have experienced it? They’re likely both right, saltwater cleanses can help you to feel better, lighter and feel more energetic, but it can come at a cost.

What is a saltwater flush and what are Himalayan salt cleanse benefits?

Himalayan salt for salt water flush

The main idea behind saltwater flushes is that you drink a homemade saltwater mixture in a specified period of time to force a bowel movement. This is said to help your digestive process by regulating it and helping you to feel less bloated and lazy.

Proponents of flushes say that those people who don’t have regular bowel movements can have a build-up of toxins and heavy metals that can inflame your colon, weigh you down, and even lead to disease. These people who don’t have bowel movements frequently enough are said to make up one-fifth of the population.

It is also cited as a quick way to lose weight, although keep in mind that you’re not losing any fat from flushes, you’re simply losing weight by removing the slow-moving food in your digestive system. So, don’t expect the weight you lose from a flush to stay off, as once you eat again you’ll likely gain that weight right back, similar to sweating out “water weight.”

If you’re experiencing frequent constipation, the cause of that most likely isn’t toxins in your colon, but rather a nutritional deficiency, for example, a lack of fiber or water. Other benefits of saltwater flushes are regulating your body’s pH levels, getting rid of water trapped in your body, regulating hormone spikes, boosting your metabolism, and all of the benefits of consuming your daily sodium, which were mentioned earlier.

There are levels to detoxing and laxative supplements, and when it comes down to it, saltwater flushes are one of the more healthy options, but that doesn’t mean that they’re good for you, just kind of a lesser evil.

How to do a saltwater flush

If you’re still interested in a saltwater flush after two paragraphs of listing their long list of negatives and short list of positives (some causes require sacrifice, I suppose), here is how a salt water flush is carried out. We hope you will experience as many Himalayan salt cleanse benefits as possible.

  • It’s best to do the cleanse on an empty stomach in the morning before you eat breakfast. Make sure that you have two hours to spare, since you’ll be experiencing a very large and urgent bowel movement within that timeframe, so you don’t want to be stuck in traffic or in a meeting. Your flush will likely require more than one bowel movement, but in total it will take about two hours.

  • Those who do saltwater flushes recommend 2 teaspoons of Himalayan salt in one liter of hot water, mixed thoroughly, with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. You can do this in a jar with a lid to make it easier to mix by shaking.

  • Drink the mixture within a five-minute time frame, and lay on your side and massage your stomach, alternating sides, and hold the salt in your system for a half an hour if possible. After that, your bowel movement should begin.

  • Even those who do saltwater flushes don’t do them often, only once every few weeks. Listen to feedback your body is giving you and adjust how you feel best.

Final thoughts: Himalayan salt cleanse benefits

Although there is a lot of hype around Himalayan salt and flushes, both are based on testimonials more than they’re based on science. However, it can’t be denied that testimonials go a long way, so if you plan on doing a salt water flush, do them in moderation and keep an eye out for symptoms or complications. You’re probably better off adjusting your diet and drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables to regulate your digestion.

Activated Charcoal for Stomach Bug and Detox

Activated Charcoal: What this detox wonder supplement helps with and how to take it

Activated charcoal is a new health trend that has broken into the mainstream recently. However, activated charcoal for stomach bug has been known to be a useful supplement for quite some time. Some coffeeshops are offering activated charcoal shots, and other markets are offering it in the form of juices.

It’s been known for its ability to treat those contaminated with poison, heavy metals, and toxins. The activated charcoal helps to flush these toxins out, making it great for treatment but also great for other things such as anti-aging and heart health.  Activated charcoal might be beneficial for you if you’ve recently eaten a not so nutritious meal and need a detox.

Activated charcoal powder used for detoxification and treating and preventing the stomach bug

What is activated charcoal?

Activated charcoal is created from burning a carbon specimen such as wood or coconut shells. The “activation” occurs through high temperatures that remove all oxygen and alter its chemical makeup to create tiny particles that as a whole yield greater surface area. This new product is incredibly fine charcoal with numerous tiny pores that are capable of capturing, binding, and removing toxins, chemicals, gases, and more.

The activated charcoal works due to its negative charge that attracts charged toxins. This same technology is used in many popular water filters, such as Brita filters. The activated charcoal doesn’t remove the toxins in your body on its own. It’s not a toxin incinerator, it adsorbs the toxins, meaning that it simply binds them.

What benefits does activated charcoal offer?

Activated charcoal for detox

Activated charcoal can offer you a plethora of benefits. First, it can aid you with detoxing. This detox could lessen the damage of processed food, environmental and air pollution, and more. These toxins can cause your body to fatigue quicker and can decrease brain function and cognition.

If exposed to these toxins for extended periods of time, it can be as devastating as cellular damage, allergic reactions, weakened immunity, and aging. Activated charcoal can have a quick effect on these toxins, and you can start feeling better in a matter of minutes.

Activated charcoal for stomach bug

Activated charcoal has also been found to help with some intestinal disorders and issues. Digesting certain disagreeable foods can create gas or diarrhea. Activated charcoal for stomach bug remedies these issues as it runs throughout your digestive tract.

Activated carbon can also adsorb poisons, pesticides, and dangerous chemicals from your body. Certainly, most of these things require a hospital visit, but if you have activated charcoal on hand, it can’t hurt to pop a capsule before you leave. This can even help in instances where you accidentally take too much of a medicine. But consult a doctor or emergency room as fast as possible if you encounter any dangerous intake of poison, medicine, or chemicals.

Activated charcoal and aging

Since activated charcoal assists with cell repair and cell function, it can help you to age slower. Studies have shown that activated charcoal can increase the lives of animals up to 34 percent. It also makes your brain less sensitive to toxins and increases overall clarity of your mind. It also boosts your body’s toughness by improving the function and immunity of key organs such as your liver, kidneys, and adrenals.

