101 Ways to Reduce Stress Hormones

Great tips to kill stress before stress kills you

Stress is a common thing that everybody experiences. Loss of your loved one, schooling, in your relationships, or even car troubles, stress is everywhere. And of course, no one likes the feeling of being stressed, but luckily there are many ways to relieve it. If you are experiencing physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension, here are 101 ways to reduce stress.

101 ways to reduce stress

101 ways to reduce stress

  1. Going for a run will help you take your mind off your problems and redirect them in a positive way.
  2. Take a nap as sleep makes everything better.
  3. Listen to a podcast, any podcast, it could be funny or a more serious one.
  4. Sunbathe for an hour to relax.
  5. Treat yourself in general, get the slice of cake or get that new shoe, you deserve it for being so stressed out.
  6. Stop drinking caffeine, caffeine will make you more hyper therefore more stressed.
  7. Stop and smell the roses, literally go smell some flowers or essential oils.
  8. Learn about something you always wanted to learn about.
  9. Buy lemonade from a local lemonade stand in the summer.
  10. Get a house plant to care for, it will be like your own child but with less responsibilities.
  11. Visit your city museum, you will find many different parts of history in one place.
  12. Do some yoga, it will help you channel your inner Zen.
  13. Drink a cup of cold water, you are probably dehydrated right now.
  14. Eat a meal, eating almost always makes anyone feel better, but make sure you eat responsibly.
  15. Read a book, an interesting book will take your thoughts to a different place.
  16. Go for a bike ride around your local park and stop for a minute to take a deep breath of fresh air.
  17. Discuss with a friend your problems and see what they suggest you should do to resolve the undying issue.
  18. Try accepting the stress, stress is completely normal and you just must accept life sometimes.
  19. Learn how to knit, then knit yourself a scarf.
  20. Create a journal or a diary to put down your life on paper.
  21. Focus on the parts of your life where you can control what happens, you can’t control everything in your life.
  22. Take a multivitamin, these will help you feel stronger each day.
  23. If you are religious, pray a short prayer.
  24. Do unpleasant tasks of the day at the very beginning, so it is out of the way as soon as possible.
  25. You can relax in a hot tub if you have access to one. It makes it even more enjoyable if it’s cold outside.
  26. Love yourself for who you are.
  27. Mix up your routines, doing the same thing every day will feel like you are stuck in an endless cycle.
  28. Buy yourself a stress ball and squeeze it when you are feeling stressed, you can also throw it at a wall if it’s that type of stress.
  29. Open the doors and the windows of wherever you are, like the airflow and get some fresh air.
  30. Stop everything you are doing and breathe in and out slowly. Focus on the air coming in and escaping from your lungs.
  31. Clean your living space, a cleaned room will instantly improve your wellbeing.
  32. Treat yourself to an ice cream cone.
  33. Take a spoonful of honey, not only will it help the medicine go down, but it will energize you.
  34. Go on a road trip, but without any maps, see where life takes you.
  35. Eat fruit, such as a banana or an apple.
  36. Start training for a running fundraiser, anyone can donate to a good cause and run a 5K.
  37. Wake up early in the morning so you can be more productive through the day.
  38. Eat breakfast every day, it will improve your overall mood.
  39. Plan future activities so you can ensure no stress will occur when things happen.
  40. Play video games, blasting aliens or zombies is always a very enjoyable task.
  41. Much like a video game, play a board game, I love Monopoly.
  42. Chewing gum will put your anxiety from the brain into the chewing motion of experiencing gum
  43. Paint a painting like Bob Ross.
  44. Resolve your problem right now, you won’t stress if they aren’t there anymore.
  45. Bake some homemade cookies, just like your family always made.
  46. Act stress-free, the more you pretend you have no stress, the sooner you will become stress-free.
  47. Set a future goal for yourself. Looking forward to the future will help you deal with the present.
  48. Cook your favorite meal or cook for someone else.
  49. I personally believe hot chocolate is a yearly drink that is delicious.
  50. Do that house chore you have been procrastinating, this will increase your standard of living in general.
  51. Go for a drive in the rain, it’s pleasantly relaxing.
  52. Grow a garden in your backyard or inside.
  53. Take a shower, this will rinse the stress from your body and calm you down.
  54. Eat an orange while showering. This sounds strange, but you must try it once.
  55. Light a candle and experience pleasant smells.
  56. Lay down outside (on a blanket or in a hammock) and watch the sky.
  57. Snuggle with a loving dog.
  58. Be nice to others, much like a golden rule, if you want life to be nice to you, start being nice to others.
  59. Listen to new songs that you have never heard before.
  60. Try looking the stars at night, see if you can find some order to the chaos.
  61. Write a letter, this letter could be to your future self or to an older relative.
  62. Go on a vacation. Have you ever wanted to go somewhere? Book that ticket today.
  63. Watch calming videos on YouTube like hypnosis for calming anxiety.
  64. A great way to reduce stress is to fall into the deep serenity of sleep.
  65. Lift weights, nothing feels better than successfully lift a heavy weight off your chest.
  66. Talking to your friends in general will help you get your problems out of your mind.
  67. Write down the stresses on a piece of paper, then shred the paper to remove the stress from your life.
  68. Play a sport, preferably with friends, competition will lift the stress from your shoulders.
  69. Reach out to old friends and catch up with each other’s lives.
  70. Prepare for the next day the night before, pack your lunch and pick out your clothes.
  71. Volunteering we always make you feel better for yourself as you help others.
  72. Only think positive thoughts.
  73. Remove negative people and thoughts from your life.
  74. Stop using social media, social media always makes you feel worse about your current life.
  75. Smile and laugh, these two things will make you feel significantly better.
  76. Sit down and meditate for fifteen minutes to get your mind off things.
  77. Listen to an audiobook, much like reading a book, but you can do other activities.
  78. Go for a drive around your town, you will never know what you will find.
  79. Go to local yard sales. It will help you meet new people and find new items you never knew you needed.
  80. Getting a haircut will create a semi-fresh start in your life which you might need.
  81. Have a bubble bath. Bubble baths are not only for girls! They can be relaxing for everyone and will take you back to your childhood if you have some toy boats.
  82. Go for a swim in a pool or even a lake.
  83. Write poetry to get your creative juices flowing.
  84. Visit the zoo and talk to some of the lions in the cage.
  85. Draw a picture and put it on your fridge.
  86. Take photos of yourself or with your friends.
  87. If someone stressed you out, the best course of action is to forgive and forget.
  88. Go to the club or a party with your friends.
  89. Eat chocolate, let it be dark or milk, chocolate always makes me feel better.
  90. Watch your favorite television show, I recommend FRIENDS.
  91. If it is snowing, make a snow angel.
  92. Hug someone, hugging will always make you feel better.
  93. Watch a play at your local theatre.
  94. Sleep in on the weekends, get fully rested so you can conquer the upcoming week.
  95. Stretch your muscles every day.
  96. Sing your favorite song.
  97. Learn a new instrument, you will surprise yourself of how much progress you can make in a short period of time.
  98. Go fishing, this is a calming activity that is very rewarding and allows time for you to think.
  99. Complete a puzzle, this will put your mind completely in the pieces, allowing you to put your mind back together.
  100. Take each day one day at the time, tomorrow is for tomorrow.
  101. Put on your favorite song and just dance, let your heart out.

Final thoughts: 101 ways to reduce stress

So, there it is, 101 ways to reduce stress in your life. Hopefully one of these ways will help you get your life back in order. But remember, stress can be good, along with having a good outlook in life.

If you face heavy levels of stress and you can’t cope with it, you may want to seek help from a specialist.