Alkaline Food Chart for Healthy Eating

Best Foods to Alkalize Your Body

Your questions on where to draw the line between acidic and alkaline foods and how or with what can you alkalize your body will be answered shortly. Use the acid / alkaline food chart to help you find the right foods for your meals.

Of course, you will agree with me that our body functions better with certain food intake while some foods are just toxic. So, where do we generate our healthy foods from and how?

Acid/alkaline food chart

Let’s start with the how. A sure-fire way to determine how healthy the food is is by checking properly the food alkaline and acidic level. For clarity, there are a lot of components that make cells and tissues work in our body appropriately.

Examples are nutrients availability, temperature, and potential of hydrogen also called pH, which measures the level of hydrogen ions in certain solution, meaning the more ions present, the more acidic the solution will be and the less the ions, the less the acidic solution.

If you keep eating too many acidic solution foods, your body – the kidney to be precise cannot keep up with the acid waste and they start accumulating in your tissues.

And research has proven that if the acidic pile-up happens for a long period of time, it will lead to all kinds of health conditions, for example, cancer, arthritis, kidney stones, diabetes, and many others. And all these can be linked with acidic foods intake.

What differentiates alkaline from acidic foods?

An acid-solution diet with limited vegetable intake can be linked to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome. And they are very dangerous and affect the body’s ability to repair or detoxify, and eventually cause a person to be more opened to disease and illness of all kinds.

The signs of acidosis to watch out for include infections, allergies, headaches, candida, cancer, diabetes, heart problems, arthritis, brittle nails, and hair, fatigue, heavy breathing, underweight, or excess weight, digestive issues, etc.

The body finds it tasking and overbearing to detoxify and neutralize acids before they act as poisons in and around our cells.

And it’s easy to know your level of alkaline and acidic intake and know where you are excess or deficient. Just get a test strip from any health food store or order online, and you can use either your urine or saliva to get the result.

Healthy foods

So, why recommend alkaline foods in place of acidic’s?

There are billions of cells in your tissues that rely on an alkaline environment to function appropriately and prevent cellular damage.

So, whenever you eat an alkaline diet you get deeper and more restful sleep, improve your cardiovascular health, develop more healthy tissues, grow better bones, you mitigate chronic diseases, cell function properly, energy level increases, your memory, and cognition get enhanced, and you reduce candida overgrowth amongst others.

What foods are the best to alkalize your body?

My alkaline food chart answers this question. Whole plant-based foods are most beneficial to us, not only are they harmless but their high vitamin and mineral content have an enormous effect on our entire body, such as disease prevention and healing processes.

Let’s therefore examine the following alkaline food chart; for clarity on the most common misconception, an acid/alkaline solution of a particular food is not talking about the pH of the food before consumption, but the acid/alkaline result is determined after you digest it.

Your kidney has to neutralize the acid that is produced in the process of digestion. In other words, whether your food intake is alkalizing or acidifying is based on the amount of acid waste that is produced after the digestion.

It is the waste of the chemicals and not the acidity of the food that affects our body.

Choose foods from the following alkaline food chart to properly alkalize your body. Remember to keep your acid-solution foods to a minimum as they are also needed.

Alkaline food chart

Here is the alkaline food chart for you to consider:

  • Fresh beans, green peas, lima beans, soy products
  • Mushrooms, sprouts, legumes
  • Pumpkin, potatoes, beets
  • Nuts and seeds like coconut, almonds, sesame, chia
  • Grains like amaranth, millet, and quinoa
  • Wheat and barley grass, algae like spirulina and chlorella, etc.
Alkaline nutrition chart

Let me expatiate on few of these alkaline foods on the chart

Almonds: Among other alkalizing foods, almond leads with high magnesium content which makes them count along with other alkaline-forming food. The healthy fats content also nourishes and fills your body quicker.

Parsley: As a kidney cleanser, parsley which is another strong alkalizing food is a good choice. And like lemon, parsley also helps with digestion and can be consumed in differs ways e.g. as salad, soup or chilies.

Lemon: Your liver needs support to adequately eliminate toxins from your body and lemon has proven to be a perfect option over the years. Lemon among other functions aids digestion and helps to detox properly. You want to really consider a glass of lemon juice or water daily as a habit.

Tomatoes: If you are seeking a better alternative to get Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and vital digestive enzymes while you enjoy all the alkaline along then tomatoes are your best bet. Raw or cooked, you’ll get all the nutritional benefits. But tomatoes serve you higher alkaline when they are consumed raw. Consider tomatoes as a snack on your diet list. You won’t regret it.

Garlic: Highly rated on the list of alkalizing natural agents is garlic. Popularly known for effective immune system boosting, prevention of all kinds of diseases it serves as a strong anti-bacterial agent in the body. You definitely want to give garlic a try or add it to your food more often.

Red Onion: Consumption of raw onion is highly beneficial to your body. Aside from being alkaline agent, onions nourish your system in a lot of ways with their high anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. They also pass for a vitamin C supplement. You can cook it slowly until the onion is lightly yellowed if you find it difficult eating it raw.

Avocado: Since everything you consume matters, then you need a better alternative to your fat intake and avocado is one of your best bet. With its rich and healthy fats content, it is a perfect addition to the alkalizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Basil: If you are considering one alkalizing ingredient with mega antioxidant effects, then basil is your choice. Loaded with a high level of flavonoids, vitamin K, A, and calcium basil is highly recommended.

Final thoughts: Alkaline Food Chart for Healthy Eating

A healthy diet should consist of 70 to 80 percent of basic foods and 20 to 30 percent of foods that acidify the body. So, carefully make your choice, take time to eat and be mindful of your eating habits.