Daily Cleansing Tea Works Wonders


Detox your body with daily cleansing tea


There are quite a few natural methods that can accelerate the cleansing of the colon or detoxification of the entire organism, which has also a positive effect on your immune system. Best of all choices is natural, safe and healthy daily cleansing tea.


tea bags


Our intestinal microflora has an enormous influence on how strong our body’s defense against potentially harmful toxins is. Among all the natural methods for cleaning the gut, herbal teas are certainly one of the simplest and most effective.

Depending on the goals that you intend to achieve, you can choose between different types of teas.



Each type of tea or herbal infusion has a particular benefit that results over a certain period of time


  • Rising energy level;
  • Improving the digestive process;
  • The burning of fats;
  • Detoxifying the body;
  • Calming…


These are the major benefits of herbal infusions. Infusions help us regulate digestion, make it easier to fall asleep, help to eliminate a number of other health problems, promote oxygenation and detoxification of the body, and the list goes on and on.

If you are already a fan of this type of beverage, we will reveal which cleans your body and is best for every moment of the day.



Best organic daily cleansing tea


Of course, it’s important that you choose the right tea for detoxification as not all of them are suitable for every-day drinking.

That’s why we have found the best choice of herbal daily cleansing tea for you, which effectively cleanses both, the intestines and the whole organism, and you can drink it every day at any time.

With the help of the herbal detox tea – Red Detox Tea, the removal of harmful substances from the body will be much faster – and without unwanted side-effects!


red tea is the best daily cleansing tea


Read full Red Tea Detox review



Start your day with a cup of Red Detox Tea


For me, this is the most popular drink in the world (besides water), has endless benefits and is a very powerful cleansing agent. Since most of the scientific studies of this miraculous beverage are new, many people do not yet know that this is the best drink for every moment of the day.

This daily cleansing tea has strong antioxidant power, reduces the chance of developing cardiovascular problems, helps to eliminate toxins, supplies minerals, and vitamins… and does not have calories! One of the herbs in the daily cleansing tea is rooibos!



The rooibos plant is gaining popularity as a very powerful and healthy herbrooibos plant

Infusion of Rooibos or red shrub tea (the color of the tea is reddish brown) is obtained from the Aspalathus linearis plant that flourishes in the mountainous region of Cederberg, south of Africa.

Already 300 years ago, tribes in the Khoi-khoi region discovered that the rooibos plant could be consumed in the form of infusion and only in 1902 they began to recognize the healing effects of this plant and promote it as a digestive regulator, an effective weight loss agent and effective medicine for relaxation and sleep promoting.


==> Related: Rooibos healing effects



What are the healing effects of Rooibos on our body?


  • Rooibos is widely used in Africa, for adults and children, thanks to one of its most important properties – it is caffeine-free, so it does not change the CNS. It also contains a small amount of tannins, so it does not cause malabsorption of iron.
  • It is rich in flavonoids, polyphenols, phenolic acids, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Due to its properties, rooibos exceeds drinks such as coffee, black tea, and green tea.
  • Rooibos does not contain oxalic acid, this is a substance that can increase the risk of kidney stones, so red tea is also a great substitute for other healing teas for kidney patients.
  • Rooibos tea is a wonderful antioxidant-rich beverage, chrysoeriol, which suppresses atherosclerosis (the narrowing and hardening of the arteries), which confirms the fact that it helps us improve our cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, regulates the levels of blood sugar, harmonizes our blood circulation and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • A number of completed medicinal studies have found that every-day drinking of Rooibos tea in a period of 6 months regulates heart function and significantly reduces cholesterol levels.



How can Rooibos help you to lose excess fat?


