Best Dieters Tea Prevents Development and Progression of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Diabetes – the sneaky disease and best dieters tea

Do you struggle with diabetes? Do you often suffer from a bad physical condition, reduced or increased body weight, weakened immunity, increased secretion or polydipsia? If so, we CAN help! – We’re giving you BEST DIETERS TEA  

You may find it excessive but the symptoms of diabetes can be GREATLY REDUCED or the disease can be even PREVENTED with completely natural herbs.

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Medical studies have shown the great diabetes healing power of aspalathin

This powerful antioxidant with its anti-diabetic properties we can find in best dieters tea. Aspalathin plays an important role in lowering blood glucose and the treatment of diabetes, which has been scientifically proven in several medical studies.

  1. It helps to prevent the development and progression of type 2 diabetes
  2. Regulates blood sugar levels
  3. Reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes associated with cardiovascular disease
  4. Preventing blood clots
  5. Maintaining healthy blood pressure and much more
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Best Dieters Tea:

==> Learn more about Red Tea Detox program

What is diabetes?

Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) is as defined by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), a chronic condition in which the pancreatic cells do not produce enough insulin or where the body of the insulin produced cannot be used effectively.

This glucose (obtained from food) makes it difficult to move into cells so they cannot function normally. Also, the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is dysfunctional.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) disorders of metabolism is resulting from a number of causes determined by chronic hyperglycemia (a state of elevated blood sugar levels). It appears to be a disorder in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, the consequence of an abnormality in the insulin excretion or insulin activity.

The ultimate effects of the disease can be permanent malfunctions, malfunctions or even the failure of many body organs.

INSULIN (lat. Insula = island) is a hormone, a chemical protein produced by beta cells in the pancreas, specifically in the so-called Langerhans islets in the pancreas. The pancreatic concentrate was first used in the treatment of diabetes in 1922.

Formerly, insulin was derived from bovine or pork pancreas, and today it is produced by making some bacteria or molds genetically engineered to produce it, and then cleansing the discharge. This way obtained insulin is exactly the same as a human and is also called human insulin.

Typical clinical signs of diabetes are:

  • Weakened immunity
  • Weight loss/gain
  • Increased excretion of water from the body (urination) – polyuria
  • Related dehydration and severe thirst – polydipsia
  • Malaise
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Diabetes distribution according to an origin

Type 1 (from insulin-dependent diabetes)

Occurs in childhood and adolescence (most in puberty) or up to 30 years of age and it is an autoimmune disease.

Its basis is most likely an unfortunate combination of the genetic code; the probability that a child would get a disease whose parent is a diabetic is 2 to 5 %. If diabetics are both parents, the likelihood of a child would get diabetes is 30 %.

Insulin therapy is necessary all the time from the onset of the disease; insulin should be replaced by injections until the end of life.

Around 10 % of diabetics, including children, have Type 1 disease

Type 2 (it is the most common form of diabetes: about 90% of all diabetics have the disease and the basis is probably genetic)

It is not about lack of insulin, but about resistance to its functioning – there can even be too much insulin in the blood.

Resistance to insulin increases with age (if there is a genetic code); Hyperglycaemia is initially moderate, then increasing.

Basically, diet and anti-diabetic medicines are sufficient for treatment, but it’s necessary to also treat problems that occur at the same time (increased blood sugar, increased fats in the blood, increased blood pressure) or overweight and it is also necessary to stop smoking.

Over the years, patients can reach such high levels of blood glucose that insulin injections are required.

The evolution and deterioration of the disease can be both contribute to inappropriate living conditions (inadequate nutrition, overweight, lack of exercise, stress)

How to tell if you have diabetes

Diabetes is insidious because it does not cause any problems for a long time. Therefore, people who are at greater risk of developing diabetes are advised to take a health screen, including blood sugar measurement.

If symptoms of diabetes, such as severe thirst, abnormal drinking, dry mouth, increased secretion of urine, secretion of urine at night, inadvertent weight loss and foggy vision are present, a medical examination is necessary.

Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed by a simple laboratory test

When fasting blood sugar levels are 7 mmol / l (126 mg/dl) or more, randomly at any time during the day 11.0 mmol / l (200 mg/dl) or more, diabetes is confirmed.

A medical examination is essential for those with significant problems due to increased blood sugar (thirst, excessive water withdrawal, weight loss, etc.).

Most patients do not have these problems and therefore people with an increased risk (family history of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, increased levels of blood fats) should also be tested.

Although the test is simple, almost half of the diabetic patients remain undetected and without treatment. Diabetes is sometimes present for many years or even a decade before discovering it.

At more than a third of patients, at least one complication occurs when a diagnosis is made, therefore early detection of the disease and early treatment is advisable.

diabetes test

What causes diabetes?

Causes of the disease can vary. This may be due to inadequate secretion of insulin, a hormone that takes care of the use of blood sugar and thus lowering its blood counts.

The cause can also be the insufficient activity of insulin when its effect on the cells of the body is less than normal. There is also the possibility of a cause when both, excretion and insulin activity alone is not appropriate.

While type 2 diabetes mellitus affects the progressive decline in pancreatic cell activity, type 1 diabetes is associated with an autoimmune inflammation, which results in an insulin deficiency.

Inflammation affects the pancreas, wherein beta cells irreversible defects occur. Those are responsible for the production and excretion of insulin. Autoimmune inflammation is rapid and usually many young people as children and adolescents are affected.

Therefore, people with diabetes type 1 should regularly add insulin from the very beginning of the disease.

People who suffer from type 2 diabetes often have a condition of borderline diabetes called prediabetes, which eventually becomes a real illness. Type 2 diabetes occurs mainly in elderly adults.

What diet is appropriate for a diabetic?

