Himalayan Salt Cleanse Benefits under Scrutiny

Himalayan salt flushes: a detox based on testimonials rather than science

In the past few years, detoxing and cleansing have become increasingly trending in circles of fitness and health. Their legitimacy is often questioned and the science behind them as well, but many who do cleanses report feeling much better after doing so, indicating that there may be something to them after all. Two common cleanses that have grown out of the increased attention are salt cleanses and juice cleanses. Today we’re talking about salt cleanses and Himalayan salt cleanse benefits specifically.

Pink Himalayan salt cleanse benefits and side effects explained

The two main types of salt that are commonly used for salt cleanses are light grey Celtic sea salt and pink Himalayan salt. Although both of these salts work similar effects, we’ll be focusing on the results and what you can expect when participating in a Himalayan salt cleanse. You’ve likely seen Himalayan salt used in many forms, so let’s learn a little more about what Himalayan salt is exactly, and why it seems to be everywhere you look.

What is Himalayan salt and how is it good for you?

While you might think that Himalayan salt and table salt share similar properties, they’re actually very different. Pink Himalayan salt contains up to 98% sodium chloride. The remainder of pink Himalayan salt is made of minerals, including potassium, calcium and magnesium. It’s these minerals that make Himalayan salt pink in color. Himalayan salt has an incredible range of uses, including cutting boards, dishes, bath salts, lamps, and of course salt cleanses or “flushes.”

An entire article could be written on the benefits of Himalayan salt lamps and you probably know someone who has one in their house or apartment. The benefits of these lamps include putting you in a better mood, lessening the impact of allergies and asthma, increasing circulation, energizing you, and equalizing electromagnetic radiation among other benefits. So, you’re probably realizing right now that Himalayan salt is one of those materials provided by the Earth that seems to have boundless applications and benefits, indicating that there’s something special to it.

In addition to these many uses, it can also be used in place of table salt to give your body the sodium supply that it needs. This of course doesn’t mean that Himalayan salt is necessarily “healthy” for you and that you should eat as much of it as you can. It’s still salt, and we all know that excess sodium is not good for you, although your body does require a daily intake of sodium to help it function. Sodium helps our muscles to work without cramping, it helps keep you hydrated, it maintains your nervous system and helps to keep your blood pressure from bottoming out.

A Himalayan salt rock which is used as a food additive as table salt, for cooking and also colon cleanse, decorative lamps, and spa treatments

The American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than 2300 mg of sodium per day, with the ideal range being under 1500 mg daily. If you exceed these limits, you can start to see negative side effects and health impacts such as high blood pressure and an increased risk of stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis, and more. So, be careful with your salt intake, but make sure to get some each day to keep your body running smoothly.

What is a detox and is it worth it?

Now to the detoxes and cleanses and the science, or lack thereof, behind them. Detoxing, short for detoxification, is ridding your body of toxins and harmful bacteria. The basis for detoxing is that these negative substances in your body can cause cancer and disease, according to those who buy into the detox theory.

Advocates for cleansing state that the benefits include feeling better, more energetic, having better skin health, losing weight, and maintaining a healthy gut. But the reality is that none of this is based in science and there are little to no studies that back up these claims behind cleanses and detoxing. Doctors cite better alternatives to cleansing that offer many more benefits, including drinking more water or eating more whole grains and vegetables.

One confirmed useful application of cleansing is for those rehabbing from substance and drug use, as cleansing can help to flush drugs from your body to cope during withdrawal periods. It’s true that your body does take in a lot of toxins. Toxins come in many forms, from air pollution to mercury and arsenic in your water supply, to chemicals in your food, and more. But flushing out your colon really doesn’t do anything in terms of ridding your body of these toxins.

The elimination of toxic substances is one of the functions of the liver and kidneys

Alternatively, it’s usually your kidneys and liver that handle the task of getting rid of toxins. Those who have liver disease are the only ones who should be concerned about their liver not being able to handle the toxins that their body is throwing at it. But even in those circumstances, no studies back up claims that detoxing helps those who suffer from liver disease. And some medical professionals have even gone as far as to say that flushing your colon does more harm for your body than it does good.

Flushing can disturb microbes that help to remove bad bacteria from your colon, and it can put stress on the organs that actually do the real detoxing, your liver and kidneys. So, if you’re considering a salt cleanse, keep these things in mind.

However, in spite of all of these forewarnings, many people still engage in saltwater flushes, and it’s because those who do it often report feeling better afterward. So, who’s right, science or those who have experienced it? They’re likely both right, saltwater cleanses can help you to feel better, lighter and feel more energetic, but it can come at a cost.

What is a saltwater flush and what are Himalayan salt cleanse benefits?

Himalayan salt for salt water flush

The main idea behind saltwater flushes is that you drink a homemade saltwater mixture in a specified period of time to force a bowel movement. This is said to help your digestive process by regulating it and helping you to feel less bloated and lazy.

Proponents of flushes say that those people who don’t have regular bowel movements can have a build-up of toxins and heavy metals that can inflame your colon, weigh you down, and even lead to disease. These people who don’t have bowel movements frequently enough are said to make up one-fifth of the population.

It is also cited as a quick way to lose weight, although keep in mind that you’re not losing any fat from flushes, you’re simply losing weight by removing the slow-moving food in your digestive system. So, don’t expect the weight you lose from a flush to stay off, as once you eat again you’ll likely gain that weight right back, similar to sweating out “water weight.”

If you’re experiencing frequent constipation, the cause of that most likely isn’t toxins in your colon, but rather a nutritional deficiency, for example, a lack of fiber or water. Other benefits of saltwater flushes are regulating your body’s pH levels, getting rid of water trapped in your body, regulating hormone spikes, boosting your metabolism, and all of the benefits of consuming your daily sodium, which were mentioned earlier.

There are levels to detoxing and laxative supplements, and when it comes down to it, saltwater flushes are one of the more healthy options, but that doesn’t mean that they’re good for you, just kind of a lesser evil.

How to do a saltwater flush

If you’re still interested in a saltwater flush after two paragraphs of listing their long list of negatives and short list of positives (some causes require sacrifice, I suppose), here is how a salt water flush is carried out. We hope you will experience as many Himalayan salt cleanse benefits as possible.

  • It’s best to do the cleanse on an empty stomach in the morning before you eat breakfast. Make sure that you have two hours to spare, since you’ll be experiencing a very large and urgent bowel movement within that timeframe, so you don’t want to be stuck in traffic or in a meeting. Your flush will likely require more than one bowel movement, but in total it will take about two hours.

  • Those who do saltwater flushes recommend 2 teaspoons of Himalayan salt in one liter of hot water, mixed thoroughly, with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. You can do this in a jar with a lid to make it easier to mix by shaking.

  • Drink the mixture within a five-minute time frame, and lay on your side and massage your stomach, alternating sides, and hold the salt in your system for a half an hour if possible. After that, your bowel movement should begin.

  • Even those who do saltwater flushes don’t do them often, only once every few weeks. Listen to feedback your body is giving you and adjust how you feel best.

Final thoughts: Himalayan salt cleanse benefits

Although there is a lot of hype around Himalayan salt and flushes, both are based on testimonials more than they’re based on science. However, it can’t be denied that testimonials go a long way, so if you plan on doing a salt water flush, do them in moderation and keep an eye out for symptoms or complications. You’re probably better off adjusting your diet and drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables to regulate your digestion.

Activated Charcoal for Stomach Bug and Detox

Activated Charcoal: What this detox wonder supplement helps with and how to take it

Activated charcoal is a new health trend that has broken into the mainstream recently. However, activated charcoal for stomach bug has been known to be a useful supplement for quite some time. Some coffeeshops are offering activated charcoal shots, and other markets are offering it in the form of juices.

It’s been known for its ability to treat those contaminated with poison, heavy metals, and toxins. The activated charcoal helps to flush these toxins out, making it great for treatment but also great for other things such as anti-aging and heart health.  Activated charcoal might be beneficial for you if you’ve recently eaten a not so nutritious meal and need a detox.

Activated charcoal powder used for detoxification and treating and preventing the stomach bug

What is activated charcoal?

Activated charcoal is created from burning a carbon specimen such as wood or coconut shells. The “activation” occurs through high temperatures that remove all oxygen and alter its chemical makeup to create tiny particles that as a whole yield greater surface area. This new product is incredibly fine charcoal with numerous tiny pores that are capable of capturing, binding, and removing toxins, chemicals, gases, and more.

