Law of Attraction and Your Ideal Weight

Law of Attraction: Weight Loss Secrets

Weight loss tips are scattered across the internet and that is enough for you to get the weight loss you need. Many of these websites have discussed the easy or fast way of losing weight and might have even shown you several examples of people that have gotten the answer they deserve from following the methods they are introducing, yet, you are not getting your desired result. In fact, you might have gone through the process prescribed but have not gotten the results they promised. In this article, you can read about how you can speed up your weight loss with the law of attraction.

Most of the time, it is not about these people. It is simply all about the way you go about it. Now, consider this: many people have gone into the weight loss program with the fear of not losing weight; thus, they remain the same.

All you need is to have the right mindset to these businesses of losing weight. It is all about the mind and we will deal with it here.

Remove Chains using the Law of Attraction

For the fact that a lot of people have seen themselves as obese, they see food as a means of fighting the chain of sadness. While some people love to drown in alcohol because of their sadness, this group fight theirs with food. With various information online, you have been exposed to what people regard as the ideal body type of a lady and that has been the cause of sadness for you.

Some people tend to feel bad about their body because they have been shown the curvy, slim, thin models around the world and that have made them use obsessive eating as a means of escape.

If that was the only chain the world put around us as regards eating, it might have easy to fight them off. Take a look at the Keto food nutritionists in the world, they have made a lot of people have little desire for the right food. In the name of weight loss, a lot of people have been forced to avoid certain foods because it has been believed to be the cause of our weight.

The consequent of this is that cravings for this food and the eventual eating would take us through a guilt trip. Nevertheless, you can work on it. Just like we react to every hurtful behavior and objects, when we realize what they are really doing to, our first duty is to our body. And that duty is to make sure they don’t keep hurting us. You can’t keep feeding a demon and expect its death.

The foods for these particular caging are fashion magazines as well as the fashion shows we tend to love. Being fashionable is wonderful but when you are out there to gape at the body of the slim celebrity, you have a little chance of losing those weight.

Learn to Feel Good about Yourself

Acceptance makes it easy for us to change. And by acceptance, it means you’re not taking a guilt trip about who you are. In the law of attraction, you’re focused on the positive. The beauty of life around you is now being experienced at the fullest height.

Many people might have made the statement about not thinking of the bad side of your weight but the statement has always made our minds wander off to the things they want us to avoid. To make it work in your favor, you need to think of only the positive ones.

Look at the things that excite you about your body. Like the siren in the time of Odysseus, you have attributes that make you alluring to some men. You might not be beautiful according to the definition of some people but you are truly worthy of people’s attention. So, what you are to do is to look out for those things about you that excite you as well as some set of people.

This will push you to do the essential. To effect that, make a list of things you consider your strong points. These will help you in the appreciation of your body. And note that if you truly want to fully actualize it, you need to deliberate on each part as you make the list. Its effect is not to make you feel better. This method would, instead, make you say the honest positive things about yourself.

Your Body is the Right Meter

law of attraction is to accept your body the way it is

Our instincts have been created to always direct us towards the right path. Can you boldly state that you have not made some decisions that were actually the right one? There are surely several times you have made the right decisions.

Like many others, you might find it hard to wrap your mind around the law of attraction but it would do you well to look at it this way. Your body has been programmed to have the ability to know what is wrong at the moment and the right things you need to do. It is essential that you live in this understanding before you seek a higher way of doing things.

When next you want to eat that sandwich, have the understanding that your body knows the right craving and is in control. So, when you next want to have a workout, don’t do it because you are growing a lot of fat. Do it because your body needs it. With that, you begin to see the things you want actualizing. You can’t keep fighting your body when you can easily work things out.

Superimpose Your Future on the Present

law of attraction is seeing the future in the present moment

When next you are set to eat or have a workout, you need to see the future you want. It is simply seeing your body in a new light. Remember that you have appreciated your body and how much it is at the moment but you still have desires.

See your body as a child and yourself as its mother. A mother would always dream about great things for the child and would keep working to bring out these things in the child. Yet, at the point of building it, the mother still loves her child and cares for the child.

Your body can become just what you want by you exercising faith. Faith is not lying to yourself that you don’t have fats. That’s simply denial. You don’t want to live in denial. All you need to do is to have a body you wish to attain at a point, like before and after. Let the excitement of what you will be in the future make you work.

A good chef trying out a new recipe wouldn’t put too much concern on the process, his concern is on the results. He is trying different things because of the tantalizing food he is expecting.

That is how you should eat your food and have your diets. You’re not crying under the process; you’re doing it excitedly. You’re excited about dieting because your body would definitely attain what you want.

You’re happily jumping out of bed to have your workout with the excitement of attaining a trimmer body. You’re jogging with a smile that you’re progressing. That’s superimposing of the future into the present.

  • The present and the process

As you have seen from the other parts of this post, your excitement has a way of making you work towards the things you want. And just like the child, your body knows the right thing to do but he always needs his mother to guide him through or dreaming up a better future for him.

Your present body might truly be accepted and appreciated but there is a better future for your body and what better way of making it get the new reality you want to see than to focus on the future.

Your future is something that can only be actualized if you allow the process. The process can make you weak at a time. Yet, let’s be quick to realize the process would become grueling if only we stop focusing on the future’s hope. The excitement of the future should remain your drive. It is like your pruning process and if you get it right, you will surely enjoy your body.

The Law of Attraction Takes More of the Positive

be positive

There is a big difference between speaking the word and your emotions not tuning to it. That is the reason you need to ensure your words and thoughts are working with you on getting your desired result.

