Tea for Menstrual Cramps and Bloating

Tea for menstrual cramps as a natural painkiller

Can tea for menstrual cramps actually help? Yes, it can! Keep reading 🙂

Red tea for menstrual cramps

What is menstruation (menstrual cycle)

A normal menstrual cycle is cyclical bleeding that occurs every 21 to 35 days and lasts 2 to 7 days. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. It starts the first day of your period and ends one day before the start of the next one.

During the menstrual cycle, the mucous membrane in the uterus, which we call the endometrium, get thickened. The thickened mucous membrane is waiting for fertilized eggs to nest and thus begin the pregnancy.

If the egg is not fertilized and pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium peels off and gets excreted through the vagina. This bleeding is called menstruation. Pain can be so intense that it keeps us at home and break our daily activities.

menstrual cycle ovulation

Painful periods

Menstrual pain can be alleviated with various painkillers, but we can also treat it in a completely healthy and natural way. Tea for menstrual cramps called Red Tea Detox can ENTIRELY prevent this kind of pain – it works great – I tested it myself!

Pain or malaise during menstruation or just before it is called dysmenorrhea. For some women, this is just an unpleasant feeling, but for others, it is so severe that it prevents daily activities. Dysmenorrhea or painful period is a menstrual period accompanied by pain and nausea. Dysmenorrhea is hot, squeezing or cramping pain in the lower abdomen. It usually occurs just before or after menstrual bleeding.

The cause of pain is in the contraction of the uterus, which is stronger, longer and more frequent during the period of menstruation than in the rest of the menstrual cycle. Painful periods occurring in adolescence and with years and births usually disappear. When painful periods are occurring as a result of another gynecological disease, the underlying disease must be treated.

Causes of menstrual pain

We are familiar with primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary is when no organic cause for the pain can be found, and secondary when gynecological disease or structural abnormalities in or outside the uterus are the cause of the pain.

Primary dysmenorrhea affects up to 60% of women. This usually begins two or three years after the onset of menstruation after the ovulation has stabilized. Usually, in this case, the pain is not an indicator of disease activity.

After 25 years of age, problems often decrease and are rare after childbirth. During the menstrual cycle, the uterus cracks and thus helps to eliminate the endometrium. Muscle contractions trigger prostaglandin hormone-like substances that engage in inflammation and pain.

A higher level of prostaglandins is associated with more severe menstrual cramps. Experts believe that severe uterine cramps cause compression of the uterine blood vessels. Because of the compressed veins in this part, the lack of oxygen in the tissue occurs and therefore it hurts.

These types of pain can be completely prevented by medical treatments or natural herbs

The mixture of certain herbs is fully effective and surprisingly, pain can be completely eliminated. The herb mixture is consumed in the form of detoxifying tea for menstrual cramps, with powerful health benefits:

red teatox logo

==> Read more about powerful herbal mixture here

→ In secondary dysmenorrhea, pain develops due to gynecological or anatomical anomalies. Pain can also begin several days before the period and lasts throughout the entire period of menstruation.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is rare and affects up to 25% of women with dysmenorrhea. It occurs more often in adulthood.

The most common causes for it are:

  • endometriosis (the tissue that is located inside the uterus is formed outside the uterus, most often on the fallopian tubes, the ovary or elsewhere in the pelvis),
  • adenomyosis (the tissue inside the uterus starts to grow into the muscle of the uterus)
  • pelvic inflammatory disease (inflammation of the female genital organs, usually caused by sexually transmitted bacteria)
  • cervical cramps (in some women, the cervical opening is so small that it affects the course of the period, resulting in a painful increase in pressure in the uterus).
menstrual pain

Symptoms and complications

The main sign of dysmenorrhea is a pain in the lower abdomen, which can be felt as a cramp or as chronic constant pain. It may also occur that pain spreads to the lower back and thighs. Other signs are headache, pale and swollen skin, constipation or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and frequent urination.