It lowers cholesterol levels and increases heart health

Activated charcoal supplements have been found to lower cholesterol levels and increase heart health. One study found that patients who consumed 8 grams of activated charcoal three times a day lowered their cholesterol count by 25%.

Furthermore, they also lowered their LDL cholesterol by 41 percent and increased their HDL (good cholesterol) by 8 percent. Scientific research on tissues at the microscopic level shows that daily doses of activated charcoal can counter abnormal hardening in heart and coronary blood vessels.

How should I take my activated charcoal for stomach bug?

The harder that you try to keep your body clean and toxin-free, the quicker that you’ll realize how prone you are to toxins in your food and environment around you, and how hard it is to stay clean. It can be made even more difficult when you’re traveling or when you have a busy schedule. Things like commercial flights make you vulnerable to high levels of airborne toxins, and much of the food you eat has harmful chemicals and processing applied to it.

Once you have a poor-quality meal or are traveling or doing something that makes you prone to toxins, you should take some activated charcoal. Once taken, it generally only takes around 10 minutes to work and you might even be able to feel the difference in that time span. Activated charcoal can also help you when you drink poor-quality coffee, drink alcohol, if you feel fatigued or under the weather, or if your mood is off.

Aside from these specific situations, a daily dose of activated charcoal is a good way to stay on top of things and ensure that you stay guarded against toxins in the environment around you. Activated coconut charcoal is perfect for this. Take it between meals and a few hours after taking any vitamin or mineral supplements, since the activated charcoal can hinder how well these vitamins are absorbed by your body.

Activated charcoal powder

There are some activated charcoal products for your skin and teeth that are topical. The effectiveness of these products hasn’t been backed up by any research. So, if you’re looking for something proven, stick to taking your activated charcoal by mouth.

It’s important to think of activated charcoal as a sponge, meaning if you take some other useful substance via ingestion, such as a medicine or a vitamin, the activated charcoal can bind to that just as easily as it can to toxins in your body. So, after you take medicine or vitamins, give them some time to absorb before you start consuming your daily dose of activated charcoal for the stomach bug.

It’s advisable that you talk to a doctor if you’re interested in consuming activated charcoal regularly. Your doctor can help you to gauge the correct dosage and schedule for you. Every person reacts differently to activated charcoal, so you might need more or less than the average person. To start with, here are some baseline values you can expect.

How much should I take?

  • For a dosage, two 500mg capsules is helpful for dealing with processed food or alcohol consumption. Note that this might be higher than a recommended daily dosage and more of a corrective dose after you consume something harmful.

  • A recommended daily dose most likely starts somewhere around 25-100 grams. You can even add your activated charcoal to recipes and get your supplement through the meals you eat.

  • If you’re on prescription medication, be extra sure to speak to your doctor about how and when you should take activated charcoal. A window of two to three hours is generally advisable between taking your prescription and consuming activated charcoal.

  • Make sure that you’re consuming plenty of fluids. Aside from drinking water being generally one of the best things you can do, activated charcoal can cause constipation if you consume too much. As with anything, it’s best in moderation and you can get too much of a good thing. You can counteract this constipation with 300-400 mg of magnesium glycate a few hours after taking your activated charcoal.

  • Also note that activated charcoal may turn your stool black, in fact, it probably will. This can be helpful because it shows you how long it takes for your digestion to cycle after eating. 

Final thoughts: Activated charcoal for stomach bug and detox

There are many ways to remove toxins and parasites from your body, and the use of activated charcoal for stomach bug is just one of these methods. Keep in mind that you should also be trying to reduce the amount of sugar and inflammatory foods that you intake. A healthy sleep schedule and stress maintenance is also key to staying healthy and strengthening your immunity. Sometimes people can use supplements as an excuse to lack in other areas. While it can be a useful tool, you should still be actively trying to improve your health in other ways other than supplementation.

If you’re dealing with intestinal issues, lack cardiovascular health, eat bad foods from time to time, or have been feeling depressed or moody lately, activated charcoal supplements might be your friend. It’s an effective method that’s been used since the 1800s and is still working for people today.

Flush toxins out of your body by binding them to the charcoal and letting your natural digestive process carry them out of your body through your stool. And as always, if you’re dealing with a chronic or persistent issue, don’t try to diagnose yourself, see a doctor immediately and mention activated charcoal if you think it could be a useful tool for you.

Hot Drinks to Lower Cholesterol

Can drinking hot beverages lower cholesterol?

Diet and exercise are the two main ingredients to keeping your cholesterol in check, and that certainly has not changed. However, there are some studies that have added a new layer to the potential list of things that can help in this area. Drinking a lot of cold water has been proven to help with weight loss, but drinking hot water and healthy hot drinks have had an interesting impact on the digestive system and the body’s ability to break down particles.

Hot drinks to lower bad cholesterol level

What is high cholesterol?

To understand how hot drinks can help lower cholesterol, it is first important to understand what it means to have high cholesterol in the first place. Cholesterol is a substance that is necessary for building healthy cells throughout the body. However, when you have a diet that is high in fats, drink excessive alcohol and many other factors then you can develop too much cholesterol.

Essentially, your bloodstream stores fatty deposits when you have too much cholesterol and that can prevent the blood from moving freely throughout the body and fueling all organs properly. High cholesterol can lead to stroke or heart attack and any other number of issues. Once it is contracted, it is manageable but there need to be serious lifestyle changes and medical advice.