In addition to all the general benefits that it has, Rooibos tea is useful when we want to lose weight because with its antioxidant content as well as diuretic properties that help reduce excess fluid retention in the body it helps to improve and accelerate cellular and digestive metabolism…

…It also helps to improve digestion and reduce fat in the belly area, and it is a great drink which helps to cleanse the body and colon, helps to regulate digestion, and eliminates constipation, which is often associated with increased body weight…

…The properties that make this tea good nutrition for weight loss diets is that it can be drunk at any time of the day, especially it is recommended to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach to take advantage of its full potential…


daily cleansing tea and weight loss



It doesn’t end here…


As mentioned earlier, Rooibos tea also has other, numerous benefits for health, such as the improvement of heart disease, as it contains Aspalathin, which helps control the processes associated with the atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease…

…It also has strong properties as an antioxidant, therefore it helps to slow down aging and reduce stressful conditions by regulating the nervous system and it can accelerate growth and improve the condition of the hair…

…In addition, there are still many other positive effects on health. In fact, it is very useful in solving the most common problems of the digestive system, such as nausea, vomiting, as well as constipation…

…And if you cannot sleep, Rooibos tea can be a solution, as it allows you to relax and reduce irritability and insomnia…

…However, Roiboos tea is not only useful for adults, but also for infants, as according to the latest research it helps to strengthen teeth and bones, as well as treating a pleural rash if applied directly to the affected area…

…In infants, it also alleviates the painful cramps or colic. It is also good teeth remedy for adults, as it slows down the progression of caries, and also helps to deal with other problems in the oral cavity, such as fever or sore throats.



To ensure powerful cleansing benefits…


It is important to clarify that rooibos should be used as an adjunct to the diet. It does not replace any meal, and in order to take full advantage of its benefits, it is important that you have a healthy and active lifestyle.


red detox tea as daily cleansing tea


  • For the best detoxification effect, Red Tea Detox is recommended, which is the perfect program for effective and natural cleansing of the body.
  • It consists of five herbs, which have a strong detoxification effect and fat cells shrinking.
  • With Red Detox Tea, you can consistently cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, and quickly lose excess weight. It is important to emphasize that you can achieve phenomenal results only by following the Red Tea Detox program guidelines.

Anyhow, by regular drinking daily cleansing tea aka Red Detox Tea, you can greatly improve your overall health according to the active health beneficial ingredients of herbs.




Body Tea for Detoxification and Health

Body cleanse with Red Detox Tea

Time to time, we usually feel the need to get rid of accumulated substances in the body through special purification procedures aka Red Detox body tea.

Also, if we are into sports and movement, if we are healthy and eat nutritious food, sometimes we have the feeling that our power stocks are almost exhausted.

In addition to feeling powerless and dealing with fatigue, toxins get accumulated in our body and cause bloating, digestion problems, skin problems, various allergies over time… In this case the body needs to be detoxified!

red body tea


✅ Start your journey toward successful weight loss

Eating and moving + Red Tea Detox formula

  1. We advise you to first change the way you eat and start moving as much as possible in the fresh air, as this will help your body to detoxify faster.
  2. It is also important to drink enough warm water and accelerate the processes in the cells.
  3. Liz Swan recommends drinking Red Detox tea, which consists of 5 different medicinal plants – this is an improved recipe for detoxifying body tea formula, and its effects have been scientifically proven by 5 years of fat burning studies.
  4. The drink combines traditional herbal medicine with the principles of modern science and has a powerful effect on weight reduction while protecting the general health and preventing and treating many disease conditions.

The first step is a healthy and balanced diet

If you do not follow the food intake limits, you will more often eat foods that contain fat and sugar and therefore a lot of calories, instead of foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

As a result, you eat too much unhealthy food and this will slow down your digestion and weight loss progress.

Also, do not forget that we do not feel full as soon as we eat enough, but no earlier than after 15-20 minutes. So, do not eat fast and eat each meal while sitting at the table. Chew slowly and enjoy the flavors so that you can stop in time when you have enough.

Protein supplements

Proteins are mostly associated with muscle gain, but they are also crucial when losing weight. With increased muscle mass, both metabolism and calorie intake are accelerated – those are two essential factors in weight loss.

One of the most common dieting errors is a drastic reduction in calories and an unbalanced nutrients intake. Such a scenario usually means that the body doesn’t receive enough nutrients for normal functioning and therefore starts to consume the main burners of calories, which are the muscles. Instead of losing excess fat, we lose muscle mass and even though we do our best we will not achieve the desired effect.

Therefore, ingestion of sufficient proteins and working out to maintain muscle mass during the time of dieting is essential.

Recommended protein intake

An average healthy person needs at least 0.8 grams of proteins per day for each kilogram of body weight. For example, a person who has 80 kilograms (176 pounds) needs to consume 64 grams of protein every day, which is the minimum daily protein requirement.

