Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil Simple Diet

How to lose weight with apple cider vinegar and coconut oil

Apple cider vinegar and coconut oil are foods that can help you lose weight. To combine apple cider vinegar and coconut oil? Why not! Even our ancestors knew about the slimming effects of apple cider vinegar. And we all know that coconut oil is healthy. It can also help to lose weight if consumed in moderation only.

apple cider vinegar and coconut oil drink for weight loss

There is a lot of information about apple cider vinegar for weight loss, we all know its medicinal properties and beneficial effects on the body, but there’s not enough clarity to define whether coconut oil is useful for weight loss or not.

You’re all probably familiar with the use of apple vinegar and coconut oil in cooking, but the use of apple vinegar with coconut oil is a less known weight loss method. Before you jumpstart a diet, learn what kind of healing properties apple cider vinegar and coconut oil have. Let’s take another look at both foods and find out how they can be used for weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is mainly used for salad dressings but it is also very effective in various weight loss diets. Weight loss with apple vinegar and coconut oil is simple and above all natural and safe method for your body.

Before you start with these old, proven methods of weight loss, search for recipes and prepare apple vinegar yourself. In a race against time, you may not be able to make your homemade vinegar and you’ll have to buy it in the store. Be extremely careful to buy natural vinegar without any chemical additives.

bottles of homemade apple cider vinegar

Healing effects of apple cider vinegar

  • Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Helps to reduce health issues associated with arthritis and osteoporosis
  • Accelerates metabolism, cleanse the body and improves digestion
  • Prevents the loading of toxins and fats in our body and helps to convert nutrients into energy
  • Helps in the fight against cellulite
  • Prevents the development of bad bacteria in the body
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Helps to eliminate acne
  • It breaks down minerals, proteins, and fats in the blood and digestive tract
  • Protects the heart and blood vessels
  • Stimulates the secretion of gastric acid and calms the stomach
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, spleen, bile and the kidneys
  • Due to disinfecting and antibacterial action, it protects intestinal flora against toxic bacteria
  • It contains potassium which is important for the growth and division of cells and for muscle and nerve activity
  • It helps in the respiratory tract infections, inflammation of the throat, cough, and hoarseness
  • In ancient times they treated wounds, burns, and bruises with apple vinegar as it promotes skin and connective tissue cell renewal

Healing properties of apple cider vinegar

Even in the period before antiquity, people were making a drink from old varieties of apples. In the middle ages they probably already knew that apple cider had a medicinal effect on the body, even though they did not know exactly which ingredients in it are healing.

Today, we are quite well aware that apple cider has a healing effect, and thanks to the scientists who have discovered this, you can enjoy the health benefits of adding it to your diet.

  • It contains vitamins C, E, A, B1, B2, B6, beta-carotene, acetic acid, propionic and lactic acid, as many as 13 essential amino acids, and apple pectin.
  • Contains minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, and iron.
  • Contains bioflavonoids and enzymes.

Related: Apple diet

Coconut oil

Coconut oil promotes metabolism and helps to burn body fat. Some are also convinced that it is good for the heart, cures candidiasis and various types of cancer.

For a long time, coconut oil was labeled as “bad fat” because it contains mainly saturated fats. People were avoiding it but in reality, coconut oil is much healthier than you might think. Saturated fat in coconut oil consists of medium chain triglycerides. These relatively short chain fats can be easily used by our body and are not stored as fat.

According to recent research, coconut oil has an excellent effect on heart health, helps with weight loss and accelerates metabolism. The oil does not contain cholesterol.

coconut oil

Coconut oil as a functional food

Coconut oil is obtained from coconut meat and cannot be identified with coconut milk. According to research, coconut oil belongs to so-called functional foods.

Functional food is any fresh or processed food which, in addition to its usual nutritional characteristics, also has properties that have a beneficial effect on health: either it improves it or prevents the development of certain diseases.

The function of food is to provide energy and other substances that ensure the normal functioning of the body.

The medium chain fatty acids do not circulate through the bloodstream but are metabolized directly into the liver, where they are immediately converted into energy. They do not accumulate in cells as fat, thus helping to lower body weight as they accelerate metabolism. Therefore, extra virgin coconut oil can also be used as a functional food for athletes.

