Kill your Sweet Tooth with Tea for Sugar Cravings

Sugar is sneaky!

Are you a sugar addict? Then tea for sugar cravings is a good choice to get rid of it! It has only 5 letters, a slim and lightweight look, but it is packed with calories: sugar is the worst enemy of most scales and a great addiction that compromises the body shape of all who desire to lose those extra pounds.

Also, desires for cakes, biscuits, chocolates, sweets and other goodies have a common denominator and are quite harmful to health when consumed in excess. Excess craving for sugar can be an addiction which could be quite difficult to break, but not impossible.

As a reward, quest for comfort, out of sheer gulp, or because it’s available, the urge to eat sugar triggers a vicious cycle with various ups and downs that changes the mood until you exhaust your last drops of energy.

Sugar and sugary drinks cause 180,000 deaths annually

How does sugar affect the body?

Sugar – particularly in excess – is still linked to a number of health problems including heart disease, autoimmune diseases, chronic infections, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, impaired immunity, premature aging, attention deficit disorder, chronic pain, fatigue, and irritable bowel syndrome.

In addition, sugar stimulates insulin secretion in the pancreas which in turn stimulates the production of triglycerides in the liver and, unfortunately, triglycerides are closely linked to obesity, stroke and heart disease.

And, of course, the extra sugar also turns into extra pounds. These are more than enough reasons to learn to resist sugar addiction. As a result, below are some teas which work efficiently against sugar cravings.

Which tea for sugar cravings helps the most

  1. Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea has become increasingly popular around the world because of its great properties and this includes reducing the craving for sugar. The rooibos tea for sugar cravings has a reddish tinge with a sweet taste and is made from the leaves of plants majorly cultivated in South Africa. The rooibos, a shrub used to make tea, is a plant that has been used for centuries by the tribes of South Africa to prepare a great tea which comes with many health benefits.

Also, some studies indicate that aside from helping with sugar cravings, the rooibos tea also has properties that protect the heart, help control blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels,  fight and prevent infertility and other ailments that are related to anxiety. It was also inferred that this tea has a detoxifying action and is therefore very used by those who are looking to lose excess weight easily.

Rooibos is one of the ingredients of Red Detox Tea, a cleansing herbal tea mixture, backed by science. This herbal blend is extremely helpful in suppressing hunger and craving for sweets.

Red Detox Tea - a herbal tea for sugar cravings and weight loss

Read full RED TEA DETOX review


✅ Suppress Your Appetite for Good

  1. Horsetail tea with pineapple

A tea of Horsetail with pineapple has great positive effects as regards controlling sugar cravings.

Also, horsetail tea with pineapple has a digestive and diuretic action and can have the addition of mint or lemon balm to get tastier. Best of all is that this tea gets more delicious when cold, so it can be easily consumed during the summer.

Make a horsetail tea and, after you have finished, beat the blender with a slice of pineapple and mint or lemon balm.

  1. Apple tea with cinnamon

In addition to being very tasty, accelerating the body’s metabolism, and being perfect for those who seek to lose excess weight, the apple tea with cinnamon helps reduce the craving for sugar, precisely because it is an aromatic tea.

You can also consume it with a few drops of lemon for additional flavor.

  1. Garcínia tea

The Garcinia tea is highly rich in hydroxycitric acid, which helps promote weight loss and reduce craving for sugar, being a perfect appetite suppressant.

This tea, however, can only be taken for a maximum of three consecutive months.

  1. Chocolate raspberry tea

The Chocolate raspberry tea is another great drink for all who desire help with sugar cravings.

When you enjoy the creaminess of chocolate and the slight bitterness of raspberries, you also get a lively and perfectly sweet blend. You will be charmed by this amazing taste to the point of giving up all desires for excess sugar. This tea can be taken at any time of the day with a small pastry! You can as well share it with friends, and in the end, your taste buds and that of your friends will thank you a thousand and one times!

  1. Macchiato herbal tea

The Macchiato herbal tea is a generous, drink which will offer you touches of coffee, vanilla, and chocolate. Just as those mentioned above, it also helps extensively as regards reducing the craving for sugar.

Despite its name, you can enjoy the Macchiato herbal tea according to your preferences. It’s also a perfect drink for cold moments or if you desire to find some comfort. Indeed, what is better than a good tea when you feel tired? This herbal tea for sugar cravings is just sweet enough to appeal to all tea lovers and regulars of coffee. Little more, it is an option that is better for health and great to taste!

  1. Earl Gray chocolate and berries

Organic, tasty and decadent, this chocolate and berry tea will not let you down on your quest towards putting an end to your excess love for sugar. You can drink it iced or hot depending on your preferences.

This black tea is also embellished with bergamot, a small fruit from the citrus family. This one offers a small bitter taste that stabilizes the flavors in the mouth. By the same token, it would give you the perfect taste balance.

  1. Herbal tea spices

Have you ever tasted a spicy dark chocolate tea? It’s quite surprising this junction between sweet and spicy, no? This herbal tea offers you the same warm feeling with peppery and captivating notes.

Composed of chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla, pepper, and many other ingredients, the tea with chocolate spices is very good with oriental dishes. Who would have believed it? Unusual weddings are often the most successful!

  1. Gymnema Tea

The Gymnema Tea is called by many as the “sugar killer” for its ability to desensitize the taste buds to the taste of sugar. The tea contains properties that decrease the absorption of sugar in the intestine.

Rich in antioxidants, this tea also has a detoxifying effect, anti-allergic properties, among other benefits. It helps in the treatment of irritability, insomnia, headaches, cramps, stomach pains – mainly of nervous origin – and, due to the antioxidants, it further fights the formation of tumors and the premature aging of the skin.

Also, this tea for sugar cravings has become really popular in the world of healthy drinks and now, it is relatively easy to get it.

herbal tea for sugar cravings

Final thoughts: Kill your sweet tooth with tea for sugar cravings

One of the greatest villains for those who desire to live a healthy life is excess crave for sugar. Pleasant to the palate and practically irresistible, sugars are not so healthy substances and when consumed in excess, they end up facilitating the development of numerous ailments.

From research, it has been observed that there are some teas that can help lessen the craving for sugar and some of them have been highlighted above.

By far the most effective is Red Detox Tea, a mixture of 5 herbs, that is scientifically proven to prevent and stop unhealthy food and sugar cravings.