There are genetic markers that can make you more susceptible to high cholesterol, just as with any other illness or condition. However, the vast majority of cases are preventable with significant reduction in fatty foods, a regular exercise regimen and loading up on the fruits and veggies! We are going to share with you all of the ways that hot drinks can also contribute to lowering or preventing any cholesterol issues.

How do hot drinks help?

There are several reasons why hot drinks can help lower cholesterol, one of which being how the temperature creates stimulation. Hot drinks can help stimulate the digestive tract and allow your body to break down food items while using less energy to do so. It also creates stimulation of the blood circulation in your body, and since cholesterol has so much to do with what is found in the bloodstream and arteries, that can be a huge help.

The temperature of hot drinks can also help flush toxins out of the body through the bloodstream, flush the toxins out through the digestive system and cause a body temperature increase which can help flush toxins out through the pores. This also helps the body break down any build up in the bloodstream or elsewhere that may impact your cholesterol levels.

What types of hot drinks?

There are so many different herbal teas that can be of assistance in lowering cholesterol. There are also fresh juices that can be heated up as a way of flushing the body. However, the magic juice, the secret sauce, the golden wine that has always and will forever fuel the body still remains – WATER!

Hot water

A cup of hot water every morning is a great way to jumpstart your day with a cleansing substance. However, you don’t have to drink it plain to get the maximum effect. There are natural items that contribute to cholesterol levels and can easily be added to the water that you drink, so you might as well load that cup full of them!


Ginger is a natural combatant of high cholesterol and can be added to warm water in the mornings. You may have heard about “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol but may not know exactly what that means. HDL is the healthy cholesterol that you want to build those healthy cells and LDL is that bad cholesterol that causes heart disease and other major problems. Ginger has been known to improve the levels of HDL in the body while simultaneously lowering LDL, so it is the perfect companion to a cup of hot water in the morning.

The same diet and exercise issues that cause high cholesterol can cause diabetes and obesity, so we suggest making the most out of that daily cup of hot water by adding a couple of extra items.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice has also been known to stimulate the digestive tract and improve your metabolism. We highly recommend adding a lot of lemon juice, try squeezing either half or one entire lemon into the cup and if you drink it first thing in the morning before your breakfast, you will see a major shift in your body!

Peppermint leaves

 Lastly, add a few peppermint leaves to make your cup of hot water into a full-on tea. Peppermint leaves have been known to lower glucose levels in the body. Although diabetes is more impacted by genetics than cholesterol is, those same diet and exercise decisions that impact your cholesterol can exacerbate your chances of contracting diabetes.

Hot water with lemon, ginger and peppermint

Green tea

Try with green tea. A Chinese study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that antioxidants in green tea have a significant effect on reducing harmful LDL cholesterol, consequently reducing the risk of heart attack by 11%.  Always make sure of the origin and quality of green tea as it may contain high levels of fluoride, lead and aluminum. You definitely want to avoid these substances.

Final thoughts: Hot drinks to lower cholesterol

Yes, diet and exercise is the reoccurring theme for your overall health and wellness goals and that is not changing any time soon. However, there are all kinds of tips and tricks to improve your chances of reaching those goals and hot drinks are just one option.

Spend the next 30 days drinking one cup of hot water with ginger, lemon juice and peppermint leaves and share how you feel with us! Be an inspiration to those who are looking for a hot drink that can lower their cholesterol and improve their overall health.

How to Stop Being an Alcoholic

No thanks, I don’t drink

The answer to the question “How to stop being an alcoholic?” lies within yourself. The first step to quitting alcohol is to admit you have a problem, the old mantra is true. Once you can acknowledge and identify that problem then the next step is to take full accountability for it.

You cannot blame anyone else, not your stressful job or family drama or trauma in your past. Yes, addiction is a disease but it is a disease that causes you to make choices and those choices are what you need to take accountability for.

How to stop being an alcoholic

Developing a personal action plan for alcohol addiction recovery

Once you are ready to get better, the next step is developing a plan of action. Most people will go straight to the extremes of rehabilitation centers or Alcoholics Anonymous, and these are very valid and helpful options. However, not everyone can speak openly in a group like that and not everyone can afford a full-time in-house rehab facility. They can cost thousands of dollars and state-run facilities can have year-long waiting lists or even more.

So, if you have found yourself in this circumstance, what should you do? You’ve admitted that you’re an alcoholic, you know that you cannot afford or take the time off for an in-house rehabilitation center and the idea of sitting with a group of strangers to divulge the deepest parts of your journey makes you cringe.

This is the time for something that experts call “spontaneous sobriety” in the sense that people spontaneously decide to quit without having professional help and aren’t sure of what they are in for.

Studies have shown that those who spontaneously decide to quit are actually between four and seven times more likely to remain sober. This could be because they are truly ready to stop and are deciding it out of their own desires to quit without influence from others.

This is part of why the prep work is so important so that you can be certain that you can quit on your own and stick to your plan. So how to stop being an alcoholic? There is a commonly used process that many people find effective called CORE: Commit, Objectify, Respond, and Enjoy. Keep reading and find out how this technique can help you put the bottle down for good!

How to stop being an alcoholic – the Prep Work

Admitting the problem and accepting responsibility are two parts of the preparation that you need to do before you can start implementing CORE. The next step is to get an understanding of the problem that you have. You need to do some self-reflecting to get to what drove you to drink in the first place, what triggers in your daily life make you want to drink, why have any other attempts in your past failed and what do you need to do this time to make it stick.

Part of why addiction is hard to shake is because the chemical imbalance that substances cause in our brains becomes normalized. This tricks your brain into a survival instinct that allows it to think that the chemical substance is a necessity to its function. That means that the more dependent your body becomes on a substance, the more your brain tells your body that it needs that substance to survive.

