Himalayan Salt Cleanse Benefits under Scrutiny

Himalayan salt flushes: a detox based on testimonials rather than science

In the past few years, detoxing and cleansing have become increasingly trending in circles of fitness and health. Their legitimacy is often questioned and the science behind them as well, but many who do cleanses report feeling much better after doing so, indicating that there may be something to them after all. Two common cleanses that have grown out of the increased attention are salt cleanses and juice cleanses. Today we’re talking about salt cleanses and Himalayan salt cleanse benefits specifically.

Pink Himalayan salt cleanse benefits and side effects explained

The two main types of salt that are commonly used for salt cleanses are light grey Celtic sea salt and pink Himalayan salt. Although both of these salts work similar effects, we’ll be focusing on the results and what you can expect when participating in a Himalayan salt cleanse. You’ve likely seen Himalayan salt used in many forms, so let’s learn a little more about what Himalayan salt is exactly, and why it seems to be everywhere you look.

What is Himalayan salt and how is it good for you?

While you might think that Himalayan salt and table salt share similar properties, they’re actually very different. Pink Himalayan salt contains up to 98% sodium chloride. The remainder of pink Himalayan salt is made of minerals, including potassium, calcium and magnesium. It’s these minerals that make Himalayan salt pink in color. Himalayan salt has an incredible range of uses, including cutting boards, dishes, bath salts, lamps, and of course salt cleanses or “flushes.”

An entire article could be written on the benefits of Himalayan salt lamps and you probably know someone who has one in their house or apartment. The benefits of these lamps include putting you in a better mood, lessening the impact of allergies and asthma, increasing circulation, energizing you, and equalizing electromagnetic radiation among other benefits. So, you’re probably realizing right now that Himalayan salt is one of those materials provided by the Earth that seems to have boundless applications and benefits, indicating that there’s something special to it.

In addition to these many uses, it can also be used in place of table salt to give your body the sodium supply that it needs. This of course doesn’t mean that Himalayan salt is necessarily “healthy” for you and that you should eat as much of it as you can. It’s still salt, and we all know that excess sodium is not good for you, although your body does require a daily intake of sodium to help it function. Sodium helps our muscles to work without cramping, it helps keep you hydrated, it maintains your nervous system and helps to keep your blood pressure from bottoming out.

A Himalayan salt rock which is used as a food additive as table salt, for cooking and also colon cleanse, decorative lamps, and spa treatments

The American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than 2300 mg of sodium per day, with the ideal range being under 1500 mg daily. If you exceed these limits, you can start to see negative side effects and health impacts such as high blood pressure and an increased risk of stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis, and more. So, be careful with your salt intake, but make sure to get some each day to keep your body running smoothly.

What is a detox and is it worth it?

Now to the detoxes and cleanses and the science, or lack thereof, behind them. Detoxing, short for detoxification, is ridding your body of toxins and harmful bacteria. The basis for detoxing is that these negative substances in your body can cause cancer and disease, according to those who buy into the detox theory.

Advocates for cleansing state that the benefits include feeling better, more energetic, having better skin health, losing weight, and maintaining a healthy gut. But the reality is that none of this is based in science and there are little to no studies that back up these claims behind cleanses and detoxing. Doctors cite better alternatives to cleansing that offer many more benefits, including drinking more water or eating more whole grains and vegetables.

One confirmed useful application of cleansing is for those rehabbing from substance and drug use, as cleansing can help to flush drugs from your body to cope during withdrawal periods. It’s true that your body does take in a lot of toxins. Toxins come in many forms, from air pollution to mercury and arsenic in your water supply, to chemicals in your food, and more. But flushing out your colon really doesn’t do anything in terms of ridding your body of these toxins.

The elimination of toxic substances is one of the functions of the liver and kidneys

Alternatively, it’s usually your kidneys and liver that handle the task of getting rid of toxins. Those who have liver disease are the only ones who should be concerned about their liver not being able to handle the toxins that their body is throwing at it. But even in those circumstances, no studies back up claims that detoxing helps those who suffer from liver disease. And some medical professionals have even gone as far as to say that flushing your colon does more harm for your body than it does good.

Flushing can disturb microbes that help to remove bad bacteria from your colon, and it can put stress on the organs that actually do the real detoxing, your liver and kidneys. So, if you’re considering a salt cleanse, keep these things in mind.

However, in spite of all of these forewarnings, many people still engage in saltwater flushes, and it’s because those who do it often report feeling better afterward. So, who’s right, science or those who have experienced it? They’re likely both right, saltwater cleanses can help you to feel better, lighter and feel more energetic, but it can come at a cost.

What is a saltwater flush and what are Himalayan salt cleanse benefits?

Himalayan salt for salt water flush

The main idea behind saltwater flushes is that you drink a homemade saltwater mixture in a specified period of time to force a bowel movement. This is said to help your digestive process by regulating it and helping you to feel less bloated and lazy.

Proponents of flushes say that those people who don’t have regular bowel movements can have a build-up of toxins and heavy metals that can inflame your colon, weigh you down, and even lead to disease. These people who don’t have bowel movements frequently enough are said to make up one-fifth of the population.

It is also cited as a quick way to lose weight, although keep in mind that you’re not losing any fat from flushes, you’re simply losing weight by removing the slow-moving food in your digestive system. So, don’t expect the weight you lose from a flush to stay off, as once you eat again you’ll likely gain that weight right back, similar to sweating out “water weight.”

If you’re experiencing frequent constipation, the cause of that most likely isn’t toxins in your colon, but rather a nutritional deficiency, for example, a lack of fiber or water. Other benefits of saltwater flushes are regulating your body’s pH levels, getting rid of water trapped in your body, regulating hormone spikes, boosting your metabolism, and all of the benefits of consuming your daily sodium, which were mentioned earlier.

There are levels to detoxing and laxative supplements, and when it comes down to it, saltwater flushes are one of the more healthy options, but that doesn’t mean that they’re good for you, just kind of a lesser evil.

How to do a saltwater flush

If you’re still interested in a saltwater flush after two paragraphs of listing their long list of negatives and short list of positives (some causes require sacrifice, I suppose), here is how a salt water flush is carried out. We hope you will experience as many Himalayan salt cleanse benefits as possible.

  • It’s best to do the cleanse on an empty stomach in the morning before you eat breakfast. Make sure that you have two hours to spare, since you’ll be experiencing a very large and urgent bowel movement within that timeframe, so you don’t want to be stuck in traffic or in a meeting. Your flush will likely require more than one bowel movement, but in total it will take about two hours.

  • Those who do saltwater flushes recommend 2 teaspoons of Himalayan salt in one liter of hot water, mixed thoroughly, with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. You can do this in a jar with a lid to make it easier to mix by shaking.

  • Drink the mixture within a five-minute time frame, and lay on your side and massage your stomach, alternating sides, and hold the salt in your system for a half an hour if possible. After that, your bowel movement should begin.

  • Even those who do saltwater flushes don’t do them often, only once every few weeks. Listen to feedback your body is giving you and adjust how you feel best.

Final thoughts: Himalayan salt cleanse benefits

Although there is a lot of hype around Himalayan salt and flushes, both are based on testimonials more than they’re based on science. However, it can’t be denied that testimonials go a long way, so if you plan on doing a salt water flush, do them in moderation and keep an eye out for symptoms or complications. You’re probably better off adjusting your diet and drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables to regulate your digestion.

14 Day Water Fast Weight Loss

Water fasting: What to expect in an extended fast and tips to succeed

Water fasting is perhaps the fastest viable option to lose weight. It does have its downsides, but if you can manage it, it can work for you. Water fasting is subsisting only on water for an extended period of time. This means no food, no calories, just water. Many people consider the upper limit of water fasting to be about 14 days before the negatives start to outweigh the positives. In this article, you can find useful tips for achieving 14 Day water fast weight loss results.

Fasting has been known to have many purposes outside of weight loss as well, for spiritual reasons or otherwise. Depending on what source you look at, many say that fasting longer than 3 to 14 days will require medical supervision and will likely require vitamin supplements and more to make sure that you’re still functioning.

So, if you’re unsure, you should probably stick to the lower end of that spectrum until you do consult a doctor. However, for the purpose of seeing what the extremes are like, we’ll be looking at a 14-day water fast weight loss for this article. But note that if you’re unsure how long you should be safely permitted to fast, consult a medical professional first, or do a partial, extended fast.