When you choose your diet, you need to know that the recommended protein intake above is just the minimum amount for an average adult.

If you plan on exercising (which you should definitely have), then you are no longer falling into this average group. For this reason, we recommend that you ingest a bit more than the daily minimum of proteins.

For example, one should ingest 1 gram of protein per 1 kg (2,20 pounds) of body weight. Even if you eat more protein, it’s perfectly fine, unless you plan to start lifting weights.

The maximum amount of protein intake is around 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram (2,20 pounds) of body weight (for a person, weighing 80 kilograms (176 pounds) this is 160 grams of protein per day).

Now you are familiar with the recommendations for daily minimum and maximum protein intake.

fried egg

Below is a list of the best foods which contain proteins – good sources of proteins:

  • Chicken meat
  • Turkey meat
  • Fish
  • Other meat (do not overeat)
  • Eggs, white
  • Legumes
  • Nuts

The information on the energy value of the food as well as the amount of protein contained can be found on the food cover. Or check this information in the table of nutritional and energy values of foods.

Additional Facts about Proteins

One gram of protein contains 16.75 kJ (four kilocalories)

Proteins are “building materials” for muscles. A certain amount of protein is needed for the body to build muscle mass. When you ingest this particular amount of protein, excess protein intake does not help with the additional muscle building.

Here is the link to ZERO CARB nutritious protein meal replacement shakes you can use:

  • Do not skip this step. Before you start with the red body tea detox plan, you need protein supplements as they are crucial for rapid weight loss.

EFA- Essential fatty acids

It’s not that long ago when the word “fat” by the athlete was just a word with seven letters. They claimed: eliminate fat from the diet and you will lose excess fat stores. But if the fat is eliminated, we will feel very bad.

When we eliminate fat from the diet, it becomes much more difficult to lose excess fat stores, testosterone levels are falling, muscle growth slows down and we lose energy!

Before you begin to eat everything greasy, wait and read the text to the end, because it’s not all that easy.

What’s the trick?

The trick is that saturated fats are very bad for the body. They do not play an important role in the organism, except that they have to be consumed as energy, which is not easy.

Typically our food is rich in saturated fatty acids. They can lead to many health problems like heart disease and, of course, catastrophic appearance.

However, unsaturated fatty acids are a real antidote to saturated fatty acids. They are very healthy.

We recognize two special types of unsaturated fatty acids, which we consider to be essential

  • These two types are OMEGA3 and OMEGA6 fatty acids.

They cannot be produced by the body but must be fed with food or with additives. In entire metabolism, these fatty acids are the only ones you need. Good sources are fish (especially salmon), linseed oil, olive oil…

Omega-3 fatty acid foods

EFA tasks

  • EFAs are essential for the formation of chemicals called “prostaglandins.”

These substances are similar to hormones and play an important role in many functions, including the correct regulation of blood pressure, heart function, etc.

  • If your diet does not contain the optimal amount of EFA, then your body will not be able to produce enough testosterone.

A low-fat diet may also cause a drop in testosterone levels, which means less power, less muscle mass, less endurance.

  • As athletes, who care for a beautiful appearance and good health, it will probably be intrigued to know that the EFA reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the level of good (HDL) cholesterol and can also accelerate the burning of fat.

If you still doubt, then try EFA for one month and find out what’s going on. If your muscles become fuller, if your strength increases and you feel better, then know that you have made the right decision.

You may be wondering how all this helps in losing weight

  • The secret lies in the fact that energy is generated in the body cells during the process of metabolism of the EFA, which leads to increased consumption of calories.
  • During periods of weight loss with active programs such as The Red Tea Detox, energy from proteins and essential fatty acids preserves metabolism while facilitating the burning of fat for fuel.
  • For this reason, EFA is a key factor in the Red Tea Detox diet and adequate intake is actually essential to your success.
red body tea

