Can Wheatgrass Help you Lose Weight?

Wheatgrass for Weight Loss

It is no longer news that wheatgrass is such food with superfood content. Regardless of how it is taken, a lot of people have come to realize that it’s filled with beneficial nutrients and can be consumed in any amount one wants. In other words, even if consumed in very small amounts, it would still produce a great result. In this article we will also disclose if and how can wheatgrass help you lose weight.

There are various benefits of this great drink that if one was to compile the testimony one might actually fill a lot of pages. However, to avoid boring you with the numerous ideas people have as regard drinking wheatgrass for weight loss, it is good to summarise its effect.

How can wheatgrass help you lose weight

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  1. Works as an oxidant: One very unique work it does that goes beyond understanding is its ability to produce a lot of vitamins and minerals. If you are to examine it, you will see that it has Vitamin A, C and E. Also, it has iron, magnesium, calcium as well as the amino acid. If that was enough it would have been referred to as a fluke but it contains more than enough amino acids. The body has the job of producing up to 17 amino acids and eight have been referred to as the most necessary ones and that implies that the body does not have the ability to create all of them; thus, the need to seek them out from food. Some of the diseases often associated with having too much fat in the body are arthritis and heart diseases but when you take wheatgrass, you have a better chance of reducing these body fats and consequently preventing the diseases associated with it. In another study, it was found that with wheatgrass, you can decrease oxidative stress and use that opportunity to improve your high-fat diet. This research was first done on rabbits and it was found successful. So, we can agree that because of the high level of chlorophyll and the numerous vitamins, mineral as well as amino acids, wheatgrass has a higher chance of preventing oxidative stress as well as cell damage.

  2. Reduction of cholesterol: As known to most people with excessive fats, they always have a huge amount of cholesterol in the body. This waxy substance is present everywhere in the body and if allowed to be excessive, it can block the flow of blow, thereby increasing the risk of having heart disease. In one of the research done as regards the reduction of cholesterol in the body, some animals were given wheatgrass alongside other food materials but it was discovered the wheatgrass has the highest chance of reducing cholesterol levels. One such rodent studied was the lab rats, which at the time of experimentation had a high level of cholesterol in their bodies. After a few hours, the bodies of these rats had a reduced level of cholesterol. One other interesting fact was that this wheatgrass had the same effect as the ones found in atorvastatin, a common prescription drug given in the treatment of high blood cholesterol. Rabbits were another type of animal to research as it was discovered that they have a high-level of fat. After constant dieting of about 10 weeks, they had an increase in “good” HDL cholesterol and a totally reduced level of cholesterol.

  3. Killing of Cancer Cell: In Australia, records show that over 4000 cancer patients die yearly as a result of obesity. Since Wheatgrass have a higher rate of antioxidant, it can kill the cancer cell. One test-tube study showed the extracts of wheatgrass killed the spread of the cells of mouth cancer by 41%. Another test-tube study showed it being used in the killing of over 65% of Leukaemia Cancer within 65% in just three days of being treated with it. In fact, another result shows that when its juice is mixed with traditional cancer treatments, it always reduces the adverse effect. Not that alone, some people with breast cancer who went for chemotherapy and had taken wheatgrass juice didn’t have the usual complication associated with it. In other words, there was a reduction in the risk of having impaired bone marrow function.

  4. Wheatgrass has the potential of aiding blood sugar regulation: Obesity and diabetes are never always far from each other. So, it’s no wonder that if a medical grass like this is taken regularly there would be a blood sugar regulation. The presence of high blood sugar in the body comes with a wide number of symptoms especially headaches, thirst, and fatigue. In one of these studies carried out, it was discovered that diabetic rats that were given wheatgrass extract for about 30 days found a significant decrease in blood sugar level. More so, the wheatgrass extract modified the level of some enzymes; thus a reduction of sugar level.