A woman drinks water during 14-day water fast weight loss

There have been a few positive studies on water fasting, claiming that it can help to lower your risk for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. However, these studies are limited and not fully accepted at this moment.

Furthermore, water fasting can initiate a process in your body called autophagy, in which your body self-disposes of old and detrimental cell particles. As mentioned earlier, there are potential drawbacks to water fasting if done too long or if you have an existing condition.

Potential negatives of water fasting:

To start off the list of negatives, we’ll mention the groups of people who absolutely should not consider water fasting. These people include those with gout, diabetes, an eating disorder, elderly people, children, and expecting mothers.

It’s advisable if you haven’t water fasted yet to start eating smaller meals in the few days leading up to your fast to allow your body to adjust to not eating once the fast begins.

Signs that you should stop water fasting are if you’re noticing that you’re beginning to feel dizzy, and also if this happens, refrain from driving or doing anything that could be potentially harder as a result of dizziness.

A woman experiencing dizziness due to long term water fasting

The list of potential negatives due to water fasting begins with where you’ll be losing your weight from. It’s possible that you’ll lose mostly fat and the fast will work great for you, however, it’s also possible that in the absence of calories, your body starts to burn off weight that you don’t want to lose, such as muscle, carbs, and water.

You might also put yourself at risk for dehydration if you’re not drinking at least 2 liters of water each day. Much of our daily water intake comes from our food, so in the absence of food, you need to up your daily water intake. Be wary of symptoms of dehydration such as dizziness, lethargy, headaches, nausea, constipation, and decreased blood pressure. Those who water fast often report symptoms of orthostatic hypotension, which in layman’s terms is simply when you get lightheaded as you stand up.

If you experience side effects of fasting be careful and use wise judgment before doing anything that could be dangerous to do while dizzy or under the risk of fainting. And for those who have the medical conditions stated earlier who should not water fast, keep in mind that doing a water fast will not be helping your situation at all.

Potential positives of water fasting:

In addition to losing up to 2-3 pounds each day, the positives of water fasting are that you can experience a decrease in your blood pressure, as a great majority of those who water fast report this. People in these studies were doing a 14 day fast under medical supervision.

You might also help to boost your metabolism by increasing your response to insulin and leptin, the main hormones that affect your metabolism. Insulin is what preserves nutrients for the body to consume and leptin is what creates that “full” feeling that helps you to stop eating. And this can also lead to lower blood sugar.

And lastly, it can decrease the potential for you to contract diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Water fasts have been shown to lower cholesterol, which makes for a healthier heart and the body can dispose of any harmful cells. Overall, it’s not fair to say that water fasting doesn’t have its potential benefits, it certainly does if you do it right and don’t get overzealous to the point where it can become dangerous.

14-day water fast weight loss – what to expect:

Now what you can expect from 14-day water fast and tips for doing it safely. You should be consuming around 2-3.5 liters of water each day, but you should be wary not to drink your water too fast, and to instead spread out your water consumption throughout the day. If you drink the water too fast, you can put yourself at risk for hyponatremia, which is where you consume water faster than your kidneys can handle and it can have fatal results. To avoid this, drink less than half a liter or 16 ounces each hour.

Many people recommend working out or exercising on water fast if it lasts less than 3 days. Beyond the 3-day mark, your body will start to convert the protein or muscle fiber in your body into glucose and burn it. But at the start of your fast, exercising can speed up the process of burning fat. For extended fasting, however, you should be wary of working out, and if you work out at all, consider keeping it light to avoid burning muscle. Many people recommend light cardio and weightlifting, and keep in mind that you most likely won’t be able to keep up with your existing workout routine due to lower energy stores.

Tips for success:

Empty fridge - A good tactic during fasting is to get rid of all the calorie foods

While on water fast, those who have done it recommend to put any food away that might be laying around on your countertops at home. Also, if you begin to get a headache, many people recommend going on a short walk. If the headache persists, just continue with caution. Many people report headaches even in the beginning days of their fast, in this instance it’s best to listen to your body and it’s ultimately your choice to stop fasting. It is wise to consult a medical professional if you’re experiencing prolonged headaches.

Many people report no issue falling asleep at night on a fast, although some say that they find themselves waking to use the bathroom more often, which is expected since you’re consuming more water and you’ll be peeing more as a result. Your ketone levels will likely increase as a result of your fast, they’re the survival chemicals that keep you going when your body thinks it’s starving. As a consequence, you might encounter brief periods of euphoric feelings.

A lot of people report days 2 and 3 of the fast being the most difficult and surprisingly the days when complications such as headaches can be most prevalent. You will likely notice slower normal body functions such as body hair growing slower, fingernails and toenails growing slower, and obviously less bowel movements since you aren’t eating.

You should keep an eye on your blood glucose levels and get medical attention if you drop below 70 mg/dl or if you encounter symptoms like blurred vision, shakiness, increased heart rate, feeling foggy, etc. Also keep an eye on your weight, if you reach your goal before your fasting day-limit, there’s no sense in needlessly continuing the fast. Celebrate hitting your goal and stop the fast prematurely.

Once you are done fasting, as hard as it may be, you shouldn’t gorge yourself on a giant meal. Instead, start with smaller meals such as smoothies and increase your meal size throughout the first day off the fast. If you’re doing a longer fast, you might want to up this period of meal size-increases to as many as three days. After this period passes, you should be fine to go back to normal eating.

Final thoughts: 14-day water fast weight loss

In summary, water fasting is not necessarily a dangerous weight loss option as long as you’re listening to the feedback that your body is giving you and you don’t overdo it. It is possible that you’ll lose weight that you don’t want to lose in the process, and you might not be as effective during the fast.

There are easier weight loss methods than fasting with water, but most people who are considering fasting do not intend to lose weight but to improve their overall health and well-being or just take on a challenge.

Does Skinny Me Tea Work? – Actual reviews

Does skinny me tea work? – An honest review based on customers’ opinions

Does Skinny me tea work? What do customers think and say about it? Let’s find out!

Skinny Me Tea is a detox diet in the form of herbal tea which helps bowel functions properly. It has been in use for centuries in various parts of the world, most especially in Asia.

Speaking of its importance, it is a tea that purposes to aid consumers to drop in weight through detoxification within a stipulated amount of time without much effort.

Does Skinny me tea work? An honest review

The tea comes in mint blend, original blend, and men’s blend. Specialty tea may also be included such as hangover tea, pure Chaga tea, chocolate energy tea, etc. It is usually taken in the morning and in the evening uninterruptedly.

One of the advantages of drinking this tea is the fact that it helps to lose weight without much stress because it helps the gastrointestinal system to work effectively and more efficiently.

The morning tea contains stimulants that give enough energy to last through the day, subdue appetite and to upsurge metabolism while the evening tea, on the other hand, decontaminates and cleanses: it is known to clean and eliminate toxins from the gastrointestinal tracts.

Also, the evening tea blend tastes like white tea. You can even spice it up with honey to make it taste better.

Skinny me tea is a 100% natural tea. It is made from a specifically selected mixture of antioxidant-rich berries, goji herbs, and teas. It helps to cleanse, detoxify, increase levels of energy, burn calories, suppress appetite, improve metabolism, lose weight, and promote wellness.

It is often combined with a lot of physical exercises apart from plenty of water and healthy eating.

The major active ingredients of skinny me tea

The skinny me tea contains an absolute smorgasbord of vegetal ingredients, including a variety of different tea leaves, herbs, spices and concerted herbal extracts which have been listed below.

Most of these ingredients have an extensive history of traditional usage and are presumed to have a variety of reimbursements, but in most cases, more confirmation is needed to upkeep their efficiency.