Red detox and fat burning body tea

  • This drink has a positive effect on digestion and helps in the degradation of fat, including stomach fat, which may be associated with cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure.
  • Red detox body tea effectively regulates high blood pressure and helps with the aforementioned disease conditions.
  • It effectively helps to detoxify the liver, cleanse the bowel, and prevents and treats other health problems, and can also be used to boost and improve the immune system.
  • Chrysoeriol, ointment and vitexin chemicals present in the herb have a spasmolytic effect, so drink red tea if you have stomach problems.
  • It contains a unique bioflavonoid, called Aspalathin, which reduces stress hormones that inhibit hunger and fat storage while increasing glucose absorption. It also regulates the level of insulin in the blood. It suppresses the feeling of hunger and therefore helps to stick to the detoxification plan and more often involves the fasting, thus accelerating the burning of fats.
  • Because Aspalathin inhibits the formation of new fat cells, weight loss is quick and effective!
  • This body tea beverage will also help you to increase energy level, and if you drink it regularly, it will help you to reduce your weight fast and safe.
  • Researchers have proven that red body tea is a hepatoprotector, which means it protects the liver cells against injuries. As you may have guessed, everything that is good for your liver is fantastic for detoxification.
  • Besides the beverage helps to detox your body, it is effective against insomnia and lowers blood pressure.
  • Drink it every night before bedtime, as it helps to fight stress and improve sleep.
red body tea detox

✅ Finally, a detox drink that breaks down the fat cells

Detoxifying red tea is certainly one of the best ways to fight excess pounds.

Accelerate fat burning with Red Detox body tea

Combination of herbs in a red body tea beverage helps to reduce weight with the following characteristics:

  • Removes toxins from the bloodstream and lymphatic system;
  • It improves glucose and fat metabolism;
  • It acts as an antioxidant and reduces infiltration;
  • By increasing satiety inhibits food intake;
  • It improves mood and helps to treat mild to moderate depression;
  • Lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • Improves the sensitivity of insulin and regulates the level of blood sugar;
  • It promotes metabolism;
  • Increases gastric flexibility and emptying;
  • It promotes the action of certain enzymes in the digestive tract;
  • It promotes the elimination of urine without increased elimination of potassium and sodium;
  • It promotes liver and kidney function;
  • Promotes digestion;
  • More efficient metabolizes carbohydrates.
red teatox logo

Tea that Cleans your System

How to naturally cleanse your body

So tired all the time, even after a full night’s sleep? If the feeling of fatigue is being present all day long, this may be a sign that your body is overloaded with toxins and you need a tea that cleans your system.

If you replace energy with caffeine, taurine or sweetened drinks it can get worse. After a short-term sense of alertness, your energy will get lower and you will be tired even more than before.

tired woman

The following problems indicate that your body is full of toxins:


Many foods contain harmful saturated fats and sugars that accumulate in your body. Nevertheless, we can cleanse our body with herbal tea that cleans your system quickly and effectively.

Be careful when choosing herbal teas

A few times a year we all want to cleanse our body from toxins. The liver, kidneys, and gallbladder are organs that mainly get overloaded.

With herbal tea that cleans your system, you will be able to exterminate a lot of inconveniences.  It only takes perseverance and patience.

In the stores, there is a wide variety of teas that are suitable for cleansing the body. (Least suitable are herbs in tea bags which are usually filled with fewer quality herbs and often contain harmful artificial color additives).

Therefore, the best option is to buy organic teas and herbs and mix them in a suitable blend to safely and effectively cleanse our organism.

Most teas are diuretics which means they drain water from the body, accelerate digestion and help digest foods with gastric juices. Teas are natural drinks and they don’t contain any sugar or other carbohydrates. They accelerate the functioning of the central nervous system and respiratory system, thus strengthening a mental and physical strength and eliminating fatigue and depression.

RED TEA DETOX – The most effective and healthiest detoxification herbal tea that cleans your system

One of the best choices to cleanse your body and get rid of toxins is Red tea detox – it is a 5-herb tea mixture that cleanses your system profoundly and naturally. It’s a powerful and healthy drink and its health benefits are scientifically proven.

Drinking it can prevent many diseases and also helps to lose excessive weight

You can get more information about red tea that cleans your system by clicking the link below.

red tea organic detox
*Based on scientifically proven medical studies

==> Read more about Red Tea Detox and its powerful health benefits here


Some other health beneficial herbs you can also use to make a tea that cleans your system


Well-known plants are Black nettle, Yarrow, Marigold, Acorus, Angelica, Origanum vulgare, Iceland moss, Milk thistle, etc. You can consume one of these herbs or a mixture to provide healing and cleansing effects on your body.