  5. Reduction of inflammation: As part of what is known to be suffered by people struggling with being overweight, they are always facing inflammations as this is triggered in order to protect the body. A study carried out among 23 people showed that drinking wheatgrass helped in the drastic reduction of ulcerative colitis, which is an inflammation in the large intestine.  It was discovered that the compound, chlorophyll, available in wheatgrass has a way of decreasing inflammation.

  6. Big promotion of weight loss: Can wheatgrass help you lose weight? Here is the answer to this question. Since it contained thylakoid, a lot of people have found it as a useful tool to fight excessive fat in the body. Many of these people have added it to their juice and other products. Various evidence has pointed towards the way wheatgrass could effectively reduce the fats in the body. Thylakoids are tiny compartments common to plants with a high amount of chlorophyll that has been known to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis. One of the studies showed that the inclusion of wheatgrass in a high-carb food that has a lot of thylakoids can help in the intensifying of the feeling of satiety when compared to the placebo effect. Also, another intriguing one was how the presence of Thylakoid through wheatgrass reduced the rate at which rats emptied their stomach and even helped in the releasing of some hormones that aided the decrease of hunger. And this eventually helped in the reduction of body weight.

  7. Detoxification of the body: One major summary of all that can be done with wheatgrass is the detoxification of the body. Remember that it has a large concentration of chlorophyll, which gives it the detoxifying abilities. Various heavy metals, as well as other impurities, have been known to weigh down the body and make the body become slower. With Wheatgrass, you have a higher chance of cleansing the body of these stubborn fats.

  8. Detoxification of the liver: Another part of the body that always needs detoxification is the liver. Always struggling to regulate the other part of the body, its duty has always been known to be more than the usual. With wheatgrass, you will find it easy to reduce the level of acidity in the blood. And as stated earlier, this will help in the reduction of such things as constipation as well as other intestinal issues.
wheatgrass reduces cholesterol in the body

Can wheatgrass help you lose weight and increase your metabolism?

If you have come to the realization of the things typical wheatgrass can do so you would understand that it aids in the process of metabolism. It helps in the stimulation of the thyroid gland. When dealing with obesity and weight loss, the thyroid gland has a major role to play.

And one process in the body that wheatgrass has been known to fight effectively is hypothyroidism. It is no news that those with hypothyroidism have been known to struggle with losing unwanted weight to no avail.

However, with wheatgrass in your diet, you can easily help in the stimulation of the thyroid gland, thereby returning the rate of metabolism to the norm, giving room for a faster and easier weight loss.

wheatgrass reduces weight

All-natural organic wheatgrass

One thing that has been answered over and over again is the ability to use wheatgrass as anything you want. You can mix wheatgrass in a variety of forms into smoothies, yogurt, salad dressings, teas or other beverages. All you need to ensure is to get wheatgrass that is fully natural and 100% organic. Lastly, ensure that the wheatgrass is not heat-dried.

Also, you can get it in juice form at health food shops, specialty grocery stores or juice bars. It works like an energy drink but it is always advisable to get the freshly snipped ones. Those ones have been known to work effectively.

organic wheatgrass
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Final thoughts: can wheatgrass help you lose weight?

Yet, it should be understood that while wheatgrass has been known to work for weight loss, it has never been proven to work alone. So, to ensure that you get its utmost efficiency, it is advisable that you use it alongside other healthy dieting products and to focus on adopting healthy eating and exercise habits.

Wheatgrass for Weight Loss and your Immune System

Exceptional properties of wheatgrass juice for weight loss

Wheatgrass is a green superfood, highly valued by health experts and health enthusiasts alike. Some people even call it “the nectar of the gods.” When wheat berries are sown, tender shoots and green shoots grow, these buds, very similar to grass, are known as young wheatgrass and are said to contain innumerable health benefits. They are usually eaten raw, but most people prefer to extract their nutrients in the juice to prepare wheatgrass for weight loss.

Since it is so easy to grow young wheatgrass at home, it is a good idea to extract juice from young wheatgrass. It is very economical, and the health benefits are unequaled.

Wheatgrass for weight loss grown at home

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What does wheatgrass contain?

