TRX Alternative Options – the Best Equipment you can Get

Alternatives to TRX Suspension Training Sets

What is TRX?

It seems like there is always a new form of workout that hits the fitness industry and gains a massive following quickly. These trendy workouts usually rise to prominence as a result of practicality, results, cost efficiency, and time-saving. One of the most recent fitness obsessions to break into the market has been TRX suspension training. TRX is simply the brand that makes these suspension training bands and rings, but their workouts are revolutionary in how they’re able to be done virtually anywhere that you can hook the bands up, and they offer a multitude of exercises (over 300) that can be done with just one piece of gym equipment. Rather than buying multiple sets of weights, and studying how to use said weight sets to achieve your fitness goals, the TRX suspension workout is supposed to be an all-in-one body weight-based exercise that can help you not only tone up but gain muscle mass. However, since TRX is expensive, take a look at our selection of the best alternative options to the original TRX straps.

Men working out with TRX alternative

TRX stands for Total-Body Resistance Exercise, the acronym is a little clumsy, but it makes for good branding I suppose. The main focus of TRX workouts is how your body moves. Rather than a traditional workout that focuses on muscle isolation and working one or two muscle groups a day and honing in on those areas through weight training, TRX focuses on coordination, flexibility, and movement in addition to performing challenging exercises.

Proponents of TRX argue that traditional weight training does help you to gain muscle mass and strength, but that it can be lacking in the area of neuromuscular coordination. In other words, you’re getting stronger, but you’re not gaining more control over how your body moves and perceives these movements. Rather than performing your exercises on a two-dimensional “rail,” up and down or side to side, TRX involves exercises that move in three-dimensional space and thus increase spatial awareness and coordination.

TRX suspension training equipment

Perhaps the most beautiful part of the TRX workout system is the equipment necessary. In fact, all you need are two TRX suspension trainer straps which can tie in or clip into just about anything. If you can’t find somewhere safe to mount the straps, you may need to purchase additional mounts to ensure that you’re exercising with a safe setup.

Since TRX equipment is proprietary technology, it gives them the ability to set their own prices, which in fairness can be high for just two bands. I’m not sure exactly how much it costs to manufacture the bands, but the profit margin must be high at a price point of anywhere from 100 to 200 dollars for TRX band and accessory sets. This leaves many people seeking for viable alternatives, something that they can perhaps set up themselves or use at their local gym that provides similar advantages and benefits as TRX but doesn’t come at a price point of a couple hundred dollars.

In defense of TRX, however, paying one or two hundred dollars for unlimited workout potential isn’t bad either. Nonetheless, here are some alternative options to the TRX plan that can get you started.

TRX band sets

Before we discuss alternatives, you should be aware that there are a couple of different TRX band sets that are offered, namely their “GO” line and their “PRO” line. The GO products are meant to be more portable, as the name suggests, and doesn’t require hefty, custom-built anchors. They can be used in something such as a door frame. The PRO line, on the other hand, is more expensive, requires a little bit more of setup savviness, but also offers more versatility and number of exercises that you’re capable of doing.

TRX is trusted for their quality products, but this guarantee for quality comes at a price, and they’ve built their brand enough to move product at high price points, but you’re a savvy consumer, so here are some other brands that can offer similar results for a fraction of the cost.

Alternatives to the TRX product line

Intent Sports Bodyweight Fitness Kit

First up is the Intent Sports Bodyweight Fitness Kit. This product has good customer reviews and offers similar function as the TRX product line. There little to no qualms from those who have used it concerning the quality or durability of them, so we’re gathering that it’s a reputable alternative to the TRX series. Some have complained that some attributes of the bands, such as the grips, are built with cheaper quality to TRX, but you get what you pay for I suppose.

Other than the overall build quality feeling a little bit cheaper, the exercises that it offers are similar to the exercise versatility offered through TRX products. This product seems to be more in the vein of the TRX GO line, as they are intended to fit and attach onto doors and be portable. There are a few complaints about the fitment of these bands around some styles of door frames, so perhaps do some research into what door you plan to attach it to and if that will work for you.

Overall, this product has a clear quality difference from the TRX products, but the price point is much lower at about 50 to 75 dollars. There seems to be an issue with stocking these products, and they’re currently unavailable on the website as well as Amazon, but hopefully the demand for this cheap alternative drives the production up so that you can get one of your own.

JDDZ Full Bodyweight Suspension Kit

Another highly recommended alternative is the JDDZ Full Bodyweight Suspension Kit. This set is crafted in a similar target audience as the TRX all-in-one basics set. Many satisfied customers have commented that even for the lower price point, the quality doesn’t lack as it does in the Intent Sports bundle. Since many of these suspension components are put under a lot of stress from intense bodyweight exercises, durability and build quality is key to ensuring that your equipment lasts, but also that you stay safe while using them. And this set seems to check the boxes for build quality and durability, which is great.

If there is a downside to this set, it’s that you have to somewhat know what you’re doing when setting them up, because there are no provided instructions for setting them up. With the power of the internet, however, this is less of a concern than ever since you should be able to find a proper setup tutorial from a customer that has successfully installed it. The set also comes with some free resistance bands, which are said by many customers to be lacking in quality, but the resistance bands aren’t what we’re here for anyway. So, buy this set for the cheap suspension products and toss the free resistance bands into the garbage and get to exercising. The price point for this set comes in around 40 to 50 dollars, which is over a 50% reduction in price of many of the TRX bundles.

Human Trainer Essential Kit

Some buyers might be on the opposite end of the spectrum when looking for an alternative to the TRX product line and they might be in search of something that is more complete and even more durable. If you’re in this camp and you’re willing to splash some extra cash, you’ll want to take a look at the Human Trainer Essential Kit. This kit comes in at a whopping $475 on Amazon. For that price, you might think that it comes with a personal trainer as well, and it doesn’t unfortunately. However, it does include a DVD and four e-books for your reference so that you really know what you’re doing if practicing these exercises at home.

Also, it comes with many different attachments and accessories such as Olympic rings, triceps ropes, multiple ceiling mounts, extra handles, a carrying bag, unique foot cradles for exercise that require suspension by feet, and a rotational pulley system. If you’re concerned about taking the leap into this product, it does come with a 90-day trial period where you can return it if unsatisfied, which makes it less of a risk. It’s incredibly expensive, but if you buy this set, you won’t yearn for another set of bodyweight suspension products ever again and your bodyweight exercise needs will be met. So, if you’re looking for a premium alternative to the TRX brand, consider this alternative.

Final thoughts: TRX alternative options – the Best Equipment you can Get

Hopefully these suggested alternatives help you to find what you’re looking for outside of the TRX line. Or, maybe after reading this you think that the TRX line offers a nice middle ground product that is durable and offers many exercises for a reasonable price point, which can also be argued.

It’s all about what you’re willing to sacrifice for your exercise goals. You might not need to cough up as much money for cheaper alternatives, but you might be less satisfied with their quality. Either way, making a conscious decision to give these workouts a try and increase your physical fitness is something to applaud.

Essential Oil Cleaning Recipes

Cleaning With Essential Oils

All cleaning supplies are based on the naturally occurring materials that were used years ago. Using essential oils allows people to use the basics when they are cleaning.  There are so many options available and many can be made at home with supplies found in most pantries, or easily picked up at the store. They can be used for everything from deep cleaning to laundry, insect repellant from bathrooms to pest and band both safe and effective in every room of the house. All the following essential oil cleaning recipes have been tested by me and I can confirm that the formulas are very effective.

Woman wearing protective gear and cleaning according to essential oil cleaning recipes

Best essential oils for cleaning and how to use them

Some basic oils for cleaning include lemon, tea tree, and lavender. These are antibacterial and antifungal properties. Having these three available all the time opens a wide range of options for making cleaners.