Getting to the root of why you began drinking can help give you the foundation to rewire your brain to run interference when it starts telling you that you crave alcohol. It will also help you to develop a plan of action for each step of the CORE recovery process.

Getting to the CORE of Addiction

C.O.R.E. of alcohol addiction

Now it’s time to get started on the first step of CORE – Commit.

You need to make a commitment mentally to your goal, no more “Well, I’ll quite this weekend” or “I’ll just stick to beer”. You need to say it out loud to yourself, “I will never drink again”. You have to acknowledge this from an honest place and that comes from the prep work.

You know that there are withdrawal symptoms with weening off of any substance in your life, so alcohol will not be an exception to that rule. When you make the commitment to stop drinking then you also need to commit to going through the physical pain and discomfort that the detox process is. You need to make a commitment to having a support system around you, the type of meal plan that you will use, ensuring that you have a sufficient supply of drinking water or herbal teas that will help you flush your system out.

The detox experience will depend on how heavily dependent you have been on the substance and for how long. Alcohol is a depressant but dependency on it destabilizes your emotions. As a result, you can get depressed while your body is detoxing from alcohol and you can become very melancholy. If you have a higher dependency on alcohol, your experience could be more extreme than others.

If you are concerned about being on the higher end of this spectrum, then you should consult your doctor prior to detoxing. Remember that the detox process is not curing your alcoholism, it is simply allowing your body to start over without physically interacting with the substance. If you are severely dependent then the withdrawal process can cause tremors, seizures or hallucinations and all of that can cause other medical concerns if they are not monitored correctly.

Let’s get to step two in the CORE process – Objectify.

This part may sound a little silly, but it is rooted in psychology that rewires your brain so it really does work! If you objectify the part of your brain that is dependent on alcohol as something outside of yourself, it can help your ability to cope. This helps your brain view the craving as something that “it” wants rather than something that “you” want and that will help you feel like you are in more control.

The process of objectifying the part of your brain that craves alcohol is intended to teach your brain that the need for alcohol is unnatural. It is not a part of how your body actually operates in a healthy way so that craving in itself is like an invader. That invader needs to be controlled and kept in check and that part is done by the healthy part of your brain, which is seen as a part of you. So, start thinking to yourself that “it” wants you to drink but “you” want to go to a yoga class instead!

The third step in the CORE process is to Respond.

This is where you start capitalizing on that commitment and the objectification of your cravings. Remember, that part of your brain is not a part of you, it is an invader and needs communication from you to be put in check so don’t be afraid to respond. Don’t respond with any hemming or hawing before giving a weak “no”, instead give a full-throated and determined “never” as your answer.

And keep bringing these conversations back to that initial commitment. Next time that your brain says that it wants a drink, respond to it by saying that you never want a drink again. Think of it as that annoying college buddy who always wants to relive the glory days and let that friend know that you have made a commitment to your sobriety. This will help you for when you are in social settings and providing a more polite response while in your head screaming “NEVER” at the top of your lungs.

The final step in the CORE process is the best part and this is the part that will set you up for years to come – Enjoy.

This is when you start to replace alcohol with things that make you happy but that are also good for you. Whether it’s joining a book club to exercise your brain or a cooking class to learn a healthier recipe to enjoy, you need to start filling your life with things that improve your health and are also fun.

They say that idle hands are the devil’s playground, and idle minds are that for addiction cravings. Do not be afraid of a relapse, because that is the addicted part of your brain trying to convince you that doing the work isn’t worth it or that you are not capable of quitting.

Keep working through these steps and over time you will see a world of difference, but try adding new tools every time that you relapse to see if there are natural supporters that you can work into these steps.

What Else Can Help?

  • Breathing techniques: We mentioned a yoga class earlier, and that was no accident. Part of the benefit of yoga is taking the time to learn about your own body. The positions being held and being able to move from one to the next all the while focusing on your breathing forces you to listen to your body and feel more in control. This process of becoming more in tune with your body can help you feel more in control of your addiction and recovery.

  • Acupuncture: There are also natural supplements and therapies that can assist you with the detox process as well as the lifestyle change that comes with recovery. Acupuncture is one that has been proven to support circulation and flow of the blood in your body. This is effective for repairing liver damage and making it function better after your detoxing. This also allows you to feel the positive effects of life without alcohol more deeply and feel healthier as you move into this new chapter of your life.

  • Light therapy: One of the side effects of alcoholism is the problem with sleeping. It is typical to develop insomnia as time moves forward. Light therapy is a great natural remedy for those who are struggling with this issue because not being able to sleep can be an easy trigger to give in to. Light therapy will help your brain fall asleep with more ease and consistency.

  • Cayenne pepper: There are foods that can assist the detox process as well, and yes they tend to be the standard healthy foods but they are even more important than normal when you decide to quit drinking. Cayenne pepper has been proven to suppress cravings so try adding it to your meals that first week. Many people will drink water infused with lemon and ginger as a cleansing version of regular water to drink throughout the day. If you are interested in the infused water, then add cayenne pepper to it and put it in your water bottle to have a handy tool against cravings throughout the day.

  • Low-fat proteins: While you are detoxing, part of the planning process when you make that commitment is to have healthy foods around that will give your body strength and maintain as healthy of a balance as possible. Make sure that you have a lot of low-fat proteins around the house like eggs or fish to keep your body strong.

  • Fruits and vegetables: Also be sure to have replacement sugars that are healthy for you like fruit. This will help curb the cravings for those sugar-laced cocktails or that glass of wine. The vegetables are also important in the detox process because the fiber will also support your body in the cleansing process.

