Hemp Oil Pros and Cons List

Hemp seed oil and the benefits and side effects it might offer

Since a farm bill was enacted in 2018 that enabled hemp products to be sold legally nationwide, throughout the United States, and since then the market has been flooded with hemp products. Since this bill was passed and new hemp products have been released, many major outlets and businesses have taken notice of the value that hemp offers. The reality is that hemp is a fantastic product that we’ve been missing out on for decades because of the stigma that surrounded the plant, although hemp is not psychoactive and shouldn’t be put in the same boat as psychoactive marijuana. Here’s what we currently know about hemp oil pros and cons.

Hemp has been used in a wide range of applications and is known for its ability to produce strong textiles. Also, hemp often has a positive impact on the environment that it grows in because it can clean the water and soil around it and can replace fossil fuels through biodiesel. In addition to the uses that it has in the textile industry, hemp seeds also have an incredible nutritional value, and hemp seed oil has been used in foods, cosmetics, and health markets.

Hemp plant, hemp seeds and hemp oil pros and cons explained

What’s the difference between cannabis, hemp, and hemp seeds?

You might be wondering what the differences between the cannabis, hemp plant, and hemp seeds are since the hemp and cannabis plant look exactly the same at first observation.

Cannabis is psychoactive and generally contains a substantial percentage of THC, which is the psychoactive substance in marijuana that creates a high. In general, cannabis contains around 17% THC. Cannabis is known for its ability to remedy ailments such as pain, sickness, and mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Cannabis contains under 0.15% CBD, which is a common compound used to prevent seizures, pain relief, acne treatment, anxiety, and even cancer treatments.

The hemp plant on the other hand varies greatly from the cannabis plant in terms of its chemical makeup, even though they look identical. Hemp contains under 0.3% THC, which is such a negligible amount that it offers no psychoactive response. And its CBD contents are much higher, anywhere from 12-18%. And the hemp plant can be used to make products such as clothing, rope, biodiesel, paper, and more. Hemp seeds come from the hemp plant and are often saved to be pressed for hemp seed oil. This oil is used in food for cooking, cosmetics and skincare, paint, and health products.

Although the hemp plant has large amounts of CBD, the seeds hardly contain any CBD, so you shouldn’t confuse CBD oil with hemp seed oil since hemp seed oil contains almost no CBD. In fact, you should be aware that some companies are marketing their hemp seed products as CBD products, which they are not. And CBD oil is much more expensive than hemp seed oil, so there’s a chance you’re overpaying if you’re buying hemp seed oil at CBD oil prices. Do your research to make sure you’re getting the right product for the right price.

Potential benefits of hemp seed oil:

So, what does this hemp seed oil have to offer us, and are there any drawbacks to it? Let’s dive into the hemp oil pros and cons list. Starting off with the benefits, there are many, and some are similar to CBD benefits, while others are exclusive to hemp seed oil.

Hemp plant
  • First, hemp seed oil can be great for skin care and skin health. This is because the hemp seeds are high in nutritional value, containing fatty acids and protein as well as essential vitamins. When applied to skin, these nutritional elements help to combine to treat symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, and more. It can also have preventative effects in addition to the treatment side, through its ability to reduce inflammation and it can even offer anti-aging properties. Even for those of us who might not suffer from chronic skin conditions, it can still help to hydrate your skin and prevent dry skin without causing your skin to become too oily. This helps to keep your pores from getting clogged and can prevent outbreaks of acne. That is something that we all can benefit from.

  • Hemp seed can also help boost your brain function and health. Hemp seeds contain fatty acids, which can help to protect your brain. It’s been shown through animal testing that hemp seed oil can fight inflammation in the brain. There haven’t been any significant human studies yet, but the signs are looking good that hemp seed oil can work wonders for your brain health.

  • Hemp seed oil has properties within it that can also boost your heart health and function, by treating high blood pressure and regulating cholesterol. Also, a 2014 study concluded that a certain fatty acid contained in hemp oil can reduce your susceptibility to cardiovascular disease. This same fatty acid is the same one that is found in fish oil and flaxseed oil, both of which are known to help heart health. Aside from the 2014 study, there haven’t been a lot of completed studies on heart health yet either, although things are looking good for it. Since hemp products didn’t hit full-scale production since 2018, the spotlight has only recently shifted to hemp products, so more studies should be concluded in the near the future, offering more insight into the full range of capabilities of hemp seed oil.

Full-spectrum hemp oils

There are hemp oils out there that that are known as “full-spectrum hemp oil.” These hemp oils don’t just contain hemp oil, but also include added compounds, including CBD. These oils can be the best of both worlds by combining the positive effects of CBD and the positive effects of hemp seed oil. The benefits of full-spectrum hemp oil are nearly boundless, and they begin with pain relief. Since CBD has an incredible ability to reduce inflammation, many pains caused by inflammation can be reduced or remediated by full-spectrum hemp seed oil. As with most of the hemp benefits, there are still human studies to be done, although results have been positive on mice.

Full-spectrum oil also offers help with acne, due to its ability to remediate inflammation. And lastly, it can help to relieve muscle tension and stress. This can help anyone who is suffering from natural stiffness due to stress and it can also help those who are recovering from exercise. Hemp oil will come in a roll-on form that you can apply where you’re experiencing tension to help find relief and relaxation.

Potential drawbacks of hemp seed oil:

Since we’ve talked about the wide range of benefits of hemp seed oil, we would be remiss not to mention the potential negatives and side effects of it. As with many products used for their medicinal qualities, every person has a different response to it, and some might not be positive.

  • Hemp oil can worsen the effect of blood clotting, and anyone who has a history of issues with blood coagulation should avoid using hemp seed oil.

  • Also, hemp oil can act as a laxative, and likely will soften your stool, so if you’re prone to digestive issues, you should steer clear of hemp seed oil unless approved by a physician.

  • Hemp seed oil should not be used by those with continually developing brains, such as children since it contains omega-6 fatty acids, which have positive effects such as regulating your metabolism and improving your bone strength and health, but it can also hinder brain development.

  • Those who suffer from psychomotor issues should steer clear of hemp seed oil as well since a small study identified that there may be a link between hemp seed oil and worsening side effects of those who have these existing conditions. 

Final thoughts: hemp oil pros and cons list

As time wears on, hopefully more studies will be completed on hemp seed oil so that the full range of benefits and the extent of them can be discovered. Also, the manufacturing and regulation of hemp seed oil is still being refined, and although producers are supposed to keep THC content below 0.3% to sell it, there have been instances where this regulation isn’t followed by some manufacturers.

Just like the food we eat sometimes has recalls and manufacturing flaws, so too does hemp seed oil. For this reason, make sure to purchase hemp seed oil from a reputable source to ensure that it’s the highest quality production. A product containing as little as 1% THC can lead you to fail a drug test, so the manufacturers don’t have to be off too much to put you at risk. But if you purchase from a reputable source, you should be sure that they keep the THC content below 0.3%.

If you’re unsure of whether or not hemp seed oil might work for you, talk with your physician about hemp oil pros and cons to receive the best possible information according to your medical condition.