Some of the herbs are not a good combination and can cause more harm than good

If you want a good mixture to make a tea that cleans your system – purify the liver and bile, then apart of Red Tea Detox, you can combine the following herbs:

Wormwood + Yarrow + Viscum + St. John’s wort + Centaurium + Marigold + Nettle + Chickory + dandelion root.

tea cooking

Prepare fresh tea every day:

  • Boil the water;
  • Cool it down to 80 degrees;
  • Pour the mixture and let it stand for 2 to 5 minutes;
  • Drink it 3 times a day (one cup) for 1 to 3 months;
  • Don’t add sugar, honey or lemon! To achieve healing effects it’s necessary to drink it without any additives;
  • Since most teas are diuretics you should drink at least 2 l of water daily – toxins will be eliminated faster and more easily from your body.

==> Related: Teas for liver repair

YARROW (Achillea millefolium)
yarrow tea that cleans your system

Yarrow is a meadow perennial plant that blooms in June and until the cold autumn. Yarrow is also found along the edges of the field paths and cereal fields and it grows in large quantities. It’s an extremely healing plant treating severe diseases, and every part of this plant can be used.

The old Romans were using yarrow leaves for open wounds healing. It is also beneficial for menstrual and abdomen pains. Yarrow has a strong, aromatic scent.

When to drink yarrow tea

  • Yarrow stimulates the formation of blood. Regular consumption of yarrow tea can eliminate a migraine, it balances irregular menstrual cycle, it is excellent against dizziness, nausea, eye problems accompanied by tearing or stinging in the eyes, blood cleansing, bleeding from the nose, etc.
  • Yarrow is also used to stop the bleeding from the lungs –  lung cancer, even in the case of abdominal cancer – one should drink as much yarrow tea as possible, the effect is supposed to be known after a good month. Yarrow tea helps with the cold, back pain and rheumatism.
  • Tea regulates kidney function, increases appetite, eliminates tension, liver disorders, gastric and intestinal inflammation, stomach cramps and takes care of digestion. It is highly recommended in the case of angina pectoris, as it helps with circulatory disorders and vascular spasms.
MARIGOLD (Calendula)
calendula tea that cleans your system

Marigold has a similar effect to the arnica plant.

  • It doesn’t irritate the skin and is therefore especially useful for sensitive skin and skin prone to allergies.
  • Marigold ointment also acts as a mild sun protection factor but it’s not a substitute for creams with a protective factor. It also relieves sunburns and strengthens the skin ton.
  • It makes your skin glow and accelerates the circulation of blood.
  • It acts against microbes and prevents the progress of fungal infections.
  • Due to its active ingredients, the marigold is also highly used in cosmetics.

The positive properties of marigold are also confirmed by various studies

According to research, 3 contained components have the therapeutic effects: flavonoids, essential oil and triterpenes.

  • Flavonoid ingredients contribute to the anti-inflammatory effect, essential oil acts against spasms and triterpenes increase overall resistance to infections.
  • Healers use marigold in the form of brew and tinctures, in inflammation of the gastric mucosa, gastric ulcer, and intestines, cramps and diarrhea.
  • Regular consumption cleanses the blood, soothes impure skin and irregular periods.
  • The marigold also helps to eliminate stress due to its calming effect.
  • It has a healing effect on the liver and promotes the secretion of the bile.
  • It has mild diuretic and laxative properties and prevents infectious diseases.

Drink Marigold tea several times a day, without any additives, and not too hot. With this tea that cleans your system, we can also wash up the oral cavity or treat wounds.

*CAUTION* Marigold affects the menstrual cycle and is not recommended for pregnant women. This is not a written rule but it is certainly necessary to use marigold with caution. Therefore it is not superfluous if you also consult with an expert. 

tilia tea that cleans your system

The flowers are collected in the summer and the bark in the winter. The most useful are flowers because they help to remove water excess from your body. Therefore tilia tea that cleans your system is also used to fight colds and inflammation of the throat, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and bladder diseases.

Tilia use

Tilia flower possesses essential oils with farnesol, sugar, mucus, wax, flavonoids, tannins, and vitamins.

