How Long does it Take for the Liver to Regenerate?

Repair your liver fast and reverse damaging effects

In this article, you will find out how long does it take for the liver to regenerate. The liver is located at the top right of the human digestive system in the abdominal cavity. Liver function is very important. It contributes to most of the body’s metabolic processes: the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, converting them into substances that are essential for the normal functioning of living things.

how long does it take for the liver to regenerate

Related: Natural remedies to improve liver function

It is our largest solid organ and provides vital functions to our body. Indeed, it eliminates toxins from the body, produces essential substances such as blood proteins and also serves to store energy.

For this, the liver receives every minute more than 1.5 liters of blood. So, to say that it is an organ, vital to the proper functioning of the organism. That’s why our body has found a way to react when this organ is damaged: regeneration. If we take close to 3/4 of the liver of a patient, we consider that it will resume its normal size in nearly 4 months.

It is thanks to this process that many surgical procedures such as liver transplants are possible. Indeed, a liver shared between two patients will return to normal size in both individuals.

  1. Cell regeneration: For this, the liver sets up a process called cellular regeneration. In adulthood, the organ will be able to divide itself identically. More precisely, it is its cells that will be able to do it: a single cell will become two, then four and so on … This, in the end, allows the organ to resume its original form.
  2. Liver toxicity:
various liver health conditions

The number of poisons that have to be filtered out of the blood every day by the liver cells has been steadily increasing for decades.

The liver is the largest internal organ responsible for about 500 functions, including for the metabolism of fat and toxins in the body. Their most important function is to decompose and remove harmful substances from the body. The liver is like a storehouse where you store energy and all the substances that are essential to your body.

Because the liver performs a huge number of vital tasks, its damage can affect all systems in the body, causing severe health problems.

A person who has a fatty liver often suffers from anxiety, abdominal obesity, increased body weight, lack of energy, and weakened immune system… Toxins, processed foods, and unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, drinking too much alcohol) may lead to so-called fatty liver disease. A fatty liver condition may lead to inflammatory processes that present a serious problem.

What symptoms indicate liver disorders?

Yellow eyes - sign of liver damage

The biggest problem in detecting the disease and liver failure is because you can’t feel liver pain soon enough. Therefore it is very difficult to detect possible liver health problems. The liver is an organ with no nerves that can report pain information to the brain.

Pay attention to various other symptoms that may suggest that your liver may be overloaded:

  • diarrhea, constipation or intestinal bleeding;
  • so-called strawberry tongue;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • longer periods of nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dark urine;
  • abdominal pain and swelling of the abdomen;
  • sized dots that appear and disappear at irregular intervals in different parts of the body;
  • yellowish discoloration of the skin;
  • yellowish discoloration of the actually white eyeball;
  • tightening pain under the right rib cage;
  • concentration problems.

We recommend you occasionally detox your body with red beet juice, chicory, dandelion, artichokes… A glass of hot water with lemon in the morning will also contribute to accelerating detox, and the whole process can be supported by a very effective and proven detox formula ProVen.

How long does it take for the liver to regenerate?

In most cases, this depends on the condition of your liver. In a few days, the liver uses its cells. But the succession is continuously ensured by the “oval cells” present in the liver tissues. More incredible; these allow the liver to regenerate itself in less than a week.

Despite the fact that the liver has a great capacity to restore, this regeneration is not infinite! In the case of chronic liver disease and liver cirrhosis, the problem is, that with toxic processes that attack the liver, damaged liver cells are replaced by connective tissue and not with other healthy liver cells. This causes scarring in the liver. Sometimes signs of liver cirrhosis become very dangerous because they also affect other organs.

For liver transplants, one can take a portion of a living person and transplant it to an immunocompetent patient. And the two pieces grow back quickly to form two organs more than 90% effective, barely a month after the transplant.

Related: Best herbs for liver tonic

Improve liver function naturally to regenerate

The liver is an extremely regenerative organ. Even if half of the liver were severely damaged, it could fully regenerate – of course only if the damaging factors are avoided in the future.

So, the sooner you are ready to consciously relieve your liver and naturally help it build its cells, the sooner your entire body will benefit from the effects of your liver-friendly measures. So, relieve your liver.

  • Herbal teas: Detoxify the liver by using natural herbs and extracts. The liver has a remarkable ability for self-recovery, while we can help with certain natural herbal mixtures to protect it and promote detoxication processes. One of the most effective natural herbs for protecting and healing liver cells is milk thistle. Milk thistle is used to prevent and treat liver damage caused by alcohol or toxins, cirrhosis and fatty liver disease. Studies have demonstrated hepaprotective effects after acute liver poisoning caused by tetrachloromethane, ethanol, paracetamol, and toxic compounds in greenfly. This effect is presumably achieved through several mechanisms. Compounds in milk thistle are considered to stimulate the synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins and thus indirectly stimulate the regeneration of liver cells. Silymarin affects the properties of the liver cell membrane in such a way that toxins cannot pass through it and catches free radicals in the liver cells, thus protecting the liver from uncontrolled oxidative processes. Due to its antioxidant action, the concentration of the natural protective substance glutathione in the liver is supposed to increase.


  • Natural, organic food: When buying your food, make sure that you are not contaminated with pesticides. Organically grown foods are the best choice.
  • Physical activity: If you are not moving, your metabolism is slow and your muscles don’t consume enough energy. And if you eat too much, the excess is loaded in fat deposits – among others in the liver.
  • Change your eating habits: Consume no more than 30 percent of fat per day. Eat more carbohydrates such as whole-grain pasta, potatoes, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Say NO to Alcohol: Drinks with a high percentage of alcohol have just as many calories as fat. Alcohol is the main cause of cirrhosis, liver cancer and other liver diseases. If you already have liver-related problems, you should not even go for alcohol anymore.
  • Pure water: One of the best things you can do for your liver is drinking unsweetened drinks. Instead, drink water or unsweetened teas.
  • Organic detergents: Use only ecological household cleaners, because the chemical vapors of conventional products enter the body through the respiratory system. Other chemicals contained therein are absorbed through the skin.
overloaded liver

Related: Smoothie for liver health

How can you thoroughly clean the purchased fruit and vegetables in a completely natural way!

If you want to clean fruits and vegetables of all uncleanness, including pesticide residues, you can do it with baking soda. Remove the residues of soil, wax, dirt, and pesticides from the fruit and vegetable surface by soaking them in water with Sodium bicarbonate added for 10 minutes.

  • Fill the sink with lukewarm water and add a tablespoon of baking soda.
  • After soaking, wash fruits and vegetables under running water.

This method of cleaning is suitable for all types of fruit and vegetables, from apples, citrus fruits, grapes and berries to salads, broccoli and cauliflower, tomato, roots, string beans, and fresh herbs.

how to wash fruits and vegetable with soda