Coconut oil is ideal for cooking because the food prepared with this oil is healthier. It is suitable for frying at high temperatures and we can use it to prepare all kinds of food. It is recommended to use cold-pressed coconut oil, which preserves its smell and its full nutritional value.

Why is coconut oil healthy?

  • Coconut oil improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, especially magnesium, calcium and vitamin D.
  • It accelerates metabolism and generates the energy needed for everyday activities.
  • Coconut oil increases the level of “good” and reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol. This also reduces body weight and is therefore highly recommended for weight loss.
  • Coconut oil is very effective against all types of fungi that attack the digestive system, and further, stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria that form our intestinal flora.
  • With its antiviral activity, it strengthens the immune system.
  • In addition to all this, coconut oil is also suitable for skin and hair care.

Coconut fat is a valuable aid for weight loss – it promotes metabolism and is a good source of energy

  • Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) from coconut oil break into fatty acids before leaving the stomach. Because they do not need further processing, they go straight into the liver that they use to produce energy. They do not accumulate in body fat, and they also accelerate metabolism.
  • Faster digestion indirectly affects the entire body, improves blood circulation, accelerates recovery and treatment, improves the functioning of the immune system and therefore increases the level of energy. Coconut fat is known to improve various health conditions, in addition to obesity, and its effect lasts for at least 24 hours after ingestion.
  • In a study comparing human metabolism before consuming a meal rich in medium-chain fatty acids, scientists found that metabolism accelerates on average 48 percent, and in obese people up to 65 percent.
  • It supports the digestion of food, which makes you feel fuller after a meal and you are less likely to eat snacks throughout the day.
  • Coconut oil reduces appetite. According to experts, this is related to the metabolism of the fatty acids that coconut oil contains. Ketones reduce appetite. Men who used coconut oil in the study consumed an average of 250 calories less per day. Another study in 14 healthy men found that those who consumed a lot of fatty acids for breakfast consumed fewer calories at lunch. These studies were carried out in a short period of time. Researchers are convinced that while persisting in the long run, coconut oil could have a dramatic impact on body weight over several years.
  • Coconut oil prevents fluctuations in blood sugar that trigger the storage of energy from carbohydrates in the form of body fat.
  • Fatty acids in coconut oil destroy the candida, a fungus that can cause overweight and curb cravings for carbohydrates.

How to use apple vinegar with coconut oil for weight loss?

A proven and healthy way is primarily the moderate consumption of apple vinegar. Weight loss with apple vinegar and coconut oil is simple and healthy. Natural acids present in apple vinegar, help to dissolve fat in your body and flush all the poisons and undigested foods from your bowel. Weight loss with apple vinegar and coconut oil diet is simple and safe;

Before breakfast, mix two teaspoons of apple vinegar with a teaspoon of coconut oil in a glass of water and drink. In the afternoon, half an hour before a meal, take another mixture of apple cider vinegar and coconut oil. Coconut oil lowers your appetite and you will eat less. If you are hungry in the evening, replace a meal with a teaspoon of coconut oil.

To get effective results of this diet, you need to reduce food intake, due to high levels of fat value.

Health Benefits and pH of Coconut Oil

Is it alkaline or acidic?

After many studies, there is no longer any doubt that coconut oil is extraordinary for our health. It has proven to help you lose weight, improve the immune system, have antioxidant activity, and countless cosmetic uses. What is the pH of coconut oil? Let’s find out!

There are two types of this kind of functional superfood: refined and extra virgin. The first is made from dried coconut, while the second is made with fresh coconut. Normally, coconut oil is found in a liquid state at high temperatures, only getting solid and white below 25 degrees. The normal thing is that it does not spoil or become stale even when stored for some time.

pH value of coconut oil

The coconut fruit itself is alkaline, but when the heat is used during the manufacturing process the pH of coconut oil becomes acidic. On the pH scale, it tests at 3.5-5.5 (acidic).