The active ingredients of Skinny me tea and their functions

Ingredients of Skinny me tea
  • Senna leaf: it is a stimulant laxative. It increases bowel motility and gastric fluid secretion.
  • Tea leaves: it supports the cardiovascular system.
  • Chrysanthemum: it exerts antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects in clinical trials
  • Ginseng: it helps to advance the concentrations of memory, reinforce the immune system and increase stamina.
  • Cloves: it is used for distraught stomach and may discharge intestinal gas, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • Cinnamon bark: it is commonly used for soothing irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, and diarrhea.
  • Ginger: it is used for relieving fatigue, nervous exhaustion, and memory loss.
  • Rhubarb: it reduces cholesterol and helps to boost metabolism.
  • Cascara sagrada: it is a natural stimulant and can cause dehydration.
  • Licorice: it is a laxative and a flavoring agent, which can cause dehydration.
  • Uva ursi: it is a natural diuretic and has often been used in orthodox medicine to treat urinary tract infections and hypersensitivity.
  • Chinese mallow: it helps the body to get freed of excess water to avoid bloating and water retention.
  • Yerba mate: it helps the body to release and maximize the use of energy as well as muscular functions. Also, it helps to maintain healthy skin, hair, and heart.
  • Dandelion leaves: it may utilize a laxative and diuretic effect to increase bowel movements. On the other hand, it may also increase appetite.

How to use Skinny me tea?

Usage of skinny me tea is simple, each kit (i.e. the morning and evening teas) has a 2 – step program as follows:

The morning tea: this should be taken in the morning, if possible, before going to work. It is a combination of stimulating ingredients to preserve the consumers’ energy up. It is also premeditated to subdue the appetite and upsurge the person’s metabolism.

The evening tea: the mixture is for decontamination and cleansing. In other words, it involves the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tracts and the elimination of wastes and toxins that could be precluding you from losing weight.

Benefits of Skinny me tea in the body

Skinny me tea does not only deal with weight loss alone but general health benefits as well. The weight loss occurs by increasing energy levels, suppressing appetite, increasing metabolism, and burning fats.

It is mainly used for cleansing and detoxification of the body toxins. Thus, it introduces a more balanced lifestyle.


Oh come on, just spit it out already – does skinny me tea work or not?

Ok. So, let me try to wrap this up the best I can. Skinny me tea helps discharge toxic substances away from the body, but relying solely on this tea alone is not enough. As far as weight loss is concerned there is nothing like a permanent fix or solution.

The reason being that, the consumer is losing water weight instead of fat which is a momentary weight loss. Once the consumer rehydrates, the weight is recovered.

Also, some potential health risks may be associated with the ingredients of the skinny me tea as the person taken it may be sensitive to any of the ingredients thereby causing another health issue to the user, all in the process of losing weight.

Although some of these ingredients aid the kidneys and the liver to eliminate toxins for improved health and weight loss, most of these ingredients comprise purgative and diuretic properties thereby causing the consumer to make several tours to the restroom.

However, the product (skinny me tea), has some inspiring reviews from pleased consumers, but lately, this has been outshone by a large number of complaints from consumers. The complaints explicitly is that Skinny me tea cannot help them lose weight permanently as there are no perfect ingredients for permanent weight loss.

The side effects of Skinny me tea

Generally, weight loss teas are considered to be of comparatively low-risk, but some vegetal ingredients can cause harm by themselves and also by interrelating with conventional medicines.

For example, yerba mate can interrelate with stimulant drugs such as amphetamines and ephedrine, hypothetically resulting in increased heart rate and high blood pressure.

The cleansing and detoxification part of skinny me tea contains a natural laxative which is associated with some side effects which may include:

  • Increased frequent visits to the bathroom and cramps
  • Dehydration
  • Electrolyte imbalances and nutrient deficiencies
  • Reduction in birth control effectiveness
  • Reduction in bowel movements
  • Weight loss abuse

Skinny me tea warnings

Skinny me tea contains caffeine, therefore, it should not be used when having abdominal pains or diarrhea and also should not be taken by pregnant women or women that are breastfeeding.

In addition, Skinny me tea is not advisable for women who take birth control pills.

The 10 million dollar question about skinny me tea is… does it work?

The question of whether or not this product works is a question that doesn’t have a straight answer, it all depends on the individual perspective or definition of the following words: cleanses and detox.

The main thing is that using Skinny me tea will make the user go to the toilet frequently and probably lose weight but if the expectation of the user is to lose accumulated body fat then chances are that the user is probably going to be disappointed.

Customer’s reviews

Skinny me tea feedback and ratings

Does Skinny me tea work? Find out what users have to say!

Lexi K. Tucson, AZ

“I have mixed feelings about this cleanse. On one hand, I did really like it; the tea tasted good and it was easy to do. On the other hand, I never really saw any results and it got tiring to drink the same thing over and over again.”

Ericka H. Tuscaloosa, AL

“I did this for a week or two and it wasn’t so bad. It made me feel more active and full of energy and it also helped me lose a lot of weight and I didn’t have any problems.”

Melissa F. Hardin, MT

“I really like the night time blend. It’s great for bloating and cramps. Very effective. Gentle. Ranks high in my book. Cost and product are great.”

Amazon customer:

“Complete waste of money. In over 2 weeks of drinking, I didn’t notice any results and it made no difference in any way. I recommend trying with some other weight loss/detox teas.”

“If you are okay with spending a few hours in the morning on the toilet then this product is for you! I’m a tea drinker so I thought I’d give it a shot!!!! The smell and taste are awful!

The nighttime mix makes you suffer BAD gas pains and diarrhea in the middle of the night! If you wanted something like that then just go to your local Walmart and buy some laxatives!!!”

Alkaline Food Chart for Healthy Eating

Best Foods to Alkalize Your Body

Your questions on where to draw the line between acidic and alkaline foods and how or with what can you alkalize your body will be answered shortly. Use the acid / alkaline food chart to help you find the right foods for your meals.

Of course, you will agree with me that our body functions better with certain food intake while some foods are just toxic. So, where do we generate our healthy foods from and how?

Acid/alkaline food chart

Let’s start with the how. A sure-fire way to determine how healthy the food is is by checking properly the food alkaline and acidic level. For clarity, there are a lot of components that make cells and tissues work in our body appropriately.

Examples are nutrients availability, temperature, and potential of hydrogen also called pH, which measures the level of hydrogen ions in certain solution, meaning the more ions present, the more acidic the solution will be and the less the ions, the less the acidic solution.

If you keep eating too many acidic solution foods, your body – the kidney to be precise cannot keep up with the acid waste and they start accumulating in your tissues.

And research has proven that if the acidic pile-up happens for a long period of time, it will lead to all kinds of health conditions, for example, cancer, arthritis, kidney stones, diabetes, and many others. And all these can be linked with acidic foods intake.

What differentiates alkaline from acidic foods?

An acid-solution diet with limited vegetable intake can be linked to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome. And they are very dangerous and affect the body’s ability to repair or detoxify, and eventually cause a person to be more opened to disease and illness of all kinds.

The signs of acidosis to watch out for include infections, allergies, headaches, candida, cancer, diabetes, heart problems, arthritis, brittle nails, and hair, fatigue, heavy breathing, underweight, or excess weight, digestive issues, etc.

The body finds it tasking and overbearing to detoxify and neutralize acids before they act as poisons in and around our cells.

And it’s easy to know your level of alkaline and acidic intake and know where you are excess or deficient. Just get a test strip from any health food store or order online, and you can use either your urine or saliva to get the result.

Healthy foods

So, why recommend alkaline foods in place of acidic’s?

There are billions of cells in your tissues that rely on an alkaline environment to function appropriately and prevent cellular damage.

So, whenever you eat an alkaline diet you get deeper and more restful sleep, improve your cardiovascular health, develop more healthy tissues, grow better bones, you mitigate chronic diseases, cell function properly, energy level increases, your memory, and cognition get enhanced, and you reduce candida overgrowth amongst others.

What foods are the best to alkalize your body?

My alkaline food chart answers this question. Whole plant-based foods are most beneficial to us, not only are they harmless but their high vitamin and mineral content have an enormous effect on our entire body, such as disease prevention and healing processes.

Let’s therefore examine the following alkaline food chart; for clarity on the most common misconception, an acid/alkaline solution of a particular food is not talking about the pH of the food before consumption, but the acid/alkaline result is determined after you digest it.

Your kidney has to neutralize the acid that is produced in the process of digestion. In other words, whether your food intake is alkalizing or acidifying is based on the amount of acid waste that is produced after the digestion.

It is the waste of the chemicals and not the acidity of the food that affects our body.

Choose foods from the following alkaline food chart to properly alkalize your body. Remember to keep your acid-solution foods to a minimum as they are also needed.