  • Lemon can be great for a kitchen, the antimicrobial properties will ensure all surfaces are bright, free of bacteria, and smell light and fresh. It is also the best choice for wood furniture and floors, as it brings them to a safe shine and adds moisture back into the wood to prevent cracking, as well as slowing the dust collection on the furniture. People have been polishing their wooden furniture with lemon oil for decades to keep them healthy, strong, and clean.

  • Tea Tree oil is a great option for bathrooms, as it is able to remove and prevent mold and mildew, as well as hard water and soap stains. With the antiseptic properties it’s good for around first aid stations and medicine cabinets, and the antifungal properties will help reduce the growth of germs and bacteria around the garbage cans and even in the fridge and freezer.

  • Lavender may be one of the more versatile choices as it has properties of both of the others, along with adding a signature scent all its own. It is a good choice for calm, tranquil, quiet spaces, bathrooms, living rooms, floors. It is occasionally a trigger for migraine or headaches in some people, so if it affects you or someone in your home that way it is best to stick with other options.

  • In addition to the lemon in the citrus family orange essential oil is also great for calming, and the fungi and bacteria-fighting properties make it a good fit for bathroom cleaning, laundry rooms, and kitchens. Citrus is great for removing grease and build up, and the antibacterial will help to not only remove the bacteria already there but help to resist bacteria build up after cleaning.

  • If you’re looking for another antibacterial option peppermint certainly fits. It kills germs, it gets rid of all bacteria on a surface and can be used as a deterrent for bugs making it great for floors, window frames and ledges, door frames, baseboards, laundry rooms, and even as a little refresher around the edges of a room.

How to make a cleaning spray according to essential oil cleaning recipes

All these oils can be used with a few drops in a spray bottle full of water and can be sprayed directly onto surfaces for cleaning. The most basic is to add water, vinegar, and your oil of choice for cleaning. As vinegar is acidic it can remove a lot of build up and sticky messes, as well as being a disinfectant.

Add the disinfecting properties to antibacterial essential oils, and you have a good all-purpose cleaner. Using vinegar with essential oil will also work for a laundry soap, and for cleaning the washing machine from all the build up that occurs from soap that doesn’t rinse all the way out. Or add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to wool dryer balls to reduce static, boost scent, and reduce pet fur on clothes. This is more gentle than regular dryer sheets and they can be used hundreds of times.

For windows, mirrors, and reflective surfaces vinegar alone is the best alternative as it dries streak free and leaves no residue or build up, but is still antibacterial and fights soap build up. Create a mattress spray, also safe for use on most carpets and window coverings, by adding some eucalyptus to a spray bottle of water and spray the mattress or surface. Eucalyptus kills cold, flu, and some other illnesses and since they can be air born they may rest on soft surfaces as well.

To keep your rooms smelling fresh and welcoming, essential oils can be added to several things. You can add it to a humidifier during any time of year, but especially citrus, eucalyptus (if you don’t have children or pets), or even tea tree for a flu or cold season to both refresh the air but kill the airborne germs. You can also create a bowl or jar with orange peels, rocks, pinecones, etc, with a few drops of essential oils on a cotton ball or cotton pad underneath. This will both look cute and allow the scent to permeate the room and help eliminate other odors.

Humidifier with essential oil is releasing moisture into the air

As bad odors are caused by bacteria and buildup, essential oils as an air freshener both get rid of the unwanted smells and release a pleasant smell, and some, such as cinnamon, eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, thyme, have antiviral properties as well and can help stop or slow the transmission of the virus among family members and when used on mattresses and laundry it keeps transmission down from touch transmission as well.

When using essential oils for cleaning it is highly recommended to use glass bottles. Glass spray bottles, and for making laundry soap or cleansing wipes use a mason jar or other glass jar (for recycling a glass jam jar or pickle jar would work as well). The oils will weaken plastic and thin it over time, so they would need to be replaced as they deteriorate. It is also important to use gloves when cleaning, both to keep your hands from the cleaner but also from the dirt that you are cleaning. It also helps to prevent hands from drying out and cracking, so protect that skin and wear gloves.

Boost the power with baking soda

To create your own signature cleaning product choose 2 or 3 oils that you like and mix them together in water or water and vinegar, and find the right mix for you. When you need a little boost for scrubbing power baking soda can be placed either on the surface then sprayed and scrubbed with the cleaning solution, or add some baking soda to a bowl then add some water and essential oil, mix, and scrub away.

With a super stubborn stain or soap build up, etc, put the baking soda on the spot and add vinegar. Let it bubble and it will lift up much of the dirt while killing the bacteria as well. This also works for cleaning sink drains and can be used in toilets, add the baking soda first and then pour vinegar over it. This will cause it to foam and fizz, removing the build up or the blockage, then run hot water to rinse it all down.

Find a good quality essential oil

Additionally research to find a good quality essential oil for both safety and productivity. Some are watered down or not created in the best methods, they may be different strength which means they would need to be diluted differently.

Impure oils may also have ingredients that aren’t necessarily safe for use around families or children or pets, and might not mix as well with vinegar or other products. They may even be unsafe on some surface due to unknown impurities. A well knows, well respected brand will offer you peace of mind and confidence.

Final thoughts: Essential oil cleaning recipes

Essential oils are a flexible, affordable, and customizable way to clean every day or deep cleaning. When used appropriately they can be safe, easy, and fast. As you can mix it at home yourself you will never run out of the cleaner you need when you need it most.

They can be antibacterial, antifungal, and remove even the toughest soap build ups. There are safety measures to take, as with all cleaners, but when you find a safe source for oils and wear gloves, use glass containers for all your cleaners, you can create a clean and safe home for you and your family.

Always check for allergies and asthma, as essential oils can irritate asthma in many people, it can cause irritation in the airways and affect breathing. Children and pets are susceptible to respiratory irritation and other concerns with some oils in particular, for example eucalyptus is not recommended for use around young children, and tea tree oil should be used around children in limited quantities or not at all.

Pets shouldn’t be around some oils and should be protected from ingesting oils and some shouldn’t be defused near them. It is important to research what oils are suitable for your home and which aren’t, as well as check with a trained aromatherapist or with your veterinarian and family doctor before using oils in your home.

How to Make Homemade Disposable Disinfectant Wipes

In these days of chaos and uncertainty, it doesn’t hurt to have a few good ideas on how to pinch some pennies. For that matter, many stores are being emptied out of basic essentials by panicking masses. While some things just are not practical to make on your own, other household items can be crafted with only a few dollars worth of easily attainable supplies and a little know-how. Getting a little thrifty and crafty can make your life easier, save you some money, and help keep you and your family safe from dangerous bacteria. In this article, you’ll learn how to make homemade disposable disinfectant wipes.

A woman cleaning with homemade disinfectant wipes

Making your own disposable disinfectant wipes may not have ever occurred to you before now, but these are the kind of things that are being grabbed up in stores so fast that most people can’t get their hands on them. On the other hand, the few basic supplies you will need to make your own disinfectant wipes will be fairly easy to come by, and shouldn’t be sold out any time soon. If you’re worried that you aren’t particularly handy, don’t fret, this is extremely easy.

In this article, we will discuss a few different kinds of disposable disinfectant wipes, and we will give step-by-step instructions on how to make your own right at home.

Why Do You Need Disposable Disinfectant Wipes?

You might be asking yourself why you would even need disposable disinfectant wipes? Perhaps you’re thinking that you already have a washrag and some disinfectant spray, so what more could you need? If you have already gotten by with that old dishrag and spray for as long as you remember, it might be time to consider an alternative that is safer and better for the environment. Not only that, it will save you some money, which is always a good thing.

The old ways are not always the best ways. Let’s take the towels in your bathroom as an example. Did you know that the towels you use to dry off with after a shower can contain bacteria like E. Coli and salmonella? That is just two of the countless bacteria you might find. Even the towels you use only on your own body after you just got done cleaning yourself off in the shower are covered in potentially harmful bacteria.