The activated charcoal works due to its negative charge that attracts charged toxins. This same technology is used in many popular water filters, such as Brita filters. The activated charcoal doesn’t remove the toxins in your body on its own. It’s not a toxin incinerator, it adsorbs the toxins, meaning that it simply binds them.

What benefits does activated charcoal offer?

Activated charcoal for detox

Activated charcoal can offer you a plethora of benefits. First, it can aid you with detoxing. This detox could lessen the damage of processed food, environmental and air pollution, and more. These toxins can cause your body to fatigue quicker and can decrease brain function and cognition.

If exposed to these toxins for extended periods of time, it can be as devastating as cellular damage, allergic reactions, weakened immunity, and aging. Activated charcoal can have a quick effect on these toxins, and you can start feeling better in a matter of minutes.

Activated charcoal for stomach bug

Activated charcoal has also been found to help with some intestinal disorders and issues. Digesting certain disagreeable foods can create gas or diarrhea. Activated charcoal for stomach bug remedies these issues as it runs throughout your digestive tract.

Activated carbon can also adsorb poisons, pesticides, and dangerous chemicals from your body. Certainly, most of these things require a hospital visit, but if you have activated charcoal on hand, it can’t hurt to pop a capsule before you leave. This can even help in instances where you accidentally take too much of a medicine. But consult a doctor or emergency room as fast as possible if you encounter any dangerous intake of poison, medicine, or chemicals.

Activated charcoal and aging

Since activated charcoal assists with cell repair and cell function, it can help you to age slower. Studies have shown that activated charcoal can increase the lives of animals up to 34 percent. It also makes your brain less sensitive to toxins and increases overall clarity of your mind. It also boosts your body’s toughness by improving the function and immunity of key organs such as your liver, kidneys, and adrenals.

It lowers cholesterol levels and increases heart health

Activated charcoal supplements have been found to lower cholesterol levels and increase heart health. One study found that patients who consumed 8 grams of activated charcoal three times a day lowered their cholesterol count by 25%.

Furthermore, they also lowered their LDL cholesterol by 41 percent and increased their HDL (good cholesterol) by 8 percent. Scientific research on tissues at the microscopic level shows that daily doses of activated charcoal can counter abnormal hardening in heart and coronary blood vessels.

How should I take my activated charcoal for stomach bug?

The harder that you try to keep your body clean and toxin-free, the quicker that you’ll realize how prone you are to toxins in your food and environment around you, and how hard it is to stay clean. It can be made even more difficult when you’re traveling or when you have a busy schedule. Things like commercial flights make you vulnerable to high levels of airborne toxins, and much of the food you eat has harmful chemicals and processing applied to it.

Once you have a poor-quality meal or are traveling or doing something that makes you prone to toxins, you should take some activated charcoal. Once taken, it generally only takes around 10 minutes to work and you might even be able to feel the difference in that time span. Activated charcoal can also help you when you drink poor-quality coffee, drink alcohol, if you feel fatigued or under the weather, or if your mood is off.

Aside from these specific situations, a daily dose of activated charcoal is a good way to stay on top of things and ensure that you stay guarded against toxins in the environment around you. Activated coconut charcoal is perfect for this. Take it between meals and a few hours after taking any vitamin or mineral supplements, since the activated charcoal can hinder how well these vitamins are absorbed by your body.

Activated charcoal powder

There are some activated charcoal products for your skin and teeth that are topical. The effectiveness of these products hasn’t been backed up by any research. So, if you’re looking for something proven, stick to taking your activated charcoal by mouth.

It’s important to think of activated charcoal as a sponge, meaning if you take some other useful substance via ingestion, such as a medicine or a vitamin, the activated charcoal can bind to that just as easily as it can to toxins in your body. So, after you take medicine or vitamins, give them some time to absorb before you start consuming your daily dose of activated charcoal for the stomach bug.

It’s advisable that you talk to a doctor if you’re interested in consuming activated charcoal regularly. Your doctor can help you to gauge the correct dosage and schedule for you. Every person reacts differently to activated charcoal, so you might need more or less than the average person. To start with, here are some baseline values you can expect.

How much should I take?

  • For a dosage, two 500mg capsules is helpful for dealing with processed food or alcohol consumption. Note that this might be higher than a recommended daily dosage and more of a corrective dose after you consume something harmful.

  • A recommended daily dose most likely starts somewhere around 25-100 grams. You can even add your activated charcoal to recipes and get your supplement through the meals you eat.

  • If you’re on prescription medication, be extra sure to speak to your doctor about how and when you should take activated charcoal. A window of two to three hours is generally advisable between taking your prescription and consuming activated charcoal.

  • Make sure that you’re consuming plenty of fluids. Aside from drinking water being generally one of the best things you can do, activated charcoal can cause constipation if you consume too much. As with anything, it’s best in moderation and you can get too much of a good thing. You can counteract this constipation with 300-400 mg of magnesium glycate a few hours after taking your activated charcoal.

  • Also note that activated charcoal may turn your stool black, in fact, it probably will. This can be helpful because it shows you how long it takes for your digestion to cycle after eating. 

Final thoughts: Activated charcoal for stomach bug and detox

There are many ways to remove toxins and parasites from your body, and the use of activated charcoal for stomach bug is just one of these methods. Keep in mind that you should also be trying to reduce the amount of sugar and inflammatory foods that you intake. A healthy sleep schedule and stress maintenance is also key to staying healthy and strengthening your immunity. Sometimes people can use supplements as an excuse to lack in other areas. While it can be a useful tool, you should still be actively trying to improve your health in other ways other than supplementation.

If you’re dealing with intestinal issues, lack cardiovascular health, eat bad foods from time to time, or have been feeling depressed or moody lately, activated charcoal supplements might be your friend. It’s an effective method that’s been used since the 1800s and is still working for people today.

Flush toxins out of your body by binding them to the charcoal and letting your natural digestive process carry them out of your body through your stool. And as always, if you’re dealing with a chronic or persistent issue, don’t try to diagnose yourself, see a doctor immediately and mention activated charcoal if you think it could be a useful tool for you.

Weight Loss Workbook pdf – FREE Download

Red Tea Detox weight loss workbook pdf

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide – FREE weight loss workbook pdf about Red Tea Detox. The Red Tea Detox is not uncommon among many health fitness programs out there. Over the years, it has proven to be an ideal weight loss solution for many people, especially those struggling with toxicity.

Furthermore, it is different from all other conventional weight loss solutions you might have experienced before. It provides the body with unlimited energy and frees the body from unwanted toxins. Additionally, it helps to lose 14 pounds of pure body fat in just 14 days! Amazing, isn’t it?

free weight loss workbook pdf

We will talk about how Red Tea Detox works, we will also look at the three pillars on which that detox method stands: Dieting, Working out, and Motivation. Additionally, we will take a brief look at Red Tea effect: we will find out about the two main reasons why you cannot detoxify with food and lose weight (The Fed and Fasted cycles & There are no fat-burning foods).

Then finally, we will take a look at the Benefits of Using Red Tea for weight loss. The Red Tea Detox has been found effective, but however, you need to be aware of the procedures. A wrong step or slight mistake can have a negative impact on the end results. So, it is highly imperative that you follow this guide thoroughly so as not to miss any small detail.

Why The Red Tea Detox?

The Red Tea Detox is second to none because it addresses almost all weight loss related issues that you might have. Obviously, many people know Red Tea Detox for weight loss alone but this tea in question is much more powerful than that.

Apart from the fact that it tastes really good and completely natural, it also helps to fight or lower the risk of the following health problems which mainly arises through the toxins in our bodies: low energy levels, sleep issues, inability to concentrate, irritability and mood swings, asthma, allergies, fatty liver diseases, skin ailments, headaches, constant fatigue, digestive problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.

Note: there are many other health issues that might develop as a result of these toxins. And if care is not taken, it can damage your body cells and affect all other cell functions. But with the help of Red Tea Detox, you will be able to reduce all these symptoms and speed up the rate at which your body eliminates toxins.

How Red Tea Detox Works (to get started, download free weight loss workbook pdf guide)

There is a common mistaken belief that one needs to stay away from some certain diet during detoxification, but this notion is wrong and highly fallacious. We know this might be hard for you to believe but you will be surprised at the outcome despite the fact that you will still be eating your usual menu.

With Red Tea Detox, you don’t have to worry about giving up your favorite foods anymore. The Red Tea Detox provides you a feasible detoxification solution that will make it unbelievably easy for you to eject toxins from your system.

