Use of Cinnamon for Sugar Cravings

How to use cinnamon for sugar cravings?

We all do love sweets, don’t we? It is a nature of ours which we can’t overlook. Be it a child or teenager, we all love to eat sweets. Be it some function or Christmas, the sweets are always there whenever it’s a matter of joy or celebration. But is it wise to go overboard with sweets? I do not think that would be a good call. I know it is a regularize thing to get tempted with sweets, but we have to learn how to resist it. There are so many reasons why you may feel the craving for sugar. But whatever reason it is, it’s necessary to resist that temptation. For this purpose, you can use cinnamon. Here is all about why cinnamon is great for sugar cravings.

how to use cinnamon for sugar cravings

When we consume sugar, our brain releases some hormone which makes us feel so good. We feel good while eating sugar. It feels like we are enjoying this too much. It is giving us amazing pleasure and in a way, we feel like we do need to eat more sugar. Addictive, huh?

Let me tell you one very important thing, sugar is addictive. If you’re in some way addicted to it, then it would be really hard to pass a day without having it. We all know how bad sugar is for health. It brings lots of disease with it. That’s what it does. Obese is one of the gifts of sugar and with that, it brings lots of other diseases.

There are two types of sugar. Sugar in its natural form (lactose in milk), and added sugar (table sugar – sucrose or sugar in various concentrated forms such as fruit juices). According to the World Health Organization recommendations, only about 5-6 teaspoons (25g) of artificially added sugar per day is safe to consume.

There are four popular herbs and spices which naturally stop sugar cravings:

  • Cinnamon
  • Fenugreek
  • Cloves
  • Ginseng

Today, we will talk more about the benefits and effects of cinnamon. It has a positive effect on blood sugar levels and improves insulin responsiveness. It’s full of healthy substances and provides many medicinal effects, which will surely convince you to use it instead of sugar especially if you are on a diet and want to lose weight.

Cinnamon for Sugar Cravings

Because of having lots of positive things cinnamon has been used throughout the world for a long time. Having lots of positive effects, it has started to grow positive reviews among people. Having used it a long time myself I can surely recommend it.

Cinnamon provides the best help when it comes to cutting down to sugar levels in the blood. It has been nowadays used by a huge amount of people. Having lots of positive benefits, it has risen to its stature in literally no time.

craving for sugar

How is Cinnamon helpful for Sugar Cravings?

  1. Cinnamon helps to control glucose levels

The most important part of cinnamon is controlling of glucose level. There are endless people in the world facing the issue with this problem nowadays. They can’t eat sugars but always crave for it. As we know when something is forbidden for you, you start to crave for that. That happens to a lot of people.

As a result, you always feel like you need to eat sugar. With some research done, it is clear that cinnamon would be able to cut back the glucose level to limit. Cinnamon also improves blood circulation and dilutes the blood. All this contribute to fewer cravings for sweet foods, less empty calories consumed and therefore body weight regulation.

  1. It can surely help you to eradicate Yeast infection

Yeast can seriously enhance the sugar cravings. You need to be sure of the limit, and cinnamon can surely assist in this.

Sugar is extremely likable to yeast. As soon as the sugar level is down, it sends a signal to the brain asking for more sugar, as it would keep continuing. This creates a serious cycle which keeps providing a craving for sugar.

The essential oil of cinnamon is one of the best antimicrobial substances ever known. It works against dangerous bacteria and viruses. It is also effective in preventing and treating candida, fungal diseases, and parasites.

  1. Cinnamon can fight Gut Bacteria

We are humans. Out body is a mystery. The gut of us is a sensitive place. There are lots of bacteria in it. Whenever we digest sugar or any food that got sugar in it, these bacteria thrive on those foods. This results in more sugar craving for us.

You may be astonished to know, but cinnamon is anti-bacterial. So, when you would intake it, the bacteria won’t be able to thrive on it and won’t have anything to live for. So that’s a win-win for you.

It can destroy several different types of bacteria, including E. coli, and is therefore good for the treatment of foodborne infections. As soon as you feel the symptoms of poisoning, drink a cup of cinnamon tea.

  1. Cinnamon can help you in appeasing irritability

Our brain does lots of things. Even we know that they are responsible for controlling impulse management. Recently a study has shown sugar is extremely addictive and it may have some altering effect in the part of the brain which controls impulse management.

And not only that! If you get somehow addictive to sugar and later unable to have it, it would make you feel irritated. And we all know what happens when you are irritated. You would feel frustrated, depressed and all, but won’t be able to understand the reason behind it.

Cinnamon would come to its rescues. With a proper amount of use, it can get you out of this. Even just inhaling the smell of cinnamon will improve mood and increase concentration.

  1. Cinnamon will function as a substitute for sugar

Cinnamon heats the body, stimulates the flow of blood, heats the hands and feet. It contains strong anti-oxidants and has the ability to reduce the risk of oxidative stress. It protects against type 2 diabetes and stroke. It is not advisable to take it as a medicine for diabetes but as a preventive dietary supplement. In moderate amounts, it can benefit you in the long run.

As we know cinnamon is somehow sweet in nature so it can be used as a replacement to sugar. If you want to use it in your food and drinks, then you can do it and can have it as a sugar replacement. That could surely assist you to remove the addiction of sugar.

Related: Dextrose sugar

Final thoughts

In short, I am not saying sugar is bad. But the effect of it in our health is not good. But still we love to eat it and I guess would keep eating it till the end of time. Though it provides pleasure, we need to find ways to control it. Otherwise, it may have some adverse effect in your body in the near future and things could be out of our hand.

With the pointers provided above and if you would be able to follow, then it can surely assist you in the long run. So let us know in a comment below how things are working out for you. We would love to hear from you.