  • Because of these substances, tilia flowers tea is highly recommended to treat kidney diseases and to cleanse the lungs and trachea.
  • Particularly important is the long-lasting lime tea cure in the old bronchial catarrh in the late wintertime.
  • Tea also helps to remove excess water from the body, promotes sweating, helps with colds, nausea, hoarseness and relieves stress.
  • 10 dag of lime bark cooked in one liter of water can be used for burn bandages.

Tilia charcoal

  • The bark in the form of powder or tea effectively promotes the secretion of the bile.
  • Tilia charcoal is made from lime wood. We consume it with water in acute poisoning, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal problems, but after, removal of charcoal from the gut with mild laxatives is urgently needed.
  • Migraines are also common due to intestinal gases, which are produced by a rotting process in the intestine. These problems can be eliminated if we take one teaspoon of lime tree charcoal and then drink a cup of mild laxative tea.
  • The external use of charcoal is an effective cure for open wounds and sepsis. Even so, it’s important that the charcoal is removed from the wound after 10 minutes by washing. In large wounds, this procedure should be repeated several times.

*CAUTION* Do not drink Tilia tea indefinitely (3 months max) as it may cause a heart defect.

MILK THISTLE (Silybum marianum)
milk thistle tea that cleans your system

Milk thistle is the most widely studied and documented herb for liver diseases. Silybum marianum has been used for healing purposes in ancient Greece and Rome in the case of stinging pains in ribs, spleen diseases, malaria, migraine, seasickness, varicose veins, gastrointestinal disorders, biliary disorders, jaundice, fatty liver disease, toxic liver disease, chronic inflammation and liver cirrhosis, as well as an antidote to poisoning with fly agaric or death cap.

Today more than 300 research studies confirm the healing properties of this herb, especially in the treatment of liver diseases.

Milk thistle is a medicinal plant

  • For medicinal purposes, fresh or dried leaves and seeds are used. The leaves are collected at the end of the summer, dried, cut into small pieces or crushed into powder and used for teas. The seeds are collected in autumn, dried and used for powder, dry extracts, and tinctures.
  • For medicinal use, the best are ripe fruits concoctions, mostly high concentrated dry extracts.
  • .Milk thistle seeds contain silymarin (in ripe seeds about 4-6%), a mixture of various compounds that protects the liver.
  • They strengthen the cell wall, thus preventing the entry of poisons into the cell, and in addition, they promote the recovery of liver cells.

Because silymarin is not soluble in water, tea consumption is not effective in liver diseases. In milk thistle leaves, there are flavonoids – antioxidants that protect blood vessels, and beta-sitosterol, a substance that emulsifies fat and decomposes cholesterol.

Milk thistle use

Numerous studies have confirmed that silymarin contains antioxidant properties that protect the liver and other parts of the body from harmful free radicals. Therefore, the use of silymarin is recommended for hepatic toxicity treatment and as an additional agent in chronic inflammation and liver cirrhosis.

Experts recommend silymarin as an important nutritional supplement in the treatment of hepatitis due to the beneficial effect on the level of individual liver enzymes or on the metabolic liver activity itself, and it is encouraging to note that there have been no negative side effects observed and that the healing effect is noticeable in all three types of hepatitis.

Milk thistle and silymarin – many benefits to the liver health

Studies have shown that the use of silymarin can significantly affect the level of liver enzymes or that silymarin activates and strengthens the production of enzymes that decompose harmful substances.

Silymarin can accelerate the biosynthesis of nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) and proteins, thus accelerating the regeneration of liver tissue cells, which greatly helps in a damaged liver.

In determining the mechanism of action at the cell level, experts have succeeded in proving that silymarin affects mainly the synthesis of ribosomes, ribosomal RNA, and the activity of the RNA polymerase I enzyme, which can only accelerate cell biosynthesis and directly influence protein synthesis. Therefore, the use of silymarin stimulates the liver cells and contributes to the successful treatment of liver disease.

silymarin capsules

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  • Studies have also demonstrated that silymarin can affect faster regeneration of cells isolated from kidney tissue, injured due to the use of analgesics, cytostatics or other drugs and toxic substances. Therefore, Milk thistle is one of the most effective medicinal plants that protect our liver from poison, even in the case of poisoning with mushrooms or chemicals.

  • Milk thistle is used to treat liver cancer and as a preventive agent for this type of cancer.