You should know these, however: Red Tea Detox is not just some sort of magical cure that you will just use without putting in an effort. Although it provides a quicker result compared to all other detox methods out there, you have to put in some work.

Lastly, Red Tea Detox method is primarily based on three things:

  • Dieting
  • Working Out
  • Motivation
red tea detox weight loss workbooks
  • Dieting: The dieting aspect of Red Tea Detox method is subdivided into four phases. Each of the phases represents the current stage at which you are in your weight loss effort. For instance, the first phase is usually the phase where you will lose up to 8 pounds in a week while the last phase oversees the calculation and tracking of your BMR and nutrients, respectively. Under dieting, the focus will be on enhancing your metabolism in order to reduce the number of toxins you ingest.
  • Working Out: Ordinarily, with Red Tea Detox diet plan, you will be able to remove excess fat from your body without much effort. However, it will take a long time. So, to speed up the process, you can achieve that by simply working out regularly. The best part of it is that you don’t necessarily need to spend several hours in the gym. A 30-minute exercise will be just appropriate.
  • Motivation: A positive mindset will go a long way to helping you achieve your weight loss goal. This is the number one reason why we vehemently dispelled the popular myths about detoxification that most people blindly believe in. The famous Bible passage “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” is also applicable here. When you know the truth about detoxification, undoubtedly, you will find it quite easier to commit yourself to it. With proper motivation, you are more likely to succeed in getting rid of your toxins.

The Red Tea Effect

By default, one will ask, with all these plethora of diet plans out there, why is Red Tea Detox the most effective option for me? Well, the reason is not far-fetched. It detoxifies easily.

On the contrary, there are two main reasons why it is difficult to detoxify with food:

  1. There are no fat-burning foods
  2. The fed and fasted cycles

There are no fat-burning foods

Generally speaking, there are no calorie-free food items anywhere. Don’t be deceived. Every type of food we eat one way or the other will contain some amount of calories no matter how small it may be. Of course, calories are the main sources of energy for the body. And this process occurs when our body burns down the calorie we consumed from food and used it to produce energy.

Sadly, however, if you take in more calories than what your body can expend, it will be stored as fat. And the more fat that is stored the more the weight you will gain. So, there is nothing like fat-burning foods. It is a myth. No food has the capacity to help you burn fat. So, be aware of those internet articles that will write “top fat burning foods”. It is a lie!

The fed and fasted cycles

Now that we know about calories: how they produce energy and so on. Let’s quickly look at the fed and fasted cycles. The fed cycle is when your body has enough energy coming from your average meal which can fuel you for six hours. This state is termed fed while fasted is a state of starvation i.e. when your body is not consuming any calories. And at the same time, burning the already stored calories in your body.

The issue of the fed and fasted cycles occurs when you consume a meal within six hours of the previous meal. As a result, your body won’t be able to enter the fasted state that is required. Consequently, if you now consume excess food before this timeline, which will cause your calorie store to be replenished often and often, the excess calories will be converted to fat.

The bottom line is that you will not be able to burn fat unless you allow your body to enter the fasted state.

Read full Red Tea Detox review

Benefits of using Red Tea Detox

  • Hydration
  • Digestion
  • Weight Loss
  • Detoxification

Learn more about the health benefits of Red Tea Detox in free weight loss workbook PDF guide.

Natural Detox Programs Approved by Weight Loss Doctors

Weight loss doctors’ facts about natural body detox

The role of detoxification in the body cannot be overemphasized. The reason, if you will ask, is not far-fetched. Your organism becomes toxic when a natural method of excreting metabolic waste has exceeded the threshold of what the body detoxification system can carry.  So, as weight loss doctors are saying, it is highly important that you flush toxins out of your system.

While many people think detoxification is a strange or scary thing that should not be experienced or undergone, we would like to prove to you that they are wrong. Scientific research shows that detoxification has never been so important. Today, human bodies carry much more toxins than 50 years ago. In fact, toxicity makes us sick, it can be a trigger for serious health problems. And if we do not take any action concerning it, it can affect our entire body system. Therefore we believe detoxification is vital to our health, it is a physical and spiritual necessity.

weight loss doctors recommend natural body detox

The body’s detox system

The body detox system comprises three primary organs, the liver, the colon, and the kidney. These organs work hand-in-hand to remove toxins from our body.

Here is how they operate:

  • The liver: The liver is the first line of defense against toxins. It helps filter and detoxifies food particles that are not meant to be in the body. In addition, the liver makes use of oxygen and enzymes, a process known as oxidation, to burn out these toxins. And, therefore, making them more water-soluble. Why is it necessary? It is necessary because toxins can be removed easily when they are soluble in water.

  • The colon: The colon, also called the large intestine, plays a very important role in the whole process. It flushes out toxic chemicals before causing you any harm. Additionally, it helps with issues such as constipation or irregular bowel movements.

  • Kidneys: Kidneys help filter toxins and wastes from your blood. It also adjusts the body’s acid/alkaline balance and regulates the amount of fluids in the body. It processes 200 quarts of blood daily just to filter out 2 quarts of excess water and wastes.

Having understood how the body’s detox system works, we will quickly take a look at some weight loss doctors’ opinions about natural body detox.

Dr. Mark Hyman

The first person on our list is Mark Hyman, M.D. He is a practicing physician, a ten-time New York Times bestselling author and the founder of The UltraWellness Center located at Lenox in Massachusetts. You can follow him on his social media pages if you want to know more about him.

Dr. Mark Hyman said that throughout his life as a functional medicine doctor, his first priority has always been to guide his patients through a simple, safe, realistic, and pleasurable transition into healthy eating. He also added that by detoxifying your body you will be able to free yourself from sugary, chemical-laden, fatty deposits, etc. which are bad for the body. He further talked about how to know when you are toxic and need to be cleansed.

He wrote: “Usually, a constellation of complaints can lead the doctor in the right direction. And help determine whether you are toxic or not.”

These are some of the examples and symptoms that might indicate a toxic system:

  • Stubborn fat and excessive body weight
  • Constipation, gas and bloating
  • Food allergies
  • A lifetime of consuming the SAD diet
  • Inclusion of an excessive amount of tuna, swordfish, shark or other large fish in the diet
  • Consistent use of NSAIDs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen
  • Mercury fillings and dental amalgams
  • Skin abnormalities such as rosacea, acne, or eczema
  • Hormonal imbalances and consistent use of hormone replacement pill or progesterone cream
  • Persistent headaches, nausea, muscle fatigue, and muscle aches
  • Belly fat or excess fat around the abdomen

Dr. Mark Hyman also advises on how long you should stay on cleanse/detox – typical detox that harnesses the body’s natural processes for filtering and removal of waste can be tolerated for longer periods of time.

He explained that a safe detox is one that doesn’t make you starve yourself, or makes you take potions, fancy pills, or expensive drinks. He also said that safety means allowing your body to do what it does naturally with just a little assistance from guided-healthy eating.

He further stated that he often encourages his patients to do cleanse for a duration of six weeks or longer as it would benefit their health. He also talked about preparing for cleansing and stressed that it’s very important for one to plan ahead before starting out.

Dr. Hyman outlined some key things to plan for:

  • Recommendations about taking basic measurements before starting out so as to track your progress. He further stated that, if weight loss is the goal, you can start by measuring out your hips, waist, and weight. And if it is migraine, you can determine the intensity, duration, and frequency. He advised getting a journal so as to be able to record each progress.
  • Recommendations about making lists, organizing pantries, gathering recipes, and sketching out weekly menus.
  • He explained that detoxification is a slow process, therefore you are advised to take your time and persevere till gradually everything falls in place.
  • He encouraged gathering supplements as prescribed by your instructor before starting out.

Dr. Merrell Woodson

The second among weight loss doctors on our list is Woodson Merrel. He is the chairman of the department of integrative medicine at Manhattan’s Beth Israel Medical Center. To find him on Facebook, click here.

He has a stronger view of detoxification. He believes that problems often seen in patients cannot be solved by taking a detox diet as it only puts your body in an unbalanced state. He explained that detox happens naturally with or without any special diet or weight loss program, whatsoever – detox happens in your body cells every second of our lives.

This process is most obvious in the liver. The best way to support detox in our body is by eating good food and not by starving ourselves. If care is not taken, enrolling in a diet program can be counterproductive. In addition, he said, by depriving your body of some essential nutrients which are supposed to aid the neutralization of the toxins you absorb from water, air, and food, you are affecting your diet plan consciously or unconsciously.

