Balance 7 ph dietary supplement review

How can I raise my pH level naturally?

If you are thinking of buying Balance 7 ph dietary supplement, you first need to know if it’s really effective. Read the following facts.

Through the dietary journey where you strive to look, feel and function your best, it is important to keep in mind that we are basically a molecular unit with some degree of acidity that can be controlled. Every living or non-living organism has some type of acid dynamic that is essential to its molecular structure for its basic integral structure.

Acidity is something that everyone must be familiar with, one cannot discard the fact that we have a certain level of acidity in our body, and even the slightest fluctuations and alterations can greatly affect your body and cause certain dysfunctions. 

It is also very important to know which foods can trigger this dangerous response to the weakening of the body’s pH balance.

pH scale

An acidic state of the body can cause a serious lack of oxygenation in our cells. It is also a fact that no proper oxygen supplies in the blood cause mold, bacteria, cancer, viruses, and unwanted micro-level creatures to thrive.

The first thing that happens to the body when it dies, is the blood starts losing its 7.4 Ph level, this is when the body starts to rot.

==> Related: Test your pH levels

Acidic levels are very important in the body

Alkaline foods

As these levels act as a defense mechanism for the body, it is advised to consume a lot of Vitamin C in the winter as it will help the body to destroy alien microbes thriving inside us.

Nevertheless, when the body gets too acidic, the acid levels start to wreak havoc on your body. The acidic state starts eating up tissue inside the body such as the intestinal tissue.

This process won’t be noticeable, but over time, over decades, the body starts to react to the levels of acidity, the tissues start to get thinner and weaker. On a noticeable level, calcium begins to drop in the body when it is in a state that is more acidic, thus teeth, bones, and ligaments start to weaken as well.

This huge importance of the power of pH balance is unfortunately quite underrated and people are not aware of the fact that the body must maintain a level of balance in the system. It is therefore advised by doctors and dieticians that we consume plenty of fruits and vegetables.

The recommended serving amount is 8 since it is believed that through this consumption, our body begins to protect itself from the overly acidic nature of our body.

Balance 7 ph dietary supplement claims

Balance 7 ph dietary supplement

In fact, the recommended level is that our foods should be no less than 70 percent alkaline.

This is where Balance 7 pH dietary supplement comes into play. It is a dietary supplement that helps the body maintain a healthy level of pH.

It claims that it triggers a burst of alkalinity in the body. Since diets are known to be far too acidic, Balance 7 ph dietary supplement has the solution by giving you a high level of alkalinity to balance out the acid.

The supplement comes in a very high rating in the spectrum of acidity levels and pH, unlike many other alkaline drinks that come in a slightly higher than average levels of alkaline.

  • This means that it still won’t make a balance of 7.4 in the body, if the average diet of the person is less than 6, then it is very important that one takes something that has a higher level of pH.
  • In the case of Balance 7 pH dietary supplement, it comes in a level of 11 in the spectrum of acidity and alkalinity. This is definitely something that should show in the actual study or the feeling of the body after taking the supplement. If the supplement comes to around 11 at the pH level, this means that it will definitely help the body achieve a good balance.
  • One point that Balance 7 ph dietary supplement brings to the table is the fact it is essential for diabetic people since they always suffer from low pH levels. They are also going to experience other issues of bone weakening, fatigue and stomach problems. By consuming the water of alkaline that Balance 7 ph dietary supplement is introducing to the market, diabetic people are expected to see a major change and improvement quickly.
  • That Balance 7 ph dietary supplement also holds that by consuming the water, you will fight off cancer, since it cannot live in high alkaline levels.

It’s impossible to change your blood Ph levels

blood cells

However, this is not as important as it seems. Sure, balanced pH levels are essential for the body, but we can never change the Ph levels in the blood.

Drinking alkaline water makes zero sense whatsoever,” Dr. Schwarcz said. He is a known author, professor, and critic at McGill University. He is also the director of McGill’s Office for Science and Society OSS, which is dedicated to demystifying science to the public. He hosts a weekly radio show and is known, via his science popularization efforts as Dr. Joe.

  • The concept of alkaline treatment certainly depends on the individual’s health condition

The body will become better with well-balanced ph levels; nevertheless, it is also going to be something that medications as Balance 7 pH dietary supplement cannot control, the alkaline water does literally nothing, many doctors suggest.

  • The basic premise is that the body will react to high pH levels and heal itself

It is simply highly unlikely. Moreover, the study that was done on alkaline levels was taken out of context. The body already has mechanisms in place to deal with this issue. When the body begins to produce too much acid, it responds by giving the body more alkaline substance.

On another note, the pH balance can also be done simply by consuming healthy foods like vegetables, drinking more water throughout the day, drinking less coffee and alcohol which are one of the most acidic beverages you can consume next to fried and sugary foods.

“What has happened in this case is a bit of scientific fact was taken completely out of context and woven into a fabric of nonsense”

Schwarcz adds. “Some of the healthy foods limited by this diet are things like mushrooms, tropical fruits, and berries,» Dr. Brissette said. “I would encourage people to choose the foods they consume according to their nutritional value, rather than looking at each individual product and wondering whether it is acidic or alkaline.”

All you need to do is stick to a healthy diet

These are things one can easily do on their own, they do not need alkaline water, instead, what they need is a healthy diet that has a lot of micronutrients in the body, that itself is going to help the body function better at a healthier rate.

The issue that people face most of the time is not necessarily acidity, it is toxicity in the body, and also exactly what the Red Teatox helps you with.

Unlike balance 7 ph dietary supplement, red tea is recommended by doctors
  • It is a tea that anyone can use, it tastes amazing and it has a lot of documented benefits that have been shown in studies countless times, it helps the body fight off the toxicity in the foods that the industry produces, it also helps you lose weight which is also a bigger problem nowadays than just acidity.
  • The Red Teatox is also one of the greatest drinks you can get, it can be highly customized, you can add various ingredients and herbs to the tea such as cinnamon and ginger which will further enhance the efficiency of the already efficient tea.
  • The Red Teatox is also great because it was developed by Liz Swann Miller who is a known dietician and expert in fitness that has helped people achieve their peak health level in no time. She is a very trustworthy individual who has the credibility to back off what she says.
  • Furthermore, the Red Teatox has the benefit of being an antioxidant which is great because it is going to fix your body from inside out.
  • The Balance 7 pH Supplement product is not a known product, there has not been any substantial evidence on why it works, it does not necessarily show any tangible result in research or academia in the lab, while the Red tea has clearly been shown to have significant results on those that took the tea regularly.
red tea detox vs balance 7 ph dietary supplement

Final thoughts: Balance 7 ph dietary supplement

The levels of acid and alkaline are definitely important in the body, but this does not mean that we have to take alkaline water of high level in order to make the balance, it only means we can do this by fixing our diet, drinking more water, being more active and drinking the Red tea since it shows real results with the people who took it.

Our bodies are smart enough to figure out that we must increase alkalinity, that is why the kidneys process these unhealthy acidity levels through the urine.

The research that has been done on the alkaline diet supplements shows that it is true that alkaline levels are essential in the body, but we cannot change them by actually drinking more alkaline. However, what we can do is to drink more water, be healthier overall and the body will respond on its own.