Alkaline food chart

Here is the alkaline food chart for you to consider:

  • Fresh beans, green peas, lima beans, soy products
  • Mushrooms, sprouts, legumes
  • Pumpkin, potatoes, beets
  • Nuts and seeds like coconut, almonds, sesame, chia
  • Grains like amaranth, millet, and quinoa
  • Wheat and barley grass, algae like spirulina and chlorella, etc.
Alkaline nutrition chart

Let me expatiate on few of these alkaline foods on the chart

Almonds: Among other alkalizing foods, almond leads with high magnesium content which makes them count along with other alkaline-forming food. The healthy fats content also nourishes and fills your body quicker.

Parsley: As a kidney cleanser, parsley which is another strong alkalizing food is a good choice. And like lemon, parsley also helps with digestion and can be consumed in differs ways e.g. as salad, soup or chilies.

Lemon: Your liver needs support to adequately eliminate toxins from your body and lemon has proven to be a perfect option over the years. Lemon among other functions aids digestion and helps to detox properly. You want to really consider a glass of lemon juice or water daily as a habit.

Tomatoes: If you are seeking a better alternative to get Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and vital digestive enzymes while you enjoy all the alkaline along then tomatoes are your best bet. Raw or cooked, you’ll get all the nutritional benefits. But tomatoes serve you higher alkaline when they are consumed raw. Consider tomatoes as a snack on your diet list. You won’t regret it.

Garlic: Highly rated on the list of alkalizing natural agents is garlic. Popularly known for effective immune system boosting, prevention of all kinds of diseases it serves as a strong anti-bacterial agent in the body. You definitely want to give garlic a try or add it to your food more often.

Red Onion: Consumption of raw onion is highly beneficial to your body. Aside from being alkaline agent, onions nourish your system in a lot of ways with their high anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. They also pass for a vitamin C supplement. You can cook it slowly until the onion is lightly yellowed if you find it difficult eating it raw.

Avocado: Since everything you consume matters, then you need a better alternative to your fat intake and avocado is one of your best bet. With its rich and healthy fats content, it is a perfect addition to the alkalizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Basil: If you are considering one alkalizing ingredient with mega antioxidant effects, then basil is your choice. Loaded with a high level of flavonoids, vitamin K, A, and calcium basil is highly recommended.

Final thoughts: Alkaline Food Chart for Healthy Eating

A healthy diet should consist of 70 to 80 percent of basic foods and 20 to 30 percent of foods that acidify the body. So, carefully make your choice, take time to eat and be mindful of your eating habits.

Weight Loss Workbook pdf – FREE Download

Red Tea Detox weight loss workbook pdf

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide – FREE weight loss workbook pdf about Red Tea Detox. The Red Tea Detox is not uncommon among many health fitness programs out there. Over the years, it has proven to be an ideal weight loss solution for many people, especially those struggling with toxicity.

Furthermore, it is different from all other conventional weight loss solutions you might have experienced before. It provides the body with unlimited energy and frees the body from unwanted toxins. Additionally, it helps to lose 14 pounds of pure body fat in just 14 days! Amazing, isn’t it?

free weight loss workbook pdf

We will talk about how Red Tea Detox works, we will also look at the three pillars on which that detox method stands: Dieting, Working out, and Motivation. Additionally, we will take a brief look at Red Tea effect: we will find out about the two main reasons why you cannot detoxify with food and lose weight (The Fed and Fasted cycles & There are no fat-burning foods).

Then finally, we will take a look at the Benefits of Using Red Tea for weight loss. The Red Tea Detox has been found effective, but however, you need to be aware of the procedures. A wrong step or slight mistake can have a negative impact on the end results. So, it is highly imperative that you follow this guide thoroughly so as not to miss any small detail.

Why The Red Tea Detox?

The Red Tea Detox is second to none because it addresses almost all weight loss related issues that you might have. Obviously, many people know Red Tea Detox for weight loss alone but this tea in question is much more powerful than that.

Apart from the fact that it tastes really good and completely natural, it also helps to fight or lower the risk of the following health problems which mainly arises through the toxins in our bodies: low energy levels, sleep issues, inability to concentrate, irritability and mood swings, asthma, allergies, fatty liver diseases, skin ailments, headaches, constant fatigue, digestive problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.

Note: there are many other health issues that might develop as a result of these toxins. And if care is not taken, it can damage your body cells and affect all other cell functions. But with the help of Red Tea Detox, you will be able to reduce all these symptoms and speed up the rate at which your body eliminates toxins.

How Red Tea Detox Works (to get started, download free weight loss workbook pdf guide)

There is a common mistaken belief that one needs to stay away from some certain diet during detoxification, but this notion is wrong and highly fallacious. We know this might be hard for you to believe but you will be surprised at the outcome despite the fact that you will still be eating your usual menu.

With Red Tea Detox, you don’t have to worry about giving up your favorite foods anymore. The Red Tea Detox provides you a feasible detoxification solution that will make it unbelievably easy for you to eject toxins from your system.

You should know these, however: Red Tea Detox is not just some sort of magical cure that you will just use without putting in an effort. Although it provides a quicker result compared to all other detox methods out there, you have to put in some work.

Lastly, Red Tea Detox method is primarily based on three things:

  • Dieting
  • Working Out
  • Motivation
red tea detox weight loss workbooks
  • Dieting: The dieting aspect of Red Tea Detox method is subdivided into four phases. Each of the phases represents the current stage at which you are in your weight loss effort. For instance, the first phase is usually the phase where you will lose up to 8 pounds in a week while the last phase oversees the calculation and tracking of your BMR and nutrients, respectively. Under dieting, the focus will be on enhancing your metabolism in order to reduce the number of toxins you ingest.
  • Working Out: Ordinarily, with Red Tea Detox diet plan, you will be able to remove excess fat from your body without much effort. However, it will take a long time. So, to speed up the process, you can achieve that by simply working out regularly. The best part of it is that you don’t necessarily need to spend several hours in the gym. A 30-minute exercise will be just appropriate.
  • Motivation: A positive mindset will go a long way to helping you achieve your weight loss goal. This is the number one reason why we vehemently dispelled the popular myths about detoxification that most people blindly believe in. The famous Bible passage “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” is also applicable here. When you know the truth about detoxification, undoubtedly, you will find it quite easier to commit yourself to it. With proper motivation, you are more likely to succeed in getting rid of your toxins.

The Red Tea Effect

By default, one will ask, with all these plethora of diet plans out there, why is Red Tea Detox the most effective option for me? Well, the reason is not far-fetched. It detoxifies easily.

On the contrary, there are two main reasons why it is difficult to detoxify with food:

  1. There are no fat-burning foods
  2. The fed and fasted cycles

There are no fat-burning foods

Generally speaking, there are no calorie-free food items anywhere. Don’t be deceived. Every type of food we eat one way or the other will contain some amount of calories no matter how small it may be. Of course, calories are the main sources of energy for the body. And this process occurs when our body burns down the calorie we consumed from food and used it to produce energy.

Sadly, however, if you take in more calories than what your body can expend, it will be stored as fat. And the more fat that is stored the more the weight you will gain. So, there is nothing like fat-burning foods. It is a myth. No food has the capacity to help you burn fat. So, be aware of those internet articles that will write “top fat burning foods”. It is a lie!

The fed and fasted cycles

Now that we know about calories: how they produce energy and so on. Let’s quickly look at the fed and fasted cycles. The fed cycle is when your body has enough energy coming from your average meal which can fuel you for six hours. This state is termed fed while fasted is a state of starvation i.e. when your body is not consuming any calories. And at the same time, burning the already stored calories in your body.

The issue of the fed and fasted cycles occurs when you consume a meal within six hours of the previous meal. As a result, your body won’t be able to enter the fasted state that is required. Consequently, if you now consume excess food before this timeline, which will cause your calorie store to be replenished often and often, the excess calories will be converted to fat.

The bottom line is that you will not be able to burn fat unless you allow your body to enter the fasted state.

Read full Red Tea Detox review

Benefits of using Red Tea Detox

  • Hydration
  • Digestion
  • Weight Loss
  • Detoxification

Learn more about the health benefits of Red Tea Detox in free weight loss workbook PDF guide.