If your towels are that unsanitary, imagine what must be on a dishrag that you’ve used to wipe up multiple spills and dirty counters? Thinking on that will make you want to throw that dirty rag away, and that’s exactly the point of disposable disinfectant wipes. You can use them once, then never worry about whether or not you should use them again, because you toss that one and use a fresh one every time.

Now you might be wondering why you should make your own, rather than just buying them at the store. Let’s temporarily disregard the money you’ll be saving and the fact that homemade wipes are safer for you. Disposable wipes sold in stores contain plastic fibers, making them dangerous to animals and terrible for the environment. Twenty minutes of your time can help your environment immensely.

There are so many reasons to take a little extra time to make your own cleaning and hygiene products. It will save you money, keep you safer, and protect the environment. Let’s explore a few different types of disposable wipes.

Disposable Bathroom Wipes

If you’ve made a trip to the store recently, you might have noticed that they’re a little low on sanitary products like toilet paper and flushable wipes. Perhaps you thought you’d sneak on over to the baby section and get some baby wipes instead. Well, there are two problems with that idea.

First, you’re not the only one that had that idea. Most stores are limiting the number of purchases you’re allowed on those types of products because they are becoming scarce. Second, have you ever actually looked at what flushable wipes are made of? The ingredients in baby wipes are harsh, unnecessary, and sometimes even dangerous.

baby wipe

Take Pampers Clean and Go wipes for example. The ingredients are Water, Disodium EDTA, Xanthan Gum, Caprylic Triglyceride, PEG 40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Benzyl Alcohol, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Sodium Hydroxymethlyglycinate, Citric Acid, Fragrance

Does anyone know what Hydroxymethlyglycinate is? Most of us can’t even pronounce that word, but they expect us to put it on our skin.

There is a solution. All it takes is some heavy-duty paper towels, which are much easier to come by right now, and a few other ingredients that won’t be hard to find.

1 cup of water
1 tablespoon of pure aloe vera
1 tablespoon of liquid castile soap
1 teaspoon of olive oil

The process for making the wipes is surprisingly simple:

  1. Cut the paper towel roll in half.
  2. Put one half of the roll in a plastic container of some kind. An old baby wipe container would work great, but any plastic container will do.
  3. Mix the ingredients from above in a bowl or cup. You can choose to add things like essential oils or vitamin e extract, but keep in mind that highly sensitive skin might be bothered by additives.
  4. Pour the mixture onto the paper towels, and let it soak with the lid closed for ten minutes, then flip the container and wait another ten minutes.
  5. Open it up and enjoy your homemade sanitary wipes.
  6. Remember to keep the lid closed so they won’t dry out. After you use up the first half of the roll, you can simply make a new batch with the other half. These wipes are sturdy, effective, and very safe.

Disposable Disinfectant Cleaning Wipes

We’ve discussed just how unsanitary a washrag can be after a few uses, so by now you understand the need for a safer alternative. Items that are used for cleaning and sanitation are selling out nearly as fast as hygiene items like toilet paper. Why not take the time to learn how to make your own disposable disinfectant wipes, and save yourself some frustration, as well as some money?

Furthermore, making your own wipes ensures that they will be safe and environmentally friendly. This particular recipe for disposable disinfectant wipes is only four simple ingredients. None of these ingredients are expensive or difficult to come by.

The ingredients are as follows:
1 roll of paper towels
3/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of vinegar
1/4 teaspoon of dish soap

Before we move on to the instructions, you might be asking yourself why you would want to add vinegar to something you’re going to be wiping all over your countertops and other hard surfaces. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and bactericide. While most research states that vinegar on its own is not as effective as commercial chemicals, it is much safer and it is proven to kill most bacteria. For that matter, we aren’t using it on its own. Acetic acid is the part of vinegar that kills the germs. Most vinegar sold in stores is going to have about 5 percent acetic acid, but if you can find one with 7-12 percent, it’s going to work a lot better. These can sometimes be found in certain environmentally conscientious stores.

Vinegar as a natural disinfectant

So here is how you’re going to turn those ingredients into disposable disinfectant wipes:

  1. Cut the paper towel roll in half, or in this case you can choose to leave it whole. The trick is to shop around for a container that is the right shape and size to hold a whole roll of paper towels.
  2. Put one half, or the whole roll, into a plastic container of some kind. A few more suggestions would be old plastic coffee containers or Tupperware.
  3. Mix the ingredients from above in a bowl or cup. You may choose to add more ingredients if you wish, but remember that more isn’t automatically better.
  4. Pour the mixture onto the paper towels, and let it soak with the lid closed for ten minutes, then flip the container and wait another ten minutes.
  5. Open it up and enjoy your homemade disposable disinfectant wipes.

There are many variations of this recipe. Some people use rubbing alcohol or baking soda in place of the vinegar. Some people add lemon juice. Another common idea is to add certain scented oils to spruce the mixture up and little. I do not suggest adding anything with a good smell to vinegar, because the combination usually isn’t pretty.

Final thoughts: How to make homemade disposable disinfectant wipes

Times are uncertain, and we can’t always rely on grocery stores and department stores to have everything we need to keep our homes safe and sanitary. Even if the stores were packed full of expensive products, there’s really no reason to pay more for products that are unhealthy and bad for the environment.

It’s not always people’s favorite pastime, making products that you would normally rather buy outright. After you have tried it, you may realize that making your own homemade disposable wipes and disinfectant wipes is actually cheaper, easy, safer, and better for the environment.

Calisthenics Workout Routine

How Calisthenic Workouts can save you time and money while whipping you into shape

Calisthenics are exercises that use only your body weight, as opposed to using weights, resistance bands, or any other gym equipment. Calisthenics workout routine is great for many people because many exercises can be done without a gym membership and can be done at home.

Some popular calisthenics that you’ve undoubtedly heard of are pull-ups, push-ups, planks, sit-ups, etc. The ceiling for calisthenics is actually incredibly high. You might not think that you can get in great shape by doing calisthenics, but in fact, you can get just as cut by doing calisthenics as going to the gym, and all for free.

A man doing a full-body workout called calisthenics workout routine.

An interesting success story for calisthenics is Herschel Walker. Herschel Walker, if you don’t already know the name, is one of the best running backs to ever play football and winner of the 1982 Heisman Trophy. Walker was also known for his incredible physique, speed, and strength, but Walker didn’t lift weights until years into his career as a professional running back. Instead, Herschel Walker did calisthenics, as many as two to three thousand push-ups and sit-ups each day.

If calisthenics can work for one of the greatest athletes ever, calisthenics is most likely good enough for you. The question is how far will you take your progression?

Why do calisthenics?

So, you might wonder why a calisthenics workout routine is worth getting into. There are actually many reasons. First, the obvious being that you can do them with no equipment and for free. There is no excuse for not working out by practicing calisthenics since you can do many of these exercises in your living room when you’re home alone.

Also, calisthenics can help you to improve how you control your body. Calisthenics have been shown to improve posture, grip, and lower body fat. Calisthenics also leaves you less prone to damage and wear and tear on joints as opposed to heavy weights.

And there’s a good possibility that you’ll be training multiple muscle groups at once while performing just one exercise, which helps to develop strength that helps you in actual athletic movements, rather than just being strong for the sake of being able to lift one heavy weight in one specific movement.

Calisthenics also help to maintain your flexibility as you train. So, calisthenics workout is an excuse-free, timesaving, money-saving, and body-sculpting miracle.

Calisthenics for beginners:

If you’re just getting into working out regularly, the calisthenics workout routine is a great option for you. In fact, many of those who lift weights regularly even recommend that beginners start with calisthenics because then they can practice movements that are familiar and easy, and they can gain strength prior to weightlifting. It works perfectly for getting your body into shape and able to take on bigger physical tasks.