Wheatgrass contains a large number of minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium that help restore the natural balance of the PH.

Among its properties and health benefits, we can point out that it is rich in chlorophyll up to 70%, which turns it into depurative, antioxidant and alkalizing foods.

Its B, C, and E vitamins, as well as beta-carotene, promote free radical destruction and secretion. In this way, it helps the body to eliminate toxins quickly and efficiently.

It also contains many essential enzymes that make it a great ally for those who want to lose weight in a healthy way. Together they play an important role in the decomposition of fats.

Of all the essential enzymes we can highlight the following:

  • Protease helps the digestion of proteins
  • Cytochrome oxidase is a potent antioxidant
  • Amylase facilitates digestion
  • Lipase is a fat-breaking enzyme

Wheatgrass is recommended to all those people who make a physical effort because it is responsible for regenerating the red blood cells that transport oxygen to the cells of the body and increases oxygenation and resistance during physical activity.

These are the main properties of wheatgrass for weight loss:

Wheatgrass for weight loss
  • It is extremely nutritional: consuming wheatgrass to lose weight, either directly the herb in the shake or extracted juice, can be excellent to boost energy and increase the feeling of fullness from the first hour of the day. It is a great ally for breakfast smoothies and their calorie intake is very low.

  • It is rich in fibers and is very good to combat constipation: also, by eating it for breakfast, you will activate bowel transit from the first hour of the day. On the other hand, it is considered very good for cleansing the bowel and colon.

  • It is depurative and detoxifying: drinking wheatgrass juice can noticeably help you cleanse your body in general. An organism without toxins is much more predisposed to weight loss. On the other hand, it is rich in antioxidants, which strengthens the immune system.

  • It helps with circulation, blood pressure, it is rich in carotene, phosphorus, potassium and many other minerals: it is an authentic source of life and should be included in your daily diet, whether it is drinking homegrown wheatgrass shots and juice or consuming powdered extracts. Anyway, try to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Benefits of wheatgrass we all need to know

wheatgrass benefits
  • The Hippocrates Institute, a medical center specializing in natural and complementary health care, recognized worldwide, affirms that wheatgrass is very similar to human blood. It contains chlorophyll, which is comparable to our hemoglobin, an iron-containing compound whose function is to transport oxygen to our body through the blood. Experts point out that because chlorophyll is fat-soluble, it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream by the lymphatic system. Chlorophyll is used just like hemoglobin in us humans. It helps transport nutrients to each of the cells in our body.

  • A small clinical trial, conducted in 2002, showed that wheatgrass was successful in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Wheatgrass is known as the king of alkaline foods for its powerful alkalizing effect. It balances the pH of our body, and for this reason, it has been proposed as an effective treatment for many gastrointestinal problems.

  • It is an herb with excellent detoxifying properties. It stimulates and detoxifies the liver and blood. It helps to eliminate toxins and neutralizes chemically volatile contaminants. Therefore wheatgrass for weight loss is very effective. It is an excellent source of amino acids and enzymes that protect our body from carcinogenic substances, as well as promoting optimal functioning of the organs and cells of our body.

  • Wheatgrass is very rich in enzymes such as lipase, amylase, peroxidase, protease, cytochrome oxidase, and transhydrogenase. These enzymes help you lose weight and strengthen the immune system and the healing capacity of our body. Although our body possesses many enzymes naturally, exogenous enzymes provided by an external source will help the enzymes of our body to carry out their functions more efficiently. Wheatgrass should be consumed raw to preserve the enzymes it contains.

  • Young wheatgrass juice consists of liquid oxygen, which promotes mental clarity, stimulates our digestive process and protects us against anaerobic bacteria through the protective oxygenation of the blood, nourishing every cell in our body. As we all know, oxygen is vital for us. Young wheatgrass dilates our blood vessels thus allowing oxygen to flow efficiently through them. Studies have shown that cancer cells do not develop when there is oxygen. This may mean that it has anti-cancer properties.