Three Day Water Fasting Results

Reboot your system with three-day water fast

People have been fasting for thousands of years as this method is an effective means of healing the body and mind. In all religions, we encounter religious fasting as a refinement of the spiritual attributes of an individual. In some way, fasting flushes the toxins out of your body and allows it to start with the healing process. You can fast from 1 to 30 days. If you want to do a “gentle” cleansing of the body then try shorter fasting and achieve three-day water fasting results.

what are three day water fasting results

It’s recommended to drink higher amounts of water to cleanse the organism as quickly as possible. Forget about food during fasting; you can only drink water for a set time frame. If you decide to fast for a shorter time, first prepare your body system by getting rid of your bad habits like intake of alcoholic liquids, nicotine, processed food, carbonated drinks, all kind of sweets, carbs and dairy food, at least one week before the fast.

Tips to consider when fasting

Before you start fasting, decide how long you will fast. It depends on the results you want to achieve. In case you’d like to detox your body, 3 days of water fasting is enough. Be aware that you will not lose weight in this short period of 3 days, but it’s a good introduction to weight loss programs.

If you are not sure about yourself, start with short three-day water fast. When you gain experience and know that you can do it, you can fast for ten days. Observe your body and mind, and record all of the significances, which will give you a good insight into the benefits of fasting.

Relax whenever possible. If you are under a lot of stress, fasting might not be a good idea as it depletes your energy quickly.

During fasting, intestine secretes harmful substances, even after twenty days. Never take diuretics as they interfere with the amount of water needed in your body. Water should be drunk in much larger quantities, and not only when you are thirsty to also cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract.

It is important to drink a lot of good quality water per day (2-3 liters). Do not drink tap water as it contains toxins and chemicals. The contaminants you have to be concerned about in tap water are bacteria, parasites, environmental chemicals, radiological pollution, and heavy metals. If you have a chance, supply yourself with mountain spring water which is considered one of the best options.

How to do three-day water fasting diet

Requirements are as follows:

  • The secret behind this three-day diet can be summarized in one word: water.

For 3 days you are not allowed to eat. Drink water and water only! This diet plan is called the three-day body cleanse. Indeed, the three-day body cleanse requires the participant to take nothing but water for the duration of the plan. By taking in nothing but water, the participant is expected to flush out all the unwanted and often perilous toxins that may have accumulated in the system.

  • By its name alone, one can immediately surmise that the process will only take three days.

This is precisely what many people want – an easy, convenient and FAST detoxification. Sounds very enticing, doesn’t it?

  • After fasting, the body must get used to normal food again gradually.

It’s best to start the day with fiber, eat an apple in the middle of the day and vegetable soup for lunch. For dinner, you can eat a small piece of bread next to the soup. In the next two days, you can start to eat more complex food – animal protein and fat. You can also start to drink coffee. Still, do not forget to drink large amounts of liquid: water, fruit juice, and herbal tea.

Three-day water fasting results

Water fasting will cause your body to start with burning off the stored sugars. Next, it will focus on all the stored toxins that have been hidden in the body. Then it will work on burning the stored fat. Finally, the last stage is when it reaches muscle and “good tissue” which will be used up at the very end.

According to recent medical research, three day water fasting results are as follows: it will reset your immune system, get rid of toxic build-up in your body, increase your energy level and improve your skin condition (it will make your skin appear more vibrant and glowing), keep your blood sugar steady and boost metabolism by increasing levels of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which could enhance weight loss.

woman is drinking water from the river

Side effects of fasting

The fact is that this three-day diet isn’t for everyone.

Fasting can be accompanied by various inconveniences such as head pain, cold feet, wooziness, queasiness, visual disturbances, and tiredness. If the side effects become worse, stop fasting and consult with your physician or other qualified health care professional.

On the other hand, such a diet can only worsen the health condition of patients already suffering from kidney and heart problems. Also, fasting is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women as it compromises the wellbeing of infants.

People suffering from grave illnesses may feel worse if they pursue this kind of diet. People recovering from operations – especially invasive ones – will only worsen their conditions if they will deprive themselves of nutritional food.

Fasting to lose weight

There is no doubt that this three-day body cleanse can detoxify one’s system to a certain extent, but can it help to lose weight if we prolong the time of fasting?

Long-term water fasting diet may promise the fastest solution to the problem of being overweight, but it is by no means a secure way. When it comes to losing weight, allegedly fast solutions should be taken with a grain of salt.

Experts agree that long-term water fasting is neither a viable nor a healthy option for weight loss. There are many dangers and health implications of starving yourself. Vitamin deficiency can lead to muscle weakness as well as the development of blood sugar complications, which may lead to diabetes.

Replacing the body’s much-needed nutrients with water may also cause loose bowel movements that will not only cause much discomfort but may lead to dehydration as well if the condition becomes severe.

Final thoughts: Three-day water fasting results

There are also alternatives for those who can’t handle a fast but want long term health benefits. Modern science and technology has new solutions that are safe, natural, and could be used in your daily diet.

You can also gradually lose excess weight by increasing water consumption. It requires nothing more than what we have been talking about, which is drinking water. The main difference is that instead of doing a water fast, you simply incorporate water intake into your daily diet and get great health benefits similar to a fast, but the progress will be much slower.

In life, anything can pose a risk. Just be sure to research and know what you are doing. There are tons of people who water fast and have seen great results without posing any harm to their body. They walk away with a cleaner, healthier, and improved mind and body. As with anything, consult with the experts.

Natural Detox Programs Approved by Weight Loss Doctors

Weight loss doctors’ facts about natural body detox

The role of detoxification in the body cannot be overemphasized. The reason, if you will ask, is not far-fetched. Your organism becomes toxic when a natural method of excreting metabolic waste has exceeded the threshold of what the body detoxification system can carry.  So, as weight loss doctors are saying, it is highly important that you flush toxins out of your system.

While many people think detoxification is a strange or scary thing that should not be experienced or undergone, we would like to prove to you that they are wrong. Scientific research shows that detoxification has never been so important. Today, human bodies carry much more toxins than 50 years ago. In fact, toxicity makes us sick, it can be a trigger for serious health problems. And if we do not take any action concerning it, it can affect our entire body system. Therefore we believe detoxification is vital to our health, it is a physical and spiritual necessity.

weight loss doctors recommend natural body detox

The body’s detox system

The body detox system comprises three primary organs, the liver, the colon, and the kidney. These organs work hand-in-hand to remove toxins from our body.

Here is how they operate:

  • The liver: The liver is the first line of defense against toxins. It helps filter and detoxifies food particles that are not meant to be in the body. In addition, the liver makes use of oxygen and enzymes, a process known as oxidation, to burn out these toxins. And, therefore, making them more water-soluble. Why is it necessary? It is necessary because toxins can be removed easily when they are soluble in water.

  • The colon: The colon, also called the large intestine, plays a very important role in the whole process. It flushes out toxic chemicals before causing you any harm. Additionally, it helps with issues such as constipation or irregular bowel movements.

  • Kidneys: Kidneys help filter toxins and wastes from your blood. It also adjusts the body’s acid/alkaline balance and regulates the amount of fluids in the body. It processes 200 quarts of blood daily just to filter out 2 quarts of excess water and wastes.

Having understood how the body’s detox system works, we will quickly take a look at some weight loss doctors’ opinions about natural body detox.

Dr. Mark Hyman

The first person on our list is Mark Hyman, M.D. He is a practicing physician, a ten-time New York Times bestselling author and the founder of The UltraWellness Center located at Lenox in Massachusetts. You can follow him on his social media pages if you want to know more about him.

Dr. Mark Hyman said that throughout his life as a functional medicine doctor, his first priority has always been to guide his patients through a simple, safe, realistic, and pleasurable transition into healthy eating. He also added that by detoxifying your body you will be able to free yourself from sugary, chemical-laden, fatty deposits, etc. which are bad for the body. He further talked about how to know when you are toxic and need to be cleansed.

He wrote: “Usually, a constellation of complaints can lead the doctor in the right direction. And help determine whether you are toxic or not.”

