Plants that Absorb Radiation – Little Known Facts

EMFs and plants: a lot of questions remain

We all know that plants can help purify the air but what about plants that absorb radiation? EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and radiation are commonly referred to interchangeably, especially through health and wellness topics. However, EMFs and radiation, in the nuclear sense, are not one and the same, nor are they even correlated. Although EMFs do “radiate” from their source, and the closer in proximity you are, the more it has the potential to interact with you and affect you, it is not a form of radioactive decay. So, when someone says that their cell phone emits “radiation,” don’t picture a nuclear fallout, instead, just picture electromagnetic fields emanating from that phone.

Facts about plants that absorb radiation

In fact, there are a lot of internet sources that questionably compare Chernobyl fallout killing trees to the effects of EMF radiation on us via our devices. They cite that since trees in the fallout of the Chernobyl disaster died, we are no more susceptible to radiation than plants. For radioactive decay, this is certainly true, radioactive disasters are tragic and devastating to all life around them. But for EMF radiation, this is a little less clear.

Today the topic is with plants and how some houseplants can absorb EMFs that are disputably harmful to humans. EMFs that come from your computer, your phone, your router, powerlines in your backyard, etc. But first, we need to go a little more in-depth to understand what EMFs are and how different types of EMFs pose greater risks than others, if at all.

NASA science and plant experiments

A common citation among EMF risk researchers is a study from NASA in 2005. The real reason for the study largely had nothing to do with EMF radiation, but rather they were looking for a plant that would be able to absorb something and produce oxygen, with the end goal being to pinpoint a plant that would support life on Mars.

Thus, they somewhat stumbled into the fact that plants absorb EMF radiation since they were studying the many things that plants absorb. To say that this study was in any way conclusive evidence that plants help protect us from EMF radiation is a stretch. We know that plants absorb EMFs, but who knows if that absorption protects us at all, or if we have any reason to be protected from EMFs.

As many point out, it is known that plants don’t attract EMFs, they simply absorb the EMFs that collide with them. So, your houseplants won’t be drawing EMF radiation away from your body, thus the plant would literally need to stand in between you and an EMF source to be effective. This is impractical in many situations since most of our EMF producing devices have screens that we need to look at to use effectively, and you can’t place a fern in between your face and your computer screen.

What are EMFs?

EMFs form in two types, ionizing and non-ionizing. Non-ionizing EMFs make up the majority of EMFs that we interact with on a daily basis. These are the fields that are given off by your electronic devices and power lines. Ionizing radiation comes in the form of ultraviolet rays, similar to the sun, and are generally only found in our lives through UV light and X-rays. Non-ionizing EMFs are generally accepted to be harmless, while ionizing radiation has been found to have an effect on nerve function, with psychological side effects, and has a low correlation to cancer. 

In a study done on cellphone usage and cancer, there was no significant correlation between those who used these EMF-emitting devices and those who didn’t. However, for high-level ionizing EMFs, there was a small study that found a link between this exposure and leukemia in adults. One barricade to EMF research is that it can be difficult to monitor how much EMF exposure a person really endures; thus many studies aren’t convincing.

mobile phone radiation

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has a set of guidelines based on research for EMF strength in certain appliances, devices, and systems. The devices you interact with daily are most likely tested to ensure they don’t fall outside of the levels of these guidelines, and no known health impacts are known below these levels.

The list of symptoms of high EMF exposure is wide-ranging, including sleep inhabitance, headaches, dizziness, skin tingling, nausea, anxiety, memory loss, and most notably and concerningly, cancer. As stated before, although these symptoms are listed and perhaps commonly reported, there is no known correlation at the moment between EMFs and these health issues.

How to stay protected from EMF exposure:

Turn off your devices

Since the health effects of EMFs are still very much in the air, it might be beneficial to be “safe than sorry” and take protection measures against EMFs. You generally shouldn’t be concerned about EMF exposure from any devices in your homes or power lines, but high-level exposure in the form of X-rays or the sun should be endured only when necessary. Take a break from your devices, don’t constantly keep them close to your body, and don’t constantly leave them plugged into a power source.

Follow EMF research for any breaks in the general unknown that EMF health effects live in right now. Your awareness of the potential for an issue is your greatest measure of safety right now since you can take steps to avoid EMFs, while not going overboard about something that is most likely marginally detrimental to your health.

Get plants that absorb radiation

plant that help eliminate electromagnetic radiation

Another effective way to avoid EMFs is to get some EMF absorbing plants in your living spaces. There are plants that have been found to not only purify the air in your space but also to absorb EMFs from your devices and other sources. These plants should be placed in between your devices and where you generally sit while you use them or while they’re plugged in, such as on your desk in between you and a computer monitor.

There is still no evidence to support that although plants absorb EMF emission, they protect you from EMF emission. So not only is it inconclusive that EMF emission is even harmful to you, especially low-level radiation from your devices, but it’s also inconclusive that plants that absorb this emission are protecting you at all from the EMFs themselves. So, with the research available right now, it’s possible that this is much ado about nothing.

Plants are not only a great aesthetic touch to any home, but they’re also confirmed to remove toxins from the air you breathe. So, get some plants in your house as a safety measure and to spruce things up. For toxin removal, one plant for every 100 square feet is recommended. If you’re into the whole houseplant thing, you can look into popular houseplants such as cacti, rubber plants, palms, ferns, peace lilies, and ivy.

Turn your WiFi router off

But in reality, the most effective way to avoid EMF radiation is to turn off your devices and keep them away from your body and head. Buy headphones that don’t emit EMFs, get a kill switch for your WiFi for when you’re not using it, and unplug your devices and yourself once in a while.

Yes, unplug yourself. Go device-free for an extended period of time. Go on a camping trip. It’s known that many of us are addicted to our devices, so some time off won’t hurt you, chances are it will actually clear your head and help you to decompress.

Final thoughts: Plants that absorb radiation

In conclusion, do your duty and be aware of new breaking EMF research, unplug your devices, and don’t develop a heavy reliance on them. Use them when needed and buy plants to purify the air in your home, and if it keeps you out of harm’s way of EMFs somehow, that’s a great bonus.

Don’t over sensationalize the things that you read online until there is real undeniable evidence found that links EMFs to harmful effects. Since you’re taking steps to be aware of EMFs and the potential danger they present and researching preventative measures, you’re probably ahead of the majority of the population as is. Keep that same awareness and you’ll turn out just fine.