  • Kudzu: If all else fails and you are still relapsing repeatedly or if you are struggling to be in social settings or are afraid to re-enter social settings then there is another natural product that can help you. There is a Chinese herb called kudzu that has been demonstrated to help people curb their drinking. It has been proven to increase blood flow to your brain and because of that, people who take it prior to drinking will drink significantly less quantities at a much slower pace.

This will help you stave off getting drunk or at least will cause you to feel the effects differently which can help you sip your drink rather than drinking the way that you used to.

Final thoughts: How to stop being an alcoholic?

At the end of the day, nothing works until you do. You have to be ready to make a change, to be healthier and to be happy in the truest sense of the word.

These remedies should help you succeed, but hopefully, the first step will come from within you because that is the only way to guarantee that success.

How Long does it Take for Probiotics to Work?

Find out how long does it take for probiotics to work

The amount of bacteria in your body is way higher when compared to the number of cells. A considerable percentage of these bacteria reside in the guts. However, you don’t need to worry about anything because most of them are quite harmless. In fact, they can lead you towards many health benefits. For example, you will be able to experience enhanced immune function, improved digestion and rapid weight loss due to the presence of these bacteria. In addition, you can also stay away from a variety of illnesses, while promoting healthier skin. Among the friendly bacteria that you have in the body, probiotics play a major role. This type of bacteria can deliver positive results to you when consumed. Most of the people tend to consume probiotics with the objective of experiencing the above-mentioned health benefits. However, many wonder how long it takes for the probiotics to work and provide you with the results that you expect after consumption.

how long does it take for probiotics to work

Well, there is no exact answer to this question. That’s because the time taken for probiotics to work vary depending on various factors. For example, the type of probiotic you consume would create a heavy impact on the time taken to deliver positive results.

What exactly are probiotics?

Probiotics are the live microbes, which are in a position to provide a range of health benefits to your body. However, you need to make sure that you are consuming probiotics in the right amounts to receive positive results. It is possible for you to purchase probiotics easily from the market. In fact, they are available as dietary supplements, food additives and fermented food.

Can probiotics deliver positive results for everyone?

No, the probiotics are not in a position to deliver positive results to everyone. Human beings differ from one another. That’s the main reason why probiotics are not in a position to provide positive results to everyone. The factors, which are unique for you, including your age, gene makeup, amount of bacteria that you have in the body, health and the diet are in a position to create an impact on the functionality of probiotics.

When you are consuming probiotics, you need to make sure that you consume them in the right amounts. Otherwise, you cannot expect them to work. On the other hand, you must also verify that you are consuming probiotics in the right way. For example, if you are taking supplements with probiotics, you need to go through the label carefully and follow the directions.

There are a few different strains in probiotics. You should also select the right strain out of them. That’s because all the strains cannot deliver positive results for every symptom. Therefore, you need to locate the right match based on the studies. If the quality of the product that you buy to source probiotics intake is poor, you cannot expect them to work as well. In most instances, improper storing practices can lead probiotics to get damaged. If you consume such foods, you cannot receive the benefits delivered by probiotics.

Related: Leaky gut supplements

How to get your probiotics to work?

Now you must be wondering how to get your probiotics to work. That’s not something difficult as you may think. Here are some useful tips that you can follow to ensure that.

To begin with, you have to make sure that you are settling down with a reputed brand that offers the probiotics supplement or probiotics containing food. You can do your own background research on the brand and go through customer reviews. Then you can figure out whether it is a reputed brand or not. You must always stick to a product, which provides evidence to highlight effectiveness.

As mentioned earlier, improper storage practices are in a position to create a negative impact on the probiotics. Therefore, you need to make sure that you purchase probiotics, which are stored properly by reading the supplement label and focusing on the storage specifications recommended by the manufacturer.

After you purchase probiotics, make sure that you are consuming it as directed. You must carefully follow the directions and familiarize yourself with the steps that need to be followed when consuming probiotics. Only in this way they can deliver much-needed results you expect.

The probiotics that you consume should also be in a position to survive within the body. By going through the product description, you can verify a supplement or a product, which will work. In addition, you should also keep an eye on the list of ingredients. It is better if you can stay away from products that have added binders or fillers, as they can cause allergic reactions.

probiotics aka leaky gut treatment supplements

How to choose the perfect probiotics for you?

Last but not least, let’s take a look at how to find the best probiotics available on the market for you.

  • You should begin your research by taking a look at the condition. You need to understand that probiotics cannot deliver positive results for all illnesses that you come across. Therefore, you need to match the symptom with the probiotics strain. Then you need to get your hands on the right microbe. It is better if you can go through the evidence, which support that the specific probiotic you are looking at can help you overcome symptoms.
  • The best choice of probiotics are those that have all the strains clinically tested and at the same time do not contain any stabilizers, emulsifiers, and fillers such as magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, maltodextrin and such. The product should only contain good bacteria – probiotics and food for good bacteria – prebiotics.
  • An important piece of information about probiotic potency that manufacturers also disclose is whether the prescribed CFU (colony-forming unit) content is contained in the product at the time of production or at the end of the expiration date. There is a possibility that the number of colony units will partly decline after production. It is usually very good to know that one or the other probiotics contain e.g. 5 milliards CFU at the end of the use-by date. However, if the probiotic contains 5 milliards CFUs at production, this number may also be decreasing during the product life cycle.
  • At the time of using probiotics, you should also stick to the recommended dosage. Then you will be able to receive the most effective results offered by them.

Final Words: How long does it take for probiotics to work?

Now you have a clear understanding of what probiotics are, how they can work and we have also learned that there are several different types of probiotics. In addition, you also know how much time it takes for the probiotics to work and how you can get them to work.