  • Merrell holds two schools of thought as far as food is concerned: his first claim is that we detoxify our body by simply eating nutritious foods and second, we detoxify by avoiding foods with excess sugar, preservatives, or saturated fats.
  • His recommendation is that we should be having a 3-day liquid diet of nut, fruit, and veggie smoothies. By doing so, we will be having a fusion of digested solid food and fruit diets such as phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins- a concept that is not yet embraced by many medical practitioners.
  • Then after that, we should set four days apart for the vegan diet (a mix of liquid and the easy-to-digest food).
  • Then another optional two more weeks filled with a limited quantity of clean animal protein (skinless poultry, mostly eggs, and nonfat dairy). Merrell’s opinion is that after his 21-day program, you are set to have the best food template for the rest of your life.

Liver Cleanse Shake Recipe

Homemade drink to detox your liver

As you already know, the liver is an extremely important organ. Owing to an unhealthy way of life it is often overburdened, which affects both – the functioning of the liver itself and the functioning of other organs. The liver is the only organ that has the ability to regenerate, but nevertheless, liver toxicity will affect your physical well-being and health. That is why you can occasionally prepare liver cleanse shake and with its active substances facilitate the task performed by the liver and other organs.

In your body, a lot of toxic substances accumulate every day. Some of the substances in the body are stagnant and are not secreted in time, thus poisoning the body and preventing the normal functioning of the organs. When we come to this point, our body needs help to detoxify, purify and eliminate unnecessary substances.

liver cleanse shake recipe

How can I detox my liver naturally?

By cleansing the liver, you will release the organism from the dirt that you enter into the body day after day and significantly contribute to better well-being. Therefore occasional detoxification is recommended for everyone.

The best way to detox your liver is to do it with natural foods and plenty of water. It’s not enough to drink healthy fruit and vegetable juice once a week; you need to eat healthy food every day. It is important to do this regularly and in small quantities. It is also very important to drink enough liquid – choose water and unsweetened tea.

Carbonated and sweetened drinks are not recommended as they greatly increase the risk of many health problems and illnesses. Sugar from beverages is converted into body fat.

However, unlike visible subcutaneous fat, the highest proportion of this sugar is converted to triglycerides or into fatty fractions that accumulate on the surface of the internal organs, liver as well. Both metabolic syndrome and fatty liver increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. A natural beverage, containing ingredients that are useful for improving liver function, can help you to achieve this goal. Let’s list some of them you can use to make liver cleanse shake.

Related: Are there toxins in my body?

Ingredients for liver cleanse shake


Lemons strengthen the liver function and support digestion by stimulating the formation of bile, which makes the liver easier to extract waste materials. It is an excellent source of citric acid, which stimulates digestive enzymes, ensures better blood flow and reduces the amount of blood sugar.

Consumption of freshly squeezed lemon juice, whether or not diluted with warm or cold water, promotes detoxification of the liver and promotes the degradation of fat. They contain large quantities of vitamin C, which the body uses to produce glutathione. Glutathione helps the liver to remove harmful chemicals from the body.


Grapefruits are rich in vitamin C and flavonoid naringenin, which allows the liver to consume fat before it can be stored. Grapefruit is considered one of the healthiest fruits, especially if eaten for breakfast. It’s hard to imagine a healthier start of the day!

Grapefruit consumption can be very beneficial for those who are trying to lose weight. Many studies have shown that those who eat half a grapefruit before each meal or drink a bit of grapefruit juice are much easier to get rid of excess pounds. Grapefruit will supply your body with a lot of important nutrients, but at the same time caloric intake remains low, so it is an ideal “dietary food”.

If you eat it before meals, it works as an appetite suppressant, and therefore, you will be able to lose weight much faster. With the help of grapefruit, you can also help reduce harmful LDL-cholesterol in the body.


Beets and carrots contain plant flavonoids that stimulate the liver in its cleansing function. Carrot purifies and heals the entire body, as it has a healing effect on the liver, which plays a major role in body cleansing. It also promotes the health of the glands, eyes, brain, and bones, and improves digestive functions. They say carrot juice helps to maintain healthy weight and beauty of the skin and is also a great diuretic.

Red beet stimulates liver and kidney function and cleanses the blood. Beets contain high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Its stunning red color comes from betacyanin, a plant pigment that helps protect cells against harmful carcinogens. With the help of red beet, you can protect your liver against overburdening and damage.

Beet also helps prevent the accumulation of toxic substances and fats in the liver. Consequently, the process of detoxification of the whole body can be done without major problems.


Leafy vegetables stimulate the formation of bile and contain chlorophyll, which helps to filter toxins and harmful substances. It is one of the strongest allies in the healing of the liver since it literally pulls toxins out of the blood.

Due to the ability to absorb heavy metals, chemicals, and pesticides, this source of green foods is exceptional protection for the liver. Make sure to include leafy vegetables in your diet such as dandelion, spinach, chicory, kale, celery, etc. This will greatly help you in the production and flow of bile, an active substance that removes waste material from organs and blood.


Apple peel contains high amounts of pectin, which helps in digestion and binds cholesterol and heavy metals in the body. The liver is a part of the digestive system, and the healthy digestive tract makes the cleansing function easier for this organ.

Acidic fruit contains antioxidants and fibers that have a positive effect on cardiovascular health, protect the arteries and, according to some studies, effectively lower the level of bad cholesterol.


Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids and medium-chain triglycerides that promote liver function. Coconut oil also helps to improve nutrient absorption, reduces liver load, lowers cholesterol, prevents fat accumulation, boosts metabolism and is a great source of energy.

Coconut oil produces about 2.50% fewer calories than other saturated fats. Today, coconut oil is again recognized as a healthy fat that gives a lot of energy and low calories, stimulates metabolism and helps to lower body weight.

How do we prepare liver cleanse shake?

how to make detox shake
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 beets
  • a cup of chopped leafy vegetables (chicory, kale, spinach, chard)
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1 grapefruit juice
  • 1 apple
  • a tablespoon of unrefined coconut oil
  • 2 dl of water

Mix all listed ingredients in an electric blender with water added.

Final thoughts

That liver care is a major concern is also a fact to the worrying evidence that a lot of people are affected by hepatic conditions. In America 30 million people, including children, experience such problems.

To relieve the liver, it is necessary to ensure proper hydration of the body (drinking at least 2-3 liters of water a day). With this, the kidneys are able to effectively remove the toxic substances that are metabolized in the liver from the body. Also, make sure to take care of good digestion and healthy intestinal flora. Therefore vital substances from consumed food that help with detoxification can be absorbed from the intestines to the body.

It is further recommended to reduce your exposure and the level of toxicity in the body. So, you will undoubtedly benefit the liver and relieve it if you stop or at least substantially limit your intake of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, trans fat acid (hydrogenated, refined fats), foods that acidify (white flour, yeast, white sugar, large quantities of meat and homogenized milk)…

In addition to drinking liver cleanse shake, you can also add freshly crushed seeds of milk thistle to already cooked foods.  This herb contains silymarin, which is one of the most powerful substances for the protection of the liver. It prevents liver damage and can even promote its regeneration. It also raises the level of glutathione in the liver, an important antioxidant, which accelerates the detoxification process, thus accelerating the secretion of toxins, such as exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, chemicals, pharmaceutical preparations, etc.

Strawberry Water Benefits and Recipes

Strawberry water – a natural aid for weight loss and body detox

One of the gifts nature has bestowed on us is the strawberry fruit. Strawberries are from the rose family Rosaceae. It is a widely grown species of the genus Fragaria. It is cultivated and widely appreciated all over the world for its wonderful aroma, juicy texture, sweetness, and bright red color. It is very rich in taste and scent- no wonder it is full of aroma. Strawberries are made up of vitamins and minerals. It has high amounts of potassium, manganese, and antioxidants. It has low fats, cholesterol, calories, and sodium so strawberry water benefits include weight loss and body detoxification as a result.

How does this happen? Fruit-infused water is an amazing way of removing toxic waste from the body, both, in the kidney and the liver. Among all the fruit infused water known to most people, strawberry-infused water seemed to have caught everybody’s attention because of its sweetness and various health benefits.

strawberry water benefits

Why should you cleanse your body?

Studies have revealed that our body is capable of storing huge amount of toxins. But the question is how do they get inside us? How do they enter? Well, of course, they enter in two ways: internally and externally. The former happens when our own body creates them from intestinal bacteria, free radicals, parasites, etc. while the latter happens basically through elements from the environment and through food.

