Vegan Military Diet Plan

Lose weight in 7 days with the vegan military diet

The military diet plan is one that many people around the world know very well. It is a diet plan that serves as an excellent way to get into a weight reduction program. Nevertheless, a setback that one must know about the military diet is its high content of animal food products like meat, eggs, cheese, etc., which is so because most animal products are rich in protein. But these days, both vegans and vegetarians want to get a shot at the military diet plan. Luckily, this piece will shed more light on the vegan military diet plan, which is a substitute for the “real” military diet plan.

Now, before we go into the vegan military diet, let us first talk briefly about the military diet plan.

vegan military diet plan

So, what does this diet plan entail?

Over the years, there has been no concrete evidence or any reliable information about the origin of the military diet plan. No one knows how it started, who started it, or the reason why it was created. The only fact about the military diet plan is that it has only two reliable resource sites,, and and that fans and proponents of the diet run both sites without any credentials from health professionals.

However, they say that the military diet plan works like an ideal fasting diet although this is not completely true. The difference here is that it combines a three days meal plan where you have to maintain a certain amount of calorie intake, and then followed by a four days free eating plan (here, you can eat whatever you desire, but you have to ensure that it doesn’t go above the total calorie intake).

Now, during the first three days, you have to follow the military diet plan strictly. The total amount of calories you can consume is 1,000-1,400. The standard number for most days by calculation is approximately 1,150 calories. For the next four days, you have to target a total calorie intake of 1,500. The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion in the USA advises male adults to endeavor to maintain a moderate calorie intake of 2,200-2,800 per day, and adult females to sustain that of 1,800-2,000 per day.

You may ask, do only the military make use of the military diet?

The answer to the question is no! Then again, most people call the military diet other names like navy diet, army diet, or ice cream diet, because each evening on the first three days of the diet plan, you are required to consume a small amount of ice cream. People often wonder why the meal plan is called the military diet plan. we don’t have a clue either, but it might be associated with developing an army level mindset and perseverance in order to be able to follow the meal plan effectively.

Now that we know what the military diet plan requires, let’s see how it applies to the vegan army diet.

Military diet for vegans

A three-day military diet is surprisingly popular for a quick loss of kilograms without long-lasting suffering! In this diet, you replace meat with lentils or other vegetables that have higher protein content.

This diet is based on accelerating metabolism and those who have tested it claim that in just one week they lost as much as 4.5 kg or even more. This diet is by no means suitable in the long run! It is still essential that you constantly take care of a healthy lifestyle and diet as well as daily physical activity.

It is recommended that low-calorie diets like this one are followed by those who are well-prepared for such a regime and have no problems to refrain from eating large portions, otherwise, overeating may occur.

one week vegan military diet menus

Below is an ideal Vegan Military Diet Plan:

Vegan Military Diet Plan Day 1


  • ½ of a grapefruit
  • 1 slice of toast (It is preferable to take wholemeal, toast can be replaced with regular bread)
  • 2 tbsp. of peanut butter
  • 1 cup of coffee or caffeinated tea without sugar


  • 1 cup of coffee or caffeinated tea without sugar
  • 1 slice of toast (applies the same as breakfast)
  • ½ cup of bean curd (you can use some other comparable source of protein)


  • approx. 160g of any legumes rich in protein
  • ½ banana
  • 1 small-sized apple
  • 1 cup vanilla ice cream

Vegan Military Diet Plan Day 2


  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 1 slice of toast or bread
  • ½ banana


  • 1 cup of curd
  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 5 saltine crackers


  • 1 cup of broccoli
  • 2 approx. 160g of any legumes rich in protein
  • ½ banana
  • ½ cup of carrots
  • ½ cup vanilla ice cream

Vegan Military Diet Plan Day 3


  • 1 small-sized apple
  • 1 slice of cheddar cheese
  • 5 saltine crackers


  • 1 hard-boiled egg (it can also be soft-boiled)
  • 120 grams of legumes of your choice


  • 1 cup vanilla ice cream
  • 150 grams of bean curd
  • ½ a banana

Vegan Military Diet – Days 4 To 7

Eat what you like, but watch for calories (max 1500 kcal per day)! More than 80% of people misjudge how many calories they consume per day, so it’s best to follow the menu.

Essential tips to follow while on a diet

  • The first thing to remember here is that you have to drink at least 2l of water every day, depending on the weight of the individual (35 g of water/kg body weight), physical activity, workload, climatic conditions, etc. If we do not drink enough water, the body becomes dehydrated.
  • Endeavor to stay away from carbonated drinks, sweet drinks, and alcohol. Apart from water, drink only unsweetened tea or coffee. Coffee is a strong diuretic, which means that it accelerates the secretion of fluid from the kidneys and thus from the body. This causes dehydration, so do not forget to drink water.
  • Don’t allow the diet plan to disturb your everyday life; go about it as healthy as possible.
  • And lastly, aim to engage in exercises for faster and better results. Properly selected physical activity greatly helps to lose weight and speed up the melting of your pounds. You need to practice at least four to five times a week and your heart rate should be somewhere between 60 and 70 percent. The exercise should last from 30 to 45 minutes or more.

Final thoughts

Low-calorie diets usually result in a lack of essential vitamins and minerals, as food intake is reduced. This leads to a weakening of the immune system, which means that we are more susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, the duration of the diet should not be prolonged.

And another thing, because of the natural mechanism of survival, the body quickly begins to adjust to lower calorie intake and it also reduces the burning of these calories. With reduced calorie intake, you stop losing weight very quickly, which at the end of the diet results in the unwanted and unhealthy yo-yo effect.

For this reason, after finishing the vegan military diet you need to stick to a healthy eating plan, otherwise, you will regain weight very quickly. With this diet you will not lose a lot of excess weight, you can expect to lose up to 4,5 kg.