The best criterion for selecting probiotics is to check the type of bacteria it contains, how many of it, how many different strains it contains and whether a prebiotic is added.

Keep these facts in your mind when you are shopping for probiotics or consuming probiotics. Based on all this information and your own experience, it will be easier for you to decide on how to solve your digestive problems.

Bentonite Clay Colon Cleanse Instructions

Bentonite clay colon cleanse and the best colon cleanse recipe

Bentonite is derived from weathered volcanic ash deposits whose main component is a hydrated aluminum silicate called montmorillonite. Depending on the location where the source is, bentonite may contain magnesium, iron, and calcium or sodium. Bentonite clay colon cleanse can improve the functioning of the bowel and other organs.

The benefits of a colon cleansing with bentonite is that bentonite activity removes the old fecal matter from the walls of the intestines. It helps to remove accumulated toxins and parasites, support the immune system, restore bowel balance and strength, and stimulate and nourish organs.

bentonite clay colon cleanse

Bentonite and psyllium husk

Bentonite has been used for centuries by native peoples throughout the world as a bowel cleansing for the purpose of spiritual awakening.

Hydrated bentonite absorbs toxins and heavy metals, pesticides and free radicals that reside in the intestinal tract. Furthermore, medical research has shown the positive effects of psyllium on IBD (Crohn’s Disease and Colitis). Psyllium acts as prebiotics – it helps to heal the inner lining of the inflamed intestine. Psyllium husk has laxative effects and helps with various digestive problems, both in diarrhea and constipation.

Many researchers suggest that psyllium has a strong role in preventing gut cancer. It’s proven to lower blood cholesterol and presumably also treats hyperglycemia, obesity and many other diseases.

These are natural cleansers – colon health and natural weight loss is the result. The origin of bentonite is Canada.

Body toxicity

The colon is the garbage dump of the body, through which most of the waste we generate passes. After years of an incorrect diet, it becomes a real black hole that will cause a lot of diseases and will poison and contaminate our blood.

Although we visit the bathroom every day, traces of fecal matter accumulate in the intestinal villi. Fecal bacteria do a part of the cleaning work, but there may remain waste that solidifies and causes the diameter of the intestine to decrease, the decaying toxins pass to the blood and damage other vital organs, such as the brain, kidneys, etc.

Early warning signs are headaches, tiredness, bad skin color, dull eyes, heaviness, drowsiness, painful joints, the appearance of rheumatism and ailments that are attributed to age but have their origin in a dirty colon.

If there’s a lot of acidity in your body, it will be very difficult for you to lose weight, according to Liz Swann Miller, author of “Red Tea Detox” – a successful and well-researched program for detoxification and weight loss. The human organism has the ability to eliminate toxins by itself, but only if the toxins are not in excessive amounts. Some natural remedies such as psyllium husk and bentonite clay can help with a body cleanse and weight loss.

Related: Find out your body toxicity score 


How do we clean the colon?

There are different methods, the so-called colon hydrotherapy, which needs several sessions to do the complete cleansing and has to be done in a center with specialized equipment, and another simpler method that can be carried out at home.

Overloading toxins damages several processes in the body, including metabolism, says Gittleman. The psyllium fiber absorbs moisture and swells in the colon, helping to facilitate bowel movements and eliminate toxins. The bentonite clay absorbs toxins and removes years of accumulated material in the colon, according to Jacqueline Krohn and Frances Taylor, authors of “Natural Detoxification”.

Three elements must be used: hydrated Bentonite, which is a clay with a highly astringent power, meaning that it can absorb 5 times its size by retaining all the decomposing fecal substance that may be in the small and large intestine. We have to help the process with a seed of a plant (Psyllium) that is very rich in fiber and at the same time facilitates the transit due to its gelatinous state.

The process is as follows: in a large glass add one tablespoon of liquid bentonite (pour 2 dl of water into a glass and add 1 teaspoon of purified clay – use a wooden spoon, mix and let sit for 12 hours for the clay to settle at the bottom) and another teaspoon of psyllium, stir well for 1 minute and drink immediately. If necessary you can drink another glass of water afterward. This must be done at least an hour and a half after a meal and two hours before another, that is, it must be done at intervals between meals, for example, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Do this 4 times for at least 1 month, (i.e. one day per week) if you notice that you haven’t finished the process you can consume this mixture up to a maximum of 2 months.

This cleaning can be done every two years; then it will only take a month to do it. Once done the first time, you will notice that many of your symptoms disappear or go away. It is also the best prevention you can do for colon cancer.

And this process is effective because of its supposed (not all proven) healing and pharmacological properties. It is true that clay has been a widely used compound for centuries for the treatment of the aforementioned health problems. This does not mean that all types of clay are good, magnificent or even magical. It all depends on the chemical components involved in its formation, as well as on the content of all the mineral elements.

The bentonite clay can be taken orally (taken through the mouth) or applied locally (applied directly to the skin).

Let’s know the benefits of bentonite clay colon cleanse

bentonite clay colon cleanse benefits
  • You can detoxify the whole body, as it removes heavy minerals and toxins.
  • Bentonite clay colon cleanse can be performed as an alternative treatment instead of a traditional enema, which is useful for people with digestive problems. Orally it is not assimilated by the organism, and it is expelled as such.
  • Applying bentonite clay to the skin will help cure eczema and mild skin conditions. It also soothes the skin, reduces inflammation, treats blemishes and heals scars.
  • Using it as bath salts will cleanse the body of the bacteria and act as a relaxing agent.
  • A little clay in a glass of water is advisable to make a mouthwash.
  • You can also prepare a mask for the face; it will help to keep your skin in perfect condition.
  • Another benefit of bentonite clay is that its use helps to keep the skin healthy and soft and cleans clogged pores.
  • It can be used to replace talcum powder.