  • Because it helps in detoxification, it is also recommended as a complement to the fight against all types of cancer. In cancer patients, this herb limbs the potential liver damage due to chemotherapy and accelerates recovery by strengthening the secretion of toxic substances that accumulate in the body.

  • Based on the research experts predict that silymarin supplementation may also treat hepatic damage resulting from the treatment of cancer. For this purpose, at the Cancer Center, under the auspices of the National Cancer Institute in the United States, a clinical trial is conducted in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, where experts examine the effect of silymarin on the effects of chemotherapy and the associated damage to the liver cells.

  • Milk thistle helps with the treatment and prevention of the formation of gallstones by improving the flow of bile, cholesterol, saturated digestive juice, which passes from the liver through the gallbladder to the intestine where it is involved in the digestion of fats.

  • Consumption of Milk thistle lowers blood cholesterol, as silymarin affects mainly the increase in HDL cholesterol in the blood, and reduces the level of LDL and total blood cholesterol.

  • Milk thistle is also useful for relieving minor digestive disorders and is known as an effective agent for stimulating menstruation and helps with psoriasis, as the herb suppresses inflammation, thus limiting the intensive growth of skin cells in psoriasis.

  • It also relieves hemorrhoids problems and can be used in endometriosis, which is the most common cause of infertility in women, as it helps the liver to treat the hormone estrogen, which can increase pain and other signs of illness in high concentrations.

Milk thistle is available on the market in the form of capsules, pills, and tinctures. The recommended amount of Milk thistle is up to 200 mg of a standardized extract (it contains 70-80% silymarin) 3 times a day; Even lower doses are often very effective.

The extract from the Milk thistle is the most effective when taken during meals. However, if we want to take only herbs, we can consume a spoon of ground seeds with flakes in the morning. Effects can occur after a week or two, although long-term treatment is often necessary in case of chronic illness.

How to make Milk thistle tea that cleans your system

tea cooking

Against minor digestive disorders and in troubles with bile, we enjoy the following:

  • Add 1 teaspoon of leaves in a cup of boiling water;
  • Irrigate for 10 minutes, then strain;
  • Drink 3 cups of concoction a day before eating.


  • Add 30 drops of tincture in a glass of water;
  • Drink it 3 times a day, before eating.

(In chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, 1-2 200 mg tablets per day are taken.)

*CAUTION* Milk thistle can provoke an allergic reaction – if a reaction occurs, we must stop taking it. The preparations on its basis are not recommended to use if we already have problems caused by the blockage of bile flow, such as gallstones. Consumption of Milk thistle is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding. An excessive dose of any Milk thistle appendage may cause vomiting. For some people who start to use a Milk thistle tea, it can act as a mild laxative in the first few days.

ANGELICA (Angelica archangelica)
angelica tea that cleans your system

Angelica grows up to 2 m high and dies after a single flowering. It has large feathery bluish-green leaves and green-and-white flowers with a hint of honey. Blooms in the summer months – July and August. The whole plant – (root, leaves, and flowers) possess healing properties.

Angelica with roots is dug in late autumn, two years after sowing.

It contains healthy resins and wax, as well as organic acids: angelic acid, apple acid, acetic acid, and amber acid. It also contains angelicin (coumarin derivate) and pectin.

  • Angelica has been used to treat kidney diseases 3,500 years ago.
  • In China, it was used to treat kidney, heart and blood circulation.
  • In the Nordic countries, angelica today is cultivated as a cultural plant and used in the diet.
  • Angelica’s root is still used today for gastrointestinal disorders, against tension and to increase appetite, and successfully treats inflammation of the gastric mucosa and inflammation of the colon and small intestine.
  • In addition to all of these, Angelica is also useful in fighting lung diseases and colds.

How to make Angelica tea that cleans your system

The root can be used dried for tea or in powder form.

tea cooking

When preparing tea,

  • Take 1 full teaspoon of finely sliced roots and soak it in a bowl of cold water for half an hour;
  • Then boil for a minute;
  • If you leave it soaked overnight, cooking is not necessary, and the infusion is also effective;
  • Drink 1 cup of Angelica tea 3 times a day.

*CAUTION* When consuming angelica it is best to avoid prolonged sunbathing because it causes increased sensitivity to the sun. Angelica should not be used in the case of stomach or intestine ulcers.