Now, what happens is that our cleansing system, liver, and kidney, gets so saturated that these toxins start to accumulate which will eventually cause a series of symptoms. You will realize you are having stress, colds, headaches, acne breakouts, etc. However, by drinking strawberry water, your body will renew itself continually and all the hard work your kidneys and livers do will get lighter.

Strawberries can be used along with detox water: a phenomenon widely regarded as strawberry detox water. Detox water is quite popular as it is one of the methods commonly used to achieve body fitness. It does not only keep the body hydrated but also helps in flushing out body harmful waste.

There are quite a few strawberry water benefits, let’s list some of them.

Benefits of using strawberry detox water

Strawberry water serves many purposes: it helps in reducing inflammations such as rheumatism and arthritis, it also helps in the reduction of uric acid formation likewise heart diseases, hypertension and many more. As we’ve already discussed, it helps cleanse the body and fights sickle cell anemia.

Strawberry water recipes

Strawberry – Cantaloupe Flush Fat Detox Water Recipe


  • 3 cups of organic seeded diced cantaloupe
  • 7 strawberries
  • Half lemon, peeled and juiced
  • 1 cup of purified water


Put the lemon juice, strawberries and the diced cantaloupe inside a food processor. Make sure the ingredients are well blended then pour everything into a mason jar. After that, add the cup of purified water and some ice cubes, if you like. Stir the contents properly and put everything inside a refrigerator for some time. Then you can finally serve it over with ice and enjoy strawberry water benefits.

Strawberry in conjunction with Mint Detox and Lemon Water Recipe

What you need:

  • A bowl
  • Half organic lime
  • About 4 to 5 strawberries
  • Ice cubes and water
  • A sprig of fresh mint


Wash the strawberries gotten along with the fresh mint sprig first then divide the lime into the same parts. Then ensure the limes got poured into the bowl first before adding any other thing. I.e. it must be placed at the lowest level first before any other thing.  Next is the strawberries. Cut them into the same parts, add 400 ml of water and finally put the ice cubes and mint. Get the bowl covered with something and put it inside a refrigerator for some hours or perhaps you can leave it there overnight. A word of advice, the more time it spends, the better. Enjoy!

Strawberry Detox Water in conjunction with Mango recipe

What you need:

  • 1 sliced mango
  • 1 lemon, cut into slices
  • Six strawberries, sliced equally
  • 3 cups of cold water


This is very easy to prepare. All that is required of you is to put everything inside a jar and pour the cold water and give it time to soak. After that, it is ready to be served. You can also put in some amount of ice cubes inside for extra flavor and delight.

Strawberry made with Coconut Lemonade Detox Water Recipe

What you need:

  • 1 container of coconut water
  • 15 to 19 drops of liquid stevia
  • Half cup of organic lemon juice
  • 7 to 10 medium strawberries


Make sure the strawberries are well juiced then add coconut water, lemon juice, and finally liquid stevia. Stir everything properly then you are good to go! Now, you can serve yourself a glass of Strawberry-Coconut Lemonade Detox Water. Enjoy!

How to make strawberry infused water

strawberry water

The procedure is almost the same as the detox water recipe.

  • Step 1: Put all the ingredients inside the bottom of a jar or fruit infusion jug
  • Step 2: Cover everything with some ice cubes and fill with water
  • Step 3: Put it inside a fridge for at least one hour before serving. As this will give you the freshness you deserve.
  • Step 4: Also note that you can only refill the jug 2-3 times before it starts losing its flavor
  • Step 5: The steps outlined above are based on the assumption that you are using a 2-quart glass only. However, if you are going to be using a small, portable jug, chances are that you might have to reduce the ingredients by some percentage.

Who can benefit from drinking strawberry water?

  • Those with uric acid ailment
  • Children and pregnant women
  • People with anemia
  • Those who have diabetes with hypoglycemia
  • Those who have Hypertension or cardiovascular disorder

Note: People with colitis and sensitive bowels disorder are strongly advised not to take strawberry water as this can cause severe pain and result in more health problems.

Health benefits of strawberries

  1. Strawberries can help suppress appetite: Strawberries come with lots of health benefits. One of these is fiber content which serves a wide range of functions in the human body. They also contain both soluble and insoluble fiber which makes it a very special fruit. However, it is common knowledge that they are tough to break down and to digest easily but this is actually a blessing in disguise. Ask me why? Strawberries are known to absorb water molecules in the body and slow down the digestive processes while at the same time expanding the stomach. Hence, this triggers some neurons in the body and sends the brain a message making one feel less hungry.

  2. Strawberries can prevent inflammation: Generally, inflammation is one of the many health problems often experienced by people. It is majorly responsible for cell damage, diabetes, and mental illness diseases in the human body.  Amongst strawberries health benefits is the provision of Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), a strong antioxidant commonly found in fruits and vegetables, with the ability to fight inflammation by keeping its symptoms at arm’s length.

  3. Strawberries help to stimulate the immune system: The strawberry anti-inflammatory properties also help improve the body’s immune system by helping it fight off viral and bacterial infections. This is so because all these infections are known to be responsible for a high level of inflammation in the body which will later result in slow performance of the immune system and gradual shutdown of the system. Thus, taking strawberries will enhance quick recovery from any type of illness.

  4. Strawberries are a natural diuretic: Doctors often prescribed strawberries when the body is retaining too much fluid because strawberries are a natural diuretic. They help increase urination by getting rid of sodium and water. They also prevent kidney and urinary tract infections as well.

  5. Strawberries help to promote the growth of natural bacteria: Science has revealed that bacteria play a very important role in our well-being both physically and mentally.  Bacteria are used widely in industries and medical institutions in the manufacturing of foods and production of vaccines, drugs, enzymes, and antibiotics. Their economic importance cannot be overemphasized simply because of the role they play in our health. Strawberries, on the other hand, are known to contain soluble fiber which is great at keeping the natural bacteria healthy and well.

  6. Strawberries can help fight bad cholesterol: Strawberries help increase the liver’s ability to remove the ‘’bad’’ cholesterol low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood. LDL cholesterol is very very dangerous as it damages your arteries (a concept known as atherosclerosis) and increases your risk for stroke. Finally, by fighting the bad cholesterol, strawberries help prevent the body from heart diseases such as septal defects, cyanotic heart disease, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, heart failure, etc.

  7. Strawberries help prevent constipation: Strawberries are not only good for promoting the growth of natural bacteria but also helps improve digestion through the insoluble fiber present in the fruit. And this, in the long run, helps prevent constipation: a condition of the digestive system characterized by irregular passages of stools. In other words, it refers to a condition whereby you’re unable to completely empty your bowel. It affects people of all ages but it is most prominent in the elderly ones. So try and include it in your diet.

Shocking Red Teatox Results Revealed

 Detoxify your body with natural teatox

The history of us humans using herbs and teas as medicine and healers has been very rich; originated from China, tea has been very closely related to botany and medical herbs as Asian culture is known for tea consumption. Even the Chinese emperor Shennong was believed to be an avid consumer of tea and advocated its benefits. Tea was considered as a medical drink for centuries until around the sixteenth century when it became a popular drink known to everyone around the globe due to its large success of importation. Nevertheless, tea is still considered as one of the best medical drinks that do the body wonders and teatox results are very important to the body as it detoxifies the harmful chemicals found in our food.


Harmful toxic waste in your body

The mass production of food has come with both great benefits and some serious side effects; the benefits are that people would be able to acquire food very easily and starvation would become less of a problem, but the issue is that in order to feed such a large population, conventional methods were no longer considered reliable in the mass production of food.

This is when the genetically enhanced and the chemically infused foods have come to show their role, scientists were able to make larger amounts of food with chemicals, but the dangers that have come with this is the fact that those chemicals were alien to our body.

This caused toxicity inside the body that interferes with our hormonal balance. In addition to that, the pesticides and the phthalates found did a number on our body; as a matter of fact, we can link most of our health problems like excessive weight gain, heart diseases and high blood sugar level to the toxicity of the body and without a counter attack, we can never win.

pesticide toxins

Well-made tea blends can have amazing properties that heal the body internally

Main teatox results concerning weight loss are: it soothes the nervous system and it detoxifies the body from inside out. A study done found that avid consumers of tea were much healthier than non-tea consumers and they were also at a lesser risk of heart disease.

There are many types of tea, teatox brands, and names as the awareness of the benefits of tea that have become much more mainstream than one would think; it has become a global issue.

The issue now has become with many teatox adds, brands have started to do the same as scientists used to do in the day in the mass production of food due to the large supply and demand friction, brands of teatox have started to decrease the quality for the purpose of selling more, they have decreased the benefits of tea and they have even started to use teatox mixtures that do nothing for the body.