  • Compound exercises: You can probably guess where a good place to start is for those just getting into calisthenics, and it’s probably the same movements that you did in your gym class back in school: push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, planks, and squats.

  • If you can’t do a movement such as a pushup, start by doing an incline pushup, where your hands are on something raised that can support you, such as a bench if you have it or it could even be something like a coffee table. Starting at an incline will make it easier and once incline pushups start to get easier, move up to a traditional pushup.

  • Start by doing 2 to 3 sets of the basic calisthenic movements. Do 5 to 20 pushups in a set, followed by 15 to 20 squats in a set, then work your core with sets of 30-45 second planks, 10 to 15 lunges on your right and left legs, and close your workout with 30-second side planks.

If this beginner workout is too easy or becomes to easy for you after doing it for some time, congratulations, you’ve moved up into a more moderate calisthenic workout program. The great thing about calisthenics is that it’s also easy to measure your progress. If you can do 3 sets of 10 pushups today and two weeks later you can do 3 sets of 15 pushups, you’ve made great progress and that will continue.

How to level up your calisthenics workout routine with equipment and challenging movements

There are some types of equipment that can supplement your calisthenics workout routine, and if you really don’t want to buy anything there are often parks that have workout areas meant for calisthenics. A park like this might have tires to flip, pull up bars, parallel bars to do dips on, and more.

And these aren’t playground equipment, although a playground also has these things, it can be somewhat strange for an adult to work out on a playground in my opinion, but to each his own. These areas are designated for working out.

A man doing outdoor calisthenics exercises.

If you want to get the most out of your home workout, though, you can add a pull-up bar, gymnastics rings, somewhere to do dips, and more. These aren’t mandatory but can give you more options and variety to your workouts, which will help you to break through plateaus.

As you continue to work on your calisthenics workout routine, there are variations you can introduce into many of these movements that make them more difficult and allow you to gain more strength and better body control. For example, if pull-ups become easy, or if you just want a challenge, try to widen your pull up grip.

If you’re able to do planks for a long time, try to do planks with one arm and one leg on opposing sides (e.g. right arm and left leg) extended straight and alternate sides at equal time intervals, such as every 10 seconds or every 30 seconds if you’re really progressing in your workouts.

Or you can put your hands farther out in front of you while doing planks, rather than keeping them right under your face. The farther you move your hands out, the more of a challenge it will be to hold the plank. If squats become so easy that they feel pointless, try one-legged squats or jump squats. Replace lunges with jumping lunges to level-up your lunge movement and difficulty.

Can I progress doing calisthenics?

The beauty of calisthenics is that once you realize all of the possibilities, you notice that you can constantly progress. Although it’s easy to think that eventually push-ups and pull-ups won’t be a challenge and your calisthenic journey ends there, that’s really just the beginning of your journey into calisthenic workouts.

Some of these movements can really get your heart pumping as well. Building muscle in itself will improve your cardiovascular strength, but also many of these workouts provide cardio work in the exercises. Exercises that require high levels of movement, such as burpees, mountain climbers, or frog jumps.

You can really work up a sweat and see those heart rate BPMs increase with some of these high-intensity calisthenic workouts. For even better results, pair your calisthenics with something else that you can do totally for free: running. Many who do calisthenic workouts also jog multiple times a week to supplement weight loss if that’s what they’re looking for, or just to feel even better and improve their lung capacity and heart.

Try to do a calisthenic workout 5 times a week. As mentioned already, the calisthenics workout routine is a no-excuse sort of routine which means you no longer have the excuses of time or money or people watching you workout to be afraid of. You can do most of these in the privacy of your home without having to take a trip to the gym or pay a membership. This means that you should be able to get in 5 workouts each week with that extra time and money you’ll be saving.

Final thoughts: Calisthenics workout routine

Calisthenics is integrated into many workouts already and has the potential to help you improve yourself in a multitude of ways. Once you’re on a calisthenic plan for a month or more and start to feel yourself walking with better posture, maintaining your breath when walking up the stairs, and see yourself losing weight and gaining muscle you’ll undoubtedly be sold.

It does take discipline, but if discipline is what you struggle with, calisthenics might be able to help you bridge the gap over to fitness by removing as many excuses as possible from your arsenal of excuses not to workout. If nothing else, do calisthenics while you’re being lazy.

I had a gym teacher in elementary school who told us to do pushups and situps during commercial breaks. Now, Netflix doesn’t have commercials but at least give it a try in between each episode. But to really get in shape, develop a routine and stick to it.

The PHAT Workout Program Review

What is the PHAT program and what those who have followed it have to say about it

The PHAT workout, standing for Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training, is a workout program crafted by Layne Norton, intended to build size and strength. Layne Norton is a competitive powerlifter, professional natural pro bodybuilder, and he also holds a Ph. D in nutritional science. He’s known for his insight given through his podcast Physique Science Radio.

PHAT involves a combination of bodybuilding and powerlifting, fitting coming from Norton, who has both bodybuilding and powerlifting experience.

Man with weights performing PHAT workout

Powerlifters are known to utilize high weight and low rep count throughout their training, while bodybuilders’ main goal is to achieve more mass through lower weight and a higher amount of reps. It might seem an unlikely combo since they are polar opposites in structure, but Layne Norton has found a happy marriage of these two different fitness styles.

Gain strength and build muscle

Generally, to build mass it requires not only heavy lifting but also a large diet to support the growth, although size doesn’t always equal strength. Through the PHAT workout, gaining strength along with mass, using the mass to break through plateaus is the idea. Rather than sacrificing strength for mass or mass for strength, the concept hopes to achieve both simultaneously by combining training from both camps.

The PHAT program relies heavily on structure and fundamental movements to experience continual growth through specific planning. The PHAT workout claims to help its users increase raw strength, stimulate hypertrophy, strengthen and condition, and teach necessary principles of strength.

Hypertrophy stimulates growth of muscle cells and is combined with progressive overload for best results. Progressive overload is exposing the body to more tensional forces than it’s adapted to in the hopes of promoting strength gain or “shocking the muscles” as some say. It might sound like an intense program, and it is. Achieving progressive overload and hypertrophy requires a lot of effort and constant building upon past results.

The workout aims to hit each muscle group twice weekly, which for many workout schedules means working out about five days a week, which can be demanding for some. Norton has catered this program to the lifter who wants to gain strength without having to “bulk” by putting on excess amounts of fat to reach their strength goals. A combination of high and low rep amounts through sets help achieve hypertrophy while also allowing for a smoother recovery.

Related: CrossFit workout guide

Schedule of PHAT workout

Since this is a progressive workout, meaning that you are constantly pushing your body to its limits, it’s available for any experience level to try, and simply push your body to what it’s capable of.

  • The schedule goes on a five-day cycle each week, with days 1 and 2 of each week focusing on upper and lower body movements that build strength through range of motion, initiating hypertrophy and muscle growth.
  • Days 3 and 7 of each week are rest days.
  • Days 4, 5 and 6 of each week are heavily focused on hypertrophy through compound movements with heavier weights and low to moderate rep amounts. These heavier days are also intended to be doing one or two sets for each movement and outputting large amounts of energy into a few amount of reps, rather than building up to 4 or 5 sets for each movement.
  • The workouts are recommended to last one and a half to two hours and run for 3 four-week cycles for a total of 12 weeks. Two cycles will be overload, and one will deload.

Drawbacks and acknowledged difficulties of PHAT:

There are certainly some drawbacks to this program, although it seems to give great results to those who follow it. It allows you to build massive amounts of muscle, gain strength, and gain size simultaneously, but it does take a lot of effort, which brings us to the drawbacks.

The negatives of the PHAT workout are that the workouts take a lot of time and are extremely high effort. Of course, with a lot of time and effort, you’ll be looking and feeling great by the end of it, but it can be difficult to stick with, especially for beginners. Putting 10 hours a week into training isn’t something that a lot of working folk with families have time for. A plan that works three or four days a week at around one to one and a half hours would be much more suited for a working person who simply wants to build their physique to include some abs and greater muscle definition.