These are some of the examples and symptoms that might indicate a toxic system:

  • Stubborn fat and excessive body weight
  • Constipation, gas and bloating
  • Food allergies
  • A lifetime of consuming the SAD diet
  • Inclusion of an excessive amount of tuna, swordfish, shark or other large fish in the diet
  • Consistent use of NSAIDs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen
  • Mercury fillings and dental amalgams
  • Skin abnormalities such as rosacea, acne, or eczema
  • Hormonal imbalances and consistent use of hormone replacement pill or progesterone cream
  • Persistent headaches, nausea, muscle fatigue, and muscle aches
  • Belly fat or excess fat around the abdomen

Dr. Mark Hyman also advises on how long you should stay on cleanse/detox – typical detox that harnesses the body’s natural processes for filtering and removal of waste can be tolerated for longer periods of time.

He explained that a safe detox is one that doesn’t make you starve yourself, or makes you take potions, fancy pills, or expensive drinks. He also said that safety means allowing your body to do what it does naturally with just a little assistance from guided-healthy eating.

He further stated that he often encourages his patients to do cleanse for a duration of six weeks or longer as it would benefit their health. He also talked about preparing for cleansing and stressed that it’s very important for one to plan ahead before starting out.

Dr. Hyman outlined some key things to plan for:

  • Recommendations about taking basic measurements before starting out so as to track your progress. He further stated that, if weight loss is the goal, you can start by measuring out your hips, waist, and weight. And if it is migraine, you can determine the intensity, duration, and frequency. He advised getting a journal so as to be able to record each progress.
  • Recommendations about making lists, organizing pantries, gathering recipes, and sketching out weekly menus.
  • He explained that detoxification is a slow process, therefore you are advised to take your time and persevere till gradually everything falls in place.
  • He encouraged gathering supplements as prescribed by your instructor before starting out.

Dr. Merrell Woodson

The second among weight loss doctors on our list is Woodson Merrel. He is the chairman of the department of integrative medicine at Manhattan’s Beth Israel Medical Center. To find him on Facebook, click here.

He has a stronger view of detoxification. He believes that problems often seen in patients cannot be solved by taking a detox diet as it only puts your body in an unbalanced state. He explained that detox happens naturally with or without any special diet or weight loss program, whatsoever – detox happens in your body cells every second of our lives.

This process is most obvious in the liver. The best way to support detox in our body is by eating good food and not by starving ourselves. If care is not taken, enrolling in a diet program can be counterproductive. In addition, he said, by depriving your body of some essential nutrients which are supposed to aid the neutralization of the toxins you absorb from water, air, and food, you are affecting your diet plan consciously or unconsciously.

  • Merrell holds two schools of thought as far as food is concerned: his first claim is that we detoxify our body by simply eating nutritious foods and second, we detoxify by avoiding foods with excess sugar, preservatives, or saturated fats.
  • His recommendation is that we should be having a 3-day liquid diet of nut, fruit, and veggie smoothies. By doing so, we will be having a fusion of digested solid food and fruit diets such as phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins- a concept that is not yet embraced by many medical practitioners.
  • Then after that, we should set four days apart for the vegan diet (a mix of liquid and the easy-to-digest food).
  • Then another optional two more weeks filled with a limited quantity of clean animal protein (skinless poultry, mostly eggs, and nonfat dairy). Merrell’s opinion is that after his 21-day program, you are set to have the best food template for the rest of your life.

Strawberry Water Benefits and Recipes

Strawberry water – a natural aid for weight loss and body detox

One of the gifts nature has bestowed on us is the strawberry fruit. Strawberries are from the rose family Rosaceae. It is a widely grown species of the genus Fragaria. It is cultivated and widely appreciated all over the world for its wonderful aroma, juicy texture, sweetness, and bright red color. It is very rich in taste and scent- no wonder it is full of aroma. Strawberries are made up of vitamins and minerals. It has high amounts of potassium, manganese, and antioxidants. It has low fats, cholesterol, calories, and sodium so strawberry water benefits include weight loss and body detoxification as a result.

How does this happen? Fruit-infused water is an amazing way of removing toxic waste from the body, both, in the kidney and the liver. Among all the fruit infused water known to most people, strawberry-infused water seemed to have caught everybody’s attention because of its sweetness and various health benefits.

strawberry water benefits

Why should you cleanse your body?

Studies have revealed that our body is capable of storing huge amount of toxins. But the question is how do they get inside us? How do they enter? Well, of course, they enter in two ways: internally and externally. The former happens when our own body creates them from intestinal bacteria, free radicals, parasites, etc. while the latter happens basically through elements from the environment and through food.

Now, what happens is that our cleansing system, liver, and kidney, gets so saturated that these toxins start to accumulate which will eventually cause a series of symptoms. You will realize you are having stress, colds, headaches, acne breakouts, etc. However, by drinking strawberry water, your body will renew itself continually and all the hard work your kidneys and livers do will get lighter.

Strawberries can be used along with detox water: a phenomenon widely regarded as strawberry detox water. Detox water is quite popular as it is one of the methods commonly used to achieve body fitness. It does not only keep the body hydrated but also helps in flushing out body harmful waste.

There are quite a few strawberry water benefits, let’s list some of them.

Benefits of using strawberry detox water

Strawberry water serves many purposes: it helps in reducing inflammations such as rheumatism and arthritis, it also helps in the reduction of uric acid formation likewise heart diseases, hypertension and many more. As we’ve already discussed, it helps cleanse the body and fights sickle cell anemia.

Strawberry water recipes

Strawberry – Cantaloupe Flush Fat Detox Water Recipe


  • 3 cups of organic seeded diced cantaloupe
  • 7 strawberries
  • Half lemon, peeled and juiced
  • 1 cup of purified water


Put the lemon juice, strawberries and the diced cantaloupe inside a food processor. Make sure the ingredients are well blended then pour everything into a mason jar. After that, add the cup of purified water and some ice cubes, if you like. Stir the contents properly and put everything inside a refrigerator for some time. Then you can finally serve it over with ice and enjoy strawberry water benefits.

Strawberry in conjunction with Mint Detox and Lemon Water Recipe

What you need:

  • A bowl
  • Half organic lime
  • About 4 to 5 strawberries
  • Ice cubes and water
  • A sprig of fresh mint


Wash the strawberries gotten along with the fresh mint sprig first then divide the lime into the same parts. Then ensure the limes got poured into the bowl first before adding any other thing. I.e. it must be placed at the lowest level first before any other thing.  Next is the strawberries. Cut them into the same parts, add 400 ml of water and finally put the ice cubes and mint. Get the bowl covered with something and put it inside a refrigerator for some hours or perhaps you can leave it there overnight. A word of advice, the more time it spends, the better. Enjoy!

Strawberry Detox Water in conjunction with Mango recipe

What you need:

  • 1 sliced mango
  • 1 lemon, cut into slices
  • Six strawberries, sliced equally
  • 3 cups of cold water


This is very easy to prepare. All that is required of you is to put everything inside a jar and pour the cold water and give it time to soak. After that, it is ready to be served. You can also put in some amount of ice cubes inside for extra flavor and delight.

Strawberry made with Coconut Lemonade Detox Water Recipe

What you need:

  • 1 container of coconut water
  • 15 to 19 drops of liquid stevia
  • Half cup of organic lemon juice
  • 7 to 10 medium strawberries


Make sure the strawberries are well juiced then add coconut water, lemon juice, and finally liquid stevia. Stir everything properly then you are good to go! Now, you can serve yourself a glass of Strawberry-Coconut Lemonade Detox Water. Enjoy!

How to make strawberry infused water

strawberry water

The procedure is almost the same as the detox water recipe.

  • Step 1: Put all the ingredients inside the bottom of a jar or fruit infusion jug
  • Step 2: Cover everything with some ice cubes and fill with water
  • Step 3: Put it inside a fridge for at least one hour before serving. As this will give you the freshness you deserve.
  • Step 4: Also note that you can only refill the jug 2-3 times before it starts losing its flavor
  • Step 5: The steps outlined above are based on the assumption that you are using a 2-quart glass only. However, if you are going to be using a small, portable jug, chances are that you might have to reduce the ingredients by some percentage.

Who can benefit from drinking strawberry water?

  • Those with uric acid ailment
  • Children and pregnant women
  • People with anemia
  • Those who have diabetes with hypoglycemia
  • Those who have Hypertension or cardiovascular disorder

Note: People with colitis and sensitive bowels disorder are strongly advised not to take strawberry water as this can cause severe pain and result in more health problems.