A note of caution

The use of clay is not recommended during chemotherapy, together with antibiotics, the first four months of pregnancy, and after giving birth, for breastfeeding up to 7 months, and for children under 5 years of age. Apart from that clay can be drunk for several months with intermediate weekly breaks.

FDA warning about Best Bentonite: Some bentonite clay products (such as “Best Bentonite Clay” which is sold as a fine powder on Amazon.com and on the Best Bentonite website) contain elevated lead levels and may pose a lead poisoning risk.

Psyllium husk together with clay can cause constipation. It can be treated with vitamin C, magnesium or some other natural remedies. In addition, psyllium can cause bloating or gas and interact with some medications, warns the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Do not take psyllium if you have difficulty swallowing or if you suffer from chronic kidney disease.

Leaky Gut Diet Breakfast Options

How to reduce intestinal problems with food – Leaky gut diet breakfast

Millions of people suffer from intestinal and digestive problems but have not been able to decipher the root of the problem. They try to calm their symptoms with medication or by avoiding certain foods. The Leaky Gut Syndrome is a relatively new term, but it is becoming quite famous as it is the main cause of autoimmune diseases, food and respiratory allergies and endless discomfort whose root cannot be found. It is an established fact that all our immune system depends on intestinal health. That is why you should pay close attention to this information and eat the right food. So check out how to prepare a leaky gut diet breakfast.

what to eat for leaky gut diet breakfast

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

The leaky gut syndrome is a condition which occurs when spaces develop between the cells (enterocytes) that make up the membrane that lines the intestinal wall. These small spaces allow substances such as undigested food, metabolic waste, and bacteria, which had to be confined by the digestive tract to infiltrate and reach the bloodstream;  hence the term leaky gut syndrome.

Once the integrity of the intestinal mucosa is compromised and there is a flow of toxins penetrating into your bloodstream, the body experiences a significant increase in inflammation. This situation can also cause the immune system to get confused and start attacking your own body as if it were your enemy, resulting in autoimmune disease.

Very often, the leaky gut syndrome is associated with inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and celiac disease. But even some healthy people may have varying degrees of intestinal permeability that lead to a wide variety of health symptoms-and this could be highly influenced by your diet.

leaky gut syndrome

Related: Leaky Gut Treatments

As a result, below are some insight on leaky gut diet breakfast which has proven to be quite effective:


Numerous studies have shown that a diet rich in fiber provides a great variety of benefits for the general health and the gastrointestinal system.  Even with an imprecise condition such as leaky gut, consuming the proper fiber during breakfast can maintain the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal system.

More benefits of fiber are widespread and include: normalizes bowel movements, decreases the risk of intestinal diseases such as diverticulitis or hemorrhoids, reduces cholesterol levels, keeps blood sugar levels stable and can promote healthy weight loss.

Further studies have as well shown that fiber can change the intestinal environment by increasing the amount of beneficial or “good” bacteria. This can positively affect the predisposition of many chronic diseases such as diabetes, colon cancer, and autoimmune diseases.

Include a wide variety of fiber-rich foods every day in your breakfast in order to achieve your minimum recommended daily intake. Women should consume 25 g of fiber a day and men, 38 g a day.

Foods rich in fiber are 100% whole grains (such as brown rice, quinoa or whole grain pasta), fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, and seeds.


Healthy fats improve digestive health.  You can include them by means of food or dietary supplements. Recent studies have shown that these fats positively influence beneficial bacteria in the intestine and can reduce the risk of leaky gut.

In addition, Healthy fats such as omega 3 help to fight inflammation. Therefore, they can relieve the inflammation that is already present in the stomach and intestines. If you do not like foods rich in omega 3, try fish oil supplements or flaxseed oil supplements, as they are an easy way to get the daily dose of omega 3. Follow the indications on the label to determine what is the right amount for your body.

Another alternative is to obtain them naturally by consuming fatty fish such as salmon, tuna or mackerel. You can also try fats such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados.


The gastrointestinal system hosts billions of bacteria. Research has shown that when “good” or beneficial bacteria dominate the gastrointestinal system, the risk of Leaky gut and other gastrointestinal conditions is reduced.

Studies have been conducted on both probiotics and their effects on the health of the gastrointestinal system. Most studies show that these types of “good bacteria” can improve the health and integrity of the intestine. Probiotics are good bacteria that are added or formed naturally in some foods. Some examples of probiotics are yogurt, and vegetables fermented with kefir.

As regards the  Leaky gut diet breakfast, probiotics can also be taken in the form of supplements, or in natural foods such as onions, garlic, bananas, honey, whole grains, and artichokes.


Dehydration can hinder the passage of waste through the intestines, which increases inflammation and vulnerability to other gastrointestinal conditions. As a result, it’s best to take a lot of water during breakfast and stay well hydrated to avoid these side effects.

If you suffer from gastrointestinal problems, are prone to constipation or have the leaky gut syndrome, increase your water intake to 13 glasses a day.

Although many other drinks also hydrate you, water is the best source, especially when you are a victim of the leaky gut syndrome. Opt only for pure water, flavored water, and decaffeinated tea.

You should avoid drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine, along with those that contain high concentrations of sugar.


People who consume high levels of refined sugar are more likely to get leaky gut syndrome.

You must limit your intake of refined sugars, as these types of sugar are highly processed, provide little benefits to the body and are added to various foods during processing.  Foods with high levels of refined sugars include sugary drinks (soft drinks, coffee drinks or fruit juice cocktails), cookies, cakes, candies, ice cream, and other baked goods.