However, if elite levels of size and strength are your ultimate goal, it’s possible to achieve that through the PHAT program, but bear in mind that it will be a large time commitment.

Man in the gym doing PHAT bodybuilding and powerlifting

In addition to the time commitment, the effort levels must be through the roof to continue progressing through the workout and even to complete the workout. Exerting this much energy is more than a matter of mental and physical stamina as well, it requires a healthy diet to supplement your energy expenditure and a solid sleep schedule to boot. And of course, this can be hard to follow for those who aren’t able to avoid unhealthy eating altogether or who can have the discipline and lack of interruptions to achieve a perfect sleep schedule.

The PHAT program is certainly possible for people who work and have a family, but you might not have free time for much else than cooking and going to the gym. So, if that’s something you’re willing to do for three months, you should by all means go for it. If it’s something you don’t think you’ll be capable of handling, consider another program that has a lower time and energy commitment and then maybe consider leveling up to the PHAT program once you’re feeling good from a few weeks of solid training three or four days a week.

What are those who have followed PHAT workout program saying about it?

Those who have followed PHAT reported that when skipping days throughout the week due to the heavy time commitments, they experienced delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMs on the weeks where they didn’t skip days. For example, if you were to skip a leg day one week, the next week when you hit that leg day, your legs would be noticeably sore the next day. These same people also reported to experience great progression through PHAT, as the program boasts, and even better progression than that experienced through the PHUL program, or Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower, a similar program.

The cohesion of PHAT was complimented, saying that the movements seemed to correlate to other movements and very few to no exercises felt like they had no relation to other exercises, which is a common complaint of the PHUL program, that some exercises can seem pointless.

The hypertrophy days are generally reportedly enjoyable workout days that offer unique workouts and traditional workouts alike and leave you feeling good and with a solid pump. Hypertrophy leg day has been said that it can be compared to a cardio workout, although no cardio is offered through the PHAT program, because of the high volume and low weight.

As you near the end of the third month in the program, you might find yourself aching for some more variety as many others have reported. Some have reported also increasing the weight on hypertrophy days progressively to supplement growth on power days.

Some reported that since they were just lifting the same weight each week on the hypertrophy days, they weren’t seeing great progress in their power movements either, notably in bench. Some common complaints were also that the program sometimes had you moving all over the gym, at times coming back to a bench or set of dumbbells later that you had already used at the beginning of the workout. Many recommended to amend the program to get each station out of the way rather than returning to a station later to complete a different movement.

Overall, those who have done the program recommended it, although it might seem like there’s a lot of tweaking that could be done to the program, the results are generally better than other plans if you can manage the time and keep yourself healthy throughout high levels of exertion.

Although it’s not recommended that you diverge from the plan too much and expect the results the plan promises, if you need to amend PHAT to fit your own needs, it might be better than getting discouraged and quitting the plan altogether. Deload weeks will be critical to cutting down on soreness and fatigue and for ensuring that you don’t burnout or lose motivation. Stay strong and keep moving forward.

Shilpa Shetty Yoga for Weight Loss

Shilpa Shetty’s Yoga and How she Practically Maintains Healthy Weight Through Routine

Shilpa Shetty is a famous Indian actress who has become a fitness superstar as of late due to her great success through keeping a toned figure through yoga. To give you some guidance on how she succeeds, we have put together a review about Shilpa Shetty Yoga for Weight Loss.

Shilpa Shetty performing her favourite yoga postures for weight loss

Why Shilpa Shetty started practicing yoga

It all started when Shetty was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis, an age-related complication that affects the spinal disks in your neck. Shetty was directed to look into yoga as a natural form of remedy. As Shetty began to regularly do yoga, she noticed that she was seeing real results in her neck pain and overall strength of her neck.

Furthermore, Shetty has spoken on the multitude of benefits that yoga has brought to her, including strength from the core out, a happier outlook, peacefulness, boosted energy, and more. She also engages in daily breathing exercises and suggests doing yoga in the morning and evening at least 2-3 hours after you’ve eaten. She greatly emphasizes the need for people over the age of 35 to participate in activities such as yoga and weight training to keep their muscles and bones from deteriorating.

She also avoids eating carbs at night, since she claims that she only needs carbs to fuel her throughout her day, and carbs at night are simply unused energy. On top of all of that, Shetty makes sure to keep her protein intake high, eat healthy carbs, drink a minimum of two liters of water daily, and stay away from sugar, white bread, and flour. Instead of these things, she supplements her diet with red or brown rice.

What type of yoga does Shilpa Shetty do?

As you can tell, Shilpa Shetty stays in tip-top shape as a result of a combination of many healthy choices, but it all started with her yoga. And it’s this yoga routine that has gained her great publicity and has worked for many other people to help them lose weight and tone their body.

We’ll go through 5 of Shetty’s most popular yoga poses and describe the benefits of them and how they promote a healthier total person, rather than just simple weight loss. You’ll find that yoga helps you to feel healthier in many areas of your life rather than just in physical fitness. We won’t be going super in-depth on how to do each movement, but you can find resources on how to perform each pose through Shetty’s YouTube channel “Shilpa’s Yoga.”

Before you attempt any of these movements of Shilpa Shetty yoga for weight loss, make sure to practice safety precautions and give yourself plenty of space in case you lose your balance. Also, anyone with existing issues with their back, hernias, heart complications, low blood pressure, pregnancy or similar complications should consult a medical professional before trying these poses.

Woman performing Shilpa Shetty yoga for weight loss outside
  • Padahastasana: This movement emulates a simple “touch your toes” movement. Prolonging it for a couple of seconds and breathing through the movement helps its effectiveness. This pose will help to deeply stretch your back and legs and will help to shrink your belly and even promote better digestion.

  • Makarasana: This is a pose done lying on your stomach with your arms crossed in front of you to support your resting head. Then it’s completed by pointing your toes and stretching your legs. This pose is known for its relaxing qualities, especially along your back it can help to ease tension and release pressure. Be careful not to relax too much and fall asleep!

  • Dhanurasana: This is also done laying on your stomach and reaching back for your ankles to pull them up towards your head scorpion-style. This movement has many benefits including working out your abs and back, broadening your neck and chest area and improving posture, stretching your back, relieving stress, and even aiding in menstrual pains.

  • Ardha Salabhasana: This movement involves lying on your stomach with your hands under your thighs and lifting one leg at a time in the air for half a minute. This movement will offer you improved shoulder, arm, back, and ab muscles. Also, it can improve digestion and organ function such as your liver.

  • Bhujangasana: This movement is done by lying on your stomach, feet together, palms on the ground like you’re going to do a push up. Then you push up with your arms while letting your back sag and stretch. This is called the cobra because you should be pulling back to stretch as much as possible in a cobra-like stance. This will help to work out your back and ab muscles and will also tone your midsection while promoting healthy digestion. This can also help to moderate weight gain by leveling your metabolism.

Sun Salutations

Some of these movements, including the Bhujangasana and the Padahastasana, are from the popular routine known as the Surya Namaskar, or known in English speaking nations as the “Sun Salutations.” Shilpa Shetty has been known to follow this and expand on these movements. Those who have practiced her DVD instructions of this popular routine have mentioned some great results. These results include losing weight faster, increasing circulation and thus improving hair and skin condition, relieving stress and anxiety, and of course stretching your muscles and helping you get stronger.

Also, once you’re comfortable with beginner yoga routines such as the Sun Salutation, you should seek to move into more complicated and diverse routines. Shetty herself has said that she began by doing Ashtanga yoga but has moved on to other types such as Vinyasa and others. She also combines her yoga training with strength training and animal crawl movements that help her to stay strong and toned.