Health benefits of strawberries

  1. Strawberries can help suppress appetite: Strawberries come with lots of health benefits. One of these is fiber content which serves a wide range of functions in the human body. They also contain both soluble and insoluble fiber which makes it a very special fruit. However, it is common knowledge that they are tough to break down and to digest easily but this is actually a blessing in disguise. Ask me why? Strawberries are known to absorb water molecules in the body and slow down the digestive processes while at the same time expanding the stomach. Hence, this triggers some neurons in the body and sends the brain a message making one feel less hungry.

  2. Strawberries can prevent inflammation: Generally, inflammation is one of the many health problems often experienced by people. It is majorly responsible for cell damage, diabetes, and mental illness diseases in the human body.  Amongst strawberries health benefits is the provision of Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), a strong antioxidant commonly found in fruits and vegetables, with the ability to fight inflammation by keeping its symptoms at arm’s length.

  3. Strawberries help to stimulate the immune system: The strawberry anti-inflammatory properties also help improve the body’s immune system by helping it fight off viral and bacterial infections. This is so because all these infections are known to be responsible for a high level of inflammation in the body which will later result in slow performance of the immune system and gradual shutdown of the system. Thus, taking strawberries will enhance quick recovery from any type of illness.

  4. Strawberries are a natural diuretic: Doctors often prescribed strawberries when the body is retaining too much fluid because strawberries are a natural diuretic. They help increase urination by getting rid of sodium and water. They also prevent kidney and urinary tract infections as well.

  5. Strawberries help to promote the growth of natural bacteria: Science has revealed that bacteria play a very important role in our well-being both physically and mentally.  Bacteria are used widely in industries and medical institutions in the manufacturing of foods and production of vaccines, drugs, enzymes, and antibiotics. Their economic importance cannot be overemphasized simply because of the role they play in our health. Strawberries, on the other hand, are known to contain soluble fiber which is great at keeping the natural bacteria healthy and well.

  6. Strawberries can help fight bad cholesterol: Strawberries help increase the liver’s ability to remove the ‘’bad’’ cholesterol low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood. LDL cholesterol is very very dangerous as it damages your arteries (a concept known as atherosclerosis) and increases your risk for stroke. Finally, by fighting the bad cholesterol, strawberries help prevent the body from heart diseases such as septal defects, cyanotic heart disease, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, heart failure, etc.

  7. Strawberries help prevent constipation: Strawberries are not only good for promoting the growth of natural bacteria but also helps improve digestion through the insoluble fiber present in the fruit. And this, in the long run, helps prevent constipation: a condition of the digestive system characterized by irregular passages of stools. In other words, it refers to a condition whereby you’re unable to completely empty your bowel. It affects people of all ages but it is most prominent in the elderly ones. So try and include it in your diet.

5 Day Water Fast Weight Loss Results

Lose weight with water

Some people are not sure if they are allowed to drink water during the fasting periods. Of course, the answer is YES, you have to drink water. Drinking enough water is very important when fasting, as long as you are limited to water and some unsweetened herbal detox teas (try out the best 14 day teatox) while avoiding other forms of drinks. In this case, you can achieve very good 5 day water fast weight loss results.

5 day water fast weight loss results

Drinking plenty of water while fasting has always been a recommendation by nutritionists to stay healthy, lose more weight and ensure your effective well-being. Moisturizing allows the elimination of toxins and the transport of nutrients to the cells and, moreover, water is necessary to maintain the correct humidity of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

On the other hand, water deficiency, especially during fasting, can cause fatigue and dehydration, a condition which prevents the body to function properly.

Consuming sufficient water while fasting cannot be emphasized enough. Unfortunately, many people tend to drink little water during this period. A person can get along without food for weeks but only a few days without water, as it plays a crucial role in almost all bodily vital functions.

Benefits of consuming water while fasting

  • It minimizes cravings for snacks

How many times have you had this feeling of wanting to eat something but not knowing what? These hours when you stand in front of the refrigerator or opening the kitchen cupboard, looking for something, and you end up eating a snack full of unnecessary calories and sugar. An established secret, shared by many dieticians is to take consume enough water. In most cases, water will solve this problem, and you will get rid of too many calories and guilt.

  • More energy

It has been proven that keeping your body hydrated while fasting works against headaches while improving your focus and memory. And how does this relate to the fact that water is thinning? You have more energy and courage to fast without having a headache.

  • Zero calories

You can drink as much glasses of water as you want per day, without worrying about calories. Water has zero calories and is the most natural drink you can consume while fasting.

  • It is a source of motivation

Believe it or not, water can be a source of motivation that can help you achieve your fasting goals. Whenever you drink a glass of water, you remember your goal to lose weight, and the feeling that you are truly working towards it is a great motivational factor.

  • Reduces fluid retention

Fluid retention takes place when the body retains excess fluid in the tissues in an amount above the standard. In the fitness industry, it is referred to as ‘weight in water,’ and one of the ways to lose this is to drink a reasonable amount of water while fasting.

  • Detoxification, muscle toning, and healthy skin

The regular consumption of water while fasting eliminates unnecessary toxins from the body, helping the organs to function better, toning the muscles and moisturizing the skin.

5 day water fast weight loss results

Effective consumption of water while fasting can make you lose weight, and increase your life expectancy. This can be effectively done through the 5 day water fast weight loss results.

This is an extreme five-day diet consisting of not eating anything. Yes, you read it right. This entails total abstinence from food and drinking only water. This has been found to be the secret to a longer life and preventing diseases associated with aging.

fasting with water

For better clarity, the 5 day water fast weight loss results entails the following:

DAY 1:

On the first day of the fast, your body primarily uses glycogen/ stored sugar as its sole source of fuel.  The body usually stores over 500 grams of this glycogen in the muscles (400 grams) and liver (100 grams).

At this point, the body will also begin to burn body fat and release ketones which would be disposed of in the form of urine toward the end of the first day.

Symptoms of the first day:
  • Fatigue:  This occurs because the body is not well adapted to using fat and ketones for fuel.
  • Mental Lethargy:  The brain has already adapted to having a steady sugar supply to fuel it, and now that sugar supply is lower, it tends to produce less brain energy.
  • Hunger: This occurs due to the hormone ghrelin, which is secreted by our stomach in response to the stomach being empty.
  • Cravings:  Cravings arise from brain-based responses to our emotional desires.  When we fast, our brain sends us signals with the aim of satisfying this desire.
  • Increased urination:  When the body uses glycogen as fuel, it also releases more water into the urinary system.  Urinating more often is a normal and natural response. This is also triggered by the high amount of water you consume during the 5 day water fast.
DAY 2:

On Day 2, the body hormones begin to undergo effective optimization. These hormones tend to play a vital role in every body function, but they depend upon the sensitivity of the hormone receptors on the cells.  The 5 day water fast aids the body to get rid of bad hormone receptors and rebuild healthier ones.

Symptoms of the second day:

As the fast advances into the second day, all the symptoms of day 1 would be experienced on a higher level. At this stage, the intensity of hunger you feel will begin to reduce. Some more symptoms you may experience include:

  • Tongue color changes:  Your tongue may turn white or yellow. This indicates an effective detoxification of the body.
  • Skin rashes: Skin rashes may be experienced, and this indicates resetting of the microbiome.
DAY 3:

On the third day of the fast, the body begins to carry out healing activities, and you may notice areas of pain-reducing.

Symptoms of the third day:

On the third day, you begin to experience relief from the symptoms earlier encounter on day 1 and 2. You would also begin to have more mental clarity.

DAY 4:

On day 4, your body effectively adapts to being fueled on ketones, and you begin to feel more alive and well.

Symptoms of the fourth day:

On day 4, you would feel mentally sharp and energized. At this stage, most hunger or strong cravings would be totally off, though you may experience occasional desires to eat.

DAY 5:

On Day 5, you get the highest level of hormone optimization.  There also tend to be an appreciable amount of weight loss at this point.

Symptoms of the fifth day:

Strong Hunger: On the 5th day, you may begin to have strong desires to eat.

Heart Palpitations:  You may begin to experience heart palpitations which may sometimes affect your sleep.