The lines have become blurred and it is quite difficult to find good teatox brands that actually work and provide good teatox results.

Amazing Red Teatox results have never been easier to achieve

However, the Red Teatox is what you have been looking for and what everyone needs in their life. It is a brand of detox tea that provides real evidence and real results, it is quite known for the costumer’s satisfaction rate as everyone is pleased with it.

This is not the teatox brand that claims unreal results, these results have been tested and real people with normal lives have tried and they have seen great results from it.

With The Red Teatox, many people managed to transform their body. This powerful tea not only helped them shed off pounds of fat and improved their health, but it has also put a smile on their face.

Red Tea Detox provides the best teatox results

✅ Let's Flush out Tons of Harmful Toxins!

A secret recipe of the Red Tea Detox

It is a discovery to the secret West African red tea that will burn pounds of fat every week and stop cravings. The discovery of this tea is a story of the Amazon bestselling author, Liz Swann Miller.

She has helped tens of thousands of people improve their health. She has discovered the red tea through an African tribe that has saved her from a rather deadly event.

This tea cannot be found anywhere else in the world, it is not something that would be sold, and it is a secret cultural element of the African tribe.

Red Tea Detox is a miraculous drink

The rumors of the tea are quite known as it promises to remove the feeling of being hungry, great levels of energy and getting your health to optimal levels.

The tea has helped her lose up to 41 pounds of stubborn fat that she was struggling with despite her large background knowledge of fitness and health. Teatox results include many great benefits: for the immune system, stress and energy levels, and even in the prevention of serious diseases such as cancer and other leading causes of death.

White, black and green tea have been tested numerous times, talked about, and consumed for years on this basis in many regions around the world, each with unique but valuable contributions to the body. More recently, red tea has been recognized as their equal, if not superior as Liz explains in her discovery.

With the amazing benefits that Liz got from the tea, she was able to combine it with her knowledge of nutrition and exercise that work perfectly with this tea. The combination of using the tea and the diet are one of the most powerful ways to get yourself to accelerate fat loss, it works on a molecular level that will help open up the fat loss and detoxify the cells from all the chemicals that were exposed to the body.

You will easily shed off pounds of fat as of it was a bodily function. Red tea detox has proven the ideal weight loss solution for people who are dealing with the toxicity of the body, which is blocking their path to achieving their ideal weight level. You have to brew this powerful herbal tea according to a special recipe in order to get the best teatox results.

Liz Miller before and after weight loss photo

Red Tea Detox powerful ingredients

One of the amazing things about the Red Tea is that it is a recipe that will include ingredients that speed up metabolism, you will have your health back rather than just removing the toxins and the free radicals in the body.

It is a system that will help you boost the metabolism, shed off pounds of fat, detoxify the body and get rid of the damage that has been done by the toxins such as high blood pressure, joint problems, and other various health issues.

The Red Tea is super fun and unique

It is very flexible – you can consume it anytime and it complies with anyone, any gender, age or physical activity as it goes very well with the busy life.

One of the things that the Red Tea is great at is the fact that it does not just claim, it provides real science behind it, there are many research evidence that are cited; in addition to that Liz does not just stop at giving you the Red Tea ingredients and way to make it, she gives you the whole program that will even further enhance the efficiency of the actual tea.

Red Teatox powerful ingredients
  • The Red Tea has many benefits such as the antioxidant properties and the minerals that are found in it, it will help you boost your energy and stop food cravings.
  • The combination of active ingredients causes fat cells to release lipids and other fats and shrink.
  • It is the most effective mixture for burning fat that is supported by science.
  • It promotes the formation of leptin – a hormone that allows your body to use energy from fat.
  • Drinking red detox tea will give you quick results without yo-yo effect. In just 2 weeks you can lose up to 10 kg!

Liz traveled all the way to the African tribes

She had to go through many dangers to get to this product that worked well for her and her husband just so her followers won’t have to. Her husband has also lost many pounds of fat and they were both satisfied as the tea also proved to help them rekindle their marriage and reignite the spark they once had when they first met.

The Red Tea was not discovered just by some bystander, it was Liz that has gone through many endeavors to get to this mythical drink which proved to be what she looking for.

The harmful chemicals will no longer touch you as you will be almost sanitized to those chemicals and toxins, your skin will look much livelier, you will have a lot of motivation and drive in life as well as an unlimited amount of energy.

Red tea is recommended by doctors and dieticians

Red teatox recommended by doctors

The Red Tea Detox is even recommended by some doctors and dieticians when they first got to know about thanks to its incredible benefits. The Red Tea is almost going to set your body to its natural state free from all the toxins and stress you have had over the years.

Red teatox results are incredible

  • Increase your energy level
  • Shrink fat cells
  • Remove the toxins in your body
  • Reverse all the side effects that have been done by the toxins
  • Feel more relaxed throughout the day
  • Protect yourself from cancer and other deadly diseases
  • Stop hunger cravings
  • Cleanse your body
  • Spice up your relationship with your partner
  • Have great convenience in use
  • Get the list of the ultimate super foods used by the greatest dieticians
  • Effortless weight loss and strength building program

This is merely a fraction of the teatox results and benefits that you are getting from the Red Tea Detox. You will discover for yourself that it is one of the best tools you can use today to undo all the damage that has been done to your body over the years.

The secret of the African tribes are in your hands, you can finally enjoy your life to the fullest with a slimmer, healthier body and a sane mind. The Red Tea contains many agents that will not only enhance your body’s natural powers, but it will also allow you to prevent some serious diseases that are slowly killing you.

You can say goodbye to the fear of falling ill or the fear of being unhealthy. Red Teatox is your best mate!

Cranberry Juice Detox will Help you Live Longer

Why are cranberries so healthy?

Cranberry is a resident of the northern swamps, a representative of the family of heather, shale evergreen shrub. It grows in sphagnum forests, in swampy places and along the banks of lakes. Red droplets of berries on a green carpet leaves in the autumn – a beautiful sight for those who gather it. Due to all health benefits, the occasional cranberry juice detox a good decision.


Nutritional value of cranberry juice

The juice of this berry contains a large amount of salicylic acid, antioxidant compounds, and vitamin C. On a 100 g product comes only forty-five calories, so it is ideal for proper nutrition and cranberry juice detox.

And yet, the cranberry is an excellent source of carbohydrates, proteins, and energy. It contains such vitamins as niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin K, E, and B-6, as well as phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

Cranberry is a representative of the Veresov family, native to North America. Ironically, the properties of these small berries are used in the treatment of many diseases, both in folk medicine and in traditional medicine.

How can you make cranberry detox cocktail

Cranberry fights with obesity

Cranberry juice is rich in organic acids, which give emulsified effects on fatty deposits in our body. This is great news for people who want to lose extra pounds and accelerate metabolism.

In addition to cranberry juice detox, you can also try herbal Red Tea Detox, which is supported by science and has a strong effect on the fat cells shrinking. It is intended for those who want to lose a lot of excess weight in a quick, safe and healthy way.

Herbal tea detox
Cranberry juice detox Recipes

All ingredients are for daily use. They should be mixed in a blender and drunk during the day instead of food at the unloading days. In addition to a cocktail, simple water or unsweetened cranberry juice is allowed. On other days, cranberry juice detox drink can be drunk 1-2 times a day.

 Option 1

  • 1 cup of soy beverage
  • 1 cup of grapefruit or orange juice
  • 1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice
  • 1 cup of soy yogurt
  • A teaspoon of sprouted wheat germs
  • A teaspoon of linseed oil

Option 2

  • Juice of 8 oranges
  • Juice of 4 lemons
  • Two bananas
  • Two peeled and sliced apples
  • 2 cups of cranberry juice

How else can you use cranberry to lose weight:

  • Add the berries to the fresh cabbage salad with apples;
  • Mix white yogurt with a tablespoon of cranberries;
  • Sauerkraut with these berries is a great fat burner;
  • Beat lean cheese with a handful of berries – this is an excellent diet dessert.

In a word, you should make yourself a “cranberry week,” because the result promises to be positive for your health.

Other healing effects of cranberry juice detox on the body

cranberry juice detox
  • The benefits of cranberry juice detox include pain relief in diseases of the urinary tract, urolithiasis, heart disease, and even cancer.
  • It is also useful for the prevention of stomach upsets, diabetes and gum inflammation, which is due to dental plaque.
  • Phytonutrients, which are natural plant substances present in a cranberry, perfectly prevent a large number of health problems.
  • Cranberry is a universal purpose berry; its beneficial properties make it a useful food, and an effective remedy for the treatment of diseases.