  • It helps to heal our liver. It is known that the liver is the main detoxifying organ of the body. Participate in more than 500 different processes. The health of our liver is under constant threat due to dangerous microbes and toxins and also by the degeneration of our body fat. Wheatgrass contains choline, magnesium and potassium, three compounds that heal our liver and strengthen it. Choline prevents fat from being stored in the liver; magnesium removes excess fat from the liver and potassium heals it and stimulates its proper functioning.

  • Wheatgrass also eliminates bad breath and body odor as it contains chlorophyll, which is known for its deodorant properties. Since chlorophyll contains compounds that produce oxygen, it eliminates odor-producing bacteria, which grow in the absence of air. Eliminates the smell of food, tobacco, and alcohol. Neutralizes body odor resulting from sweating, menstruation, urine, and feces.

  • Young wheatgrass can multiply the count of red blood cells. Dr. Bernard Jensen, a world-renowned nutrition expert, was able to multiply his patients’ red blood cell level in a few days, simply by asking them to soak their body in a chlorophyll infusion. A small study conducted in 32 patients with thalassemia determined that 50% of them required fewer blood transfusions after consuming 100ml of young wheatgrass juice every day.

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After knowing the amazing benefits of wheatgrass and young wheatgrass for weight loss, I am sure that you will incorporate it into your diet. I must tell you that its flavor is strong, so it takes time to get used to it, but it’s worth it.

Share this with all your loved ones so that they also benefit from this wonderful gift of nature. Let’s make this world happier and healthier!

Wheatgrass Superfood Smoothie Recipe

What is wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is a young grass (about 7-10 days old) that grows from wheat germ. You can get it in the pot, grow it by yourself or buy it in the form of wheatgrass powder. If you’d like to have a wheatgrass superfood smoothie recipe, we have some for you.

It is unbelievably healthy because 30 grams of wheatgrass contains more nutrients than a kilogram of green leafy vegetables! For example, 100g of wheatgrass contains 60 x more vitamin C than oranges, 30 x more vitamin B1 and 11 x more calcium than raw milk, 50 x more vitamin E than spinach and 5 x more magnesium than bananas.

It also contains over 20 essential and non-essential amino acids, plenty of chlorophyll (70%), beta-carotene, vitamin B12 (rare in plant foods), essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) and over 80 highly active enzymes.

wheatgrass superfood

Yes, I know. Many will say that it’s nothing but rabbit food! But it is so much more than just grass. I have benefited from wheatgrass myself and I’m very happy about trying it out.

The first time I heard about it was when I saw the documentary “May I Be Frank”, in which Frank drinks wheatgrass juice and finds it quite awful.

Wheatgrass is a true superfood because:

==> Related: How to make wheatgrass shot

How does it taste?

Rabbit eating grass

It really tastes very “grassy”. And it has a certain sharpness, which I find very interesting, eg in the smoothie.

The truth is that most people find the taste of wheatgrass awful. But if you get used to the taste first, you may not experience such a problem with some of the recipes I’m going to list here.

Unlike some other therapies that require to take certain remedies in large quantities before you can notice effects, the wheatgrass can be effective in small amounts because of its high nutrient content.

How to use wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass superfood juice should be drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach. Or alternatively about 2 hours after the meal. This allows the body to best absorb the nutrients.

If you use wheatgrass powder, you can easily dissolve it in water, juice or smoothie.

If you have fresh wheatgrass at home, it is best to squeeze it with a suitable press juicer machine. I don’t have one so I make juice with a blender. I add water and any fruit, depending on my mood.

I am going to list out some of the best recipes that you could use to take your wheatgrass.

superfood smoothie recipe

Wheatgrass in a glass of water

This is pretty easy and quick. All you have to do is simply mix a teaspoon of organic burst wheatgrass into a glass of water. To make it taste better, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. It is advised that you use mineral water or filtered water.

The taste is fresh, slightly sweet (unless you add the lemon) and without bitterness. Definitely give it a try and see how it makes you feel.


