Rooibos Tea for Babies and During Pregnancy

Is drinking Rooibos tea harmless for pregnant women?

organic rooibos

 If you are expecting, then there are many unhealthy routines you have had to eliminate from your life:

cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and caffeine!

But there is some relief as tea, specifically rooibos tea – it is 100% safe for pregnant women and babies to consume.

Rooibos, yes – Coffee, no

Sipping only one cup of coffee per day is enough to set off pregnancy complications.

However, consuming rooibos tea, and chiefly, a lot of tasty red tea cocktails can be mixed and sipped all day long. For those who do not know, red tea drinks are healthy alternatives to the coffee and other tannin-containing teas. They are made with a strong dose of rooibos tea that has been mixed with other health beneficial herbs.

  • Only rooibos tea (and other non-caffeine teas such as peppermint, dandelion, nettle, and ginger) should be ingested during pregnancy.
  • Rooibos teas such as all drinks made of it and other healthy herbs are not a ‘tea’ explicitly. It is an herbal blend free of caffeine.
  • This tea offers many benefits for the expectant mother.
  • Children can even drink Rooibos. Rooibos tea for babies and children is lovely with milk and a little honey.

How much Rooibos tea should you drink daily?

The recommended amount of rooibos to drink while pregnant is three cups of tea daily.

The suggested amount of rooibos tea is 1 to 4 teaspoons of rooibos steeped in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes.  

*We advise seeking advice from your doctor about how much rooibos tea or any herbal tea you can safely drink per day.

Reasons you should drink Rooibos tea when you are pregnant and after delivery

Rooibos tea contains no caffeine

rooibos is caffeine free
  • When you are expecting, it is essential to keep your caffeine intake in check. You will not have to be concerned about rooibos tea since it is free of caffeine.
  • Caffeine raises heart rate and blood pressure which is dangerous for an unborn child. It can also disturb your sleep cycle causing you not to get enough rest which means your body can not support the baby’s growth.
  • Your unborn child also can’t handle caffeine. The baby spends most of its time sleeping. Drinking caffeinated beverages will disturb the baby’s sleep cycle.
  • Not all caffeinated products are coffee. Soda, chocolate, tea, and some over-the-counter drugs have small amounts. Be sure to check the product’s description If you are unsure of caffeine content.
  • Unlike other herbal teas, rooibos has no caffeine, making it safe to consume during pregnancy. Therefore, you can cozy up with a hot cup of rooibos tea without worrying about caffeine.

Rooibos tea improves the immune system

rooibos tea boost imune system
  • Being healthy is important when you are pregnant. Rooibos tea antioxidants help you stay healthy!
  • This herbal tea is full of antioxidant polyphenols like rutin and quercetin. It has a high level of aspalathin, a potent antioxidant that’s unique to rooibos tea. You will enjoy the effects on your immune system, the preventative outcomes, and the nutritional benefits.
  • Rooibos tea seems to contain generous quantities of polyphenols and other antioxidants that appear to protect your body’s cells from oxidative stress from free radicals. Rooibos also seems to offer anti-tumor effects. This tea’s strong antioxidant actions may guard against radiation damage and could have cancer-preventive activities. Rooibos can suppress infections in HIV patients. Just think about how it can help you.
  • Drinking rooibos tea does not mean you should forget about healthy eating. A healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and no alcohol is best for you and your baby.

Rooibos tea is a stress reliever

rooibos tea for stress relieve
  • Pregnancy is thrilling yet demanding. It can mean additional stress if it is your first baby. Fortunately, rooibos has been shown to improve stress, making it an excellent drink for a pregnant woman.
  • Stress relief is imperative when you are pregnant. Elevated levels can raise blood pressure, cause sleep loss, and upset eating routines. It can even boost the chance of having your child born early or be of a low weight when born. Such newborns have even more health issues.
  • Rooibos tea can be a delicious part of your stress management. It will cause your blood pressure to become lower when you are feeling anxious or apprehensive. Healthy eating, prenatal yoga, and having a support system will also help.

Rooibos improves digestion and prevents painful stomach cramps

digestion problems
  • Your diet is essential to your baby’s health. However, when you are dealing with an upset stomach, it can be hard to eat. It is common to have queasiness and to be sick during the first trimester. In addition, the change in estrogen levels can mess with your digestion.
  • Customarily, rooibos tea has been used as a gastrointestinal aid. It can lessen belly problems and make it easier to eat.
  • It can also reduce stomach cramps extremely well.

Red tea reduces risk of gestational diabetes


You may be worried about gestational diabetes or diabetes during pregnancy. Risk factors include lousy eating habits, high blood sugar being overweight, blood pressure, or cholesterol.

  • Rooibos tea may reduce your chances. Aspalathin acts against alpha-amylase. This enzyme plays a role in raising blood glucose. You will get these gains whether or not you already have diabetes.

Rooibos helps you get your body back

Did you gain a lot of weight after giving birth? Do not worry. More than half of women gain enormous excess weight a year after giving birth. You do not need medical programs for weight loss, time for day-to-day sports activities, or various unhealthy slimming products…

With Red Tea Detox, you can lose a lot of excess weight in a very short time. Rooibos suppresses appetite and has exceptional strength as a weight loss agent in combination with some other natural herbs.

organic body detox book

==>Read more about powerful Red Tea Detox beverage

Organic green Rooibos tea for babies and kids

organic rooibos for babies

==> Get 100% organic green rooibos tea for toddlers, kids and pregnant or lactating women HERE

Rooibos tea for babies can be used by children of all ages

In addition to eliminating colic in infants, it is also anti-allergic and has antiplasmodial effects. It is extremely rich in flavonoids, vitamin C and minerals like magnesium, zinc, potassium, and calcium. They are very important for the development of a child.

Rooibos tea has a sweet taste and therefore it does not need to be sweetened. It is recommended for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, as it calms and has beneficial effects on the fetus.

It also increases immunity in infants and young children, helps to soften cramps, prevents insomnia, food allergies, it can soothe eczema and skin inflammation if added to the bath for an infant or child.

How to prepare Rooibos tea for babies and kids

It is important to know how to prepare tea for babies and children:

  • 2 bags of organic rooibos tea (or 2 tablespoons) are placed in 1 liter of boiling water
  • Cook for 20 minutes at low temperature (we do not do this in a microwave oven because some antioxidants get destroyed)
  • Wait for it to cool down – the temperature of the tea should not be higher than the normal baby meal temperature (26-36 °C) and pour into a sterile bottle.
  • We do not recommend the sweetening of rooibos tea for babies in principle; for children older than one year, it is enough if only a 1/2 teaspoon of honey is added to the cup of tea.
  • One-third of the tea is added to the milk formula for infants.
  • In case of breastfeeding, we offer approximately 25ml of rooibos tea for babies between meals using a sterile dropper or a spoon.
cooking rooibos tea for babies

A note of caution

Rooibos tea has few known side effects, drug interactions or other health risks. Even for pregnant women, rooibos tea appears to be safe for consumption. By tradition, rooibos tea has been used to quiet down fussy babes. For an expecting mother, it can have significant health benefits.

However, be mindful of how much you drink. There are no studies on a safe dosage for pregnant women. Everyone is unique so you may react in a different way to rooibos tea. If at any point after drinking rooibos tea you feel odd side effects, then please, consult with your doctor. The doctor will take into account your unique health needs and give you the best advice.

For everyone else though, enjoy a red rooibos tea during pregnancy that will help you through the day, keeping you satisfied in mind and body.

rooibos tea for babies and kids