Perfect Weight Loss Meal Plan PDF

How to lose weight effectively and keep it off – here’s the secret to looking great!

Weight loss is something that most of us want to do, but nobody seems to do it effectively. Needless to say that it’s no easy job, we all know that. Whenever anybody mentions anything about weight loss, we are like “yeah bro, been there, done that, nothing helps”! That’s the bitter truth. We all tried and failed miserably. I mean most of us. Of course, few lucky ones lost their weight and never gained it back. Is it only their luck or God listened to their prayer – or they did something different than most of us? Let’s find out. I will tell you what is the best approach to effective weight loss and the best weight loss meal plan pdf you can use.

If you have trouble losing weight get a perfect weight loss meal plan pdf

✅ Start your journey toward successful weight loss

Let’s admit one thing first. Like most of the good things in life, there’s no short cut to weight loss. There’s no one secret, there’s no one method, tip or trick, that can change you from a fat bob to slim dude. Don’t be like that host in your favorite television program who asks every guest a common question – “what’s the secret of your success”! Like there can be “a secret”!

There is no secret behind success, except working hard, working hard every day, day after day, year after year – till you get successful. Likewise, weight loss is a journey.

No one method can help you to lose weight. You just have to choose the “healthier” option in everything in your life, and you have to stick to that until you lose your weight. And most importantly, you have to continue even after that, to prevent gaining what you have lost!

It sounds scary, right? You’ll see in a while.

Choose a healthy lifestyle

Before we start, let me ask you some simple questions:

  • Have you been advised to follow some special diet to lose your weight?
  • Have you been encouraged to cut down carb from your diet entirely?
  • Do you skip your meal in the hope that it will help you to lose some weight?

If your answers are positive, then you’re getting it all wrong so far. All those sudden and drastic changes are not going to help. Because those are not part of a “healthy” lifestyle.

We always want to lose weight, but we forget one thing – why we want to lose weight? The answer is simple – we want to live a “healthy” life. “Healthy” is the key here, we should strive to achieve and maintain a “healthy” weight. Everybody has a different body type, various health issues, and surely everybody should have a different weight goal.

There’s nothing like one size fits all

Losing 20 pounds may be ideal for me, but in your case, it may cause severe health issues. You probably should lose only 10 pounds. So, first thing first, you should head over to your physician.

Let him examine you thoroughly and let him suggest the ideal weight loss goal for you. Please note, it’s your doctor who knows you best, and he is the ideal person to advise what’s best for you, not some online guide. Once you have his opinion, you are ready to start your journey.

Please note! – these advice are not specific to lose your weight. This is rather a list of “healthy” habits which will lead you to a happy, healthy life, weight loss is just a side-effect. Losing your weight should never be your goal, your goal should be living a healthy life – weight loss is just part of the game.

You’ll see far more significant changes in your body and mind. Such as you’ll have a sound sleep at night, you’ll have a great metabolism, your heart will work more flawlessly, you’ll lose cholesterol, reduce LDL and increase HDL, your blood pressure will be normalized, your HbA1c percentage will be lowered, etc.

Your heart, lung, kidney, liver, and every other organ of yours will work more vigorously with less stress. You’ll pass every blood, urine, ECG tests with flying colors!

how much weight should you lose?

Weight loss, you said? You’ll get much more than that with a perfect weight loss meal plan pdf!

✅ Natural, Scientifically Proven Fat Loss Product

Water is life (as if you don’t know):

Have some “extra” glasses of water every day. If you don’t know already, start counting how many glasses of water you drink every day. Do that for a week or two, and you’ll get an average of daily water consumption. Once you get that number, start increasing that by 1 glass every day. After a week, increase another drink, and then raise another in next week. Do that for a month. And then stick to that number. It’s proven by several studies that increasing a few glasses of water intake can reduce calorie intake drastically and aid to weight loss.

Warning: Do not increase water intake more than 4 glasses every day. Do talk to your physician first and get your kidneys checked. Though it’s very rare, some people may have some kidney conditions and increasing water intake can make it worse.

Do eat carbs (I know you’re like WTF, but read on please, there’s a twist):

Carbs are an essential part of our regular diet, period. It gives you the energy to keep on your daily activity. Now, I promised you a twist, here it is. Not all carbs made equal. Carbs got a bad name, due to things like burger, pizza, chips – basically everything we tend to binge eat.

Avoid those carbs, and include healthier versions like carbs with whole grain. Brown bread, brown rice, unpolished rice (rice with brans), steel cut oats, etc. These are the kinds which have a low glycemic index and keep you full for longer, and as a result, you end up consuming lower calorie.

There’s another more important benefit these carbs provide. Let’s face it, we love carbs. When we have that burger or chips, it feels like a guilty pleasure, isn’t it? We know that eating those will eventually make us gaining weight, but we still can’t help. You know why?

