Best Zinc Supplement for Acne

One of the basic minerals to maintain skin and eye tissues in the best conditions is Zinc. Virtually all disorders and skin conditions improve markedly when zinc levels are appropriate, especially in cases of acne. Zinc is also considered by a large number of dermatologists as a great remedy for acne because it helps regulate the body’s fat levels and absorb nutrients correctly. In this article, you will find out which is the best zinc supplement for acne treatment.


woman with acne



How does zinc benefit our health?


Zinc is an essential mineral for the body, needed for maintaining the health of the skin, eyes and for the proper functioning of sexual organs.


Zinc has the following properties in our body:


  • It helps regulate the activity of the sebaceous gland (fat) in the body, preventing and curing acne;
  • It is necessary for the adequate synthesis of proteins;
  • It helps in the formation of collagen;
  • Mineral essential to maintain the defense system in excellent condition;
  • Collaborate in the proper formation of bones;
  • Accelerates the proper healing of the skin;
  • Preventive of the formation of free radicals;
  • It intervenes in the adequate concentration of vitamin E and the good absorption of vitamin A; as these vitamins are directly involved in the health of the skin.


The body can lose significant amounts of zinc when it has diarrhea or has diabetes, liver cirrhosis, anemia, etc. That is why you have to maintain adequate levels of zinc to prevent deterioration in the skin or eyes, as well as in the other systems mentioned above, such as the immune system.


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How to take zinc to treat skin and acne problems?


Furthermore, it is determined that the best zinc supplement for acne is rooibos tea.

Are you a tea lover? Then you will love knowing that it has been discovered that rooibos has great benefits for skin care. It is scientifically proven that daily consumption of rooibos tea can help you keep your skin free of acne.

As you should have already known, rooibos tea is of South African origin and is made with the leaves of the shrub Aspalathus linearis or red shrub, which give it its typical reddish-brown color. The natives of South Africa since ancient times have drunk this exotic drink to protect themselves from many diseases and as a beauty treatment for the skin and hair.

These benefits have been fully confirmed by science through numerous scientific studies. Apparently, its high content of antioxidants is the main protagonist of these healing virtues, especially aspalathin, which would help prevent and treat acne.


rooibos aka best zinc supplement for acne



Rooibos aka best zinc supplement for acne treatment


As earlier highlighted, different scientific research conducted on the composition of the rooibos has determined that its benefits for the skin, especially for the care of acne, are due to its rich content of natural antioxidants. Drinking rooibos tea for acne can be very helpful because:


  • It is a natural cleanser

Being a rich source of hydroxyl acid, it’s a natural compound commonly present in medical products prescribed for acne. In addition, it has a rich content of minerals and vitamins, especially zinc and vitamin D, famous for helping to keep the skin healthy.


  • It is hypoallergenic

The discovery of this property has allowed scientists to develop a series of cosmetic products especially suitable for skin suffering from acne so that despite the type of skin you have, these beauty products that contain rooibos among its main ingredients will not produce any type of allergy that would make the acne worse.


  • It is antibacterial

Some compounds of rooibos act as true antibacterial agents, helping you to treat and alleviate bacterial infections of your skin, especially acne. There have been some studies where it has been shown that people with acne, after drinking rooibos tea daily and applying creams containing it on their skin have notably decreased the number of facial eruptions.

Scientists believe that the cause of this benefit may be the high level of flavonoids and zinc that rooibos has, which helps your body eliminate germs and bacteria. Maybe you’re wondering: but how can I get a rooibos tea treatment for acne? Do not worry! Take note of the following tips.



How to use Rooibos tea to treat acne


To obtain its benefits for the skin:


  • Drink it daily

You can prepare it as you usually fix a normal tea or incorporate it into different recipes.


  • Use it in creams

In addition, you can search the market for creams and ointments that serve as rooibos tea treatment for acne.


  • Use it to wash yourself

Set aside some bags of rooibos to wash your face. In this way, you will allow its active components to act directly on your skin while helping you to clean it.



General health benefits of the rooibos plant


organic rooibos tea



Aside from being a great supplement for acne treatment, rooibos tea also has the following general benefits for the body:





  • Avoid skin disorders

Rooibos help in the prevention of other skin disorders such as eczema. You can drink the rooibos tea or apply it directly on the skin to fight eczema. It also contributes to healthier skin.


  • Has antibacterial properties

Besides many positive effects of rooibos tea, it has the ability to help alleviate gastric or digestive problems and helps to kill harmful bacteria.


  • Promotes healthy skin and has an anti-aging effect

Rooibos contains high levels of antioxidants (superoxide dismutase), vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and zinc, which help to reduce wrinkles and make the skin healthy and bright from the inside. Drinking this healthy tea not only gives beautiful skin but also helps to eliminate dead skin cells and stimulates the production of healthy ones.


  • Heals baldness

A red rooibos plant, which grows only in Africa, also heals baldness. It has 37 antioxidants and minerals that significantly improve hair growth.


  • Prevents gray hair

You do not have to be over 40 to have gray hair! Thanks to increased stress and pollution, graying hair is no longer a symptom of age. The high levels of copper and zinc present in rooibos extract help prevent premature graying of the hair.


  • Stimulates the immune system

Rooibos is full of the unique and complex mixture of antioxidants. These antioxidants boost the immune system that helps us maintain homeostasis of the body while keeping us healthy from within.


  • Prevents heart attacks, strokes, and cancer

Due to the high content of antioxidants, it protects against inflammation and oxidative processes. This protects against cardiovascular disease and cancer. Polysaccharides isolated from rooibos are even fighting HIV. To a large extent, they prevent the binding of HIV-1 to T cells.


  • Helps relieve stress and hypertension

Rooibos is an herb that is free of caffeine and has no kilojoules. The consumption of caffeine tends to raise the blood pressure of the body, which causes stress and hypertension. Research has shown that the consumption of rooibos tea is very good at controlling blood pressure level of the body, avoiding stress and hypertension.


  • Weight loss

Fermented rooibos has a surprisingly sweet flavor. Changing your regular tea with Red Detox Tea can help you avoid sugar intake. It is a great way to control your appetite and lose those extra pounds from your body fast and safe.


red body tea


In conclusion, rooibos tea is considered as one amongst the best zinc supplement for acne. If we enjoy rooibos, we are healthier and we avoid various skin and hair problems, and it also leads us to a healthier lifestyle, as highlighted above.