Leaky Gut Treatment Supplements

How to treat leaky gut syndrome

70% of the immune system is located in the digestive system, so the health of our gut is a prerequisite for our general health and well-being. Leaky gut treatment supplements can help us repair leaky gut.

In a healthy man, the small bowel acts as a selective sieve, that only allows a well-digested food to pass into the bloodstream. Nutritional and well-digested fats, proteins and starch can enter the bloodstream immediately, while large molecules, microbes, and toxins are eliminated from the body. In the case of the leaky gut syndrome, intestinal walls produce larger transitions that allow bacteria, toxins, and foods to penetrate directly into the bloodstream.

The intestinal mucosa has millions of tiny protuberances on the inner surface, the so-called microvilli, which take care of the absorption of nutrients. Nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, and electrolytes are transmitted through these microvilli into cells.

leaky gut

The leaky gut syndrome causes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, leading to damage or alterations in the intestinal tract

Damaged microvilli can no longer produce enzymes and secretions that are indispensable for the proper functioning of the digestive system and the absorption of nutrients.

A healthy person has a sufficiently strong immune system to control toxic waste leaks, but over time, the load becomes too comprehensive and toxins begin to penetrate the liver, leading to liver overload.

  • The leaky gut overloads the liver because it is overwhelmed by additional toxins, which disables the liver function in order to neutralize chemical substances.
  • When the liver can no longer control the levels of toxins, they are sent back into the bloodstream.
  • The vein system then pushes the toxins into the connective tissue and muscles where the body stores them in order to prevent significant damage to the organs.
  • When intestinal lining becomes more and more damaged, larger particles, such as bacteria and fungi, which cause various diseases, toxic bacteria and particles of undigested food, pass through the damaged cell membrane.

They enter the bloodstream and trigger antibodies and cytokines (protein molecules released by the immune system to trigger a reaction in other cells) to fight the antigen. Cytokines then warn white blood cells (lymphocytes) to fight the particles that have entered through the damaged intestinal mucosa.

Toxic oxidants arise which trigger an allergic reaction and cause even more inflammation in the body. But luckily, this condition is with right leaky gut treatment supplements easy to heal.

What can affect the development of leaky gut syndrome?

  • HYPOCHLORHYDRIA: Hypochlorhydria is a deficiency of salicylic acid in the stomach, which can cause insufficient absorption of nutrients and leads to malnutrition. Symptoms include tension, acne, parasites, iron deficiency, vomiting, digestive disorders, diarrhea, and allergy to many types of foods. Hypochlorhydria can be caused by certain medicines, such as antacids and anti-ulcer medications, and poor nutrition consisting of processed and packaged foods with high sugars.

  • CANDIDIASIS: Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by a variety of Candida albicans fungi, which are usually harmless in different parts of the body. If there is a lack of healthy bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, candida fungi get multiplied heavily and damage the intestinal tract, which can lead to leaky gut syndrome. The reasons for the formation of candidiasis are different: frequent use of antibiotics, poor eating habits, steroidal drugs, contraceptive pills, malnutrition, and cytotoxic drugs. Symptoms of candidiasis: chronic fatigue, depression, bloating, joint and muscle pain, genital itching, hyperactivity, athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), hair loss.

  • CELIAC: Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease caused by the consumption of gluten and similar proteins. Celiac disease causes an immune reaction that damages the intestinal tract, leading to increased gut permeability.

  • POOR NUTRITION: Almost all of us know how much the wrong diet can affect our health. It needs to be emphasized, that it can very seriously affect the condition in our intestine and, consequently, the whole organism. Sugar, processed carbohydrates, gluten, foods processed with chemicals, milk, and milk products, etc. All of this can damage the gut and as a consequence, the leaky gut syndrome can develop.

  • ALCOHOL: Excessive alcohol consumption has a negative effect on practically every body organ. Alcohol raises gastric acid, contributes to hypochlorhydria, and can cause malnutrition and leaky gut syndrome.

  • ALLERGIES: Allergy is an overactive response of our immune system when contacting the body with a substance that, under normal circumstances, is completely harmless. Allergies and leaky gut syndrome are often strongly connected. Food allergy or hypersensitivity can cause gut permeability, triggering the immune response and inflammatory process in the body.

  • PARASITES: Parasites are organisms that attach to other organisms and are fed by their substances. When they settle into the gastro-digestive tract, they begin to produce toxins and draw nutrients from the body. Parasites are associated with a number of health problems: AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, candidiasis. Parasites can be obtained during travel, with water, from pets, unwashed fruits and vegetables. Symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, chronic fatigue, winds, and flatulence.

  • STRESS: We often experience stress every day and throughout the day. So, it’s not unusual to be stressed at all times, and we are so accustomed to this that we are not even aware of it anymore. Of course, from today to tomorrow, nothing will happen. But in the long run, stress is a serious problem. Over time, our immune system weakens, which, of course, also means a weakened ability to defend against bad bacteria and viruses, which can lead to inflammation and even to the leaky gut. To reduce the effects of stress, we need to make sure that we sleep well, we include some rest in our daily responsibilities, we relax, meditation is great, and we are socializing with people who are positive and support us.

  • TOXINS: Toxins are poisonous substances produced by microorganisms and chemicals consumption (antibiotics and other medicines, pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, flavor enhancers, artificial colors, etc.) Annually we can get in touch with more than 80,000 different chemicals that are poisonous to our body. These chemicals are a serious risk to our intestine and can lead to leaky gut syndrome. Therefore it’s it is very important to use leaky gut treatment supplements with toxin cleansing properties.