For optimal results, it is good you take it first thing in the morning. It helps cleanse and detoxify your system, invigorates you and also helps regulate digestion. You can drink an extra glass of water.

  • You can also prepare this recipe 30 minutes to 1 hour before eating other meals to prevent overeating
  • Take in between meals to reduce snack cravings
  • Basically whenever you like (you can’t overdose on it)

Wheatgrass latte

A delicious and creamy recipe, super quick with just 2 or 3 ingredients. This is a winner recipe for many people including my daughter.

You are going to need:

  • 1 cup whole milk (measurement can change with condensed, evaporated milk)
  • 1 teaspoon of wheatgrass powder
  • A few drops of pure Stevia or you can replace it with any sweetener of your choice (however, this ingredient is optional).


First, mix the milk with stevia and then add the wheatgrass powder. You can use a spoon, but whisking gives you a more homogenized mixture.

Tip: If you are going to use a spoon to mix, first pour some milk (just a little) into the glass, then add a teaspoon of wheatgrass and make a paste with a spoon. Once you get the paste, you can pour in the remaining milk and stir.

This drink is very tasty because of the milk and added sweetener and is a very good substitute for coffee or soda, in the morning or afternoon.

Wheatgrass superfood and smoothies

If you want some variety in addition to freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice, then you will also be interested in smoothies. Therefore we have 6 recipes for delicious wheatgrass smoothies for you! Each superfood smoothie recipe is great as these smoothies are full of vitamins and nutrients and give you energy for the whole day.

Since the nutrients decompose quickly, I recommend you to drink the smoothies right after you prepare them. There are numerous smoothies that you can add wheatgrass to, but here is a list of fast, easy recipes to enjoy your wheatgrass.

For the preparation of the wheatgrass smoothies, you should use a high-performance mixer that can cope with the viscous vegetable fibers.

women blending green superfood smoothie

Sunny morning superfood smoothie recipe

For a good start to the day, this wheatgrass smoothie is just right. It tastes fruity-sour and very pleasant.

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 2 oranges
  • 1 banana
  • 1 lime
  • 40 g wheatgrass OR 20 ml wheatgrass
  • Juice
  • 1 glass of crushed ice

Peel the oranges, banana and lime and put them in the blender. The seeds of the lime are crushed by the blender, so you do not feel it anymore. Add the wheatgrass and ice on top of it and then blend for about 90 seconds until smooth. If you use wheatgrass juice, add it at the end.

Vegetable pure superfood smoothie recipe

Ideal for those who love vegetables. This is a low-sugar smoothie that gives you more energy! The orange color of the smoothie is due to carrots. This smoothie is very viscous and only for real vegetable fans.

Ingredients for 2 persons:

  • 2 carrots
  • 3 stalks celery
  • 3-4 stems parsley
  • A handful of baby spinach
  • 60 g wheatgrass OR 30 ml wheatgrass juice
  • 200 ml of water
  • A glass full of crushed ice

Pineapple wheatgrass superfood smoothie recipe

This smoothie is very light in taste and very fluid. A ripe and sweet pineapple is crucial to the taste of this smoothie.

Ingredients for 2 persons:

  • 1/4 pineapple
  • 40 g wheatgrass OR 20 ml wheatgrass juice
  • 3-4 leaves of mint
  • 250 ml water
  • A glass full of crushed ice

Peel and quarter the pineapple. The middle part doesn’t have to be removed as the blender has no problem with that. If you use wheatgrass juice, just add it shortly before the end.

Wheatgrass Piñacolada recipe

We’ve saved the best for last. My absolute favorite among the wheatgrass smoothies is the wheatgrass Pinacolada. The taste is very fresh and moves you to the sun, the beach, between palm trees and the sea.

Ingredients for 2 persons:

  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 1/2 banana
  • A handful of baby spinach
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 40 g wheatgrass OR 20 ml wheatgrass juice
  • 200 ml of coconut milk
  • A glass full of crushed ice

Peel and quarter the pineapple. The middle part doesn’t have to be removed, the mixer manages that. Mix the remaining ingredients in the blender for 60-90 seconds. If you use wheatgrass juice, add it at the end.