Complications differ, depending on the cause of menstrual pain. For example, endometriosis causes pregnancy problems, inflammatory diseases cause damage to tissue – if tissue on the fallopian tubes gets damaged, an extraterrestrial pregnancy can occur.

When should I go to the doctor?

If you have menstruation for a few years and you have menstrual cramps, there is probably no cause for concern. However, if menstrual cramps affect the quality of your life or have started to manifest later in life, visit your gynecologist or personal physician.

Treatment / Medicines

Prescription drugs and painkillers

Mild primary dysmenorrhea is often relieved by painkillers. If the cramps are milder, paracetamol helps, if they are stronger, you can try with ibuprofen and naproxen at normal doses. Take them as soon as you begin to feel sharp stabbing pain; if you know when the first day of your period will occur, you can start taking them one or two days before. For some women one pill suffices, others have to continue with taking medicines for a few days. Find out what suits your body.

The beginning of the therapy is crucial for the effect, as it prevents the formation of prostaglandins and thus problems.

If primary dysmenorrhea is severe, it is possible to relieve symptoms by preventing ovulation by using contraceptive pills. The treatment of secondary dysmenorrhea depends on the cause.

*CAUTION: Contraceptive pills can cause a serious medical condition as thrombosis!

contraceptive pills

Despite the successful pain relief with these drugs, of course, natural methods are also more advisable, which are also effective and considerably healthier. Synthetic drugs can cause a lot of unwanted side effects that have a negative impact on our overall health.

While Red Tea Detox – herb mixture of red tea for menstrual cramps can contribute many positive health benefits, synthetic drugs destroy our health.

How to relieve pain during your period without pills

Physical activity

Physical activity ensures increased blood flow, strengthens the immune system and promotes physiological well-being. Swimming, walking or cycling is recommended. We all know how important it is to exercise.

The fact is that all research shows that enough physical activity has a lot of beneficial effects. Among other things, for women who regularly engage in sports activities, options for severe menstrual cramps are reduced. In addition, overweight women are more susceptible to menstrual cramps.

Lie on your back on the floor (or on the bed), bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Place your hands on the ground next to your body. Gently lift your belly up and down for two minutes. During this time, let your muscles relax. Take breaths shortly during exercises. One series of exercises includes ten breaths. Make a series of exercises five times.

exercise for menstrual cramps

In addition, remember that overly painful period cramps can be a sign of more serious health problems, such as endometriosis, uterine infections, or uterine anatomy problems. In any case, you should consult your personal doctor, especially if you cannot successfully control the pain.


If you feel discomfort in your lower abdomen during the period, take a warm bath or at least a warm shower; Place a warm towel, a thermopower or a warm cushion on the stomach or lower back. Enjoy hot drinks, especially tea for menstrual cramps to treat severe pain effectively.

menstrual pain heating

Rest and relaxation

In those days, try to sleep more. Cramps can get worse if you do not take rest and relax during your period. Do not strain, do not let to get a feeling of stress, and get enough sleep every day. When lying, have your legs resting on the pillow slightly raised. You can lie on side and pull your knees to your stomach. Give yourself a massage.

Healthy eating – what to eat during periods

During the period of menstruation enjoy lighter and smaller meals, which should consist of complex carbohydrates (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables), less fatty proteins and more beneficial oils. Avoid salt, sugar, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine.


Some acupuncture points regulate the flow of blood through the abdominal cavity and release the nervous system that can help alleviate muscular contractions. Studies show that acupuncture is as effective as an anti-inflammatory drug without a medical prescription.

In addition to relieving pain, do not be surprised if these changes also lead to better digestion, better sleep, and a more stable mood.