Health benefits of coconut oil

To realize the beneficial effects on health, experts recommend regular consumption of one or two tablespoons daily. By consuming this powerful coconut oil on a daily basis, you tend to enjoy the following health benefits:

  • Promotes satiety

Because of the fat content, coconut oil has a differentiated digestion pattern. It stays longer in the stomach than carbohydrate, for example, which increases the sensation of satiety. With reduced appetite, it is easier to hold the desire to feed on snacks all day, a habit that can sabotage a proper diet and, consequently, the desire to lose weight.

  • Improves constipation

By having quick absorption and solubility, coconut oil is also a friend of the intestine. Its components act by normalizing the intestinal transit. The beneficial actions for the intestine are also worth in the case of the loose bowel as it helps to eliminate harmful bacteria and promotes healthy intestinal flora growth.

  • Reduces cholesterol

The good functioning of the thyroid, favored by the consumption of coconut oil, also guarantees the reduction of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and the elevation of HDL (good cholesterol) cholesterol.

  • Strengthens the immune system

Another benefit of coconut oil is the strengthening of the immune system, as it acts in the fight against the attack of bacteria and fungi that threaten our health and even improves the absorption of nutrients, reinforcing the body’s defenses. This is due to lauric acid, also present in breast milk and that has the power to fight numerous infections.

  • Combats premature aging

Coconut oil promotes the reduction of free radicals present in the body, responsible for cell aging. This happens, thanks to the action of vitamin E components present in the oil. To a certain extent, free radicals are beneficial to the body, but the buildup can cause not only premature aging but also the development of cancer due to the oxidation of healthy cells.

  • Prevents heart disease and high blood pressure

Coconut oil is highly rich in saturated fats. Saturated fats not only raise healthy cholesterol (known as HDL) in your body but also help convert “bad” LDL cholesterol into beneficial cholesterol.

By increasing HDL in the body, it helps promote heart health and reduces the risk of heart disease.

  • Cures UTI, kidney infection and protects the liver

Coconut oil is known to clarify and cure urinary (UTI) and kidney infections. The oil works as a natural antibiotic, stopping the coating of lipids in bacteria and killing them. There is also a study which shows that coconut oil directly protects the liver from damage.

  • Prevention and treatment of cancer

Coconut oil has two qualities that help you fight cancer. First, because of the ketones produced in the digestive system. Tumor cells cannot access energy in ketones and depend on glucose. It is believed that a ketogenic diet may be a possible component to help cancer patients recover.

  • Improves energy and endurance

Coconut oil is easy to digest, but it also produces longer sustained energy and boosts your metabolism. By taking an extra virgin coconut oil, you can get maximum benefits because the oil goes directly into the liver for energy conversion.

  • Improves digestion, reduces ulcers in the stomach and ulcerative colitis

Coconut oil improves digestion and intestinal health by destroying maleic bacteria and candida. The imbalance of Candida, especially, can decrease the gastric acid that causes inflammation and poor digestion.

  • Reduces symptoms of gallbladder disease and pancreatitis

The coconut oil does not need the pancreatic enzymes to be broken, so taking coconut oil softens the tension in the pancreas.

In addition, this superfood is so easy to digest that it has also been known to improve the symptoms of gallbladder disease.

  • Helps in the treatment of osteoporosis

Another of the incredible benefits of coconut oil is that it helps in the treatment of osteoporosis. This is possible because it increases the absorption of calcium in the intestine. Research with osteoporosis found that coconut oil not only increases the volume and structure of bone in individuals but also decreased bone loss due to osteoporosis.

  • Helps in weight loss

Because of the instant energy of coconut oil, it is no wonder it is beneficial in weight loss. This helps to burn fat, decrease appetite. There are also studies on its use in abdominal fat loss, as it has been proven that the consumption of coconut oil favors the elimination of the fat that is deposited in the belly. The exact reasons are still unknown by science, but it is believed that the oil acts directly on some hormones linked to the accumulation of these reserves in the abdomen.

Related: Coconut weight loss recipe

  • Helps in hormonal balance

The use of coconut oil also benefits your hormones. Coconut oil can help balance the hormones naturally because it is a great source of saturated fat, including lauric acid. Studies have found that coconut oil can be an excellent fat to consume during menopause and can also have positive effects on estrogen levels.