Wheatgrass Shot Recipe to Boost Immunity

Exceptional properties of wheatgrass juice

Wheatgrass shot recipe usually contains only wheatgrass (100%), but in most cases, other healthy ingredients are also added. So in this article, we’re going to write about the juice that is made with freshly processed wheatgrass.

It is pure and fresh chlorophyll that is said to be a powerful oxygenating agent in the blood, which helps the immune system and also tastes good. It is taken in a small portion. It refreshes and its effects are almost immediate because as it is liquid it’s quickly transferred to the blood flow.


How to make wheatgrass shot

Wheatgrass is an extremely powerful purifier of the organism and immediately after the ingestion of its juice, you may feel slight nausea. This is a reaction to the toxins that have started to release in the body. It is therefore advisable to start with smaller quantities (e.g., 0.3 dl). Wheatgrass juice has a very strong taste that many do not like. Therefore, it can be mixed with lemon, orange or grapefruit juice.

It’s best to grow wheatgrass at home. For juicing we use a slow juicer with a single or double screw. If you don’t have a juicer, a hand juicer is a great, considerably cheaper solution. In general, centrifugal juicers are not suitable for grasses and greenery.

Two glasses of wheatgrass shot recipe

In addition to numerous health benefits, the advantage of wheatgrass juice is also reflected in the fact that it is very easy to prepare:

  • Plant wheat in a shallow pot and water it regularly, without using any kind of fertilizers.
  • Let it grow up to 15 cm in height, and then cut it, wash it, and juice it in a juicer or blend it together with a certain fruit or vegetables (depending on what kind of beverage you want).
  • If you use a blender, mix the grass for at least one minute, and then squeeze it with the cotton gauze.
  • Freshly grown and harvested wheatgrass must be consumed immediately, as its medicinal properties are rapidly lost.
  • You can also freeze wheatgrass juice in an ice tray.

Benefits of wheatgrass shot recipe

Wheatgrass is an organic cleanser and is therefore a very suitable choice for detoxifying the body. It helps to lower the acidity level in your body, which is very important in the detoxification process. In addition, wheatgrass protects the liver, which is our most important metabolic organ. It contains phenols and active enzymes that reduce the effect of toxic substances from the environment, to which we are exposed every day. Detoxification of the body will be even faster due to vitamin C, chlorophyll and phytochemicals in wheatgrass juice. Use the wheatgrass shot recipe regularly and your skin will also improve.

The vitamin C always associate with citrus fruits, especially orange. You will be surprised to know that wheatgrass has more vitamin C and twice as much vitamin A as carrots. Wheatgrass shot recipe helps your body regenerate the red blood cells that carry oxygen to all cells, increasing oxygenation and resistance during physical exercise.

Wheatgrass shot recipe contains large amounts of chlorophyll and is believed to have a wide variety of properties that benefit your health, but its benefits are related to its quality and the way it is grown.

Wheatgrass juice should not be consumed as a meal replacement, as it is not a food, but a highly detoxifying medicinal herbal drink.

It contains large amounts of chlorophyll and is believed to have a wide variety of health-promoting properties, but these benefits are largely related to quality and the way they are grown. Like any food or supplement, the quality is very variable and, if you choose to use it, it is important to be careful. It is much cheaper to grow it yourself, but the most important thing is that you can usually grow better quality wheatgrass.

Helps with overweight

Increased body weight is one of the main reasons for many health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Drinking wheatgrass juice can help you lose weight as it contains a lot of selenium. It is a mineral that has a significant influence on the functioning of the thyroid gland, which among other things also regulates our weight.

In fact, thyroid problems can lead to hormonal imbalance, which can cause rapid weight gain or the difficulty in trying to get rid of it. Wheatgrass also acts as an appetite suppressant and is also known for stimulating the functioning of our metabolism.

If you drink a glass of wheatgrass juice every morning, the risk of eating a lot of caloric food during the day will be much smaller.