Other tips for losing weight and feeling great:

Shetty also claims to be continually eating, even though she has managed to stay in great shape. She does this by only eating healthy and sometimes light foods. As mentioned prior, she limits her carb intake at night and recommends foods such as broth, eggs, or dried fruit for those late-night cravings.

She recommends stopping eating at around 7:30 pm no matter what. Also, when she eats, she tries to get a good intake of healthy fats, such as in brown rice, coconut milk, and ghee. And in combination with these healthy eating tips. Shetty also has her own vegetable garden so that she can have fresh-picked vegetables at any time.

She also recommends avoiding processed foods or food that might have added hormones in them. She mentions that she’s especially wary of items such as milk that may have some harmful chemicals in it. So, be extra cautious and read the labels of the food that you buy and eat.

Perhaps some of Shetty’s best advice is to listen to your body and if you feel that you need a cheat meal, do so. Shetty herself reserves each Sunday as her day to let loose and eat a little less on the healthy side. However, she does still maintain her fitness routine. In fact, she says that letting loose and enjoying a cheat meal helps her to stay inspired to keep up with her routine and use that as a reward, rather than forcing yourself into meals that you might not prefer for long periods of time.

Also, Shilpa Shetty has an admirable outlook on the reason for keeping her fitness up and being aware of how she’s treating her body. Shetty says that she doesn’t do this daily routine of yoga, weights, breathing exercises and healthy eating to look great or impress anyone. Instead, she does it for her future health in hopes that her future self will thank her for the work that she put in at a younger age to be more agile and feel better in her older age.

And keep in mind that it’s never too early to start eating better and getting into a fitness routine! Even if you’re 75, your 85-year-old self might thank you one day for starting to care about what you eat and how often you exercise.

Final thoughts: Shilpa Shetty yoga for weight loss

Perhaps the most attractive quality of Shetty’s routine is the simplicity of it. Yes, it will take effort and a lifestyle adjustment to begin living your daily life like her, but it isn’t anything that’s out of your reach. You can easily transition into a healthier lifestyle by starting with simple yoga poses and breathing exercises each morning, complimented by low carbs at night and high protein and good fat and good carb intake during the day.

Many of the yoga poses that Shetty advertises and walks her followers through aren’t extremely difficult, but they have extremely positive benefits. So, remember that something is better than nothing, and starting small might motivate you to keep progressing onto more challenging undertakings. Before you know it, practicing Shilpa Shetty yoga for weight loss daily your mind and body will be feeling their best.

Hiking Vs Trekking – How to Choose

What is the difference between hiking and trekking?

Getting up and getting moving is important for heart and mental health, it is a great stress relief and crucial to a long life. The best way to accomplish that exercise is to do so outside. Studies have shown that nature releases chemicals that calm the nervous system and blood pressure of humans and can add to your life’s longevity. Hiking and trekking are great ways to incorporate being outside to your daily exercise routine, but many people are unsure of what the differences are in practice and in health benefits. This article “Hiking vs Trekking” lists everything you need to know to make an easy decision.

hiking vs trekking - what is the difference?

What is hiking?

Hiking is the practice of a short-term walk in nature that typically lasts less than one day. Generally speaking, a hike is something that doesn’t need any overnight materials and will go from 0.1 miles to anywhere that you can comfortably reach without sundown hitting.

Hiking is also less strenuous and will typically allow you some hills but you shouldn’t need any serious mountain climbing equipment in order to accomplish it. The trails may be bumpy but they should not be so arduous that you cannot make it without simple hiking shoes and maybe a walking pole to help steady you.

Be sure to travel with sufficient water bottles and snacks in case you feel lightheaded or tired along the way. For a trip this short, you shouldn’t need more than an apple and a granola bar to cover your bases. Eating too much food on a hike can result in a stomach ache or cramping while you continue exercising during digestion.

What is trekking?

Trekking is a completely different animal and can be a lot more strenuous on the body. It is a long trip lasting for two or more days and requires more preparation as a result. The length of the trip makes it more wearing on your body but generally the trails often take a longer time to get through because they are also more difficult to get through.

As opposed to hiking, you will likely need to camp or stay in lodges along the way and should probably pack extra food and water bottles for the trip. When you follow a trail or climb a mountain for a longer period of time then you are almost guaranteed to come across portions of the journey that are challenging to your body in ways that you did not expect.

It may be wise to take a look at the terrain and reviews of the trek ahead of time to know if you need any further equipment before taking the trip!

Hiking vs. trekking – benefits for the body

When you hike, you are certainly getting your blood pumping and since it is a shorter trip then you are going to push yourself a bit harder. When you trek, you know that you have a long way to go and that you need to preserve some amount of energy in order to get through the next day’s segment.

You can move a lot faster during a hike because you know that at the end of it you are going straight home to rest and recover. If you have a significantly long trek then it is recommended to ensure that you get more rest than normal because you can risk injury or strain on your muscles and joints. Make sure to get extra sleep in between the daily excursions to make sure that you do not wear yourself out too early.

An exhausted couple is trekking in mountains

The health benefits of hiking vs trekking are very similar in nature. Any time that you can increase your blood circulation and heart rate is going to be beneficial to keeping your heart pumping strongly and maintain a healthy weight.

Since trekking lasts longer, it may be seen as being healthier but they are equally beneficial. The benefits simply last longer with one than the other but they both accomplish the goal that you are looking for. Since the recommended average is about 150 minutes of exercise each week to be at your maximum potential for good health, one hike could be enough to reach that threshold for the week. If not, then you will need to incorporate other things to reach the threshold.

Trekking goes above and beyond that so the following week doesn’t need to be void of exercise but you should certainly take it a little easier to be able to properly recover.

Related: Benefits of Nordic Walking exercise

First aid kit

It is also important to bring extra materials for emergencies. When hiking or trekking, it is always important to bring a First Aid kit to immediately address any major injuries.

The odds of a snake bite or something more serious like a break are more likely to happen during a trek since that trip is going to last a longer time. However, do your research on the location where you are heading and see if snakes are common enough to be concerned about on a hike. There are tools that are easy to hike with that can help you extract venom quickly and it can save you from severe injury or infection.

If you have severe allergies or asthma, then never go on either a hike or a trek without an inhaler or EpiPen (at least antihistamines if your allergies are not severe enough to close your airways). Having splints or bandages are important to manage a sprain quickly and icepacks can also save you from worsening a sprain.

man was bitten by the snake while hiking in the mountains

Final thoughts: Hiking vs trekking

All in all, the benefits of a hike or trek are far greater than the risks and both are worth exploring. In order to know which is better suited for you and your life requires a deeper knowledge of yourself. You have to know where your limitations are physically and whether or not you are able to handle a long trek.

You should also be an experienced hiker before attempting a trek that lasts longer than two days because you can find yourself being overwhelmed. Once you are on a trek, especially if you are with a group, it can be difficult to turn around before everyone else is ready so be sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. Do your research, find more information about hiking vs trekking, be prepared and make the most out of the adventure!

Crossfit Supplements that Really Work

Guide to Crossfit Supplements

Crossfit is the new craze in athletic training and it can be a little more intense than your typical Pilates or Zumba class. It is a workout that focuses on both building strength and high interval training, so it can cause a lot of wear and tear on your muscles while also burning fat at a rapid rate. If you want to maximize your results, you can try using Crossfit supplements for the workout to improve the rate at which you are building muscle, burning fat and improving your endurance.

the best Crossfit supplements

It’s important to be cautious when looking into purchasing supplements for your workout enhancement. There are a lot of scams out there that want you to buy products that are full of filler chemicals that are designed to falsify the lasting results that you are looking for.

Often times, people will get faster results from these fake products but end up with some very damaging results to their health.

You need to do your research carefully before you even consider purchasing performance-enhancing supplements and you should also consult your doctor if you are on any medications. They may interact with your chosen Crossfit supplements poorly, and you don’t want to do any unnecessary harm to your body.