  • Regulates bowel function

In both cases of constipation or even in diarrhea, the coconut fat components act by normalizing bowel functions. At the same time, lauric acid, through monolaurin, helps to eliminate pathogenic (enemy) bacteria, protecting and favoring the growth of the “friendly flora.”

  • Hydrates the skin

The coconut oil contains vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that helps your skin look beautiful. It is good especially if you have dry skin. It also helps fight dermatitis, which is why it is present as the main ingredient in skin products.

  • Boosts hair health

Because the coconut oil is rich in proteins that help repair hair, you will achieve a soft and radiant hair. You can also use it directly as a conditioner.

what coconut oil to choose

Final thoughts: Health benefits and pH of coconut oil

Coconut oil comes with numerous health benefits and a very favorable pH for the body as highlighted above.

Furthermore, when it comes to benefiting from the properties of coconut oil, you need to pay attention to its various formats. The virgin coconut oil has distinct beneficial properties of the dry coconut oil, or copra – most commonly found on the market.

In contrast, hydrogenated coconut oil should be avoided, and preference should be given to cold-pressed organic extra virgin oils which, in addition to being healthier and retain their original properties, have a more pleasing coconut flavor, and might be as much of the copra version as the virgin coconut.

Solvent-extracted oils must also be avoided since the use of hexane can be socially harmful.

Weight Loss Coffee Recipe

Coffee recipe to lose weight: Coffee with coconut oil

We already know that coffee can act as an accelerator of metabolism and that coconut oil has been viewed as very healthy by a large portion of experts, but the mixture of the two seems unthinkable. Even so, this weight loss coffee recipe is the new trend that promises to help you lose a few pounds more easily.

But does coffee with coconut oil really thin? What benefits can we expect? Let’s explore this in detail now!

Weight loss coffee recipe

The idea that coffee with coconut oil slims may seem strange, but there are some interesting theories about this. This weight loss coffee recipe promises greater fat burning, lower appetite and faster metabolism, a great combo for those who want to lose weight.

With numerous such benefits, it is not surprising that many people are interested in the subject.

So let’s discuss a little more about this unlikely combination of a coffee recipe to lose weight; coffee with coconut oil, what it’s for, how to do it and what its benefits are for those who want to lose weight.

Does coffee with coconut oil really thin?

Losing weight can be a very difficult fight for some people and just having a holy remedy can be a bad idea, especially if you do not exercise or take a balanced diet.

The coffee with coconut oil has received good reviews for its thermogenic action, which accelerates the metabolism and improves the burning of fats, also, to bring some other benefits that can also help in weight loss.

However, if you are serious about losing a lot of excess weight, then you need to try a complete weight loss program based on scientific research. Such a proven and comprehensive program will surely bring you the results you want.

Let’s counterbalance the benefits of weight loss coffee recipe with the negative points of this blend so that you are aware of what you are taking when testing whether coffee with coconut oil has weight loss properties.

lose weight with coffee and coconut oil


  • Appetite control

This combination of coffee with coconut oil can prevent you from overeating. Some studies point out that regular consumption of small amounts of coconut oil can give you more satiety and make you eat less.

This is because coconut oil increases the production of ketone bodies by the liver. These substances are known to decrease appetite, and a recent study has shown that people who take coconut oil supplements consume up to 250 calories less per day than people who do not.

In addition, the caffeine found in coffee is also a potent appetite suppressant. Another study pointed out that, after ingesting caffeine, people tend to eat up to 21% fewer calories. It is also worth remembering that consuming fats helps in satiety.

  • Speed up metabolism

Both coffee and coconut oil are foods known for their thermogenic properties. This means that by consuming these products, your body gains more energy and can burn fat faster.

Research indicates that regular consumption of up to two tablespoons of coconut oil per day can help burn more calories than without the consumption of this food.

The same goes for caffeine, which also speeds up metabolism, helping to burn off some extra calories. Combining coconut oil and coffee is one way of putting together the strengths of these foods for the sake of weight loss.