Much Weight Loss: As was earlier expected from day 1, you would experience much weight loss and slight weakness around your joints. On the 5th day, you ought to be very sensitive and if satisfied with the amount of weight you’ve lost, its ideal to go ahead and break the fast.

woman is drinking water from the river

Final thoughts: 5 day water fast weight loss results

5 day water fast weight loss results are amazing, especially in terms of fat loss and other positive effects on health. Regardless of all the healing effects of fasting, most people decide to do it because they want to lose weight.

By eating fewer calories, fasting causes weight loss. Research shows that it is extremely effective for weight loss and elimination of very harmful deep fat around the waist and internal organs. For this reason, fasting is much more powerful than any other weight loss method.

Best Alkaline Tea for Cleansing the Body

Red Tea Detox – Best alkaline tea for body detox

Red Tea Detox is a fast weight loss program that helps you lose 14 kilos of extra pure fat in 2 weeks! It consists of consuming a unique African blend of reddish tea – best alkaline tea for body detox that will help you lose weight very quickly! Try the red tea detox recipe today!

The Red Tea Detox program is a simplified and easy-to-follow detoxification plan that is supported by science and can help you lose weight and improve your overall well-being. It includes a diet strategy and various exercises but also examines some of the most common myths about will and how understanding the underlying realities of motivation can help you lose weight.

Many who tried the product said that it is one of the most important parts of the program and not only helped them lose weight, but also prevented them from putting back excess weight. The Red Tea Detox program is only available on the official website.

official best alkaline tea website

Red herbal blend

This best alkaline tea is not considered a real tea because it does not come from the tea plant and its characteristic brown-red color, to which it owes its name, comes from the fermentation of its leaves. In bags, red tea is excellent for your health.

Its composition is derived from different medicinal plants harvested from a shrub of the broom family in South Africa. Its medicinal properties have even been confirmed by the US Department of Agriculture in Washington.

To keep the line, this tea is particularly recommended thanks to its draining power and its absence of calories. It prevents overweight, purifies, detoxifies and facilitates fat digestion. It therefore appears as a very useful plant to lose weight quickly, provided it is consumed regularly.

best alkaline tea herbs

Best alkaline tea – red detox tea makes you lose weight

Highly consumed throughout the world, red tea is a slimming asset, very good for blood sugar levels. For weight loss it is excellent, especially when combined with a healthy, varied and balanced diet. It lowers cholesterol levels and promotes slimming.

Consumed three times a day, it helps to restore a real balance in the weight curve while very quickly showing its slimming effects. Moreover, it has been demonstrated by researchers at Saint Antoine Hospital in Paris that for people consuming three cups of red tea a day, the level of lipids in the blood decreased by 13% in one month.

A miracle cure for weight loss that is fast but above all long-lasting, even during pregnancy, red tea treats overweight and all health problems. The Americans even gave it the evocative name of the fat burner.

✅ Natural, Scientifically Proven Detox Product

Best alkaline tea is backed by science

The red tea detoxification program is defined as the process of cleansing the body of toxins by promoting, transferring or eliminating them. Most of these toxins come from our diet, substance abuse and the environmental elements around us.

The Red Tea Detox program is based on more than 10 years of research, covering more than 500 medical studies in addition to nearly 3 years of real-world testing. This effective tea works with the body, not really against it to increase weight loss, defend cells against free radicals and help you feel full while consuming less. Weight loss results can differ considerably from one individual to another.

Many weight loss professionals have tested the product scientifically to be qualified by anyone of any age without adverse effects. This weight reduction program explains several factors for which many people never achieve much in terms of successful weight loss. These drinks are what lead to swelling of the waist in a large number of people managing overweight.

Red teatox recommended by doctors

Elizabeth Swann Miller is considered a nutritionist, which is why she is able to provide such an in-depth cookbook that can keep us healthy. After a decade of experience, she has managed to publish a publication on the Red Tea Factor that contains all kinds of things that can keep you in shape. Best alkaline red tea ingredients are of natural origin and easily available in the local store or grocery store. These elements will help your body eliminate harmful toxins and free radicals.

The African red tea detoxification recipe for weight loss focuses on the concept that if you incorporate specific ingredients in the right proportions, you can increase your metabolic rate, burn excess fat and improve your overall health. Every time people face weight problems, they have started an intense workout and they think it will quickly burn their fat and make them healthy.

Red Tea Detox is an all-natural procedure that helps to eliminate toxic substances from the body. This Program diet helps to cleanse the body of toxic substances that accumulate in it, by exposing it directly to the polluted atmosphere and to water contamination or by consuming unwanted food. This diet generally lasts three to three weeks.

✅ Ready to Make African Secret Detox Tea?

Does everyone go through a detox diet?

There are some people who struggle with many hereditary or persistent diseases and are not allowed to consider a diet to eliminate contaminants in their bodies. Therefore, if you have any health problems, consult your doctor about dieting first.

Secondary consequences of red tea detoxification

One of the most common outcomes is frustration, throughout the first few days of diet initiation, and also often a migraine, as a secondary outcome when high levels of caffeine are not taken. For this reason, it is generally recommended to minimize caffeine use gradually, even before the actual onset of the diet.

How often is it advisable to take a red tea detoxification diet plan?

Adhering to a diet to rid the body of contaminants, it is generally suggested to try the diet plan once or twice a year to stimulate well-being and also prevent the condition. Sometimes, experts may suggest that the diet plan be increased or carried out for a longer period of time.

Typically, individuals who undergo a Detox of red tea Diet shows a renovation in the power of their body, the skin becomes slightly tinted, and the digestion system boosts, in addition to increased concentration as well as the serenity of the mind.

Girl is drinking red tea with anti-aging effects

After completing the diet plan and also cleaning contaminants

Normally, after the diet is complete, it is recommended to continue eating a healthy diet, which suggests eating fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy and balanced foods such as legumes and fruits. Many specialists recommend preventing meat, fish, sweets, gluten, etc.

Many people use this diet as a source of inspiration for a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and continue to consume a lot of vegetables and fruit, even after the days of a red tea detoxification diet.

Various other negative effects of Red Tea Detox diet effects could include exhaustion, anxiety, acne, reduced weight and also hunger. If the signs worsen, or if new signs and symptoms appear throughout the application of the Red Tea Detox Dish diet, the procedure should then be managed by professionals.

If the detoxification plan takes place over a long period of time, it creates a lack of food, especially a lack of protein and calcium.

Related: How I transformed my body with Red Tea Detox

The other benefits of red tea on the body

On the body, our best alkaline tea has many virtues. It contains iron, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the liver, prevents many cardiovascular diseases and stimulates the hepatobiliary system.

It is also an excellent remedy for headaches, insomnia, eczema, and other skin problems, bone weakness, as well as hypertension, premature skin aging, and many allergies.

It contains no caffeine content and is low in tannins. It provides a feeling of freshness and benefits for the whole day, without contraindications.

Drinking red tea can also relieve stomach cramps through the activation of potassium ions, as well as certain conditions, asthma and improves transit, without laxative effect and is a good night helper for sleeping.

It has even been proven in the United States to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other serious diseases.

overweight may cause many serious diseases

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  • Protective effects on the brain: A 2017 study suggests that red tea is protective against ischemic stroke. South African researchers have tested the effects of long-term consumption of red tea on rats. They gave the animals red tea for 7 weeks before causing them to have an ischemic stroke. They then observed that long-term consumption of red tea limited neuronal death. These rats had better behavior and antioxidant capacity compared to control rats. The researchers conclude that red tea should be recommended for patients at risk of stroke. These results can be explained by the fact that a stroke leads to oxidative stress with the production of reactive oxygen species. Dietary antioxidants could protect against damage caused by free radicals. Red tea also limits the accumulation of lipid peroxides in the brain and thus its aging.

  • Anti-cancer potential: Due to its antioxidant properties related to its polyphenol content, it has been suggested that Red tea can prevent DNA damage. The anticancer properties of Red tea were shown in an in vitro model of skin cancer.

  • Liver protector: Some experimental studies suggest that Red tea could help prevent liver damage and facilitate liver regeneration, information that could be used in viral hepatitis and hepatic steatosis. But studies on humans are still lacking.

  • A highly antioxidant plant: Red tea contains antioxidant polyphenols (flavonoids) including Aspalathin. Other phenolic compounds are present: flavones, flavanones, and flavonols. A study on volunteers shows that this best alkaline tea consumption is associated with an improvement in antioxidant status and cardiovascular risk markers.