This will really help you in getting your body the exact way you hope to see. The law of attraction is simply mentally preparing yourself for what you need by being positively available for it. If your thoughts are only focused on it but your words seem to betray that focus, you need to work on making sure they all work in sync.

Related: Lose Weight with Hypnosis

Repetition is Everything

The process of seeing things in your mind is a constant reminder of who you’re becoming. And how do you do that? Create a sort of phone reminder of what your aspiration is. For example, ‘my perfect body will become trimmer on the go’.

You need to keep seeing things. Some have employed meditation to this effect. Others have used different methods. Look for the one that speaks to you, and use it as much as you can. That is the only way you can enjoy it.

Emotional Eating Meditation

Meditation for mindful emotional eating – how can it help?

Emotional eating is the reason behind the failure of even the most rigorous diet plans. We often use food as an escape to stress and unpleasant emotions. Emotional eating is referred to our habit of overeating to cope with certain situations. We don’t actually need food at all times. Our physical hunger is limited to certain extents but we overeat a lot to cope with certain feelings like depression, boredom, loneliness or tiredness. No matter how complicated this seems to be, we can effectively tackle this problem with the help of emotional eating meditation.

We treat food as a stress reliever that actually doesn’t work. Rather, it brings us guilt and shame. Eating food just to satisfy ourselves is what emotional eating refers to. We treat food as a reward to make us feel better.

Dieting woman with emotional eating disorder

Emotional eating – why is it bad?

At times it is not that bad a habit but when you make it your sole coping mechanism, it is at that point when it turns against you. Even chocolate is known to be good in releasing stress but using it at all point of time will just make you dependant on the item. That is no good at all. And you can even think of how the excess chocolate would make you feel physically.

Using food to satiate your emotional hunger is no way at all. It may provide you momentary pleasure but in the long run, the emotions that triggered the cravings still exist and nothing has been resolved. All that happened is that you have gained some unnecessary calories that are bad.

Emotional eating meditation can be a way to cope with this and get on to a healthier life. Experiments and explorations have established the fact that meditation can be a great way to pull the reins on emotional eating.

Scientifically proven Red Tea Detox program – Get your free meditation CD

If you’re trying to lose a lot of excess weight, we recommend the Red Tea Detox program. It is professionally designed to help you change your lifestyle by regular drinking tea mixture with high potential of shrinking fat cells and detoxifying the body.

As a FREE bonus, the program also includes an effective meditation technique on a CD, which guarantees your success.

==> Read full RED TEA DETOX review

Why should I meditate?

Emotional eating meditation - wellness stones
  • Meditating on a regular basis allows anyone to forge a natural foundation of awareness at all levels of emotion. It is necessary to develop of consistent practice of meditation on a daily basis. Even if you are deeply submitted to stress eating, you can learn the ways to beat emotional or stress eating.
  • Emotional eating meditation helps to maintain your calm and awareness over your emotional waves and you will not be opening up in the kitchen with foods stuffed in your mouth even though you are full. It lets you be ready to face your emotions as they arise and sit to work out with them and get done once and for all.
  • It is one of the best ways to reset your attention and get rid of the negativities that are craving into you from the rest of the world. While there is no guarantee that meditation will take care of all your issues, but participating in a daily 15 to 20 minutes session can bring you a lot of benefits.
  • This can provide you with the mental and emotional space to deal with the stuff even they can instigate your trigger to start eating. It is the best way that guides you to learn mindful eating.

Benefits of meditation for emotional eating

Emotional eating meditation has a lot of benefits. Some of the most common ones are mentioned below.

Girl performing meditation for emotional eating
  1. It helps you to connect to the body

Meditation is the best route for anyone to connect to their body. As you become still and tune in to the silence, you shut yourself off from the disturbing worldly noises. This helps to get inside your body and take care of the connection. As you become connected, you get more adept in finding the cues that differentiate physical hunger from emotional hunger and let you decide better on taking the calls.

  1. It makes you still

As you consistently take part in meditation, it exposes you to repeated stillness. It works to enrich your inner well of guidance, peace and soul connection. You will learn to differentiate between the world that is not limited to food but is far wider. It helps you tap into your dimensions of the higher self and you learn a lot about what exists between food and weight. The best part is you will not be turning to eat for stress relief or pain coping once you start meditating.

  1. You can breathe it out

Emotional eating meditation is a technique that allows the user to utilize their breath and hone it to bring in more improvements for your physical health. Breathing is the natural relaxation system with auto access at all points of the day. It is the fastest method to alter your state of mind and stop your body from binge eating. You will learn to rely on your breaths more as you continue meditating. It will condition you to stay away from junk and unhealthy foods to great extents.

  1. It lets you accept pain

Meditation allows the time and space to the individuals to nurture the connection of the body and the mind. As you connect your head to the heart, it opens up the way for you to accept your emotion, pains, and disturbing feelings and deal with them effectively.

Related: Hypnosis for weight loss

Final thoughts

These are some of the best benefits that meditation can provide over emotional eating. Apart from this, there are many ways to deal with emotional eating.

If you are feeling the lonely call or catch up with a friend, if you are tired get some sleep or have a cup of tea with some aromatic candles. If you are bored, develop a new hobby and if you are anxious just use a stress ball or one of your favorite music.

Listen to Red Tea Detox hypnosis, which will eliminate stress, fatigue, worry, anxiety, illness and desire for food and bad habits.