Home care

A traditional and sometimes effective remedy is resting in a bed with a thermoplastic or a hot bath. Menstrual pain can be relieved by activities that reduce stress, such as massage, yoga, relaxation, etc. Smokers are advised to quit smoking because smoking causes poor oxygen supply in the tissues and thereby prolongs the menstrual pain. Some studies show a successful reduction in dysmenorrhea with the addition of vitamin E, thiamine, and omega 3 fatty acids.

It is essential to regulate the blood flow in the lower abdomen, normalize the contraction of smooth muscles and reduce cramp attacks. Try to find out which approach is best for you.

Eliminate excessive contraction and narrowing of the blood vessels that cause painful periods with natural remedies and tea for menstrual cramps

As a supplement to your diet, consume calcium and magnesium supplements throughout the month because these nutrients function in a coordinated manner and help to relax the muscles. If diarrhea occurs, reduce the dose.

If you think your diet consists mainly of foods low in calcium – fruits and vegetables, increase the consumption of low-fat milk products. At least four studies have shown that calcium significantly relieves back pain during menstruation.

Nevertheless, on average, an American woman consumes only about 600 mg of calcium daily (the recommended diet is 800 mg). One cup of low-fat yogurt will bring about 400 mg of calcium. About 300 mg of calcium is in a cup of low-fat milk.

During the implementation of the research program of the Ministry of Agriculture, it was found that women who daily consumed 1300 mg or more of calcium daily reduced the intensity of pain. There was also a reduction in fluid retention in the body, improved mood, and increased concentration.

food rich in calcium

Raspberry foliage acts as a soft uterine tonic. Try a cup of raspberry tea for menstrual cramps every day for a month. Keep in mind that you are looking for herbal tea of raspberry and not the rest of the teas with the taste of raspberry!

Dark leafy herbs are the food source of magnesium, calcium and countless other trace elements.

raspberries tea for menstrual cramps

Caffeic acid present in the basil plant has analgesic properties. In the presence of pain drink basil tea three times a day.

You can add fresh basil leaves to the food.

  • Add one tablespoon of basil leaves to one cup of boiling water. → Stir briefly and steep for the proper length of time. Drink the tea every couple of hours to relieve cramps.
  • Basil leaves can also be crushed to extract the juice. → Add two teaspoons of basil juice in one cup of warm water.
basil leaves for tea for menstrual cramps

Cinnamon can also help. It can relieve period pain by its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

It is an excellent source of dietary fiber, calcium, iron, and manganese. Make cinnamon tea for menstrual cramps with a mixture of a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a cup of hot water. Let it stand for five minutes, add a little honey and slowly drink.

Drink two to three cups of cinnamon tea, a day or two before the period begins. On the first day of your period, mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water.

We drink cinnamon tea for menstrual cramps three times a day. Antispasmodic, phytoestrogenic, and anti-inflammatory properties make it easier to deal with spasms of pain and discomfort.

cinnamon for tea for menstrual cramps

Anxiety can increase pain by 30% or more. That’s why you can afford something that gives you a sense of comfort and contributes to relieving pain. During this time it is good to drink tea, hot milk or even chocolate.

tea with chocolate

Another proven means for menstrual cramps is black molasses. This reduces seizures during menstruation. Swallow it as soon as you have cramps and continue for as long as necessary. Add one or two teaspoons of black molasses in a cup of warm milk and drink.

 black molasses

Red Tea Detox – best tea for menstrual cramps

The best natural anti-pain agent is red tea detoxification, which due to its properties could be considered the best tea for menstrual cramps. It kicks in only a few minutes after ingestion and the pain can completely cease.

The effect is surprisingly strong and can be even compared even with the effect of strong painkillers. The main ingredient of tea is Aspalathus linearis, which has strong healing and antioxidative properties.

Because it contains many minerals and other health beneficial ingredients, it relieves cramps and digestive disorders very effectively. This tea for menstrual cramps can be drunk at any time; it does not contain any theine and is therefore also suitable for children (Aspalathus linearis is used to relieve colic in infants).

red teatox logo

==> Learn more about Red tea detox health benefits