  • DYSBIOSIS / DYSBACTERIOSIS: The imbalance between good and bad bacteria in our gut (dysbiosis) is one of the leading reasons for the formation of a leaky gut. For some, this imbalance begins at birth, because the baby’s mother had no healthy intestinal flora. Most of the time, this condition has been formatted through life with an erratic diet, overuse of antibiotics and other medicines, chlorinated and otherwise contaminated water and, of course, inadequate nutrition that breaks the relationship between good and poor bacteria in our gut.

  • MEDICINES: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are medicines to relieve pain that can cause leaky gut syndrome by damaging the intestine and blocking prostaglandins that promote tissue repair. Steroids reduce the responsiveness of the immune system, kill good bacteria, and cause the spread of fungal infections in the gut, thereby contributing to the development of the leaky gut. Cytotoxic drugs kill both, good and bad cells. They connect to normal cell components and then destroy it.

Leaky gut syndrome symptoms

  • leaky gut treatment supplementsCommon gastrointestinal problems, including winds, inflammation, soft stool, and irritable bowel syndrome,
  • Allergies or intolerance to food,
  • Eczema, acne, skin rashes and other skin problems,
  • Autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, autism, ulcerative colitis, etc.),
  • Constant fatigue,
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia,
  • Depression, mood swings, anxiety,
  • Candida,
  • Inability to lose weight,
  • Painful and swollen joints,
  • Concentration and memory problems.

Leaky gut treatment supplements, nutrients, and herbs

Experts promise that our bowel is not so difficult to treat. If we really want to cure most chronic problems this is a mandatory first step. Treatment of the bowel can last from 4 to 6 weeks, up to half a year for a complete restoration. It is also dependent on how much time the leaky gut syndrome is already occurring.

The main way to cope with leaky gut syndrome is with the right diet. It is important that we get the body back into an optimal state and avoid food and toxins that cause allergic reactions. In this way, we will give the intestinal microvilli the possibility of renewal and time and energy to the liver for detoxifying the body. There is no miraculous medicine for leaky gut syndrome.

It is necessary to deal with causes and not consequences

  1. Eliminate everything that irritates the gut

Of course, it is first necessary to stop enjoying everything that hurts our intestine. These are cereals, especially those containing gluten, milk and milk products, sugar, meat from conventional production.

Everything that contains toxins – preservatives, taste enhancers, artificial colors, etc. must be excluded from the diet. Avoid the food that irritates the intestine, and unnecessary medication – of course, always consult a doctor (pay attention to antibiotics). It would be ideal to eliminate stress too. Last but not least, beware of the quality of the water you drink.

Among the foods that are very helpful in the bowel mucosa treatment are: Red detox tea herbs, fermented vegetables (as raw sour cabbage and turnip), raw fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir), coconut (coconut fat, coconut water), and seeds (chia, cannabis – if you have very serious problems, seeds may not be suitable for you). Some experts even swear on bone broth.

  1. How to accelerate natural healing processes with leaky gut treatment supplements?


organic body detox

==> Read Full Red Tea Detox Review

When detoxifying, the 5 most important organs are kidney, liver, bowel, and lung. The detoxification process has some requirements. It is necessary to include foods with low-fat content, no meat, and sweets, and drink plenty of liquid (unsweetened tea and water).

It is advisable to take this procedure several times a year for 7 days, but for a start, it is sufficient for at least 3 days. The results will be excellent, and when you achieve the desired effects, you can proceed with drinking red detox tea, due to its many health benefits. At the time of detoxification, it is also good to exercise or at least walk in the fresh air.

Red detox tea contains a lot of active ingredients, including antioxidants

  • Antioxidants are substances that have the ability in the body to neutralize the functioning of the harmful forms of oxygen that develop in the body on a daily basis and thus provide detoxification/detox.
  • The herbal mixture, which is specially prepared for detoxification of the body, consists of a top-notch mixture of organic ingredients which have scientifically proven effects and helps the body to remove harmful toxins, free radicals, and other harmful substances that are supplied to the body through food and environment.




Probiotics are also very important nutritional leaky gut treatment supplements, helping to re-establish good bacteria and displacing bad bacteria in our gut, thus helping to balance the intestinal flora.

We can enter them with food (sour cabbage and turnip, fermented whey, yogurt, kefir), and for the stronger support, we can enter them in the form of capsules. It is best to enjoy probiotics in both forms – with food and probiotic supplements.

==> READ also about how to get the most out of taking probiotics

¡CAUTION! If you decide on probiotics in the form of additives, choose among the best. It is important that the probiotic contains as many varieties of bacterial strains as possible and before the treatment to pre-clean the bowel.

probiotics aka leaky gut treatment supplements


In the process of treatment, some who have very serious problems will need additional help from some other leaky gut treatment supplements. Some people also need to consume digestive enzymes that help digestion of foods, thus reducing the possibility that incompletely digested food will damage the intestinal wall. For those who have too little stomach acid, apple vinegar mixed with water may help.

  1. Additional leaky gut treatment supplements

The following leaky gut treatment supplements should have a good effect on the repair of intestinal flora and can be taken up to six months:

  • Aloe vera,
  • Curcuma,
  • Zinc,
  • Antioxidants (vitamin A, carotenoids, vitamins C and E, selenium),
  • Fish oil,
  • L-Glutamine.

L-Glutamine is an amino acid that acts anti-inflammatory and is essential for the growth and repair of the intestinal mucosa. Experts who are dealing with a leaky gut syndrome claim that it is very important in the efforts to improve the condition of the leaky gut. They recommend 2-5 grams twice a day.

L-Glutamine aka leaky gut treatment supplements


*Dietary leaky gut treatment supplements are taken only if we really need them after consulting your doctor.