People need an appropriate amount of energy per day. To calculate the basic daily energy requirements, there are several different equations that take into account gender, age, body weight, body height and are complementary to the person’s lifestyle.

The lifestyle is different from person to person, so we must take into account, the daily physical activity and the work that a person performs. In the case of excessive body weight, the calculated daily calorie intake should be reduced proportionately if we want to achieve weight loss.

Not only the amount of calories consumed per day is important, but also the distribution of the amount of energy consumed throughout the day.

It is recommended that breakfast will contribute 25 % of the daily amount of energy, morning snack 15, lunch 30, afternoon snack 10 and dinner 20 %.

The distribution of nutrients is also important. Carbohydrates should consist of 45 to 60 % of the daily diet, fat less than 35 % and protein 15 to 20 % of total energy intake. Protein entry should be restricted for people with kidney disease. At least 14 grams of fiber should be consumed at 1000 kcal (20 g of fiber per 1000 kcal is recommended for diabetics).


best dieters tea by Liz Swann

Best Dieters Tea:

==> Red Tea Detox Program – read full review

Food that contributes to unregulated blood sugar levels and is therefore not recommended

Detrimental to health are saturated fatty acids, which are supposed to be consumed by less than 7 % of daily energy intake and trans-unsaturated fatty acids.

Avoid tea (except best dieters tea Rooibos which is beneficial for your health and is preventing the disease – actually it is not a real tea like green tea, black tea, etc.), coffee and cocoa, as they have side effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

diabetes food

Also, you should avoid using white bread, other products of white flour, potato and starchy foods, sweets, sweet pastries, refined flakes, and alcoholic beverages.

White bread and white meal products

These foods have a high glycaemic index, which means they immediately raise sugar levels to an unsuitably high level after ingestion. Foods with a high GI are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases.

Starchy foods

Cooked starchy foods, such as potatoes, should not be consumed by a diabetic. Starchy grains, which therefore belong to carbohydrates, are released from their cellulosic envelopes during cooking, thereby raising the levels of sugar in the body.

The consumption of unpurified starch foods leads to a different picture. In this case, the digestion can regulate the intake of sugars in the body.


Meat and meat products have a toxic effect and increase glucose intolerance.


It can contribute to the disorder of blood sugar levels. Every day or regular drinking of alcoholic beverages is therefore not advised.

Foods that help regulate blood sugar

These are carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index (GI). The glycaemic index is a measure for determining the rise in blood glucose after consuming certain carbohydrates.

Foods that have a low glycaemic index represent a lower burden on the organism and thus do not increase blood sugar as much as foods with a high glycaemic index. Fats are preferably monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil, rapeseed oil, nuts) and omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil, etc.).

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Lacto-Vegetarian Diet

A lactovegetarian diet with fewer calories, less fat, and lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, and nuts is recommended. There is no need to limit fruit, although it contains quite a few sugars. Fruits contain fruit sugar or fructose, which is metabolized without insulin and therefore does not worsen diabetes.

Fats and oils should be restricted as they reduce the tolerance for protein and starchy foods. Consumption of fresh foods is highly recommended as it stimulates and increases the production of insulin.

For sufficient protein intake, curd cheese, dairy products, and nuts are recommended.

Specific foods

There are specific foods that are known to have a positive effect on the regulation of blood sugar. These are olives, soybeans, artichokes, mangoes, garlic, and onions. All of these also have a low glycaemic index and contain a lot of fiber.

Herbs and spices

There are also some herbs and spices that affect the regulation of blood sugar levels. Cinnamon, for example, acts as a substitute for insulin when it comes to type 2 diabetes. A gram of cinnamon per day is sufficient for the effect.

Also, for the reduction of sugar, effective basil leaves (Ocimum sanctum) have been proven, they should also have an effect on the increase in insulin secretion in type 2 diabetes. Solid evidence of this effect is not yet available.

As I already mentioned, the best dieters tea rooibos is a powerful and health beneficial herb, the only plant which contains aspalathin. Its effects are scientifically proven and based on many medical studies.

best dieters tea by Liz Swann

Best Dieters Tea:

==> Read Red Tea Detox full review HERE

A bitter melon

Lately, there is much talk about the positive effect of the use of bitter melon in diabetes. It contains a specific ingredient that is similar to human insulin, called charantin.

For the effect, it is recommended to take the amount of charantin, which is found in three to four bitter melons. Due to the difficulty in providing sufficient amounts of this, there are also capsules containing the daily recommended dose of charantin on the market.

Manganese (Best Dieters Tea is rich in minerals)

You need to satisfy the body’s needs for manganese with food. This very important microelement is the key to the production of insulin hormones.

The values of manganese are different in food; a lot of manganese is found in citrus fruits, nuts, and cereals and in green plants containing chlorophyll. People with diabetes also need to pay attention to the sufficient intake of zinc, B-complex vitamins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Other measures besides best dieters tea to control diabetes

Physical activity, which must be adapted to physical abilities, is very important. Physical activity provides the muscles with energy for their functioning and regulates blood sugar levels.

After prolonged activity, glucose in the muscle is increased, due to increased sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin.

Regular physical exercise reduces the insensitivity of tissues to insulin, improves glucose tolerance, reduces body weight, reduces blood glucose, and regulates blood fat levels.

For the effect of improving metabolism, regular exercise is required at least 3 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes. There should be no more than 2 days of pause in between. After discontinuation of physical exercise, the metabolism soon returns to the disturbing level.

Depression, stress, and anxiety are emotions that can affect blood sugar levels because they cause stress to the body. It is therefore advisable to regularly devote to activities that relax the body and spirit and reduce the amount of stress that our body experiences.

Physical activity and diabetes