The Latin name for the cranberries is Vaccinium macrocarpon and the native land in North America. Spinach, apples, and broccoli are not able to compete with it in an incredible antioxidant saturation. In one cup of berries, there are about 8983 antioxidant units.

Fighting the tumor

Polyphenolic compounds present in the juice, which provide effectiveness in the fight against tumors.

Studies have confirmed that its constant intake of food inhibits the growth and spread of small tumors of the breast and prostate gland, colon, and others. The aforementioned salicylic acid helps to reduce edema, prevents the formation of blood clots and eliminates tumors.

Improves the health of the cardiovascular system

Cranberry juice can help reduce the risk of heart disease and maintain the health of the cardiovascular system. Flavonoids contained in cranberry are endowed with antioxidant properties, so they can reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by narrowing arteries due to the accumulation of cholesterol, fat, and calcium in the blood. Thus, the influx of these blood components enriched in different parts of the body may cause potentially fatal effects, such as heart attack and stroke.

The compounds of flavonoids in cranberry juice have demonstrated their ability to maintain and inhibit the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein, and stimulate blood platelets in a beneficial way.

Treatment of urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are caused by the presence of certain microorganisms in the urine, the level of which exceeds the normal. These infections may develop in the bladder, causing cystitis in the kidneys. It, in turn, is the cause of renal parenchyma or prostate, which eventually leads to bacterial prostatitis.

According to research results, cranberry juice contains proanthocyanins, which prevent the bacteria from binding on the cell walls of the bladder. Proanthocyanins do not allow bacteria to multiply and, in the process of urinating, remove them from the body. It is proved that the systematic use of juice from this berry can prevent recurring diseases of the urinary tract that occurs in pregnant and middle-aged people.

The regular intake of this sour liquor also brings tremendous benefit to patients who have been exposed to other ailments of the urinary tract. Also, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing such diseases among women who have undergone planned gynecological surgery.

The study also suggests that cranberry juice can help prevent the onset of urinary tract infections in children. But it is important to understand that it is good only as a preventive agent and it cannot cure the illness itself.

Prevents caries

According to a new study, cranberry juice prevents the appearance of caries of teeth. Proanthocyanins, a chemical compound present in a cranberry, suppress harmful bacteria on human teeth. These components block the production of acids and protect teeth from various diseases.

Good hygiene of the oral cavity, along with the consumption of cranberries, violates the pathogenetic mechanism of caries development. At the same time, you should consider the level of sugar and the acidity of cranberry juices from the store. Natural juice is always the best!

Fighting with respiratory infections

According to the study, cranberry juice detox helps suppress some strains of the hemophilic infection, which is a frequent cause of ear and respiratory infections in children.

The juice inhibits bacteria and blocks their negative effects on the human body.

==> Related: Herbs that prevent and treat infections

Strengthens the bones and teeth

Who would have thought that this sour drink contains substances that strengthen bones and teeth. Natural cranberry juice is a natural source of calcium that reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Prevents Pneumonia

In the winter period, a very unpleasant phenomenon is a respiratory disease. To avoid them, it is not enough to just dress warmly, but also to do prevention, drinking berry juices, especially cranberries.

The fresh beverage is effective in controlling infections, as well as manifestations of a sore throat and colds.

Prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys

With age, there is a high risk of kidney stones, which may require surgical intervention. To effectively take care of the health of the kidneys, doctors advise folk methods, namely, to consume more sour foods.

Cranberry juice is ideally suited for such prevention. The high content of acid components prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys.

Treatment of ulcers of the stomach

Peptic ulcers are caused by the type of bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which affects the protective layers of the stomach and duodenum, the first part of the intestine. This can lead to further inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach.

Products such as cranberries, apples, and garlic are rich in flavonoids and include anthocyanins, flavanols, and proanthocyanins.

They help reduce the risk of stomach upset and inhibit the growth of bacteria. In a research study conducted in a group of patients with this type of stomach upset, 50% of the benefits were found in patients who did not use cranberry juice.

Therefore, doctors are often advised to include this juice in their daily diet to suppress infections.

Prevents cancer

Cranberry contains proanthocyanins, which weaken the growth of various cancer cells. According to studies, a rich flavonoid diet plays a fundamental role in reducing the risk of developing cancer.

Cranberry juice contains anti-carcinogenic ingredients that prevent the growth of cancer cells. Especially those that contribute to cancer of the colon and prostate.

According to research, proanthocyanins can stop the development of microvascular in the blood vessels. Regular use of cranberry juice prevents rapid tumor growth.

==> Related: Medicinal herb Aspalathus Linearis

Prevents scurvy

Vitamin C deficiency in humans can lead to scurvy. Cranberry provides a high level of vitamin C, which also has special significance for the skin. It reproduces collagen – the main component for the healthy functioning of tissues.

Treats inflammation of the lungs

Anti-inflammatory action of cranberry juice is effective in controlling many types of viruses that affect the lungs. The fact is that present in a cranberry substance called Nondialyzable prevents the development of viral infections.

Rejuvenating effect

The data suggest that the richness of Phyto constrictors and antioxidants present in the cranberry plays a vital role in protecting health from age-related problems such as memory loss and lack of coordination.

Cranberry has many therapeutic properties that help protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals. They promote aging, and cranberries prevent it by making the skin younger.

==> Related: Best anti-aging skin care

Use in foods

Cranberries in yogurt

These bitter berries become an integral ingredient in the preparation of various dishes, giving them an exquisite taste and unique flavor. In particular: Muffins will be even tastier if you add dried cranberries to the dough.

The special taste and the undoubted benefits of cranberries will also be added to the muesli. About one liter of juice can be removed from 1500 grams of fresh cranberry.

Also, the cranberry extract is used to prepare different sauces and cocktails. The juice of these berries is mixed with cocktails and other cold drinks to cheer well. These ways of using cranberries can deliver you not only pleasure but also great benefits.

My Successful 7-week Body Transformation

Ingredient of red tea herbal body transformation beverage

This rare RED Tea helped Alabama girl drop 41 lbs

Red Tea is no hoax. It is an ancient African discovery, which rarely leaves the jungles. In fact, not all natives in the continent are aware of its existence and how beneficial it is to the human body. You are lucky to be reading this story about Liz’s successful 7-week body transformation with Red Detox Tea!

A delicious African tea. If this phrase sounds familiar to you, then you missed an opportunity; you should have questioned and strived to know more from wherever you heard it.

Anyway, it’s not too late; maybe I was the one to break the good news to you. You have to believe me because it is a firsthand experience.



It is so much more than just a tea!

This is not just a delicious tea; of course, it has a pleasant taste but that is not why it is popular. Wait, it’s not popular yet; only a small percentage of the world population knows about Red Tea, but the number of satisfied users is growing every day.

Just as the name suggests, it is a detoxifying agent. Again, this is no speculation.


African red tea


Trips to Africa are interesting, legendary, and life-changing, especially if you encounter an “unfortunate” incident. To me, the unfortunate turned to be fortunate because if the snake hadn’t bitten me I may not have experienced the power of this detoxifying agent. Also, I wouldn’t have the confidence in creating this post and share with you my successful 7-week body transformation with Red Tea Detox. Am glad it happened, and I can tell you this with all the confidence, Red Tea works.

In addition, a five-year medical research on the performance of the beverage ingredients was subsequently carried out. Therefore, the effects on the fat cells shrinking are scientifically proven.



A true story of how I survived a venomous snake bite

The snake must have been dangerous. African natives have vast knowledge on types of snakes and how to handle each, there wouldn’t be a crowd surrounding me if that wasn’t life-threatening. I must have scared a village. Glad they came.

The last thing I remember was the snake flicking his tongue and rattling the tail. Next was when I woke up lying on figs with a significant number of people around me, some were taking care of my wound. Of course, I did not understand the language but the music part was refreshing.

If you have ever been to a completely strange land miles away from home, you know how an assurance of calm and peace is refreshing to the mind.


big African snake



How did I get a drink that saved my life

I had my first cup of Red Tea Detox on this day; it was handed over to me by the African tribe’s leader. At that point, I wasn’t sure what was going through my mouth, but they had taken care of my snake bite, the least I could do was trust them.

Also, the fact that it was presented by a tribe leader meant it was special. That was a life changing drink and the beginning of my victorious 7-week body transformation.