  • More energy for your body

Caffeine is known to give greater energy to those who consume it, and coconut oil also has this property. Although it is a type of fat, coconut oil has medium chain fatty acids, that is, fats that are interesting to the body.

Unlike other types of healthy fat, medium chain fatty acids, instead of storing themselves in your body, will turn into energy faster.

  • Improved digestion

Coffee acts as a stimulant in most people, making us more alert and attentive. This also affects our muscles, making it helpful in the functioning of muscles during digestion.

Coconut oil and any other oil has a lubricating effect on the digestive system, also helping to improve the intestinal flow, which can be very beneficial for those who want to lose weight.

  • Maintains controlled blood sugar level

When the blood sugar level fluctuates too much, our body loses energy and our appetite increases. Coconut oil can help control insulin spikes, avoiding the swings that generate hunger.


Not everything is flowers in this mixture that seems magical coffee and coconut oil, so we will counter some important questions so that you know how to measure well the consumption, without exaggerations that can bring harm to your health.

  • Saturated fat

Saturated fats are usually avoided as much as possible by those who want to lose weight and maintain good health. They are responsible for the rise in bad cholesterol, LDL, in our body which can increase the risks of heart disease and stroke.

If you already regularly consume products with high saturated fat such as cheese, butter, chocolate, meats, etc., the consumption of coconut oil may not be as beneficial to your health.

Coconut oil is widely used in Asian culture, where people have a controlled diet and very low in fat. In this case, it is quite beneficial, since there is the excess in consumption of fats.

Anyway, if you want to lose weight, it is important to avoid eating fatty foods like those mentioned above, especially if you are going to start drinking coffee with coconut oil.

  • High calorie

Precisely because it is a source of fat, coconut oil is very rich in calories and to lose weight we just need to decrease the number of calories ingested.

So if you think about starting coffee with coconut oil, it’s critical that you’re exercising and eating healthy foods with natural, low-fat foods and calories, and taking a small dose of the ingredient at a time

  • Can not be considered a meal

Many people are encouraged by the benefits of coffee with coconut oil and think they can substitute breakfast for a cup of this blend. Although the drink helps in some areas, it will not offer you the nutrients your body needs most at the most important meal of the day.

If you want to start drinking coffee with coconut oil to lose weight, do all the day’s meals well, invest in nutritionally rich and low-fat foods, but do not skip a meal as this can harm your health and your diet.

HOW TO MAKE: Coffee with coconut oil weight loss recipe

Making weight loss coffee recipe is very easy, just follow the steps below:

coffee recipe


  • A cup of coffee tea;
  • One tablespoon of coconut oil.

Method of preparation:

  • Add the coffee in a blender or in the container of a mixer.
  • Add one tablespoon of coconut oil and beat until the coffee is lighter.
  • Sugar as you normally would, but remember that consuming sugar is a bad idea if you want to lose weight.
  • Just mixing the coconut oil in the coffee, without using a blender or mixer, will not give a good appearance in the drink. By hitting the two ingredients well, they will incorporate better and give even a better taste.

Side effects:

  • Any food can react badly in some organisms, especially in the most sensitive ones. So it is good to be aware whenever you start to consume some different food.
  • As we said, both coffee and coconut oil act in the digestive system and therefore one of the most common side effects is diarrhea, especially if you start drinking coffee with coconut oil in large quantities.
  • Other unwanted effects of coffee weight loss recipe are nausea, tiredness, and dizziness.


  • If you do not have the habit of drinking coffee, it is good to start slowly. Small doses in the morning and in the afternoon can help you get accustomed to caffeine and coconut oil.
  • To not overdo the doses, it is recommended to take this mixture only 3 times a week, mainly because of the excess fat that it brings.
  • Try to drink the coffee with coconut oil in small quantities, as well as its thermogenic and appetite suppressant effects will act more often.
  • If you have lots of weight to lose, you should not lay hopes on a coffee weight loss recipe but consider trying the effective detoxification program.

Have you heard anyone saying that drinking coffee with coconut oil slims? Have you tried inserting this mixture into your day-to-day? Comment below.