  1. Creatine Monohydrate:

    This is the most effective and thoroughly researched product in the world of performance enhancement for athletes. It is extremely impactful on the performance of your body during Crossfit training and will surely show you results when you want them.

    Creatine is known to increase your muscle mass and strength which in turn also increases your capacity for high-intensity training. When you work out, your body depends on something called phosphocreatine to produce energy. The more athletic you become, the more your body produces so you are able to continue to increase your strength and stamina.

    Creatine Crossfit supplements simply help add more of the chemical that you need for producing energy, essentially adding a second source for it. This second source of energy allows your body to jump into a high interval training session without feeling the effect of fatigue as much.

    Be cautious in how you use this because if you go too quickly then the body can begin storing the Creatine too much and you will initially gain weight. Start the supplements slowly and try to ease into the routine of using it. As you exert more energy and you see the composition of your body and its capacity change, you can increase the dosage of your daily supplement.

  2. Beta-Alanine:

    This product is designed to improve your recovery time by reducing the negative impact that the wear and tear of exercise can have on your body. When you work out intensely, like you do in Crossfit training, you can get a lot of pain and soreness in your muscles the next day. You can also get a burning sensation in your muscles during the actual exercise, which can cause you to limit how far you will push on your workout.

    Although a lot of people assume that the lactic acid buildup in your muscles is what causes all of that pain, it is not the only reason why our bodies feel that way. We also get a buildup of hydrogen ions in our muscles, and these are far more likely to create that contraction which is causing the pain in your muscles. These ions can also be responsible for your fatigue after a workout, so reducing those ions makes a huge difference.

    Beta-Alanine helps your body increase its storage of carnosine. This is the chemical that is responsible for removing the additional hydrogen ions that buildup in your muscles when you exercise. By adding more of this chemical through a supplement, you will improve your body’s capacity in each workout and improve your recovery time as well.

    Be careful with the dosage because it can cause a tingling sensation and that may make you uncomfortable. If you feel that sensation, you can cut your dosage in half to reduce or eliminate it.

  3. BCAAs:

    If you want to improve your recovery time more rapidly, look to this product to help you out! It is a really easy one to incorporate into your routine because you can simply add it to your water. It comes in flavors that taste great, so it will not disrupt your water intake at all.

    These Crossfit supplements are designed to improve the repair in your body so that you can get right back to the gym. Regardless of the type of exercise you are doing, this one is great but since Crossfit is so hard on the muscles it is particularly great for that.

    The BCAA that is having the most impact on your muscles is leucine. It improves protein synthesis and reduces the breakdown of proteins, meaning that it preserves the muscles that you have and allows them to rebuild at a rapid rate. If you utilize it prior to your workout, it will likely prevent soreness and muscle fatigue afterwards and if you use it after your workout then it will likely help you get back to the gym faster.

    The three BCAA’s are leucine, isoleucine and valine so it’s important to make sure that all three are in the supplement that you are buying. Try to make sure that it is a 2:1:1 ration respectively with leucine:isoleucine:valine to get you the best results for muscle building and recovery.

  4. Fish Oil:

    Something else that your body relies on for muscle recovery and building are omega-3 fatty acids. Of course, you get this from a healthy diet by eating things like salmon and other healthy proteins but if you are doing Crossfit then your body is using up a lot of what you need.

    Fish oil can help add the omega-3 fatty acids that you need to avoid depletion and improve your recovery process. The two fatty acids that are particularly helpful in fish oil are EPA and DHA and these two also help with muscle recovery. They also have the added bonus of improving heart health and cognitive performance, so it’s a great supplement with or without the excessive exercise.

    Since it is designed to help your body balance fat and muscle, it can also help you in shaping and toning if taken with proper exercise. Take anywhere from 1.5-3 grams of fish oil per day depending on your size and exercise performance needs.

    Try to take it in conjunction with a meal that contains some amount of healthy fat so that the fish oil can be absorbed into the body better.

  5. Protein Powder:

    This is by far the most popular everyday workout / Crossfit supplement on the market and many people use it as a meal replacement. However, if you are in a Crossfit workout plan then you are going to need protein powder to kick-start your muscle building and the repair process for post-workout.

    Since you can sufficiently gain the proteins that you need through food intake each day, you may not need this powder to be added. However, if you are going to several workouts per day or your sessions are particularly long then you may benefit from some added support.

    There are a lot of different options with protein powder, and whey protein is the easiest for your body to digest. That means it’s better for post-workout because it will allow your body to rebuild and repair faster.

    You can also use egg or beef protein powders which will have similar effects to whey’s digestive process. If you use soy or casein protein powder then you should try to avoid using it right after a workout. They don’t break down in the same way and can leave you feeling overly full.

    Try to stick with 20-30 grams of protein powder right after your workout to help you rebuild and repair your muscles. In between meals you can also benefit from protein powder, but be careful not to go overboard. You still get a lot of protein from your meals so too much protein powder being added to that can present some challenges in achieving the results that you want.

Get Moving on a Nordic Walking Holiday

Choose the place, the time and the distance

There is a new craze for living a life of health and wellness and it has the potential to take over the ecotourism industry in a new way. Nordic walking holidays are when visitors throughout the UK and the rest of Europe take a few days of time in nature and spend time each day on walking exercises.

The hotels that are used during these stays are typically in a location that is surrounded by good walking trails in nature so that guests can utilize the space around the hotel. It is a great way to be in a calm and serene environment to relax on a vacation but at the same time, you can get some great exercise mixed into your holiday!

Nordic walking holidays in EU

Why you should walk every day?

There are so many ways to exercise, so you may not understand why these Nordic walking holidays are specifically beneficial but they are. Studies show that people are so busy in their work-life that their heart health can suffer even when they carve out a decent amount of gym time.

The human body was not designed to sit all day and then run to the gym for an hour, it was designed to be in constant motion. That means that spending a day walking a long trail is more similar to the function that the human body is built for.

The most heart-healthy group of people in the world live in the Amazon forest and they walk an average of 17,000 steps per day simply gathering food and cleaning their clothes or their homes. They do not exercise outside of living their lives, but they walk so much throughout the day that their hearts are constantly pumping and keeping them healthy.

Pop the “nature pill”

Studies have also shown that being in nature can be helpful to your health in more ways than one. Of course, nature is beautiful and quiet and far away from the honking cars or busy lives that we deal with in the city but there is more to it than that. There are actual chemicals that are released from vegetation that can increase our endorphins in the body.

These chemicals actually interact with our body in a calming manner as well so that we are not only feeling happier but also more at peace and relaxed.

To combat the hyper-competitive work lives that have become a danger to health in Tokyo, the Japanese have begun to push for a practice called forest bathing. It literally means sitting in nature and doing breathing exercises to inhale all of those chemicals that exist in nature and reduce the risk to heart disease or mental anguish.

Benefits of walking tours

Nordic walking takes on both of these phenomena in that it allows for people to walk all day without overly exerting themselves with intense exercise. That improves heart health and gets your body functioning better than your standard day at the gym.

The walking vacations also occur in a natural environment that allows participants to breathe in all of those chemicals that benefit your mental wellness along with the physical.

These walking holidays could be the best possible vacation that you could ask for, but just like any form of exercise, you need to understand the technique and what you need to do in preparation for the experience.

Nordic walking checklist

Attempting any new form of exercise without proper preparation can result in injury or other problems that you may not foresee, so take the time to do it the right way!

A sign for a Nordic walking trail


Regarding clothing, the standards for any exercise are pretty similar. You need to be comfortable and wear clothing that will allow you a wide range of motion.

The worst thing that you could do to hinder your own workout is to start it out with clothing that makes your body feel restricted. It is difficult to get any progress built out of that type of constraint. Loose fitted shirts, leggings that are comfortable to walk in or have sweat-resistant material are your best options for a Nordic walking holiday.