The Secret of Red Detox Tea to losing weight

Are you struggling with obesity or simply excess body fat? Here is your answer. It is more than tried and tested. It works naturally with body systems to burn fat easily with no extreme diet and exercise requirements.

In some African tribes, they drink it to stop hunger and thirst. I trust them; however, to me, it was a revolutionary tea. I will recommend it anytime, every time.

You can shed 14 pounds in just 2 weeks, but the first results are visible after as soon as one week. After 7 weeks the changes are huge, and you feel great; it’s practical and really successful 7-week body transformation!

Here is a superpower, which has been hidden from you for years. Reducing body fat can be tedious; actually, I had given up. The trip to Africa was part of my occasional visits but little did I know it was the answer to a perfect body; I can now comfortably wear my skinny jeans.



Liz Swan and her 7-week body transformation




My successful 7-week body transformation

7 weeks is nothing if you have been fighting with obesity for years. Managing a sweet tooth is almost impossible; you want to but you cannot let the day go by without that piece of cake and chocolate bar. I understand. I was there.

It is more frustrating if you have been trying to maintain your body and then the baby weight comes. After delivery, you will be disappointed with all the techniques you’ve heard from friends and read on the internet. Every time you go to the weighing scale, you want it to be a dream. If you have been lucky to cut off some pounds, they are negligible and don’t amount to “losing weight.”

Weight loss is no magic, is finding the right technique. I have tried hundreds of methods to shed off pounds, multiple drugs have gone through my throat. I have sacrificed a lot in the name of diet. Am not an early riser but I had to kick the blanket to go jogging but it all did not amount to anything significant. When I say I know the struggle and disappointment, I do.



The extremely powerful detoxifying agent that works for everyone


girl drinking best teatox on the market

==> READ full Red Tea Detox review


Yes, it works! The answer to weight loss is simple, Red tea. You should be thankful with me that I survived the snakebite and alive to share this secret. To show my gratitude, I decided to share the recipe with anyone who struggles with overweight. So I share with you this African ancient secret, the exact ingredients, which might already be in your kitchen. You only need to know what, how, and when to mix. If you don’t have them, there’s still no reason to worry. The Red Tea ingredients are readily available in grocery stores.

The best way to describe this tea is magic. How else will you explain fat naturally burning while you are feeling energetic, free of thirst and hunger?

The tea activates body tissues and mechanisms to burn fat; the effect begins instantly. The tea is universal; your gender or age doesn’t matter. Honestly, all I did was drink the delicious tea. In fact, I exercised less.

Drink this Red tea herbal mixture consistently for 14 days, turn your body to a calorie-burning machine and experience my successful 7-week body transformation adventure by yourself.

Liz Swann Miller’s story (Red Tea Detox author)



Best Teatox for Men


Effective and natural teatox for men is powerful and backed up by numerous medical research.

  • This is a five-herb potion that will help you eliminate fat deposits in record time, and the entire program will guide you to build the muscles and body that you always wanted.
  • It is completely natural and health beneficial, the effects on fat cells elimination are rapidly visible, and the composition efficiency and targeted action are scientifically proven.



best teatox for men


Nowadays there are not many women who never burden themselves with their weight, and more and more men are trying to lose weight too. There are diets that are more effective for women than for men and vice versa, but red teatox for men is designed for everyone.



Powerful teatox – RED TEA DETOX


Today, we will write about powerful teatox for men and women, which is equally effective for both genders.

To make your weight loss efforts effective, you first need to know your body well. The bodies are different as well as the metabolism of each person works at a different speed, so each body responds to weight loss in a different way.

Another important thing you need to know when dieting is that there are no shortcuts, at least not effective ones. Weight loss always requires setting goals, motivation, discipline, and patience.

If you want quick results and performing the wrong way of dieting, you can be soon disappointed.  In addition, with many quick diets, we can do more harm than good. If you want to lose weight effectively, it’s not enough just to give up food or just exercise, usually, it’s both necessary.

However, in choosing the right way to lose weight, you will not need to get starved or exercise excessively. Only in this way, you can achieve good results and you can be satisfied with yourself.



What is the most effective teatox for men?


Naturopath and weight loss expert Liz Swann Miller has discovered a special African tea (it’s called a voodoo tea, although it has nothing to do with voodoo) made up of 5 herbs that help you lose weight in a healthy way without the feeling of hunger and starvation.


best teatox for men

==> READ Red Tea Detox FULL review


This is an ideal body detox for anyone and it does not matter if you are a man or a woman.

You can lose weight very quickly, even better; only after a few days of proper nutrition you will feel light and slender.

Red Detox Tea preparation will not take you a lot of time and you can get the ingredients in any better stocked herbal shop.

Until now, the slim belly has always been associated with a lot of sweating and strenuous day-to-day training: Experts have prescribed you a bunch of different exercises to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, which you can only perform in the gym. But this is not the right and effective way to really get rid of excess fat on a certain part of the body.



Now experts are finally ready to admit


In reality, the sport does not form a beautiful belly without fat deposits – the right nutrition is crucial.

Explanation: exercises reinforce only the muscles but fat accumulated due to incorrect nutrition remains. For fat elimination, without any additional help, we should get at least 45 minutes of physical activity (swimming, walking, running, etc.) every day.

You can do a lot of exercises every day, but your belly will not get any better shape. Well, of course, you can do exercises despite the diet, as your muscles will help you both, sit and move.


man exercising



The fastest way to get the body shape that you always wanted


Our dieting program will pleasantly surprise you. What’s the trick: The trick is in a combination of very healthy herbs that eliminate fat deposits. Taking into account other program guidelines (very easy to implement), you can lose weight surprisingly fast and in a very healthy way.

  • The combination of certain ingredients is effective in decomposing and elimination of fats, as confirmed by scientific and medical research.
  • Red Tea Detox prevents obesity in both men and women.
  • You will re-establish the balance on your fat burning hormones and promote the decisive metabolic process of fat burning.
  • It is based on scientific principles. Its effects on fat cells are based on scientific work, and the latest results show how the process of fat burning is associated with hormones, eating habits and exercise, stress, and sleep.



Five simple ingredients with the synchronous action of essential constituent elements allow the tea to really work:



  • Prevents feelings of hunger and craving;
  • It activates the opening of fat cells and the release of bad toxins that clog fat cells;
  • Allows released fats to be consumed for energy and muscles building;
  • Reduces stress hormone cortisol, which blocks signals in the brain to burn fat;
  • It flushes toxins and fats from the body;
  • And much more…



With Red Teatox for men, the diet will be quick and simple. Stress will be gone, and when using regular doses and taking into account very simple rules, you can reduce weight from 10 to 50 pounds or much more.

Red tea promotes hydration of the body to ensure that the body does not inhibit the removal of toxins from the body.



Red Tea Detox helps in reducing belly fat, backside, and thighs


  • Red Detox Tea increases the production of noradrenaline!

Noradrenaline is a stimulating hormone that signals your body to start using its abdominal fat for energy. The more noradrenaline is produced in the body, more pounds the body can eliminate naturally.

  • Red Tea prevents hypertension, high blood pressure, a dangerous onset of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and development and growth of cancer cells.

Clinical research has shown that the unique herbal blend of this Red Detox Tea differs significantly from what you have ever tried.

  • Red Tea reduces stress hormones like cortisol, which are blocking signals for burning fat in the brain.

Very few people really understand how a chronic high level of stress seriously hurts the maintenance of appropriate amounts of fat burning and hormones for storing the fats that are needed to release and burn fat.

  • Red Tea Detox is a rich natural source of antioxidants. They help to keep skin healthy, prevent aging and sleep disorders.



Teatox for men has been successfully tested!


The effect of red detox tea has been confirmed by many clinical tests and research. So far, more than 15,000 people have tested the product successfully and confirmed its powerful effect on weight loss and overall health and well-being.



red teatox for men


User testimonials have been phenomenal. Here’s what Ron A., a 32-year-old computer programmer from Miami, Florida had to say: “I never felt hungry while drinking this tasty tea. I lost 16 pounds of fat without much effort. I lost all the weight I wanted and I never felt deprived either.”

  • By drinking Red Detox Tea you will naturally accelerate the melting of fat in your body * and improve your metabolism function *, which is very important if you want to lose weight.

Once you have completed the Red Tea Detox diet, you will enjoy some very favorable changes in your body composition. Hopefully, these last 14-21 days will give you a completely new understanding of calories and how your body gains or loses weight.


Try this best teatox for men and see for yourself!  🙂