If you desire to control your symptoms as regards the leaky gut syndrome, it is recommended to discard refined sugars from your diet; most especially during breakfast.


Vitamin D is quite difficult to find in food, but it is a very important nutrient for various body processes such as reducing inflammation which accompanies the leaky gut syndrome.

Vitamin D is essential for immune and bone health, but it has also been shown to increase the integrity of the intestine and soothe or relieve inflammation of the gastrointestinal system.

Since dietary sources of vitamin D are scarce, it is advisable to take a supplement during breakfast. It’s also best to consult with your doctor or certified nutritionist before starting to take the supplement since high levels of vitamin D are toxic.

Bottom line

how to treat leaky gut syndrome

Would you be surprised to know that joint pain, skin problems, sugar cravings, food allergies, food sensitivity, constipation, and even autoimmune diseases could have the same root? All of the conditions outlined above have been linked to compromised intestinal health. More specifically, a condition called leaky gut syndrome.

In order to properly manage this condition, the leaky gut diet breakfast tends to be a great option as highlighted above.

10 Tips for Healing your Gut Naturally

Heal Your Gut In A Natural Way – 10 Tips For The Process

Leaky gut can be one of the most disturbing factors that can affect our lifestyle. It can be the result of a lot of external or internal factors such as the consumption of unhealthy foods, maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle or infections. Poor gut health can also trigger a lot of other issues with your digestive health. But it can be easily healed using natural ways. Below mentioned are some of the best ways to start the process of healing your gut naturally.

leaky gut

Cleanse your system

The best way to heal your gut health is to provide some rest to the internal systems of your body. Your digestive system does a lot of work when it comes to keeping you fit. Providing it with some rest once in a while can help it to become fitter and get rid of the deposited toxicities in your body.

Healing your gut naturally with Red Tea Detox diet

Going on a diet without the spices or oily foods for a week or two, especially if you are suffering from a leaky gut can be of great help. From that point of view, the process of healing your gut naturally can be much faster and more effective with Red Tea Detox. This is the most powerful herbal drink in the world backed up by science!

the process of healing your gut naturally with red tea detox

Probiotics – the secret of good bacteria

Our bowel function is benefitted to great extents by the good bacteria in our intestines. They help us to get rid of the toxins and boost our infection-fighting abilities along with regulating our metabolism.

These microorganisms are known as probiotics and it also stops the harmful microbes for invading our system. Fermented foods like miso, tempeh, yogurt, kefir, and kombucha can be good sources to provide your body with probiotics.

You can also consider food supplements that are solely made to provide your system with the essential probiotics to boost your health.

Potential benefits of Butyrate

This is nothing but the catalyst to the useful microbes in our system. It fuels the activities of the probiotics and works as nutrition for them, thus promoting a healthy bowel function.

The probiotics are known to produce short-chain fatty acids that benefit the body. Butyrate is known to prevent the development of pathogens and boost our intestinal health.

 Fibers are important for our digestive health

Natural fibers are one of the best ways to promote the healing of your gut health. Consumption of 40 gm natural fiber on a daily basis can provide crucial benefits to your system.

Apart from feeding the probiotics in our system, fibers can also help you to promote your overall immunity, reduce obesity and control inflammation. Fruits and vegetables are some of the best-known sources of natural fibers.

fibers are good for gut health

Whole food contains essential nutrients

Processed foods are known to be one of the leading reasons that degrade gut health. Not only they lack the essential nutrients, but they also provide the body with a lot of chemical additives and harmful sugars. The gut lining is greatly affected by genetically modified ingredients.

The GM ingredients work to promote inflammation and leaky gut. Whole foods are known to bring in exact opposite effects. In extreme cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, relying on whole food has shown improvements to the symptoms.

Wheatgrass juice for colon cleansing and gut health

It is one of the best whole food supplements available in the market. Apart from its alkalizing effects, it provides us with a lot of essential phytonutrients that nourish our gut in a natural way. It is also a rich source of magnesium and chlorophyll.

A glass of wheatgrass juice can help you to get rid of the toxins, thanks to its internal cleansing properties. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and stops the spread of pathogens.

It can also improve the digestive process and reduce common disorders such as bad breath and body odor.

Related: Wheatgrass juice recipe

Get enough sleep

Providing the body with an ample amount of rest is no doubt the best way to heal your gut health in a natural way. Our body is incorporated with its own healing mechanism. It is faster and better when we sleep.

A healthy 8-hour sleep cycle can also help you to shed stress. Stress is also known to be triggering agent for leaky guts. Maintaining a disciplined lifestyle can provide you with ample opportunities to heal your gut naturally.

sleep to get your gut healthy

Heal your gut with eating greens 

Green foods such as salads and vegetables can provide you with a lot of benefits. Firstly, you have access to most of the vital nutrients of the body. Greens are one of the best sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals apart from natural fibers.

Also, green food is also known to be one of the most effective detoxifying agents. It provides your body with sufficient time to cleanse your system and promote overall health.

Related: Alkaline green foods

Functions of glutamine

Glutamine is known to assist your system to repair and regenerate the lining of the intestine and soothe inflammatory effects. It is accessible to us in foods like beets, beans, fish, dairy products, meat, eggs, parsley, etc.

If you want a better dose, you can obviously turn to the food supplements developed for the purpose. You can consult your professional health specialist for more info.

Avoiding toxic remedies

While it is common for most of us to turn to over-the-counter drugs and antibiotics to heal leaky guts, they can have a lot of negative impacts in long term usage. They can weaken your system to greater extents and leave you prone to other infections.

Avoiding extra-dependency on these products can also help you to effectively heal your gut.