Because carbs have chemical substances which send a kind of “satisfaction signal” to our brain, and your brain craves for it! It’s like smoking! Yes, carb is addictive, it’s proven already. But at the same time, carb is necessary too.

Therefore, even though it’s addictive, even though it aids faster weight gain – we just can’t eliminate it totally from our diet. It’s like a necessary evil. Cause if you cut it down totally, you’ll actually end up having that big pizza very soon. You won’t be able to resist that.

Ever saw a person who quitted smoking cold turkey? Sooner or later that person ends up having a long drag! So, don’t make it hard for you and hard on your physical and mental system. Just eat those “good carbs” in moderation, those will keep you fuller for a long time; as well as, you won’t crave for those “bad carbs.”

Give undivided attention to your plate:

This is a severe issue in modern time. Gone are those days when we sat on a table with our loved ones and appreciated or disliked each and every item got served on our plate. Today, we just don’t give the necessary attention to our foods. We now eat on a couch while watching tv, we now eat standing on a buffet, we now drink while walking and having a conversation with friends, even we eat at our work-desk while watching the computer monitor. So, when we don’t look at our food, we don’t give adequate attention to what we have on our plate – multiple things happen. Let me explain.

When we see food, even before we put it in our mouth, some chemical reaction starts in our body. These chemical reactions make our body ready to “have” that food. If it’s something good, if it’s something we like, if we like the smell – our body reacts instantly. Saliva starts secreting, organs like pancreas, liver, stomach – everything gets ready to welcome that piece of food.

All these happens between seeing the food on the plate and having that in your mouth. And if you don’t actually “notice” the food and just put it in your mouth, like when we eat mindlessly watching tv or while walking and talking to a friend, no chemical reaction happens and your body doesn’t get a chance or time to get “ready” to greet that food. And how that affects your body? Here’s how.

The primary 3 nutrients in food – carb, protein and fat, get different treatment inside our digestive system. The enzymes needed to digest fat, are different than the enzymes required to digest protein. Even different organs/parts of our digestive system are used to absorb different nutrients. The part/organ which is responsible for digest fat is different than the part which is responsible for protein.

In simple words, when you have a piece of steak on your plate, and you just looked at it (by looking, I mean being mindful) – your body, already recognizes it as a piece of protein mainly, with some fat. When you have a bowl of rice in front of you at the table, once you look at it – your body knows it’s a carb. Therefore, your body prepares its digestive system and the organs needed to treat/digest those nutrients.

And when you eat without noticing the food – you just messed up your digestive system. Then your body doesn’t know what’s coming inside, your digestive system didn’t get the time to get “ready,” therefore the nutrients in your food are not getting digested the way they should. And you end up having indigestion, malnutrition, weight gain, and various other problems.

Red Tea Detox – best weight loss meal plan pdf :

Just as always, I’ve saved the best for last. I usually don’t suggest commercial products (except for very good and effective ones) and here I can’t help but recommend this! Because, first of all, I got a tremendous result by using this product and Red Tea Detox weight loss meal plan pdf myself; and secondly, this is no finished product with a proprietary formula.

This is actually a “recipe” of 5 commonly available herbs to make the Red Detox Tea for yourself at your home. The best part is, you’re not buying a sealed packet with some proprietary product inside it, but you’re buying fresh ingredients yourself and making the final product by yourself – you can be assured of what is getting inside you.

If I use technical jargon I’d say, it’s an “open source” product where you know exactly what “codes” (ingredients) are being used and there’s no fear of any “backdoor” or “malicious” code! So, you might wonder what’s this all about and where to get the recipe – let’s get into that quickly now.

  1. Introduction: The Red Tea recipe itself got discovered by Liz Swann Miller, Naturopath by profession and best-selling author. As she said, she came to know about this recipe while she was traveling in the deeper part of Africa, in quest of a weight loss therapy she strongly believed available with the ancient races of the African tribes. This recipe is part of their tradition and culture and being passed from one generation to the next.
  2. Effectiveness: To be honest, I thought it’s like the other craps which promise big, but delivers none or very little. Being skeptical, I prepared the tea but used only half of the dose recommended. It’s my rule of thumb, if something’s good, then it would be at least some good even in half dose (it’s only applicable for supplements, not medicines – take medicines as per your doctor’s advice and in exact dose prescribed).To my surprise, even in half dose, I started feeling something great happening inside of my body. I can’t express the feeling in words, it was so incredible! So, I decided to try the full dose and to follow the Red Tea Detox weight loss meal plan pdf guidelines. After just 2 weeks, I couldn’t believe my own eyes – I lost 15 pounds! And best of all, there was no visible muscle loss, so apparently, I lost only the fat.
  3. How to get the best weight loss meal plan PDF and Red detox tea recipe: Very easy. Just click the button below and order your copy. It comes with 60 days money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose in case it doesn’t work for you, which is very unlikely though.

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