Additionally, keep in mind that you will be outside for these tours and the weather throughout Europe and the UK can determine the type of clothing that you wear and the number of layers that you may need.

If you know that the mornings will be cold where you vacation but the afternoons will be hot, then make sure that you wear a sweater or insulated jacket that you can easily remove when the sun starts causing you to heat up.


Accessorizing is not only important for a fun night out, exercise can be enhanced or harmed by the additional items that you wear during a workout.

Your shoes are the most important part of that equation because the level of comfort and support in your feet can determine your posture when you are walking.

That posture can either strengthen the muscles in your back or damage the curve of your spine and weaken the muscles in your back. This can cause serious injuries down the road so whether you are using trail running shoes or hiking boots, you need to spend the extra money and time on buying a pair that will support you and not hurt you.


You may also find that smaller accessories like sweatbands around your head or your wrists can make a huge difference in your body temperature and stamina.

If you are a person who sweats more than normal or tend to get overwhelmed by a long-form exercise like walking a trail then try them out and see if they help.

A Nordic walking tour also may be in a location where you have never been, that means that you will be unfamiliar with the terrain and that can also be dangerous on a trip like this.

Walking poles can be a big help, especially for beginners or anyone who has a history of back injuries or any previous sprains that may need support.

Walking can still be intense, even if it is not as dangerous as a rock climb or some other workout that requires a lot more safety measures. The intensity of walking is also drawn out for much longer because of your body’s ability to cope with it so you can grow fatigued after some time.

The walking poles will help you support yourself as you navigate the trails without wearing out your body or tripping over any rough terrain and risking injury.

Final thoughts: Nordic walking holidays

a pair of Nordic walking poles

The world is a beautiful place and if we spend more time appreciating it we can save the future health of our own bodies.

Nordic walking holidays are the best way to combine all of the needs for our health with all of the mental needs for our wellness, while also getting your family out of the house and yourself out of the office.

These trips could be the next ecotourism craze but, as you can see from the evidence we have laid out, it is a craze that has the legs to go the distance and make a big impact on the next generation of worker bees.

Put the work down, turn the television off, and switch your cell phone to airplane mode because the Nordic walking trails are calling your name!

Crossfit WODs for Noobs

Beginners guide to Crossfit WODs

Exercise: one of the best things you can do for yourself. It improves your mind, body, and thereby, your health. But which exercise regimen is best suited to you? You’ve heard little things about CrossFit WODs and you’re interested.

Crossfit wods for beginners

Crossfit is technically a brand of Gym that uses a specific workout regimen. The workouts are very similar to other high-intensity interval training (HIIT), but Crossfit is most easily defined as a hybrid of exercises.

It features a combination of plyometrics, calisthenics, weight training, and other exercises in various combinations to provide a unique and challenging workout experience to the user.

Oftentimes, there is a strong competitive aspect to the main workout, such as trying to get as many rounds of exercises as possible in the designated time period. This makes it perfect for the type A people who usually fill the ranks of the spec ops military and police force along with firefighters.

The main workouts for the day are often short, lasting less than 30 min but are supposed to be supplemented with training afterward. This training consists mainly of practicing form and other supplemental training which is beneficial to advanced crossfitters and especially beginners.

Crossfit works on a three-day work out one-day rest cycle. For example, Monday you’d do the Workout Of the Day (WOD), same with Tuesday and Wednesday, but Thursday would be a rest day, then back to it on Friday Saturday and Sunday.

A good beginner WOD is the half CINDY which is a fairly simple workout.

As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes.

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air squats

This workout is nice because it uses pretty much all the major muscle groups in the body and the only equipment required is a pull-up bar, it also gives you a good picture of what CrossFit is.

Now, this is scalable, meaning it can be made easier for those who have trouble performing certain exercises such as pull-ups.

However, there is a certain level of fitness required to perform CrossFit. If you can’t do a single complete push-up then you can still scale it down by doing the push-ups on your knees, but certain exercises are difficult to scale and you can only scale it down so much.

It may be a good idea to work on the very basic fitness moves that CrossFit requires and then work your way into a low-level CrossFit. Everybody is different but it is important to try your best and to remember that every workout brings you a little closer to being as fit as you wish to be.

Here is another good example of what you might come across in a CrossFit WOD.

Titled 150731, which is how most CrossFit WODs are named based on the date it was created for, in this case, 2015 July 31.

I got this from a random CrossFit WOD generator at

For Load

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Nice and simple. So a should press for those unfamiliar is a barbell exercise where you start with the barbell at shoulder level and then “press” it upwards over your head.

This WOD calls for a total of 7 sets of 3 reps with a rest period of your choice in between each set. Each set will most likely have a different weight that you chose.

The idea is that you pick a weight that you can lift, in this case, 3 times but not 4. So the next set you most likely will have to go down to a lighter weight as your muscles fatigue.

I should bring to your attention the competitive aspect that CrossFit often has, every workout has something measurable, something to compare to someone else’s.

In this case, it’s the weight used for the exercise, this can motivate a lot of people to improve and push themselves to match up with the others in their class and even themselves from the past. This provides two closely related benefits; it makes you do better during the class and gives you something to be proud of when you beat your last score or someone else’s.

Here is a WOD on the difficult side of the spectrum and one of the most famous Hero WODs, the "Murph", named in honor of a fallen hero in the US Navy SEALs.

For Time

1-Mile Run

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Air squats

1-Mile Run

All with a weighted vest (suggested weight is 20lbs)

This workout is pretty straight forward, although for this specific WOD it is allowable to partition the pull-ups, pushups, and air squats so you do not have to do 100 pull-ups and then do the pushups, you can do that middle section in parts.

Hero WODs are fairly common in Crossfit and are there to honor those who have lost their lives serving their community. Crossfit gives those involved a sense of community that keeps the participants upbeat and wanting more as well as keeping you accountable in your workout.

If you don’t show up, they notice. The vernacular adopted by crossfitters adds to the sense that they are a community, with many acronyms and shortened language that might sound like gibberish to outsiders.

Some CrossFit WODs are even performed as teams with one team member performing an exercise while the others rest.

In this last example, I want to emphasize the variety that CrossFit brings to the table in this WOD commonly known as THE SEVEN.

7 Rounds For Time

7 Handstand Push-Ups

7 Thrusters (135/95 lb)

7 Knees-to-Elbows

7 Deadlifts (245/165 lb)

7 Burpees

7 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)

7 Pull-Ups

As you can see, this brings you all over the place, and although it focuses mostly on the upper body, you have a lot of different equipment usage. This variety does a few things for you, it improves your overall functional strength.

If you can effectively perform these movements then you are likely to carry over these movements into regular life which can reduce the number of injuries you receive.

However, because of this variety you can find yourself doing different exercises every day, this is good for those who get bored with the same old workout every day, but it can also make it so you only do that specific exercise once a month if not more.

Not to mention new or rarely used exercises mean you should go slower ensure you have good form.

The Crossfit form is very, very, very important!

CrossFit form

The form is one of the biggest problems with Crossfit. If you have a bad form you can easily destroy your body. Especially if you are doing form-centric exercises that Crossfit occasionally has in its WODs, like Olympic lifts.

Remember how it’s competitive? That can make people push themselves too hard and when using weights that means too much weight and going too fast.

This, as mentioned earlier, can easily destroy your body. Injuries like that can be permanent and irreversible. CrossFit has a solution to this though, every Crossfit class is lead by a certified Crossfit instructor who is supposed to watch your form and correct any errors.

There is still a possibility of injury with this solution, but it is the responsibility of the participant to keep good form, no matter where they work out. You just have to be extra mindful when using weights.

So is this for you?

Depends, do you like competition? Do you want to be a part of a community? Do you have at least an average level of fitness? Are you gonna be able to maintain good form?

If you answered yes to that last question then it is worth considering, and if you answered yes to the other questions then you should definitely try it out. Most Crossfit gyms offer one free class before you have to pay.