Prayer for Weight Loss Success

A powerful prayer for weight loss motivation

To lose weight, a lot of exercises and strict diet must be followed, but remember that the prayer for weight loss is a great way to get even better results, but only if your faith is strong enough. Praying to God on your weight loss journey can help you speed up your weight loss plan. God is one! God loves to give you what you need when your requests align with his will.

helpful prayer for weight loss

Believing in God will make your life better

Inflammatory processes in the body caused by polluted air, smoking, various viruses and bacteria, and, above all, burnout and constant stress, contribute to weight gain. A number of studies have shown that people with a strong spiritual will have half less inflammatory substances called C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) in the body, which do not only increase body weight but also susceptibility to serious health complications, including heart attack and diabetes.

If you don’t believe in a higher power, it is better not to try at all. Prayer must be consistent with your beliefs, so you need to listen to the inner voice. Some people believe in God, others in natural or omnipotent universal laws, power of positive thinking, etc. In this article, you will learn how to seek God’s help.

You have to pray every day to keep track of your goals. By taking the time to talk to God every morning you will be shocked that all the routine you planned for a healthy lifestyle leading to weight loss would fall into place the way you want it to be. Do not make the biggest mistake of trying to change out of the pure will. Instead, seek God intervention.

Listed below are prayer points to lose excessive weight

do all to the glory of God

Start a prayer for weight loss

Thank the Lord for introducing this new diet into your life because it is only by his help you can achieve what you seek in life and in your weight loss journey. Also, seek Gods intervention to give you the strength to continue and not relent at all.

Adhering to a diet prayer

Pray to God to take away temptation that would bring negative consequences of self-defeating behavior. This is because with God you can successfully resist the devil and achieve results and without him, you can’t. You just can’t do it alone. Tell God to guide you through this journey, give you the strength to stick to the diet plan and to overcome all drawbacks.

A power to succeed prayer

This prayer point is aimed to seek God confirmation. Seeking the Lord blessing and strength to continue with the weight loss program.

Pray and seek for God’s grace to make you have the courage to keep going and not giving up on yourself. Truth be told, with God nothing is impossible. Let the Lord know that you believe in him always and you would surely see the reward.

Resist cravings prayer

Seek the Lord intervention for strength to stay away from anything that is unhealthy like alcohol, junk food, smoking, etc. Also, pray to the Lord so you can focus on your health and fitness.

Pray to God that this power will focus on the discipline of your body and make your training devoted. Your prayer point should focus on everything you do, eat or drink and work on.

I pray that a support group pushes me to the finish line. I ask all this in this prayer, Lord please give me the strength as I believe in you that u can help me through this journey. Amen.

Prayer to stop eating too much

God, I thank you for the great food you offer. I love your food so much that sometimes I eat too much until my stomach hurts. I admit that I cannot do it myself and I need your help. Please, give me the strength to eat only what I need. Amen.

Prayer for weight loss journey

Heavenly father, I want to thank you for creating me and giving me this body to serve you. Today, I need your guidance to help me with my weight loss journey.

I have reached the end of my rope, sir. I tried so hard, but my self-control is exhausted and if I’m wrong, I feel like a failure, and I want to give up. But you tell us to run with stamina, so I’ll keep trying and relying on the strength of your Almighty.

My stretch marks, my belly, my arms, and my whole body can be so frustrating for me. Never let me distract myself from the fact that my body is so valuable to you.

You created every part of me and you have never made a mistake. You created me for a special purpose. You have knitted every part of me with love and care. My broken ship sometimes feels weak and embarrassing, but you have created it as a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Always let me remember your gift and teach me to take care of my body better. Give me the sense to follow your commands. Sir, I know you love me, no matter how much I weight you’re always here for me. Your judges are not based on the size of my pants or my appearance. But you’re worried that this extra weight makes my life difficult with pain, health problems, physical limitations, and so much insecurity.

Help me lose this weight, sir. Help me to glorify you in my eating habits and to worship you in my exercises. I do not want to treat healthy eating and sport as a punishment. I want to be a good steward of the body, so give me the strength to choose foods that nourish my body and make me look fit.

My God, I do not want to be a slave to food, indulge in emotional consumption and eat unhealthy junk food. I want you to fill me with your fullness and holiness so that I can break every limitation to my weight loss journey with your help. Please remind me to choose grace instead of blaming myself for repeating the old same mistakes all over again. Help me build a support system in my life that brings me responsibility and encouragement. Please be my strength, encourage my success and support me in difficult times.

Above all, please teach me how to get closer to you through prayer. My desire is for more of you and less of me. Allow me to rest every morning in the comfort of your untiring love and new mercy. Today I offer you my whole self as a living sacrifice. I love you so much and I ask for these things in the holy name of your Son. Amen.